Programming :: Passing Values Through Pages?
May 23, 2010
I have the following snippet HTML code:
<table id="profile">
<td width="40%">
How can pass values in args[0] and args[1] to Perl/CGI script?
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Mar 4, 2011
I've been searching the forums and google in an attempt to find an answer. I'm completely new to scripting and just want to get one or two up and running but I'm having problems with my current script. I want the script to:read my inputs run a loop in certain steps
within the loop execute a program with output to another file enter the values into the program (Problem area)
echo "Enter the Lower value, followed by [ENTER]"
read L
echo "Enter the number of steps you want to take, followed by [ENTER]:"
read s
Running the program from the shell asks for 3 variables, which in my script are i, tt and adstep. I understand conceptually why it won't work. It won't move onto the next line in the loop until the previous task is completed (which doesn't even start without the 3 inputs!)
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May 18, 2010
I'm struggling with the issue of passing a vector of a class to itself, here's what state its in now... (tried many variations, but without direction).
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
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Aug 21, 2010
I'm trying to work out the best way to achieve the following.
1)php page that grabs data from a local database. (not a problem)
2)It then needs to send this data to a c program/service running on a remote server. (I probably need it to be able to handle 4+ million reocrds in an array)
3) The c service then needs to process the data and send it back to the initial php script that called it. i was hoping this could be in a an array like structure of some kind. 4)update the db with the results.
I was thinking of using gsoap to write a simple c soap service that php can communicate with. Would this be the right way of doing this or would something like sockets in php be a better way of sending this volume of data as an array or struct to linux c socket if thats even possible.
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Oct 12, 2010
i am having two small issues with a function i have made.sorry if it is a mess, i am still learning bash.the first is calling the nonpersistssh function (second line) and assigning the return value to nonpersistdiag.the function returns 1, but nonpersistdiag seems to only contain 0. i am unsure on how to proceed.the second problem is the nested else clause on line 10. it is a syntactical error. how would i declare it correctly?
Code: function endsession(){
nonpersistdiag=$[nonpersistssh]# a function that returns an exit code
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop; sshdiag=$?
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Jan 12, 2011
i'm programming a small tcp client, but i need that the server knows the source ip. My client receives a external connection and forwards, but the ip seen by the server, of course, is the client ip. I would like, change this ip to original source ip.
I don't know how to do this. I tried with the connect and select function.
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May 8, 2010
I have a file with around 1000 IP addresses in it and I need to be able to ssh into each one of them, run a single command, and then exit. I already know the ssh command I want to run and it looks like this:
shpass -p [password] ssh -p 10022 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@[ip variable] 'reboot'
(I know shpass is not good to use and keys are the correct way but I don't have any other options in this scenario.) if these ip addresses were in a .csv file, by themselves with no other information, how would I create a script to do the above command to each ip until the end of the file?
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Jun 11, 2010
If I have the following links in HTML
<a href=lang.php?lang=cymraeg>Cymraeg</a>
<a href=lang.php?lang=english>English</a>
and lang.php has a link to page2.html, how do I pass on the value of the lang parameter from lang.php to page2.html? The value needed is the one passed in to lang.php.
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Apr 26, 2010
Below I've presented the declaration, definition and the calling method of a function w.r.t pass by reference:
void getUnpackedMsg (unsigned char &data, unsigned int numberOfBits);
line 278: Shown in RED
void packedMessage :: getUnpackedMsg (unsigned char &emptyArray, unsigned int numberOfBits)
printf ("
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Jan 14, 2009
I cannot for the life of me get this little (simple) script I wrote to work. Here is the entire script:
ASPECT=`mediainfo $1 |grep "Display aspect ratio" |cut -d : -f 2`
HEIGHT=`echo "320 / $ASPECT" |bc`
SIZE=`echo 320x$HEIGHT`
An input filename ($1) is fed into mediainfo, which by the use of grep and cut spits out a single number which is the aspect ratio. This is then divided by bc into 320, which gives the desired height dimension for the file that I want ffmpeg to create for me. Finally, ffmpeg runs using the calculated dimensions... Basically, it's the passing of the $ASPECT variable to bc that seems to fail. It looks like bc won't read the output from the mediainfo line... It always crashes out with:
(standard_in) 1: illegal character: ^M I've tried doing something even simpler like this to debug by just trying it to display the calculation on the screen:
ASPECT=`mediainfo $1 |grep "Display aspect ratio" |cut -d : -f 2`
HEIGHT=`echo "320 / $ASPECT" |bc`
echo $HEIGHT
and it does the same, so it's definitely bc that won't accept the output from mediainfo.
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Mar 19, 2010
I was trying to make a code for passing variables by's the code:
using namespace std;
void fun(int& ,int& );
int main(){
invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'int&' from a temporary of type 'int*'
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Feb 11, 2011
I have to launch a new thread from my existing main program and pass data to it.
For now the data is simply a string value.
How I go about passing data to a new thread while it is running.
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Nov 11, 2010
I can use hexedit to manually edit one or two hex values in a binary file, but if I want to change many of the, this is impractical. Is there any tool that will take parameters like Code: someTool filename byteNumber replacementByte ?
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Jul 2, 2009
The idea is to make a website to check the availability of domains and it works but its not pretty yet. Below is what i have till so far:
## this is the API from my domain registrar.
<?php $client = new SoapClient('');
## I have a search box that sends the request to this page
$var = $_GET ["s"];
## remove the most common subdomains from the request.
$var=eregi_replace("www.", "", $var);
$var=eregi_replace("mail.", "", $var);
$var=eregi_replace("ftp.", "", $var);
$var=eregi_replace("pop.", "", $var);
$var=eregi_replace("smtp.", "", $var);
## remove any TLD extension from the request.
$split = explode(".", $var);
$main = $split[0];
$arraysize = sizeof($split);
for ($x=1; $x<$arraysize; $x++) {
$tld .= "." . $split[$x];
## login to the API
$paramLogin = array('handle' => 'randall', 'password' => 'password');
## match the domain with any possible TLD
$varcom = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'com');
$varnet = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'net');
$varorg = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'org');
$varbiz = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'biz');
$varinfo = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'info');
$vareu = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'eu');
$varnl = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'nl');
$varbe = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'be');
$varde = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'de');
$varcouk = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => '');
$varorguk = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => '');
$varname = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'name');
$varmobi = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'mobi');
$varin = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'in');
$vartv = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'tv');
$varcn = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'cn');
$varws = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'ws');
$varnu = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'nu');
$varbz = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'bz');
$varcc = $paramAvailDomain = array('sld' => $main, 'tld' => 'cc');
## this requests the domain.COM and domain.NET
<div id="content">
## below prints the result
print "<html><body><pre>";
$result1 = $client->__soapCall('Login', $paramLogin);
echo "<b>Result Login:</b>
" . print_r($result1, true);
$result15 = $client->__soapCall('AvailabilityDomain', $varcom);
$resvarcom = var_dump($result15, true);
$result15 = $client->__soapCall('AvailabilityDomain', $varnet);
$resvarnet = var_dump($result15, true);
print "</pre></html>";
## the returned array looks like this
Result Login:
[code] => 200
[message] => Login succesful
array(3) {
string(3) "200"
string(20) "Domain not available"
object(stdClass)#236 (1) {
string(5) "TAKEN"
array(3) {
string(3) "200"
string(16) "Domain available"
object(stdClass)#232 (1) {
string(4) "FREE"
## till so far it works
What I need to do is to make this ugly looking reply in to something more readable, basically if TAKEN print occupied and if free print its yours to grab. I have been struggling with the in_array function but i'm not getting anywhere close in getting it to work.
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Jul 11, 2010
I have been reading the Wikibook on C Programming for quite some time and am up to the variable part. I did learn several new things, like that too many variables hog memory.
What I want to know is how to assign a variable to the keyboard (in the C/C++ family) as such that the user has to type it in.
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Jun 13, 2009
I created a class which has to return an array. My problem is I need to return 3 entries per record for example:
"2009-06-13", "John", "Doe";
"2009-06-13", "Paul", "Simon";
"2009-06-12", "Frank", "Herbert";
Can this be done? What is the syntax? Where is the documentation? If this can't be done, How would you return this to a class without using a DB?
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Feb 24, 2009
I have a application in C++, and now I have two class. MyDialog is the class that main function launch. In MyDialog class there are four elements and when I click over theese elements, there is a MousePressEvent that launch other class, Touchpad class. So, in some moments, I have loaded two class. My question is, how can pass a value from Touchpad class to MyDialog class, when I close (destroy) Touchpad class. In a few words, is it possible to communicate values between class?
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Jan 9, 2014
I want to build on the code from /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/05etckeeper to work with Snapper, the new-in btrfs (et al) snapshot package.
Code: Select allDPkg::Pre-Invoke    { "if [ -x /usr/bin/etckeeper ]; then etckeeper pre-install; fi"; };
DPkg::Post-Invoke   { "if [ -x /usr/bin/etckeeper ]; then etckeeper post-install; fi"; };
The etckeeper code will work well as a template, but I need to pass a parameter between the pre- and post- instances. The parameter is obtained from the pre- invocation and passed to the post- invocation.I know that something similar to my quest is done with the 'pid' but how to do it in the 'standard' way. Happily there can't be multiple dpkg instances running concurrently (prevented by dpkg?) so I don't have to worry about that issue.
Q1. What is the 'standard' way of passing parameters about?
Code: Select allsnapper -c etc create -t pre -p   (which 'prints' the parameter (int) to pass to the following invocation)
snapper -c etc create -t post --pre-number <parameter> in place of the two etckeeper calls.
Q2. How do I pick up the 'printed' output of the 'pre' call? I think it's just a 'get' from the stream but perhaps I've missed something.?
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Jun 19, 2010
I am trying to simulate a shell. So what I do is checking of having the parameters from standard input, suc as "/bin/ls -l /home/france/Documents", and then passing them to function execute, which at some point calls execvp(argv[0],argv)The problem is that I don't succeed in using these arguments, while if I call execvp(paramList[0],paramList) it works!!!! Where paramList is exactly what I would put on standard input, but defined statically.
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Apr 13, 2011
I started to run a C++ my program in Linux and I don't know how to test my program that works fine with a text file. This is a project for my uni and to explain more clear, My program is a sample database for modify or add and search and it read data from a binary file and also write into a binary file. I have got an input from my lecture and she said after compiling in Linux I must write:
1-to compile:
g++ (files with cpp)
2-to see the output:
3-to test with input:
./a.out < input.txt >
My problem is in step three. What I must write in the command part after" step2" to see the output?
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Jan 14, 2011
This is a client server issue where the server creates a new thread for listening to a new client, now when the thread starts execution and during its execution the server needs to pass it an object of some X class, how's that to be done?
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May 14, 2010
Are there any security implications in passing a binary unix program a username and password via variables from within a script ?
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Feb 7, 2010
what I am trying to do is to pass an argument to the standard input stream of a child process. I mean I create two programs .. first one invokes the other. second one contains something like
scanf("%d", &n);
now I want my first program to be able to pass a value to the second one so that it gets stored in n.
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Dec 17, 2009
I am calling another executable in my application (C programing) using "system" command
which is user interactive program. now i want to pass those args in system command only.
system(" executable ");
Executable will expect 1,2 or 3.
1 is to continue
2 for do changes in settings
3 exit from application
how to pass these in to system command
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Dec 14, 2010
How do I pass an array from one perl script to another .. also how to read it in another script ?I tried below -
Script 1 - sender program
system ("./ @array1 @array2");
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Aug 12, 2010
I am trying to pass an array to thread program. Its printing the val[0] value but its not printing value at val[1]. Can somebody help me with this problem.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
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May 10, 2010
I am working on a daemon that I want to change some variables while its running. Is this possible?I want to implement a command line type interface for my daemon so I can send it commands that will change the current values of specific variables, and also be able tell the daemon to load/save a config file.The only thing I have found so far is passing arguments to a daemon, but that seems to be a one-time shot when your first starting it.
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Dec 30, 2008
I want to implement a cross layer approach. I want to pass the network information such as delay from the MAC layer to Network layer. Can you tell me the way I am new to this. I am using linux (fedora). I think some system call will do the trick. Correct me if I am wrong. (I want to implement QoS matrices)
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Apr 12, 2010
I want to know is there some more efficient way of passing a pointer to a local variable as a parameter to a function in x86 asm? Right now I have to move the base pointer to a temp register, subtract from the register and pass that, like this (assuming a local var at esp-4):
mov eax, ebp
sub eax, 4
push eax
Is there a better way?
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Jul 15, 2010
I have a bash script called bash I am trying to execute from PHP. I think I have that right (not sure yet). Ideally let me explain what I am doing. The front end will pass a variable from a text entry box, called New_Task, the New_Task needs to be executed in the bash script and the output needs to be displayed back on the front end. So let me give some code and let me know what you all think.bash code is quite long, but essentially it is made to take a entry and create a task out of it. eg. "svn branch <Task Name>". The code below is getting the New_Task variable passed from the text entry box ($NewTask) and I have an exec for the bash script, but I am not sure it is working, I need to add some code to see the input in the front end.PHP back end code:PHP Code:
function mTaskCreator()
$strAction = $this->_objUserContext->mGetPostVar( 'acti
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