Programming :: Filter Out The Additional Packages That Exist On A New Server?
Apr 15, 2010
I've got two files. They both contain package names. Is there any way I can go through the package list on one file, and search to see if each package exists in the other file? What I'd want to do, is if the package name is found in the the main file, then go to the next line. If its not found then print that package name to another file.
I know you can use diff, but it doesn't seem to be that straight forward. As I understand it diff searches line by line, so if line one doesn't match line one in another file, then it prints it out. That's not exactly what I want.
I just really need an easy way to filter out the additional packages that exist on a new server. If I have a list of packages that aren't on the original server, then i can just delete them.
Not sure if I've made any sense but there must be a quicker way to do what i need to. It would take me ages to scan manually through the package names in each list, and highlight the ones i dont need.
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Apr 27, 2010
Could anyone let me which repository I need for Maxima? Also, I installed Octave from a different repository but I can't seem to find any of the additional packages, like the signals package for example.
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Jul 10, 2010
After I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.4 I could see Ubuntu One in the Places menu. (and subsequently have access to my files etc there).I have now installed 10.4 on a new machine (clean install) and I don't seem to have access from 'Places' now. The only way I can get to it is via a web browser.Is it just hidden away somewhere? Or do I need to install some additional packages?
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Sep 8, 2010
I want to backup my installed packages using this method mentioned in thread [URL] but the problem is I have 31 broken parkages, i want a way to know the broken parkages so I would remove them in my repack so when i restore the parkages I wont have broken parkages. For now i cant fix them as I dont have internet....
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Jun 17, 2010
I've installed Fedora from the Live CD (Fedora 13). The Installation Guide says that if you install from the DVD (or, as I understand it, the five or so CDs) you get the choice of installing lots more software. I've now got a copy of the CD. But how do I use it to install the extra software it contains? The Installation Guide says use the Add/Remove Software tool. But that tries to download stuff from the Internet. Nothing about installing from the DVD.
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May 25, 2010
I've got Ubuntu ReMix 10.04 successfully running off a 4-GB JumpDrive.When I go to installing additional software packages, the package "appears" to have installed itself onto the JumpDrive and into Ubuntu Remix 10.04.But, when I properly shut it down, and come back latter ... those software packages that appeared to have installed earlier, are no longer on the JumpDrive ! Nor, do they any longer show up on the NetBook ReMix menu tree.This has happened with AbiWord / Scribus / QCad / Gwelled and several other software packages.
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Jan 19, 2010
What is the simplest way to combine an original installation CD with several hundred additional packages that I have downloaded since the installation? My goal is not to waste future bandwidth downloading packages I already have downloaded. Bandwidth has costs both in time and money.
Background Recently I started experimenting in earnest with Debian Lenny in VirtualBox. I am new to Debian but not Linux based systems. I have seen enough the past several days with my experiments that I would like to migrate from my current Linux based system to Debian.
I installed the Debian 5.03 KDE CD to a virtual machine. In the past several days I have downloaded and installed several hundred packages since the initial installation. I have encountered no major hiccups along the way.
For future use and safekeeping, I copied all of the downloaded packages from /var/cache/apt/archives to a different directory. To become more comfortable with the Debian installation process, I want to repeat the installation several times using the original 5.03 KDE CD --- and all of the subsequently downloaded packages.
As I am new to Debian I am looking for advice and instructions for the simplest way to perform these reinstallations. I would like to perform them without any internet connection. If I understand correctly, I can copy the additional packages to a DVD and then use apt-cdrom to add the disk to my sources.list. Then I should be able to 1) use the Debian 5.03 KDE CD to perform the initial installation, 2) install the additional packages manually. If I understand correctly, something like dpkg -i * should work with the additional packages? Doable?
The "common sense" way is to somehow merge the original Debian 5.03 KDE CD with my additional packages to create my own personal Debian 5.03 KDE Plus DVD for my personal installation use. All I would want is to merge the downloaded packages into the original CD to create my own installation DVD. Nothing fancy or dramatic. Being new to Debian I don't pretend to understand the Debian Installer mechanism. Yet I can tell from the original CD image that I need to merge my additional packages into the pool directory.
I found the wiki how-to for simple-cdd. I started to run the app but stopped because I was unsure how much bandwidth the app is using. The simple-cdd tool needs internet access, but is simple-cdd downloading all the deb packages again? I don't want any of the installed packages to be re-downloaded when I already have them at hand. I'm not comprehending the how-to very well or the various options. I also want to perform a complete installation without an internet connection.
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Oct 25, 2010
I have created my first linux server using Ubuntu 10.04 server edition. My only experience with linux has been the desktop edition.
The initial trouble I'm having is that this server is on an isolated network without Internet access. I'd like to use a Gnome desktop like I'm used to in order to get up to speed quickly.
How do I get additional packages for a system that is not on the Internet? The end goal for this machine is a simple file depository for a W98 network using Samba shares. To boot from an IDE drive and share a 5 drive software RAID5 for data storage.
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May 10, 2010
I have installed nautilus-elementary but didn't like it. So I wanted to go back to regular nautilus but the gui items and icons are missing. Only icons left are Backward and Forward buttons. I have removed elementary repository and reinstalled the nautilus but it didn't restore the default nautilus. How can I restore it? Is there any additional packages to install?
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Jul 14, 2011
I'm trying to do a net install with the latest release of debian - but my ethernet card is not recognized/the drivers are not available because I have a card that requires a linux kernel version of 2.6.35. This is obviously a problem because I can't download any additional packages, and I can't update the version because I'm not able to connect to the internet. I have installed it, but it's only text (which I assume is because I could not install the graphical interface, correct me if I'm blaringly wrong here). So what can I do to install debian on my laptop and be able to use my Intel Centrino Advanced-N 620 network card?
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Jun 28, 2009
I've been working in the real world for a year making some money to go back and finish my masters, and now I'm coming to the end of my contract and am realising how little i remember and how small my scope has become; i basically do shell scripts and perl these days, and its making me uneasy. So instead of bitching about it , I'm going to endevor to complete Project Euler Using randomly generated programming languages for each problem, selected from
And post the fruits of my attempts at my blog (shameless plug) aswell as opening up my svn repository when I'm done. (altho i need to ask in another thread about svn permissions....)To my shame i havent ever touched C#, JavaScript, Ruby or Python, so all in all its going to be very interesting how much i screw up.Anyone have any additional ideas, or languages I'm missing or such? I was considering TCL or Haskell or Erlang at a strech, but i dont know how useful these three would be.
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May 11, 2009
I'm facing this problem since a month on Fedora 10. I have some 45 packages for upgrade through KPackageKit which belong to KDE.
While I give it to upgrade, it gives me a strange message which says
Multiple packages exist that are not compatible with each other.
This is usually due to mixing packages from different software sources.
When I press the details button, I get these details.
ERROR with rpm_check_debug vs depsolve: is needed by kdebase-runtime-4.2.0-7.fc10.i386
Please report this error at [URL]
I get this message only for the KDE packages. I have in my /usr/lib directory.
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Dec 3, 2010
i have a sample that looks like this:
[schneidz@hyper temp]$ wget -q --output-document=-
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Mar 8, 2010
How can I filter ASCII quotes( ' ) and double quotes ( " ) so that I can replace them with the UTF-8 equivalent?If I copy text from a Word Document(ASCII), and upload it to a web page with PHP. The Database(UTF-8) will replace these racters with incorrect character(s).I need some function that will replace these characters but I don't know how to differentiate the ASCII quotes and the UTF-8 Quotes without (somehow) converting the string to hex, then preg_replace'ing the hex code for the symbol.
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Aug 30, 2010
i have file server 1 (filesvr01acess.log) and disc server 1 (discsvr01acess.log) in unix box(say ip adress of the box
Similiarly i have file server 2 (filesvr01acess.log) and disc server 2(discsvr01acess.log) in unix box(say ip adress of the box Now my requirement is write sheel script for ..
1. I need only last 24 hour data out of the file server 1 and file server 2 and then finaly put this data in one new file
2. Similiarly same need for discserver 1 and discserver 2.
FYI, each .log files mentioned above is nicely order as date and time as it is created. I can view through cat or search by using grep comand in unix I am wondering if we can achieve through grep command in unix
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Jan 27, 2010
I'm a n00b to both numpy and python. I was wondering what the most intelligent way to write the trapezoid rule function was:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a=np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
>>> def mytrapz(vec):
for i in xrange(0,len(vec)-1):
return total
>>> mytrapz(a)12.0 This is exactly what I would do in C and I'm sure the for loop is not the fastest way (as is the case for my interpreted langs). Yes, I know there is already numpy.mytrapz... I'm interested in the most efficient way to loop over arrays in such a way that each iteration accesses more than one cell.
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May 26, 2010
I'm trying to find all the files in a specified directory that do NOT end in .archived or .error and are older than 30 mins. Currently I have: Code: find /opt/edi/incoming -type f ! ( -name "*.archived" -name "*.error" ) -cmin 30 But I keep returning files that end in those extensions and I'm not sure if I'm using -cmin correcty? If there is a better way to do this (perl, etc) I'm open to options, this is for a nagios check.
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Feb 10, 2010
I'm building my first BASH programs and I have a hard time. I can't do a search in a folder and filter only script files without extension, the problem is to differentiate the script files from the others. I tried with ls I tried with find and i don't find a way to make it work.
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Sep 28, 2010
// create a filechooser;
JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(cwd);
FileNameExtensionFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter(
"sdf files (*.sdf)", "sdf");
This will give 3 filefilters ('all files', 'sdf files' and 'xml files') for a fileopen dialog. Exactly as I want (in alphanumerical order), but XML is the default extension and I like SDF to be the default extension. Research has not revealed solutions; the setFileFilter method sets the primary filter. If I swap the sequence in the code, SDF becomes the default (as I want) but the sequence is wrong (All, XML, SDF).
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Apr 29, 2010
Looking for some help to fix 2 problems I have in my script. (I�m using bash on cygwin)I have the following source file ($7 does not have data):
pattern2,pattern7/Sub data1/Sub data2,pattern8,pattern9,pattern2,pattern2,
pattern3,pattern6/Sub data1/Sub data2,pattern7,pattern3,pattern5,pattern1,
In line 5 of the script, that is " {$2 !~ /pattern4|pattern5|pattern6/ }" oriented to delete lines containing pattern4, pattern5 and pattern6 from column 2 it seems not to be working. If I see the output, the line highlighted in red, is present and should not appear, because this line does not contain nor HEADER nor pattern1 nor pattern2.
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Feb 21, 2010
I am getting this error "Unknown filter "police", hence option "rate" is unparsable. This is in Linux Kernel 2.6 which is compiled with the "policing" option enabled in Qos (Kernel config). The error seems to be coming from the file tc.c in iproute2/
static int parse_nofopt(struct filter_util *qu, char *fhandle, int argc, char **argv, struct nlmsghdr *n) {
__u32 handle;
if (argc) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown filter "%s", hence option "%s" is unparsable
", qu->id, *argv);
return -1;
} if (fhandle) {
struct tcmsg *t = NLMSG_DATA(n);
if (get_u32(&handle, fhandle, 16)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unparsable filter ID "%s"
", fhandle);
return -1; }
t->tcm_handle = handle; }
return 0; }
This is called from get_filter_kind() which is called from tc_filter_modify(), called from do_filter(), from do_cmd() from main()...all in tc.c. Is this a known "bug" in iproute2+2.6 as the 2.4 Kernel works with the same settings?
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Mar 20, 2009
what distro do you recomend to use creat a server to filter and cacheall internet activity?
this is for a cybercafe each pc will have some restritions others not
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Mar 6, 2011
We have a CentOS server which has beed restarted due to some reason. Now we have ping to the server and we can reboot it via KVM, but the server loads to some messaageThis is filter.unknown_domain (Linux ...)Filter Login:and then it stops. Do you have an idea what might be the problem and how can we fix it?
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Apr 24, 2011
I have an Acer Aspire One, Model PAV70 that had Windows 7 Starter on it. I booted Ubuntu 10.10 from a USB HDD and then formatted the Acer drive with Ubuntu. I then started installing Ubuntu on the newly formatted HDD and got an error near the end of the install. It said, "apt configuration problem, an attempt to configure apt to install additional packages from the cd failed." After this happened the system locked up and I had to reboot. Now I get a black screen with a white blinking cursor. I can't get the system to recognize anything. What can I do?
CPU Type: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N450
CPU Speed: 1.66GHz
System BIOS Version: V3.05(DDR2)
VGA BIOS Version: Intel V2001
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Apr 26, 2011
I am using NFS to mount large LUNs from my SAN.I have one already setup and configured. I am adding an additional partition from the same SAN but I am confused on the setup. I know the LUN is connecting to my NFS server correctly because I see it listed in my /proc/scsi/scsi as an additional LUN. What I don't see is the drive being displayed in fdisk -l. I did notice one thing though, when I disable the host mapping from the SAN, my disk information changes from /dev/sdb TO /dev/sdc (see changes below)
Without host mapping to SAN:
Disk /dev/sda: 13999.0 GB, 13999026470912 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 1701951 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
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May 3, 2009
We use powerpath on RHEL servers, with at least 2 paths to each disk, as you know the powerpath creates a pseudo devices called emcpowerX. I was wondering if there is any overhead if we don't use the lvm.conf to filter out all sdX disks? Except the "duplicate PV found" messages on LVM, does it delays the boot of the server?
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Nov 22, 2010
Im currently serving a web in apache2; no problems I recently set up squid to filter internet for my LAN users.
***i dont want squid to accelerate WEB requests in my apache2.
So the problem is that SQUID blocks my 192.168.1. LAN denied attemps, so far, its ok BUT IT ALSO BLOCKS ANY OF THE INTERNET USERS TRYING TO REACH MY HOSTED WEB.
Can i have both servers in the same box without interferring each other?
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Oct 8, 2010
I have a very simple set up.With Network Manager I can have my laptop act as a router (sharing all connections).I also have apt-cacher-ng as a debian package cacher.I would like to set up iptables to filter only the urls that are meant for a debian package cacher.
For example:I could use a "forward all" rule:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3142
Except then I would get a bunch of error pages every time I tried to do normal navigating.My question (again) is: Can iptables handle forwarding only on a specific url? If so how?Or is there another solution? (prferably without full fledged software like squid)
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Aug 5, 2010
I need to find if, in a folder any directories exist, except a certain one named "mes croquis".What I am trying to say, is that the re already is a directory named "my croquis", which I have to ignore. IF any other directory appears, I have to archive them.I got everything so far, except the starting condition.In other terms , I am lookign for something like this:
IF anyDir EXIST AND name != "mes croquis"
do something
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May 21, 2010
i had 1 server and its hostname is resolving fine.
i purchased 1 vps and its hostname isnt resolving.
for server1 say hostname is
and for vps i add
and when i ping my i get Host Unknown error.
do i add Hostname and make it resolve in VPS.
i want to use hostname like
i want both server to have common domain name but diff hostname.
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