Programming :: Wget Command Appropriate For Batch?

Jun 19, 2011

I have written the batch file which will go to the website, wait for input (download button/exit), move to the next algorithym and repeat. My problem is getting the batch file to click the stupid download button. Can I use wget, and can you show me how to use it or point me to a really good api?



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Ubuntu :: Shift Command In Little Batch File?

Feb 11, 2010

I want to be able to enter multiple filenames after this bash file on the command line--- file1.rm, file2.rm by putting a shift command in this file?Or even better, for this bash file to take a line by line pipe from a text file. Excuse my atechnicalness.

cd /media/212EXT/data/download/convert


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Ubuntu :: Using GIMP Command To Process Batch?

Dec 24, 2010

I don't know if it's possible but GIMP is able to receive command line arguments, so why not? Basically, I want to create a batch (action, macro or what it may be called) and then set up a cron job which will run every hour. So, it would be something like "If an image is in X folder, then resize, watermark & move it to Y folder".

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General :: Batch File Conversion Command?

Sep 30, 2010

I just learnt to convert a video file into mp4 format so I can watch it on my PS3. However, I have dozens of video files from my video cam, and want to convert them all. They are all in the same folder. Please can someone explain how I might be able to adapt the code below so I can convert all my files in a batch. Perhaps keeping their same name or giving them some other name, I don't mind.

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General :: Prevent Special Users To Run Batch Command?

Aug 6, 2011

What is the best way to prevent some user run some command? For example every body can run at and batch command and 3 or 4 special users prevent run these command?

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General :: Batch User Creating With 'newusers' Command Question

Jul 26, 2011

I recently used the newusers command to generate several user accounts from a text file. That process seemed to go well until I tried to su into one of the new accounts.

This behavior appears for all the accounts that were created from the text file and the newusers command. It seems that several configuration files that should have been autogenerated for these new users were never created. I was able to confirm this was the problem by copying .bashrc and .bash_profile from a user that was created with the "useradd" command into the /home/newaccount directory. After logging off and logging into the newaccount again, the issue is corrected.For the record, I just read this forum post and I'm looking for an alternative to this. If this is the most efficient way to accomplish my goal, then I'll try the route mentioned in the thread. I'm still open to alternatives.

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General :: WGET Command Not Working

Jan 5, 2010

I have a website that I need to go to often and disable a monitor. To disable I need to login to the website-> click on monitor -> then uncheck a box.

I am told that I can do this through a scipt using the WGET command. I got the parameterized query and then tried to execute it through a *.sh script.

The script generates a php file in the location from where it is executed. When I go to the site and check the monitor is not disabled.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Send Email From Command Line / Batch Script

Jul 1, 2011

Is there a way to send an email from a batch script. I want to send the output from a script to an email address, possibly a couple of email addresses depending on the output.

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Programming :: Batch Process Files In VI?

May 29, 2010

I'm completely new to scripting and I'm trying to figure out how to write a script that will get a list of all the files in a directorywn through any subdirectories.When I have the list I want to o each file in VI and change the fileformat. So far all I have been able to figure out is that VI can do the batch processing and that "ls -R" gets me the recursive file list. I'm still pretty clueless on how to do the batch process with the VI editor. I think I'm supposed to use the Ex mode but I don't know how to get the list of arguments from the filelist into the editor so they can be processed. If it matters the files were all written in a Windows editor and have gotten the MS carriage returns so I want to do a :set ff=unix command on all the files without having to go into each file manually, there are over 300 files that need updated.

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Programming :: How To Pause A Batch Script

Apr 7, 2011

As you already know there's a command in the "BATCH" language named pause which causes the program to get any random character and then continues the scripts (which is mostly used to keepscript running and preventing it to do its work and close the command prompt).Something like the "getch".Is there anything similar to this at bash?IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't want my script to stay opened, I want it to get a character (without hitting enter) and continue executing the rest of the script so please don't reply "Tick the keep the terminal opened option" or "Use read"

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Server :: Timing Out A Wget Command In A Script?

Jan 12, 2011

I need to write a script that executes a wget. The difficulty being, if wget just sits there with no reply for a very long time, I don't want the script to run that long.

How can I time out the wget command in the script if it doesn't give me a reply in a minute or so?

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Programming :: Batch Script For All Files In Folder?

Oct 9, 2010

I have a lot of pdf files and I want to convert them to a lower quality for the web. I tried to use the following command (using ghostscript): Code: gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/default -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf Is there a way to make a batch to do this for all pdf-s in a folder?

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Programming :: Batch File To Run Unix Commands From Windows?

Nov 22, 2010

I need to write a windows batch file to run unix commands by logging onto a telnet unix server. For example , I might want the batch file to log onto the unix sever, run the ls command, collect the output in a file and ftp it back to my windows desktop

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Programming :: Convert Few Lines Of SHELL Script To DOS Batch

Apr 14, 2011

I really need help with this part of a shell script which I am trying to migrate to DOS batch script.

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General :: Wget Command - Download Only Html From The Url And Save It In A Directory

Jul 6, 2011

What is the Wget command to perform the following:

download only html from the url and save it in a directory

other file extentions like.doc,.xls etc should be excluded automatically

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Software :: Unable To Get The File In Http Server Through Wget Command?

Jun 24, 2011

i am using fc9 server i installed Apache web-server i kept some datafile in my html folder when tried to download remotely through web i can download the file tried to get the file in remotely through wget command i am unable to get the fileor is failed: Connection timed out Retrying below the steps i tried it

my target file is http://X.X.X.X/
wget -T 0 http://X.X.X.X/
wget http://X.X.X.X/


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Programming :: How To Authenticate Against SSO When Using Wget

Sep 9, 2010

I am writing a bash script where I would need to down load few file from server but the glitch is authentication is being performed by SSO/Siteminder server.
Does anyone aware of a option or trick with wget or curl to authenticate against SSO and then download the file from the server.

Standard http-user and http-password definitely does not suffice the need.

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Programming :: Print The Current Time Of My System With A Batch File ?

Dec 25, 2010

How can I print the current time of my system with a batch file. My os is ubuntu.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Install Flash - Bash: Wget: Command Not Found

Mar 27, 2009

In trying to use the instructions here [URL] I get Quote: -bash: wget: command not found

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Programming :: Using Wget With Post Data

Nov 29, 2010

I've been pulling my hair out trying to get wget to post data to a webpage to automatically download some files. I've tried many methods of syntax, but wget always downloads the html for the login page. A snippet of code I found in the login html page is below. Some of the characters are japanese, because it's a japanese website.

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Programming :: SED Processing - Export Progress Bar From Wget Display

Nov 2, 2010

I am attempting to "export" the progress bar from wget display using sed. Basically, we have an app that starts wget to download a large file and we want to show a progress bar. Our application has a dbus interface to receive the download progress.

So we were think of a command like:
wget [] | sed [] | dbus-send[]
The problem at the moment is, how do you get the matched string out of sed and into dbus-send? I can get the progress string by:
sed -u 's/[0-9]*%/&/'

This populated '&' with the correct percentage, but I cannot seem to get this out of sed.

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Software :: Resume An Interrupted Wget Using Wget.log?

Jun 19, 2011

If a wget download is interrupted (like if I have to shutdown prematurely), I get a wget.log with the partial download. How can I later resume the download using the data in wget.log? I have searched high and low (including wget manual) and cannot find how to do this. Is it so obvious that I did not see it? The wget -c option with the wget.log as the argument to the -c option does not work. What I do do is open the wget.log and copy the URL and then paste it into the command line and do another wget. This works but the download is started from the beginning, which means nothing in the wget.log is used.

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Programming :: Write A Batch File For Windows That Starts Cygwin Tool And Runs Unix Scripts?

Nov 17, 2008

I need to write a batch file for windows that automatically starts the cygwin tool in windows and executes the unix scripts.Previously we had these scripts in unix server.Now we need to migrate them to Windows server.For this reason we are using cygwin tool that allows the scripts to be executed on Windows server.We had written a batch file that starts the cygwin tool,but we were not able to execute the unix scripts.How can we write a batch file such that it executes all the unix scripts in cygwin.

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Programming :: Attempting To Record The Redirect Url Using Wget And Logging In In Seperate Page?

Feb 10, 2009

My friend has a website whereby once you have logged in on one page, you are redirected to another page, with a url similar to:


the random string changes each time you log in, however the login page has a static url What i was attempting to do is run a script to get some data from the members page (after uve logged in) - however ive been having some trouble in how to do this, as the variable url with the random string will become invalid after a certain time, and i did not want to consantly change it.

While reading through some documentation i read that wget should be able to login to a form login website however ive had no luck, the command i was attempting to use was:

wget --user USERNAME -password PASSWORD [URL]

similarly i also tried

wget --post-data "username=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD" [URL]

and even both combined. However neither has worked as the html dl'd is simply the login page website. I cannot post a direct link to the website as it is private, however ive looked at the source coding and ive extracted (what i think) is the relevant bit, which is:


<form action="/cgi-bin/sblogin/login.cgi" method="post" name="login" id="login"><br /><br />
<div class="user_text"><span class="text3">USERNAME:</span></div><div class="user_box"><input type="text" class="text" name="uname"></div>


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Programming :: Java Code To Implement "wget" To Save A Webpage

Feb 24, 2010

This is the code i used, there is no error in execution but no file is bein saved in the working directory. I'm new in java,so just started learning.

public class Hel
public static void main(String args[])
throws IOException


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Programming :: Effect Of Using Eval To Execute A Command As Opposed To Writing It On The Command-line?

Jun 18, 2010

Code: cmd='date | wc'

$cmd If this script is executed, an error is generated. The reason written was that "The execution fails because the pipe is not expanded and is passed to date as an argument".What is meant by expansion of pipe. When we execute date | wc on the command line, it goes fine.then | is not treated as an argument. Why?

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Programming :: Command Line Invocation Of Gnome-terminal To Run More Than One Command?

Feb 16, 2010

I am trying to learn how to pass more than a one-command startup for gnome-terminal.

I will give an example of what I'm trying to do here:

#! /bin/bash
#TODO write this for gnome and xterm
${0##*/} [-x] [-g]

However, running with the -g option to invoke gnome-terminal, I get a "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal" error.

This same error occurs if the gnome-terminal line is changed to

gnome-terminal -e mcTerm

Is there any way to pass more than one command on to gnome-terminal? I have tried various single and double quoting senarios and in a final attempt, I abstracted to an exported function all to no avail. Perhaps even though gnome-term is better at many things than xterm, xterm trumps it in this instance.

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Programming :: System Command / 'mcc' Is Not A Recognised As An Internal Or External Command?

Apr 13, 2010

I am writing a perl script which uses the matlab compiler to compile a .m file.

I am using the system("mcc �m file.m"). I have matlab installed and both script and exe are in the same drive.But i get the following error .

'mcc' is not a recognised as an internal or external command ,operable in program or batch file.

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Programming :: Show The Output Of Shell Command Into A Textbox, Ex Ps -efc Command?

Oct 20, 2010

I am using gtk to program GUI. How can I show the output of shell command into a textbox, ex ps -efc command ?

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Programming :: Convert This Awk Command From Command Line Into An Awk Script ?

Oct 15, 2010

I'm trying to convert this awk command from command line into an awk script, but just cannot get it to work:

This is what i have after my BEGIN

Am i missing something here? this just prints out the count for everyline, not counting lines on 5th field that match 'A'

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