OpenSUSE :: Require A User To Enter Password To Open Terminal?
Sep 21, 2010
I'm in the process of configuring a "guest" account for houseguests tose my computer. I've got the file permissions set, but I'd also like to restrict their access to the terminal. It seems to me that most of the damage that can be done to a computer goes through the terminal.I downloaded Pessulus (I use Gnome)but it doesn't require a password. the profiled user can just open Pessulus and alter their profile -- what's the point?Is there a way I can require a user to enter a password, either for any terminal or Pessulus?I like Pessulus -- it's concise and easy to use. But it doesn't seem very secure as I understand it.
My password doesn't work to enter super user mode in the terminal. this password works for all other administartive uses in and out of the terminal, just not for entering super user mode.
Succeeded in connecting to internet using my wll phone. I can now connect using 'wvdial' command in root terminal. But I want to connect through terminal. I tried 'sudo wvdial' command. Then I am asked for my password. But I cannot type my password there. When I type, nothing appears on the terminal window. Ofcourse there's no problem with my keyboard.
I'm usingg Ubuntu 10.04. When i start gnome-terminal (from terminal or gui) at the first i see invite to enter sudo pass: Terminal window is opening and i see the string:
[sudo] password for tenhi:
Yesterday i changed .bashrc file and some settings in User and Groups management.
Is there a way to do this? I disabled the log in screen for my Ubuntu 10.10 for convenience with remote desktop (so the machine starts up right away and connect to vnc). But doing this means anybody at my house can just access my computer and application (brother's friends are a little curious) and they could easily access Keyring and grab all my passwords. So is there a way to require a password everytime an application is opened?
The terminal does not let me enter PASSWORD (or anything else) for SUDO prompt. My password still works to boot up and for syntactic. Surely changing terminal background color from purple to green did not cause this.
While trying to find an Open Office document I stupidly lost, I meandered around to LOST & FOUND "You (me) are not the owner, so you can not change these permissions. Does this relate to password problem?
I have installed the new phpMyadmin3.4.1 on a server running Ubuntu 9.10 with apache and mysql. It runs on php5.2.10The apache config seems fine as the virtual directory that I configured works fine. http://<ip-of-server>/phpmyadminlink works. The home page is displayed. But when I enter the user name and password, instead of logging into the console, it again redirects me to the index page of the site. There are no errors displayed. I have checked that cookies on browser are enabled.The server is hosted on amazon web services, if that makes any difference
I have a new CentOS server install. I am trying to connect from a windows xp box using putty ssh. I can get as far as putting in the password for root user and then it tells me access denied.
i trying to create file in /usr/local from below command"sudo df | grep /dev > dev_string.txt"First it asked for sudo password. I enterd sudo password. but I was not able to create the file dev_string.txt .Next time onwards it not asking sudo password also.the below execution flow
I followed instructions to enter single user mode by adding single at the end of kernel line but after that it doesn't ask for root password but brings up the sh# prompt. Isn't that supposed to be insecure? I understand for this the grub password can be applied but even after adding "single" it should ask for root password..or it should not..??
I need user to input a password through command line in Windows cmd prompt. Is there a way to encrypt the input (such as put it into ......) when user is typing ?
I've tried Ubuntu, Arch, and most recently Fedora but the SUSE GNOME environment blows everything else away!
The only problem (so far) is that Network Manager requires you to enter your password every time you login to unlock the password keyring. I want to disable this.
I think some distros disable the prompt by using the login password to unlock the keyring, but I use auto-login (if that makes a difference).
Whenever I start a browser, it asks me to enter my root password because of some pgp keyring issue. I set my password as standard in seahorse, but no change.
The Gnome3 interface sometimes lags very noticeably.
Packagekit constantly blocks my zypper use, and it won't shut down. Not even after I log out and log in again. I tried just removing everything related to packagekit, but that just breaks everything.
Searching for repositories is a pain and there are too many different ones and I never know which one is the latest and how these will be upgraded in the future. Zypper itself is awesome, everything else about package and repo management is not.
I can't uninstall applications properly. I remove them via zypper, and when I do a distro update they get added back in. (gnome games for example)
Whenever I install or search for anything in zypper, I get hundreds of these errors: GConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; the most common cause is a missing or misconfigured D-Bus session bus daemon. See GConf configuration system for information. (Details - 1: Failed to get connection to session: The connection is closed)..but it still finds something.
It happens like 50% of my Suse 11.2 startups, when I type in my password at login screen and hit enter, Gnome do not start, i can only see the green blank screen,or sometimes it start to show only my custom wallpaper and nothing more, when i try ctrl+alt+backspacex2 and login again everything seems to work fine, but what could be wrong ? is it a hardware issue ? Moreover, sometimes when I want to shutdown my laptop and click the shutdown button, suse do logout, but instead of turning off the laptop , it brings me to login screen, clicking the shutdown button at login screen makes my hdd lamp blink and thats all.
I have a rather difficult problem. Every time I need root privileges and I am asked to authenticate (i.e. Update Manager, mounting a partition, etc), the password window comes up, shakes and immediately closes, leaving me with no chance to enter a password. What to do?edit: this is NOT the login window, just the little dialog that pops up when you need elevated privileges.
I've been able to write a basic script that opens a terminal a lil messagemy issue, i want it to open its pseudoterminal as soon as i log into GUIthe script:
I installed a Rednotebook 1.1.6. Naturally it's personal, but for some reason after years in development it lacks password protection. I intend to launch it from the Unity dock.How can I restrict access to rednotebook (specifically, the rednotebook.desktop file) via a simple password prompt?
is there a Terminal command to open a Target file (same as the one opens when you want to upload a file), let user choose the file and when he clicks open, be able to save his choice?for example:echo "Choose source file"--> command needed to browseand then open or save path to that file
It appears that Lucid has done away with the gksu prompt that used to greet you when you try to mount a partition. Is there any known way of restoring this? I have a number of partitions which I would rather have protected by a password (even though I know that booting a live cd will give anyone access to any mountable partition, no questions asked). I've had a quick look in gconf and found nothing that looks like it would control this behaviour, but it's quite likely that I overlooked something.
i have a triple boot of windows XP,7 and ubuntu10.10 netbook remixis it possible to require a password to mount the windows drivesthere is no log on password on the ubuntu but i dont want people to access the other drives unless they have my password