Programming :: Capture Network Utilization In System?

Nov 15, 2010

As we know, the data in /proc/net/dev fall into two categories -- the data received and the data transmitted. Now I want to calculate the network utilization, should the calculate be ---- (datareceived + datatransmitted - datareceivedlasttime - data transmitted last time)/ timeinterval?

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Programming :: C Program To Get Cpu Utilization?

Feb 26, 2010

language:cOs: ubuntuI have googled for a c program to get cpu utilization factor from 2 days.We can get it through "top", "who" commands..But I hav not found any API or a program.

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General :: High Memory Utilization By System?

Nov 11, 2009

I have a server running samba process and there are about 70 samba users connected at a time. The system has 4Gb of memory and it seems each samba process is utilizing only 3352Kb of memory.
When I run the command
pmap -d (pid of samba)

It gives as:
b7ffa000 4 rw-s- 0000000000000000 0fd:00003 messages.tdb
bfe46000 1768 rw--- 00000000bfe46000 000:00000 [ stack ]
ffffe000 4 r-x-- 0000000000000000 000:00000 [ anon ]
mapped: 33384K writeable/private: 3352K shared: 20504K

But when I run the top command, it results as below:
Tasks: 163 total, 1 running, 162 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 0.9% us, 4.9% sy, 0.0% ni, 93.3% id, 0.8% wa, 0.2% hi, 0.0% si
Mem: 3895444k total, 3163192k used, 732252k free, 352344k buffers
Swap: 2097144k total, 208k used, 2096936k free, 2487636k cached

Why could the system be utilizing such high memory? By the way, the server is not running other processes. The samba version running in it is 3.0.33-0.17.

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Ubuntu :: Display Graphs For System Resource Utilization

Feb 3, 2011

I have a SSH access to some linux servers, is it possible that I can get some graphical report for system utilization (CPU, memory and disk space) for a given time range.

I dont have any graphical access to the system.

Currently I am fetching the records using "sar -r" command , pasting them in a excel sheet to generate the reports.

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Programming :: Get Process Running CPU Core And The Utilization On That Core?

Apr 27, 2010

Assume someone bind a particular process to a particular CPU core(In multi core machine) by using sched_setaffinity() like functions. Then how we can get that process running core id and CPU core utilisation of that process on that running CPU core(Pragmatically or by a Linux command)?.

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Programming :: Bash: Capture All Output To A Log?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a script that generates a bunch of output, including the expansions details provided by: set -v -xI am trying to pipe everything that is displayed to a file, in addition to displaying it on the screen. I've managed to get stderr and stdout into the file, but the expansions are only printed to the screen. Here is what I have so far:sudo -u <user> source |tee my_log.txt 2>&1

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Programming :: Way To Capture X Keyboard Events

Jan 8, 2010

I wonder if there is a way to caputure all X keyboard events, blocking them from going to the window with keyboard focus?

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Software :: Make Changes To System To Be Able To Capture Sound?

Jun 13, 2011

I'm trying to make changes to my system to be able to capture sound. I've found the directions to make the tweak permanent (from here: and here: but I need to know about one thing: What does latency_msec=5 mean? Do you need it for your average capturing of sound from your sound card?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Capture TV And Watch Over Network

Jun 28, 2010

I want to capture the video from my sat box using an extra laptop I have and then distribute a live feed on my network so that I can watch tv on my laptop around the house. I want to use an old Dell X300 with a broken screen. It's not too powerful with a 1.2GHz Pentium M and 640MB ram. I was thinking of throwing Zubuntu or something lighter weight on it. I'll use a usb capture card that will support S-video. I am sure there are plenty of those that will be compatible with Linux. What I need to know is what capture software should I use?

Is there any capture software that will transmit over a network as a live feed? Is my laptop even powerful enough to do what I'm asking? This thing had no problem playing back 480p but capturing, encoding, and distributing over a network is another story. Are there any usb capture cards that use hardware encoding? Would installing a lighter weight distro be necessary in order to gt laptop performance boost it needs to handle what I want to do? And what of software to receive the stream? VLC should have no trouble connecting to the stream right? How about SMPlayer?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Analogue Capture Program To Capture Austar?

Aug 13, 2010

What is the best analogue capture program please to capture Austar.

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Programming :: Capture Packet From DMA Ring Buffer?

Jul 21, 2010

I wanna capture network packets from DMA ring buffer, just like netfilter. i wanna capture it from DMA, because i wanna get MAC address of I/O packets, so netfilter not included MAC address of out going packets because its on IP level and Ebtables is like that too. how i can capture network packets from DMA ring buffer.

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Programming :: Best / Safest Way To Capture Root Password

May 31, 2011

I have a script which when invoked will generally su into being a number of different users (for those that have read other threads from me, you will know.I am building my own user based package management system).Whilst 75 - 80% of the time there will be no need to be anyone other than the original user, there are times when the root password is required. Currently this is presented to the administrator at exactly the point in the script that it is required.At times this may be more than once and it may also happen for multiple users in a row.

What would be the best / safest method (in your opinion) of capturing the password at the start of the script and then delivering it when required?I have looked at expect ( I am not at all familiar ), but on the examples dealing with passwords, that I could find, they all seem to store the password in a simple bash like variable (which does not excite me at all from a security point).I can also potentially go down the sudo road, but the issue here is that I would either have to find a list of commands that an entire group can have access to without passwords (doesn't sound safe) or I am back to square one of then requiring a password for each individual user to be entered, which if at the start would still need to be captured and saved until necessary.So as I have said, I am open to any and all (constructive) advice

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Programming :: Cannot Capture - No At End Of File Store It And Print It Using Sed And Awk

Nov 25, 2008

How to write a shell script the would search for a phone no using at the end text file using sed or awk and store it in a varaible or print it.

The text file is in this form

The first line may take any form but the last line will always be Firstname Lastname:KEN:+254456789

I would like to seach for the Phone and store it in a variable and print it.

The phone no will alway be preceeded by ":+"

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Programming :: Cannot Capture SCP Progress Bar In Output Redirect

Oct 31, 2010

I would really like to capture the output of scp and my file's progress. Scp updates the transfer rate every 1 second, and I will like to save the transfer rate at every update. So for example, if the file transfer takes 30 seconds, I would like 30 reports of the transfer rate.

The output looks like:
file.dat 1% 3664KB 938.5KB/s 05:48

Whenever I try a simple redirect like:
scp file.dat &> output
... it does not save the rate at every update, it only shows the final rate.

If I try using typescript by starting "script" ... it's the same deal.

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Programming :: Capture Link Values With Cgi Script

Mar 23, 2010

I'm creating my personal site in HTML/CSS and Perl/CGI. I have a list of links:

<a name="link1" href="/cgi-bin/script.cgi">value1</a>
<a name="link2" href="/cgi-bin/script.cgi">value2</a>
<a name="link3" href="/cgi-bin/script.cgi">value3</a>
<a name="link4" href="/cgi-bin/script.cgi">value4</a>
<a name="link5" href="/cgi-bin/script.cgi">value5</a>

I want capture values of "value*" in <a> tags with script.cgi.

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Programming :: Capture The Stdout Of A Heredoc In A Variable?

Aug 12, 2010

Why doesn't this work?

cat | myvar=$(</dev/stdin) <<EOS
This is some content
echo "$myvar"

i have also tried several variants of cat in place of the redirection.

$(cat -)
$(cat /dev/stdin)

None of the variants print "This is some content"

I have a version that works:

myvar=$(cat <<EOS
This is some content
echo "$myvar"

but i don't like the syntax and it doesn't play nice in my editor with code folding.

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Programming :: Take A Screen Capture And Save It To A File?

Dec 9, 2010

Is there any simple example on how to take a screen cap and save it to a file?

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Programming :: Text Editor With Search And Capture

Dec 6, 2010

i was wondering if in all the editors/tools in linux, if there was a prog that can extract a portion of a text file, giving it a starting line of say o as the first character on a line of say o35565 oxxxxx then when it finds the next line down the file with the same thing oxxxxwhatever

it could take those lines and all the lines between them and save it to another file? i dont know if you call this parsing? or what.

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Programming :: Capture Parameter From Iframe To Main.html?

Aug 28, 2010

I have the following HTML code in main.html:


<tr align="right">
<td width="50%">


I'd like capture with capture_profile() function in createproject.html a value into main.html page. How can I solve this problem with javascript?

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Programming :: Capture/record The Keyboard And Mouse Events In Kde?

Aug 25, 2010

i want to capture the mouse events (click,double..,position ) as well as keyboard events (key strokes) for every application running separately?

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Ubuntu :: Capture Keystrokes Accross Network On A Proxy Server?

Feb 24, 2010

Well this is what I am trying to do:

I have a home network with 5 pcs that have Windows XP. I have another computer that has Ubuntu 9.04 server, Squid, and Dansguardian.

The proxy server is able to monitor and report all websites that have been visited. The report is sorted by the ip address from each of the windows pcs.

This is my question:
Is there some software that can be installed on the proxy server that will act as a keylogger...monitoring the keystrokes that are being typed in on the Windows pcs and then generate a report, sorted by ip address, of the keystrokes for each of the windows pcs.

I know that I can install a keylogger on each pc, but I think that it would be better if it was on the proxy server monitoring all the computers.

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Programming :: Create A Screen Capture Program With Xvfb Server?

Jan 4, 2010

I am trying to create a screen capture program with Xvfb server, ImageMagick and Khtml2PNG. I seem to be having some issues and was hoping someone could help me out. I have everything installed and working on a centos WHM/CPanel system and am able to generate the screen shots and save them to root folder from shell with the following commands.

Xvfb :2 -screen 0 1024x768x24&
export DISPLAY=localhost:2.0
khtml2png2 --sw 200 --sh 150 example.png
It works 100% fine when you run it from shell.


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Screen Capture Software - Shutter And System's Default - Take Screenshot ?

Apr 7, 2011

My screen capture software, shutter and system's default "take screenshot", do not function normal any more. It can only capture the desktop wallpaper, not any other elements on the desktop, nor any other opened windows. It's just like taking an x-ray picture by passing all the other objects/elements/running programs on top of the desktop wallpaper. Any ideas? I am using Fedora 14 64 bit. The screen capture software were working fine, though.

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General :: Tool Or Set Of Scripts To Capture Information And Do System Level Comparison?

Jun 12, 2011

If I have three (3) servers that are suppoed to be configured exactly alike, is there a tool or set of scripts that I can use to capture the information and do a system level comparison?

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Fedora :: Screen Capture Software Shutter And System's Default Take Screenshot Do Not Function Normal

Apr 7, 2011

My screen capture software, shutter and system's default "take screenshot", do not function normal any more. It can only capture the desktop wallpaper, not any other elements on the desktop, nor any other opened windows. It's just like taking an x-ray picture by passing all the other objects/elements/running programs on top of the desktop wallpaper. Any ideas? I am using Fedora 14 64 bit. The screen capture software were working fine, though.

My screen capture software, shutter and system's default "take screenshot", do not function normal any more. It can only capture the desktop wallpaper, not any other elements on the desktop, nor any other opened windows. It's just like taking an x-ray picture by passing all the other objects/elements/running programs on top of the desktop wallpaper. Any ideas? I am using Fedora 14 64 bit. The screen capture software were working fine, though.

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Ubuntu :: Get All CPU Utilization Using Top Command?

Dec 21, 2010

what dose this mean top -n 2 -b -d 0.2 i?

how to get all CPU utilization in using top command

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Get Cpu Utilization Of Particular Process

May 6, 2009

How to get cpu utilization of particular process without using top command. I want programmatically C or C++.Top command source is large.I can't analyze where %cpu usage got.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Memory Utilization For Particular Process

Jul 15, 2009

Is there any command to get the memory utilization of a particular process in Linux?I tried with Top and /proc/pid/status commands but the results are not proper, the memory keeps on increasing.Can anyone tell other than Top and /proc/pid/status commands ?

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SUSE :: Drive Access At 100% Utilization?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a storage array and one of the logical volumes stays at 100% utilization whenever any process accesses the volume. It is a 9TB RAID 5 array on it's own SCSI interface card. I have another 9TB logical volume in the same chassis, on it's own card that does NOT exhibit the same behavior.

I'm measuring the utilization using atop. The strange thing is it pegs out at 100% utilization for the entire time a process accesses the volume, even when the data being accessed is just a few kb. My users home directories reside on this volume so as you can imagine every user is impacted whenever someone accesses any file from this volume.

The only processes being shown in atop are nfsd processes and xfslogd process. Nothing has been deliberately changed on this system. The only thing out of the ordinary that changed is a user deleted several TB from his home directory a week or so ago, just about the same time this problem came up. During the troubleshooting process, tis system has been rebooted several times.

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CentOS 5 :: High CPU Utilization For All Processes?

Apr 9, 2010

I am getting a strange problem with my new machine (P4 3Ghz, 1 GB RAM DDR333). The machine is an industrial PC. Firstly I had installed Fedora Core 2 on it. It ran superbly without any problem. I tried to load Redhat Enterprise Linux WS4 (Update 2 as well as Update 5) on it. But the PC was giving high CPU utilization for each and every task. With-out any application running both the cores shows utilization around 10 %. But when i try to my application, the CPU utilization in one of the cores goes to 100 % for majority of the time. This is causing my appilcation to run slowly when compared to the same application running on the same machine under fedora core 2. (CPU Utilization around peak 17 % in either of the cores in Fedora Core2) Recently I installed Cent OS 5 on it. But the behavior of the PC remains the same as of Redhat Enterprise Linux WS4. Some-where on the forums I had read about the RAM size. So i tried to downgrade the RAM from 1 GB to 256 MB. But the problem remains the same. I think it has to do with some kernel tweaking.

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