Programming :: Moving Forward In Career (software Developer)?

Jan 5, 2010

Edit: Oops. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I meant to post it in the general forums, yet somehow it ended up here. It kind of fits here as well I guess. I am currently trying to move my career forward and am not having much luck. So I've come to see if any of you can offer some fresh advice to help me out.

Let me tell you first where I stand in my career to give you an idea of where I'm starting from. I am currently 26 years old and have recently graduated with a bachelors of computer science from university. I would call myself an average student, nothing special, nor anything horrible. Out of university this landed me an ok job as a PHP developer. However I dont want to stagnate in this position scripting junk all day and not ever challenge myself. not to mention i could certainly rant for a while on the things that fall short at my current position (read: being banned from object oriented programming because the boss cant understand it)

I'd like to find a job that (1) challenges me just the right amount to help me learn and grow but not get overwhelmed in a language I enjoy (hopefully such as C/C++/Java or the like)

(2) is at a company with at least some software design process implemented (agile,xp,etc)and if that is to much to ask, then I'd at least like to move in that direction. So that is what I am looking towards and I would love any advice on how to achieve that. Maybe some of you were in my position 5 or 10 years ago and could shed some light on the subject. I've scoured the internet for job postings that offer what I am looking for, but they are really hard to find. The postings are usually looking for senior or intermediate level programmers with at least 5+ years of experience, or looking for web development script monkeys to make "The next big facebook app" (the job I already have)

I've also considered attending conferences and such, but have never really been, and wouldn't know what to do, or where to even find out about them (I used to see postings every now and then at university, but now I live in a small town.)

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General :: Which Programming Languages Do Need To Learn For Career?

May 4, 2011

I am just starting to learn Linux and am interested in a career in Linux. Actually I wanna go for RHCE, which is the first step for Sys Admin..right?? Basically I do NOT want to go into programming/developing as I don't feel it's my cup of tea (and also may be it sort of boggles me). Still, from what I gather I am having confusions regarding whether I should learn any programming language for a career in Linux.

Here I am avoiding programming..and now I get to hear that Linux career uses programming..That's sort of frustrating...My friend told me I need to "master" C. Do I need to learn some programming language?? If yes, then to how much extent?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Moving Forward Gives The Error "Root Menu Not Defined"

Sep 4, 2010

I tried installing on a Win 7(64 bit) machine. The install procedure gets to the partition menu, and there it stays. all my menu options are dimmed out and I have the choice to cancel move forward or back up. Moving forward gives me the error, "Root menu not defined.." or something like that..

It has created a mutliple boot system though.. so now I can choose.. it must have installed via a live session I did prior with the cd..

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Programming :: Got "Build Failed" When Making Debug With Mono Developer?

Feb 23, 2010

I've installed mono developer, but when I want to make debug I got this message : Build failed. ApplicationName='/usr/bin/gmcs', CommandLine='"@/tmp/tmp17a7a5e2.tmp"', CurrentDirectory= ...

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Programming :: QWebView, Forward Declaration, "error: Forward Declaration Of 'struct QWebView'"?

Dec 28, 2010

I am trying to include a QWebView widget in my application. Every time I try to compile it, I just get these errors:

$ LANG=en_US make
g++ -c -pipe -O2 -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_WEBKIT_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -


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General :: Make Career In System?

Mar 4, 2010

I am in B.E(I.T). I want to make career in Linux in India but i don't understand how to make career in Linux. I want to be Linux developer. i don't understand from where to start?

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General :: Start Learning Red Hat Take It As Career?

Apr 21, 2010

I want to start learning Red Hat Linux & take it as career. I'm in Bangalore, India. Can anyone tell me good Red Hat Linux training institutes in Bangalore (possible near BTM).

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General :: Start A Career In Particularly As A System Admin (red Hat)?

Dec 6, 2010

i want to start a career in linux, completed btech in 2010, tell me the process of entering into linux world.

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Programming :: Escaping Forward Slash In Sed Command?

Nov 2, 2010

i want to replace

Code: <>2.0.0-SNAPSHOT</> with
Code: <>2.0.0-b-20</> using sed command. Code: sed -i


I think there is a problem with front-slash but not sure how to resolve it.

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Debian Programming :: Sed Cannot Delete Forward Slash In While Loop?

Aug 14, 2014

I am downloading online videos with a bash script this is the code of script

Code: Select all#!/bin/bash
while read line
"/usr/bin/wget" $line
sed -i "/$line/d" urls
done  <urls

The while loop read the videos url from the urls file and parse them to the wget for dwonlaod, i write the wget for easy of exmple in this code otherwise i use another script to downlaod the embed videos , the code

Code: Select allsed -i "/$line/d" urls delete the url of videos from the urls file when it is download is complete.

The problem is http address contain the foreward slashes "/" and sed cannot delete them and get error, this is the urls file:

Code: Select all

This is output of the

Code: Select all# ./
sed: -e expression #1, char 8: unknown command: `/'

[Code] .....

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Programming :: Finding G++ Compiler Option To Avoid Forward Declarations

Sep 23, 2010

I am working for a product which was evolved over a decade. There I have some combination of C style coding and C++ coding in same libraries. I am landing on some instances where C style function is expecting forward declarations for some other function for which I can not declare (due to design and architecture). Is there any g++ compiler option that directs the g++ to look whole preprocessed file (because definition is there down in the preprocessed file) than only forward in the preprocessed file. All these years this code is working as we are using CC compiler and that looks entire preprocessed file than only in the forward direction.

<Sample Code
Header1.h file


if I can not include Header2.h first then Header1.h. I have to include Header1.h and Header2.h because on the design hierarchy in this product. Also the function definitions are in header files as they are either template functions or functions expanded through macros.

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Programming :: Moving File Using C++?

Nov 24, 2010

i want to move a file. User will give (file_name,current_path,destination_path)as command

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Programming :: WM-hints And Moving Window?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a toplevel window that I want to place depending on another toplevel window. I use gtk_window_move(widget, x, y); At startup this function is called several times and y is changed ones from 412 to 413 and x is always 0(checked with gdb in netbeans). The window gets placed at x=10 and y=400 or so. If I do not use variables but pure ints for x and y it gets placed correctly even if its the same values. I suspect that my window manager notice this change of y and place the widget for me. Is this correct and how do I tell the WM not to do so?

This change of y is due to window size is just a local size and not the correct one as in X. Can i force uppdates from X to the local cache?

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Programming :: Moving Files Up A Directory Layer?

Jan 3, 2011

find . -type f -name "*" -print0 | xargs -0 --replace=% mv % `pwd`

works fine at moving all files anywhere below the current directory to the current directory.

My question is can it be modified so it only moves all the files up one directory layer? Otherwise I shall have to cd 100 or so times and run it in each directory i want to compress...

I imagine the directory below which the file is stored is in the % somewhere it is just a case of extracting it and applying it to the mv command, yes?

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Programming :: [HTML/CSS/Javascript] Moving Background Image?

Jun 10, 2011

I am trying to set up a webpager that contains a background of the skylouds uperimposedin the center will be an image of an airplane with a transparent background.I want the sky to scroll continuously to the left behind the airplane. I am having problems with the background not being visible, not moving as expected, the airplane not being visible, and just disappointment in general.I think the background of a div will not be visible if there are no internal contents because it will be sized to zero. So I introduced another transparent image to force the size of the main div. Still no joy.Here is my code. Note that I don't have my timers set up yet, just a button to test background movement.

<!DOCTYPE html>


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Programming :: Bash Time Comparison Within A Fast Moving Log?

Jun 1, 2010

I have a bash script that is tracking ERROR connections (running in a cron every 15 minutes), sometimes the errors are true and are not connecting. But most of the time, the disconnects/reconnects are between 30 seconds are sending out false positives. I am looking for a time comparison code to pick out the 30 second disconnects and know that this is and "ok" error. Here is a section of the log with timestamps, errors, etc.

Tue 2010-06-01 22:01:30 ERROR [DataBufferSendService] caught exception: [NetworkAPI] Exception: [SocketStream] socket error
Tue 2010-06-01 22:01:32 ERROR [DataBufferSendService] caught exception: [NetworkAPI] Exception: [SocketStream] socket error
Tue 2010-06-01 22:02:00 INFO [Client] connecting to on port 8016
Tue 2010-06-01 22:02:02 INFO [Client] connecting to on port 8016

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Fedora :: Web Developer Needs MS OS For Testing?

Jan 25, 2010

Being a LAMP snob, it pains me to even think these thoughts, but .I'm running FC-9, and developing websites, mainly using PHP - well the whole LAMP thing. I now find the need to test/code for IE. To that end I'm thinking VMware, VitrualBox, etc. loaded up with that "other" OS.

I'm sure others have gone down this path. I'm guessing the answer is Win-7. My main question is: OK, I do a virgin buy and install and register it on my VM. Six months later I want to change from VM-X to VM-Y and I reinstall - what is MS's feelings on VM's.

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General :: Install Sql Developer On PC?

Feb 4, 2011

How do i install sql developer on my PC.

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Programming :: Moving Files To Directories Based On Part Of Filename?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a single directory of pairs of files, with the pairs sharing a string as the beginning of the filename:


I need to create a subdirectory for each pair then move the pair into the subdirectory.

I accomplished the first step using:

$find /foo -name '*T3*' -exec mkdir '{}.wrk' ;

I can use a regex to designate the pair and associate the directory, but how do I use regex in a path as the output of a move command?

View 7 Replies View Related

Fedora :: Moving Cursur Its Moving But When Clcking On Touch Pad To Open Anything Its Not Opening?

Sep 13, 2009

I have installed fedora 11, now i want to install touch driver for my dell 15 laptop. when i m moving cursur its moving but when i m clcking on touch pad to open anything its not opening, to open i have 2 select any file then i have to click touchpad keys.

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Ubuntu :: Install Oracle's SQL Developer?

Jul 21, 2010

just got a quick question: I need to install Oracle's SQL Developer since I need to use the program for a database unit at Uni. Anyway, if you've tried to use it before you'd realise that there is only a .rpm installer available for it (no .deb). So I tried to convert it to .deb using alien. When I "sudo alien --scripts" the .rpm I get: error: incorrect format: unknown tag mkdir: cannot create directory `sqldeveloper-': File exists unable to mkdir sqldeveloper- at /usr/share/perl5/Alien/ line 257.

Basically, I'm asking, does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here? I've never used alien before since I've never had a need to convert a .rpm before. I also tried installing and running Java JDK and SQL Developer under Wine, but was unsuccessful with that as well

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General :: Profession As Admin Or Developer?

Mar 24, 2010

Today, I am in a dilemma in choosing my career path. Hope you will help me in solving this. I have completed 8-9 months as Linux Admin. I have an opportunity to continue as Linux Admin or become Linux application developer ( C++ ). I have little bit of competency in C++, but currently I am Linux Admin. Here are my questions

1. Are Linux admins highly paid than Linux application developers ?

2. which one has got more demand ?

3. what will be the future of Linux Admin ? what would be the role of Linux Admin in an organization after 5 years ?

4. As I am interested on both of these options, I am facing difficulty in choosing my career path.

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Programming :: Bash Script For Moving X Number Files From / Direct1 To / Direct2?

Jan 29, 2010

I have no Bash skills but Im badly in need of a script to move the first 20,000 or whatever number of files from a directory containing over 200,000 files to a new directory. The problem is that I cant access the directory because its so large so I want to break it into chunks, but keep the files in order if possible. If you know of a script to meet my needs, please post it. Otherwise Ill post my fumblings with Bash until I find the right way to fix my problem.

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Fedora :: Gnome Shell Developer Reference?

Jun 5, 2011

I've been googling such terms as "Gnome Shell Developer Reference", etc, and poking around; and i can't seem to find documentation on how to code interface elements against the gnome shell for javascript / xHTML / css. Does anyone know where they keep it, or am i completely misunderstanding that aspect of the new gnome hell, in that you only use js to do themes, but not plugins or inteface changes?

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General :: SQL Anywhere Developer Edition: How To Start Without Interaction

Feb 12, 2010

I'm using SQL Anywhere, on Debian 5. For starting the DBMS, I use this commands:

# source /opt/sqlanywhere10/bin32/
# dbsrv10 /home/demo.db


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Ubuntu :: Moving Buttons To Left - Keep Moving Back

Mar 27, 2011

I like the buttons on the left. I'm running 10.04 & I know how to move them. The problem is that changing themes will move them back right. OK, if the new theme has them on the right that's OK. But going back to the other theme doesn't change them back. They don't seem to be controlled by the theme, or I'm just not doing it right.

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Programming :: Bash - Recursive Find - Create Parent Folder - Moving File

Dec 5, 2010

I'm starting bash shell script and I'm looping without any solution.

I'm trying to find some files under a folder hierarchy and in case of errors moving these files to a destination folder under the same hierarchy recreating this hierarchy if not exists.

Finding all ._* files under /src and moving them to /dest recreating folder1 or the others which contains ._* files but without moving files which does not correspond to the pattern.


I tried find command and I'am getting all needed files


But I don't know how to use the output to get the parent folder of files which are found to

1- create folder with mkdir -p /dest/folder1 or /dest/folder1/folder4

2- move found files from /src/... to /dest/... with rm command

I'm working on a find command as this trying to do all in the same line but ... little lost


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Ubuntu Installation :: Run A Developer's Tool Only Runs On Windows?

Jul 31, 2010

It is a sad day indeed, but I need to run a developer's tool that only runs on Windows, and it interfaces with a USB device that doesn't do well through any VMs I've tried. I've resorted to installing XP.

Now, I'm wondering if there will be any problems I'll face installing XP after Ubuntu 10.04 has already been installed? I suspect so, but it's been a while since I dual booted, and I've never worked with Grub2,

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Ubuntu :: Original Developer Is No Longer Able To Support Software

Oct 1, 2010

I have a "stripped down" version of ubuntu 9.10 that was created for me by a developer.It's installed on a Dell Latitude 2100 and I have a flash drive with an image so that I can install it onto multiple Dell Latitude 2100's to use out in the field.The original developer is no longer able to support the software and I have a problem with the gnome power manager (I think that's where the problem is) in that when lid is closed, I get a black screen.I know that the laptop is still running fine behind this black screen because if I plug in an external monitor I can see the screen (only on the external) and use the laptop fine.I know also that the developer stripped out parts of the gnome power manager and possibly acpi as well (if that has anything to do with the lid switch?)I can get the screen back if I go to a terminal and "sudo vbetool dpms on". I do this by using the external monitor but this doesn't solve my issue because out in the field there is no external monitor to use. The lid gets closed often in the field ad the only way to get it back is to hard reboot (hold down the power button till power off and then turn it on again.I've tried removing and re-installing gnome power manager as well as acpi and acpi support but this doesn't help.

I've tried using gconf-editor to set the lid_ac and lid_battery to "blank" and also "nothing" and I still get the same problem.When installing a full copy of 9.10 on these laptops and setting the lid_ac and lid_battery settings to "blank" or "nothing" it works perfectly so it's definitely something to do with what's been stripped out.At this stage, I am just looking for a solution that will allow people out in the field to get the screen back on whenever this happens ... so even if it's a case of them being able to invoke the "sudo vbetool dpms on" command by some manner ... note that part of the stripping has been to disable various key bindings.

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General :: Running Open Office Developer Version

Feb 3, 2011

What's the actual command I run to run OOo developer version download: Developer Builds and Release Candidates the last entry, "Snapshot...". I'm curious to see if some of the bugs they are saying are fixed are fixed in that version. I have it installed, and I know they do not have "desktop-integration" for a reason, but they don't actually tell you what the physical terminal command to run it is.

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