Programming :: Shell Script To Rename All Patern Mateched Directories And Files?
Jul 11, 2011
I have one directory with 3 level sub-directories, and about houndard files under those directories. I need a shell script to rename all patern mateched directories and files.
For example: the patern is AA in the directory or file name.
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Aug 22, 2010
This might not be the right place to ask this question, but it's software so I'll try this before going to Audio-specific boards. I have a bunch of MP3s (some ogg) with crazy names in crazy directories. I would like to make sure the tags are correct (possibly by hand) and then rename them/move them so that they are in places like
So I imagine a magic program where I can edit tags and then push a magic button that makes directories and copies the files as above. Any ideas?
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Jun 8, 2011
I named a number of files with spaces in them, and I want to replace the space with "_". However, every time I write a command in the shell with the file name (eg "Spring 2011"), the shell doesn't recognize the file or directory. What can I do about this? Is there any way to use the unicode character for a space?
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Aug 23, 2010
I am to rename all the files within a directory (which contains multiple subdirectories) recursively without invalid characters.
I tried the coding posted above.
find . -type f -printf '%p
' | while read file; do
oldfile=$(basename "$file")
newfile=$(echo "$oldfile" | sed 's/[^A-Za-z0-9_.]/_/g')
if [ ! "$newfile" == "$oldfile" ]; then
echo mv "$file" "${file%$oldfile}$newfile"
but I get an error on both of them stating "find: bad option -printf find: [-H | -L] path-list predicate-list"
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Jul 25, 2011
How would I rename all files with a leading decimal point recursivley? I some how got all my music files to have a decimal point.I tried the below and got a " sed argument to long".[CODE]find /media/MUSIC -type f -name "*.wma" | xargs -0 sed -i 's/.(.*)/1/'[CODE]
Another question, can i just use -type f with out -name ? I am sure that all the files got the decimal point added as the first character.
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Apr 27, 2010
I need to small shell script that I can download hdf data from,file name.MOD13A2.A2000049.h26v03.005.2006270052117.hdf each sub I copy all files with h26v03 to local mashine.
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Mar 31, 2011
I need to rename the resulted searched files from a loopI have the following code:
find . -name DOC* | while read i
find $i -type f -name '*.txt'
basically, I am searching for all txt files inside any folder starting with DOC name.this code is working fine with me.I need to rename those .txt files to .txtOLDOS: Ubuntu 10.4Bash shell
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a directory that has about 5,000+ folders in it and I'd like to run a script that outputs any directory that contains a subdirectory.
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Nov 6, 2010
The two shell scripts (t1prog and t2prog) are given below they are working fine. The input for the first program is 't1.det' and for second program is 't1.rnaml'. These two input files are in 'dir1' folder. I am executing the shell like 'sh t1prog > t1out' and 'sh t2prog > t2out' from this directory only. Then I am executing a java program 'java RNA'; for this, t1out and t2out are input files used in the program and I am getting the final output on screen.
The input files 't1.det' and 't1.rnaml' are in different folders with same name and with different values. Each folder specifies one gene sequence input files.
In mfold directory there are 5 directors and each directory contains these input files as shown below
cd mfold
dir1 dir2 dir3 dir4 dir5
cd dir1
t1.det t1.rnaml
for inputs in different directories and executing these and redirecting the final ouput after executing 'java RNA' statement to a file is needed.
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Apr 12, 2011
I am trying to rename some files that do not have a pattern in their names to a sequential names. original file names are in the form of REC92837498, REC9837449 and so on. I want to rename them to REC_1, REC_2...etc.
I used the following script:
for i in $(ls -rt REC*)
/path/${i} /path/REC_${j}
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Apr 17, 2010
We have a problem at work that we are using Word Press And now for security we have to delete install.php in WP-Admin and rename upgrade.php and install_helper.php to *.bak
Im a noob in Script creating (Had a bit practice a couple of years ago but allready forgot T.T) So what i ask that is there a way to make a script
That:Finds wp-admin(if it exists) folder enters into it and there deletes install.php and renames upgrade.php and install_helper.php to *.bak and the makes the same process again untill theres no wp-admin folders left with these files, We have alot of web pages so manually it would take about a month to find em all (about 3000 pages :
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Jul 12, 2009
Is there a way, preferably in python or BASH, to rename files from a list? for instance, track1.mp3, track2.mp3 should be renamed to the names stored in a file listing song names. I have tried to loop a variable through directory listing and renamed them, only to find that filenames with spaces can't be assigned to a variable as a whole. To solve the problem above, I have tried the read command in BASH, which enables the program reading line by line from a list. However, It was failed to pipe the results from directory listing to the read command.
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Jul 8, 2010
I was hoping to get some pointers on how to rename files based on database entry. I got hundreds of thousands of files that has GUID name assigned to it. only way to find out the file name is to look up the database table. Its obvious that this is not efficient. I couldn't find any tutorials on how to do this. Please point me to right direction. A starting point would be very helpful.
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May 9, 2011
bash script to give sensible names to a large number of photos. I hope to be able to run a script with an argument which will become the filename followed by a number beginning at 1.
./ Summer2009_
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Sep 8, 2009
I need a script that will take all the files in a given directory and create new monthly sub-directories and sort all the files based on the creation date into the appropriate directory.For example, all files created between 01/01/09 and 01/31/09 will be placed in 'JAN-2009'
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Jun 23, 2009
I have scowered the internet for the answer to this one. I need a script to rename multiple files to the same exact name, run a program on the file then do the same for the next file. We have a unix backend system that is expecting to load the file with the filename of So I will have files named card.2009xxx, like i said i will have around 4 or five of those. I want the script to rename card.2009xxx to, run our unix program on which inturn changes the file name and once complete i want the script to rename the next cards.2009 to ""Until there are no more left in the directory and the unix program has processed all the files. All of this is occurring in the same directory. I have written some scripts but they fail by moving for example cards.200901 to then immediately moving cards.200902 to and that is not good because it is overwriting valuable data
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Oct 3, 2009
i have lots of files with dots insde file name for example:
i want to rename all files in that directory to be the same (with same extention) but convert dots to underscore "_"
how can i do that on bash script / php.
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Nov 29, 2009
My problem is this:I have a number of directories, all containing files of different name lenghts, including letters, numbers and possibly spaces. I want to recursively rename all of these files, so that only the _last_ 5 digits (not counting the extension) remain. In other words: I want to cut off all but the last 5 digits and not touch the extension.
I've tried to read up on tr, rename (perl version), sed, cut etc. and browsed through some threads here, but so far couldn't quite figure out how to do it.
If someone could point me to the right (standard) CLI tools and syntax.
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Apr 12, 2010
I'm writing a bash shell script that among various other things will traverse through a directory with hundreds of files and rename those who match a pattern found in a config file. It's expected that only about one in ten files will actually match, and those who don't, will simply just be ignored for this purpose.
This should for instance cause the file "dBase program file December 1987.prg" to be renamed "Clipper source code December 1987.prg", and conversely "C++ source August 1996.cpp" to be renamed "C source code August 1996.cpp" etc.A sample file such as "Random Data File.dat" should not be renamed here since it's not mentioned in the config file..What is the quickest, most elegant way to do this in bash?I am thinking of using bash's built-in regex matching combined with the /bin/rename utility, but don't quite know how to get started to catch this..I guess there are plenty ways of doing this in perl and elsewhere as well, but since this has to integrate into a pre-existing bash script, that's what I'm looking for.Anyone out there with a spare moment to offer a hint in the right direction?
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Oct 21, 2010
I am trying to write a bash script that will extract a .cbr (.rar) file, traverse the extracted files in alphabetical order and rename them 001.JPG, 002.JPG, 003.JPG, etc.So far I only have this much to extract it:
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Dec 6, 2010
I have several folders:
Is there any command to batch rename these directories to:
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Mar 9, 2010
i made a program to list all the files in a directory,is there a way to determine what are directories and what are files ?
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Feb 14, 2011
I have been searching for a solution to the following problem:
When my distro of choice updates Firefox web browser, the directory name is '/usr/lib/firefox-<version>'.
The problem here is that the directory name is dynamic by nature and doesn't allow a simple static solution, e.g.
'cp -rf /usr/local/files/bookmarks.html /usr/lib/firefox/defaults/profile'.
The same quandary applies when adding extensions, changing prefs etc.
I have looked at the following commands:-
find, sed, xargs, grep, awk, fprint.
Unfortunately my grasp of syntax and programming is very simple at best.
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Nov 1, 2010
Say I have a directory structure:
And other.c has:
How do I setup the CMakeFiles.txt files in each directory, so the executable "program" (from program.c) is created.
Currently I get the error:
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Oct 17, 2009
I need to, through a bash script, go through a given directory (given as argument 1) to list out the relative path in this directory (including $1) for eact subdirectory which contains files. Directories which only contain . .. and eventually only subdirectories SHALL NOT be listed. It is this last requirement that makes it difficult for me.
I have been using the tree command for now, but I have not found a way to ignore paths to directories which only contains other subdirs or nothing at all in any easy way. I may offcourse test each directory after they are listed but this gives an extra loop to go through and I beleive it should be possible to do it directly when creatring the list. I guess by using find or ls in conjuntion with the tree command or by itself it should be possible but I am not to conversant of nested script commands.
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Jul 6, 2010
I have a single directory of pairs of files, with the pairs sharing a string as the beginning of the filename:
I need to create a subdirectory for each pair then move the pair into the subdirectory.
I accomplished the first step using:
$find /foo -name '*T3*' -exec mkdir '{}.wrk' ;
I can use a regex to designate the pair and associate the directory, but how do I use regex in a path as the output of a move command?
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Aug 26, 2010
I am new to perl scripting and wrote a perl script to read the directories and files and count the no of files in each directory and generate a log file. The problem is it is not printing anything to the log file. I am copying the script below.
$dir= 'c:My ProjectsPerl ScriptsNew Folder' ;
$directory_count = 0;
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Mar 28, 2011
I am trying to understnd where java preferences are stored based on web search I understand they are somewhat like windows registry - stored out there somewhere. web suggested things like hidden files or directories - and i've look all over th eplace withour result on Fedora 14. trying to start a program. got part way in and had given some info and then it blew. it still remembers my iput - which may have been wrong. ive looked at code and see it uses the java preferences system - wpould like to find and erase.
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Dec 19, 2009
i am in need of linux help. iam at college and i need this back/restore script to pass this final part of an assessment. i require a backup script that will not only backup but also restore files to the relevent directories. e.g. users are instructed to store all wordprocessor files in a directory named wp. so i am needing to create a backup directory and 3 directories within that and some files within the 3 directories and then back them up ot restore them. l know i should/have to do this myself by been trying to get/understand info for the last few days and came up with zero.
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May 21, 2011
I have a huge database of students, I would like extract these data and write to individual file for each students.
I am running a loop in shell program (.sh file), the output of each run in the loop need to redirected to a file with variable name.
I tried the following line, but it did not work, where BodyMsg is the data and Rollno is the students roll number.
echo $BodyMsg > $RolNo".html"
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