Programming :: How To Authenticate Against SSO When Using Wget

Sep 9, 2010

I am writing a bash script where I would need to down load few file from server but the glitch is authentication is being performed by SSO/Siteminder server.
Does anyone aware of a option or trick with wget or curl to authenticate against SSO and then download the file from the server.

Standard http-user and http-password definitely does not suffice the need.

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Programming :: Wget Command Appropriate For Batch?

Jun 19, 2011

I have written the batch file which will go to the website, wait for input (download button/exit), move to the next algorithym and repeat. My problem is getting the batch file to click the stupid download button. Can I use wget, and can you show me how to use it or point me to a really good api?



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Programming :: Using Wget With Post Data

Nov 29, 2010

I've been pulling my hair out trying to get wget to post data to a webpage to automatically download some files. I've tried many methods of syntax, but wget always downloads the html for the login page. A snippet of code I found in the login html page is below. Some of the characters are japanese, because it's a japanese website.

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Programming :: SED Processing - Export Progress Bar From Wget Display

Nov 2, 2010

I am attempting to "export" the progress bar from wget display using sed. Basically, we have an app that starts wget to download a large file and we want to show a progress bar. Our application has a dbus interface to receive the download progress.

So we were think of a command like:
wget [] | sed [] | dbus-send[]
The problem at the moment is, how do you get the matched string out of sed and into dbus-send? I can get the progress string by:
sed -u 's/[0-9]*%/&/'

This populated '&' with the correct percentage, but I cannot seem to get this out of sed.

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Software :: Resume An Interrupted Wget Using Wget.log?

Jun 19, 2011

If a wget download is interrupted (like if I have to shutdown prematurely), I get a wget.log with the partial download. How can I later resume the download using the data in wget.log? I have searched high and low (including wget manual) and cannot find how to do this. Is it so obvious that I did not see it? The wget -c option with the wget.log as the argument to the -c option does not work. What I do do is open the wget.log and copy the URL and then paste it into the command line and do another wget. This works but the download is started from the beginning, which means nothing in the wget.log is used.

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Programming :: Attempting To Record The Redirect Url Using Wget And Logging In In Seperate Page?

Feb 10, 2009

My friend has a website whereby once you have logged in on one page, you are redirected to another page, with a url similar to:


the random string changes each time you log in, however the login page has a static url What i was attempting to do is run a script to get some data from the members page (after uve logged in) - however ive been having some trouble in how to do this, as the variable url with the random string will become invalid after a certain time, and i did not want to consantly change it.

While reading through some documentation i read that wget should be able to login to a form login website however ive had no luck, the command i was attempting to use was:

wget --user USERNAME -password PASSWORD [URL]

similarly i also tried

wget --post-data "username=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD" [URL]

and even both combined. However neither has worked as the html dl'd is simply the login page website. I cannot post a direct link to the website as it is private, however ive looked at the source coding and ive extracted (what i think) is the relevant bit, which is:


<form action="/cgi-bin/sblogin/login.cgi" method="post" name="login" id="login"><br /><br />
<div class="user_text"><span class="text3">USERNAME:</span></div><div class="user_box"><input type="text" class="text" name="uname"></div>


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Programming :: Java Code To Implement "wget" To Save A Webpage

Feb 24, 2010

This is the code i used, there is no error in execution but no file is bein saved in the working directory. I'm new in java,so just started learning.

public class Hel
public static void main(String args[])
throws IOException


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Networking :: Can't Authenticate To WPA Network?

Aug 22, 2010

I have a TP-Link Atheros-based USB card: TL-WN422G. It's listed widely as being compatible, but I'm baffled if I can make it work.I'm running an ndiswrapper (XP-64) driver, and that seems to be loaded and recognizing the hardware correctly. The system can scan and correctly identify our network, and other nearby ones, but when the WPA key is entered (correctly, I've triple checked), the "Secrets" windows just keeps popping up and no IP is acquired. I've installed and tried toi configure it with wpa-supplicant, all to no avail.ched below a (long, sorry) list of various outputs that I've looked at

Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS (Kubuntu); 2.6.32-24-server x86_64
output of lsusb
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0040:073d


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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Get LDAP To Authenticate In 11.2

Nov 19, 2009

I had 11.1 for some time, was working fine. decided to upgrade... long story short - did a fresh install with livecd of the 11.2. I use ldap server for authentication, its on the lan. configuration during install goes through fine. fetch dn, etc... then after the bootup - authentication error for any user except root. At the same time automounter works fine, ldap requests are going through for hosts (my local hostnames are also on this ldap server), I can edit users through YAST when logged on this box, but alas! even for "su - user" I get "incorrect password", whereas if I am root, then "su - user" gets me logged in as user. password does not go through!

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Ubuntu :: Change Password New And Old Do Not Authenticate?

Jan 10, 2010

I tried to change my password through the Users and Groups dialogue, and now neither the old one nor the new one work. I tried to do it once, and it didn't do anything (the password was still my old password), then the second time I did it, when I went to save the configuration it wouldn't take my new password or my old one. Now I can't authenticate for anything.

A wicked backdoor I've noticed is that going into recovery mode offers you a root console without authentication. (Awesome, Linux, secure as all ****, seriously.) Is there any way to use this to set my user password without needing to authenticate?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.4 - Cannot False Authenticate With AP

May 13, 2010

I'm on ubuntu 10.4 and Cant seem to falsely authenticate myself with my AP. I am trying to break a wep key on one of my older linksys routers; It continues to say this:

root@kevin-laptop:/home/kevin# aireplay-ng -1 1 -a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx mon1
No source MAC (-h) specified. Using the device MAC (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
11:39:16 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) on channel 6
11:39:16 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:18 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:20 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]

11:39:22 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:24 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:26 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:28 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:30 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:32 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]

11:39:34 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:36 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:38 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:40 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:42 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:44 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:46 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]

Attack was unsuccessful. Possible reasons:
* Perhaps MAC address filtering is enabled.
* Check that the BSSID (-a option) is correct.
* Try to change the number of packets (-o option).
* The driver/card doesn't support injection.
* This attack sometimes fails against some APs.
* The card is not on the same channel as the AP.
* You're too far from the AP. Get closer, or lower the transmit rate.

I'm using an eeepc 701 it has an Atheros card and does injection. I have also tried it with backrack 4 and it works perfectly (it falsely authenticates with the ap and decrypts the wep key) I just cant seem to get it to work on ubuntu 10.4. Could it be a kernel issue? I found out that there is a bug in the new(er) kernel(s). If you use an older kernel (I used 2.6.31-14 which can be found here) and it magically works.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Authenticate To WPA Network

Aug 22, 2010

I have a TP-Link Atheros-based USB card: TL-WN422G. It's listed widely as being compatible, but I'm baffled if I can make it work. I'm running an ndiswrapper (XP-64) driver, and that seems to be loaded and recognizing the hardware correctly. The system can scan and correctly identify our network, and other nearby ones, but when the WPA key is entered (correctly, I've triple checked), the "Secrets" windows just keeps popping up and no IP is acquired. I've installed and tried to configure it with wpa-supplicant, all to no avail.

I've attached below list of various outputs that I've looked at.
Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS (Kubuntu); 2.6.32-24-server x86_64
output of lsusb
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0040:073d
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0413:6029 Leadtek Research, Inc.
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0cf3:1006 Atheros Communications, Inc.
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root .....

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Authenticate Some Important Packages

Dec 22, 2010

I'm running Lucid Lynx. When I go into synaptic package manager and try to take updates, it says it can't authenticate some of the packages, including for example linux-image 2.6.32-27-generic. What is up with this?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Authenticate 10.10 Partition With Password

Mar 1, 2011

Today I've found out that I cannot authenticate and use my ubuntu 10.10 partition as it doesn't recognize my password! The password is correct, I also tried to change the username in "root" but nothing changes. When I write it, it shows for some istants a black screen with words in it (so quickly that it's not easy to read) and then it shows me again the form to access.

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Ubuntu :: Wireless Will Not Authenticate (After 11.04 Upgrade)

May 11, 2011

My wireless setup was working perfectly in 10.10 but after the upgrade to 11.04 all went wrong, i can see the device yes, and I can see the networks but when I try to connect it asks to reinput the password. And if I try with Wicd it says "bad password" the thing is, the password is the same i was using in 10.10 and it cant connect to an open network either. I am a bit new at all this, but as far as I know I was using p54 drivers in 10.10. in order to make the dongle work i hat to install "linux-firmware-nonfree"... tried to reinstall it, but the same result. Tried windows drivers too with ndiswrapper, and the same result again.

Bus 001 Device 007: ID 06b9:0121 Alcatel Telecom SpeedTouch 121g Wireless Dongle

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Fedora :: Can't Authenticate Using Via POP3 For Dovecot / Fix It?

Jul 4, 2010

I believe I have everything but this setup, as when I use my Outlook's Test Account Setting, it's able to do the following:
1) Send a test e-mail
2) Connect to POP3
3) See the actual test e-mail at /var/spool/mail/<username>

However, the Test Account Setting wasn't able to authenticate to POP3. I then do the following:
1) Start up Command Prompt.
2) Execute "telnet <server IP> 110". It gives me "+OK Dovecot ready".
3) Type "user <username>"
4) Type "pass <password>". It gives me "-ERR Authentication failed".

Then I searched around and found this. However, I'm not sure if I am able to make any sense out of it.

My CentOS 5.5 is setup with the following standard files:
/etc/passwd (password field contains the character "x")
/etc/shadow (examining this reveals it's using MD5 has as the password field begins with $1$)

So how should I set my /etc/dovecot.conf? I think it's this file I need to setup to enable POP3 authentication?

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Networking :: Cannot Seem To Authenticate A Wireless Laptop

Dec 6, 2010

We've got a Debian Lenny + FreeRadius and cannot seem to authenticate a wireless laptop.At this point, all I want is the users file entries to work, with ClearText passwords. Eventually we'll use LDAP but we want this up first with ClearText passwords and MD5.

1. FreeRadius installed, 2.1.10+dfsg-2~bpo50+1 from Debian Backports
2. AirPort v7.5.1, set up for WPA2 Enterprise, ip
3. Apple OSX laptop, 10.5.8

When running 'freeradius -Xxx' from the Debian cli I can see the authentication fail as though the OSX machine (or the AirPort router?) isn't passing along the password (from the FreeRadius cli run).Additionally, the OSX machine always prompts me for an SSL Cert to use, but with MD5 checkmarked as the only option in the 802.1x networking screen, this shouldn't be happening, making it more difficult to tell where this problem lies.The OSX machine keeps cycling through "Authenticating" and "Authenticating with MD5", and then settles on "AirPort has a self-assigned IP Address..." (meaning the laptop, not the AirPort wifi router)

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Server :: Set Users To Authenticate From Windows ADC?

Mar 16, 2010

Im using linux (Suse 11.1) on my laptop in my new job, however I need to set up my accounts and any account to authenticate using the existing windows ADC server.

What do i need to do precisely. I have kerberos & Samba installed. Do i need both of them or can I just go ahead and set up one.

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Fedora Servers :: Unable To Authenticate Through AFP From My MAC / Sort It?

Jun 15, 2009

I installed netatalk for Linux in Fedora 10. I managed to get the service starting correctly at every boot and from Linux side everything looks good. I even manged to tweak avahi-daemon to advertise my server on the network so would show in Finder sidebar (with a snazy tux icon). But when I try to connect to the server it asks me for username and password (as it should), but my password doesn't work. I changed my password, I even gave it a simple one to rule out possibility of "fat-finger"-ing. No success.
I tried many options in my afpd.conf file. Here is the latest code...

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Fedora Servers :: Dovecot Stopped To Authenticate / Why Is So?

Jul 13, 2009

This happened during the bump from 1.1.4 to 1.2.0 (in F11), but now nobody can login into the mail server.

The strace of dovecot-auth says that it sends messages over an AF_NETLINK socket before failing. Why in the world would it do that?

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Fedora Security :: Set Up 2 Root Accounts And Need Both To Be Able To Authenticate?

Nov 20, 2009

fedora 10 and im trying to set up some user accounts on a computer. My current problem is that we set up 2 root accounts and we need both to be able to authenticate. So far this works on the command line but whenever i'm on the GUI it seems that it only allows root to give its password for things. How do i enable the second account to do that as a note, i am doing this for someone else so i have little to no control how this is set up, so please, i am not looking for reasons why this is not a good idea i would just like to figure this out

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OpenSUSE Install :: Will Not Authenticate After Screensaver Lock Out

Oct 1, 2010

I've just installed 11.1 and so far things seem to work OK. When I left the machine the screen saver kicked in and wouldn't let meback on with my password I chose during installation (and the only password I chose!) Re-booting the machine sorted the problem...until next time! I have now disabled the lock out for the screen saver so things ought to work now, but why did it do this? New with openSuse!

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Authenticate VNC After Samba Config

Apr 1, 2011

First, like a dummy I did not backup the Samba config file before making changes. Using openSUSE as ftp and http server, was following tutorial to share between openSUSE and windows. I was using VNC to access machine to edit Samba config file, after altering the the file VNC authenication fails. I can still authenicate locally and through the ftp.

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Ubuntu :: Stop Asking Every Time For Password To Authenticate?

Jan 27, 2010

i recently switched to ubuntu 9.10 from win vista, i am having a problem... in ubuntu when ever i do any changes it asks me for my password, i know that its for my own PC's securiety but now i am really annoyed with this.

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Ubuntu :: Authenticate Shutdown - Other Users Still Logged In

Apr 6, 2010

I installed a few media servers to stream something to my PS3 over the weekend, but now when trying to shutdown the computer, I'm asked to authenticate with a password since other users are still logged in. I installed quite a few programs over the weekend trying to get it to work, so I can't remove a specific one. Is there a way to see which daemons are logged in under a different session? Found it. It turned out to be mythtv.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Will Not Authenticate Secure Wireless?

Jun 6, 2010

however, until this morning I had only been using my wired connection with no problems but when I tried to connect to my home's WPA secured wireless network, it just would not connect. The network manager sees the network and when I click on it, a window pops up asking for authentication. I enter the passphrase, but still it will not connect. I'm using a Lenovo X61 LAPTOP (not tablet).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failed To Authenticate Packages?

Aug 20, 2010

While running the command sudo apt-get upgrade I get this msg

"Failed to authenticate the following packages"
AVISO: No se han podido autenticar los siguientes paquetes!
libnautilus-extension1 libndesk-dbus1.0-cil libsoup2.4-1 libsoup-gnome2.4-1
libwebkit-1.0-common libwebkit-1.0-2 nautilus nautilus-data notify-osd

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - NIS Client Can't Authenticate Valid NIS Users

Oct 26, 2010

I use Ubuntu in my office NIS environment and I can't upgrade the whole network to LDAP right. I upgraded to 10.04 recently and reinstalled the NIS client and associated packages, among other things.

I have set up my /etc/nsswitch.conf file so that passwd, group and shadow all have "files nis", I'm bound to the correct NIS domain and I can do "ypcat -k passwd" or "ypcat -k hosts" just fine.

Problem is that I can't log on or su to any NIS user, I just get "authentication failure". I've tried the same usernames and passwords on Red Hat NIS clients on the same domain and they work fine.

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Ubuntu Servers :: LDAP Scripts Does Not Authenticate

Jan 3, 2011

Ldapscripts seems to be authenticating oddly but I am not sure why. Running 'ldapadd' works without issue:

<code>root@domainator:~# ldapadd -D cn=root,dc=example,dc=home -W
Enter LDAP Password:

root@domainator:~# ldapaddgroup test
>> 01/03/11 - 22:16 : Command : /usr/sbin/ldapaddgroup test
ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)
ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)
Error adding group test to LDAP
Error adding group test to LDAP

Here's various parts of my /etc/ldapscripts/ldapscripts.conf:
SUFFIX="dc=example,dc=home" # Global suffix
GSUFFIX="ou=Groups" # Groups ou (just under $SUFFIX)
USUFFIX="ou=Users" # Users ou (just under $SUFFIX)
MSUFFIX="ou=Computers" # Machines ou (just under $SUFFIX)
GIDSTART="10000" # Group ID
UIDSTART="10000" # User ID
MIDSTART="20000" # Machine ID
/etc/ldapscripts/ldapscripts.passwd permissions are root:root, 0400 a

And I have quadruple checked my password is correct. Is there a way to print out debugging from ldapscripts so I know what commands it is generating?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Trying To Authenticate Login Via LDAP

Aug 3, 2011

I have a query regarding login to roundcube via dovecot ldap. I have installed and set up the openldap on Ubuntu Server 11.04 with the help of the following article [URL]. I have also installed Postfix, Dovecot, Dovecot-ldap and roundcube as the mail client. Then, I went on to test if I can login through roundcube. I received "login failed". I'm sure the dovecot is running fine as well as Postfix and openLDAP server. All I can find from the log was "auth(default) LDAP: Can't connect to server: localhost".

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