OpenSUSE :: Possible To Change Cursor Style For Hover Icons?

Jun 19, 2011

If you set your mouse for double click is it possible to change cursor style for hover icons?Currently the cursor looks like it is going to do single click:This does not make sense. It should show regular cursorAnd another misbehavior for double click occurs in Power Applet.Sleep and Hibernate icons require single click, but Settings icon requires double click:

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Ubuntu :: Can't Change Cursor Style In Gnome

May 30, 2011

When I go to the appearance preferences in Ubuntu 10.04 w/GNOME and try to select a cursor different from the default, nothing happens, the cursor refuses to change. Logging out and in doesn't work. Over the weeks I've played around with this machine a bit, installing and uninstalling various DEs such as Kubuntu and LXDE; I have a feeling something messed up my cursor config while I was changing stuff, but I don't know what or where. Is there any quick way to troubleshoot why the cursor isn't changing?

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OpenSUSE :: All Folder Icons Changed To Downloads Style

Aug 13, 2010

All of my folder icons changed to the Downloads icon, even new folders have the wrong default. The places icons I had to change manually

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Ubuntu :: Karmic Applet Icons Don't Allow 'hover'?

May 17, 2010

I didn't know how else to word that. In 9.10, if you held the mouse over the volume indicator icon on the top menu bar, the current volume would pop up. Same went for the network indicator - hover over it and the current status popped up. Same with the battery indicator. Now with Karmic, I have to actually click on the icons to get any information.

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OpenSUSE :: Change Color / Style Of Task Manager Bar?

Mar 3, 2011

I just installed SUSE 11.3 on my PC and used KDE desktop. But the default color and style of the task manager bar looks not so good to me. It's a back and gray bar. How to change its color and style? Should I install something else or just do some settings? I look through the system setting but can not find a way. Could you kindly please tell me how to do that?

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OpenSUSE :: Desktop Freeze After Change Control Style?

Aug 4, 2011

I'm trying to play with different control style at application settings-controlstyle, after change a little bit of settings, the desktop freeze nothing can click,so I goto control+alt+f2,hit control+alt +delete, after restart, It freeze again, so where it store the settings about that so I can change it to default control style from terminal only acess since dekstop freeze all the time?

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Ubuntu :: Change To Single Mouse Click / Make Icons Tinier Than Default / Change Icons

Mar 12, 2009

In Ubuntu 810.. how do you set the mouse for one click to open an item..?What is that software that sets Trash's empty feature at the bottom of the right click on trash..? I had it, but I can't find it for this new install.Is there a way to default the cursor to half its minimum size, and customize its color to blues..?Is there a way to force the desktop toolbar icons to half of their minimum default size..Is thee a way to change the "Ubuntu Icon + Applications/Place/System" to just three different colored tiny spheres, without the Ubuntu icon..?

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Ubuntu :: Many Files' Icons Have Changed To The Gnome Style?

Apr 28, 2010

I have deleted the mime directory under /usr/share/icons/Humanity, and many files' icons have changed to the gnome style. Then I restored the mime directory back, and typed command sudo gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/Humanity. But my action doesn't work. The files' icons remains the gnome style.

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Change Icons In 11.4

Jul 11, 2011

I just completed a clean install of 11.4 -- using KDE 4.6. It's absolutely a love-hate relationship so far after upgrading from 11.1 and KDE 3.5.With 11.1 it was incredibly easy to change my icons whether they were on the desktop, or in a Konqueror folder, or on the bar at the bottom of the screen. I simply right clicked on the icon, up would pop a configuration screen, I browsed to where the icons were stored, selected one, clicked "apply" and it was done.

But not in 11.4... For the icons I've dragged onto the bottom bar (e.g., YaST, Personal Settings, Dolphin, GIMP) if I right click on any of them and then click "icon settings" I get a screen where I should be able to see and change the icon, but instead I see a grayed-out gear, and all of them seem to be controlled by root. Under 11.1 and KDE 3.5 I could change these icons, but not with 11.4.

Another example... Under System Settings>File Association>inode>directory. Here you see a plain blue folder icon.Upon left clicking that icon I can then browse to my icons, choose one, click it, and then "apply," and the icon **does** change here in the "inode/directory" screen. But the change does **not** carry over to anywhere else. Under KDE 3.5 and 11.1 it would change every folder everywhere in my home directory. I would do the same thing in "file associations" with some applications (e.g. Word, Powerpoint, and Excel which I run with Crossover Office), and by changing the icon under "file associations" it would change every similar document in my home directory. But not in 11.4. In the first case with icons on my desktop I am unable to change them (seemingly locked to root).In the second case with icons I see in "file associations" I can change them in that screen, but the changes do not then apply globally.

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Fedora :: Change The 15 Login Box Style?

Jun 11, 2011

i'm running F15 with the Gnome 3 shell and also changed the shell's style to a theme called 'Zukitwo', it can be found here..


follow the instructions in the 'Install' document closely, i found after installing a different package manager called 'Yum Extender' which made things simpler for me, i installed the 'Gnome tweak tool', 'gnome-shell-extensions-user-theme'' and 'gnome-shell-extension-common'', but i also had to install the latest 'Murrine GTK2 engine' for the 'Zukitwo' theme to be recognised in the 'Gnome tweak tool', the location i chose to copy the Zukitwo folders to was.. /home/your username/.theme I'd like to now change just the style of the Fedora 15 login window(as in username/password popup box), but without changing my background wallpaper that being used, i have found a 'login' box style from a website below which i'd like to use.


is changing just this part of the 'login' box style possible without altering the exsisting background, and how might this be done?

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General :: Vim : Change Code Style?

Mar 22, 2011


I want to change the code style the way below code...

How can I do this with the help of powerful vim.

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Ubuntu :: Using "old" Style Icons / View Gnome?

Apr 2, 2011

I recently got a new laptop, put in a couple partitions, installed windows in one and ubuntu 10.10 (64 bit) in another (ext4, 50GB, boot), left another partition for swap (6GB) and finally another for storage (160GB, ntfs). I'm also using an nvidia GeForce 460M with nvidia-current installed (version 260.19.06). My problem is that all the icons (power "button", network manager, etc), general menus (e.g. in firefox) look "classic". That is to say not the "slick" appearance that I'm used to in the latest ubuntu.

I'm thinking it is something to do with either:

1) my X server config
2) gnome install
3) general incompatability with latest nvidia driver

I've looked through a bunch of different forum posts around nvidia and ubuntu (thinking this was the main source), but can't seem to find anything quite like this.To no avail, I've tried:

1) Fiddling with the X server settings through the nvidia app
2) reinstalling gnome-desktop, gnome-panel
3) reinstalling the nvidia driver
4) installing compiz (much prettier special effects, not a solution to the basic problem)
5) Messing around with appearance settings.

Attaching an image of what the desktop looks like now.

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OpenSUSE :: Change Gnome Desktop Icons Back To Previous Settings?

Jan 15, 2011

I have recently played around with Mac4lin a program to change the interface to one that resembles a Mac computer. I did not like the settings then decided to uninstall the program. It reverted to a really ugly looking gnome desktop rather than my previous settings. One thing that I don't like is that I have a foot icon on my gnome traditional menu button on the panel rather than the green ball type icon I used to have. I know it's not the end of the world that my icons do not look like it previously did, everything else is running smoothly, though I'm just more annoyed than anything else.

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General :: Cursor Unable To Detect Icons On Screen?

Jul 28, 2011

I have installed ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop.But whenever I keep the cursor on any desktop icon like folder or tabs of some windows it fails to detect the icon and hence i am not able to click it.The minimize maximize buttons are also not recognised and I have to use keyboard shortcut.Is there anything wrong with the system itself?Its a slightly old one having p4 processor and 1 gb ram.

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Debian Multimedia :: Change Style Of Window But Not 'look'

Jul 26, 2010

I would like to change the style of window but not "look".do I need install : GTK + ??

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Pointer Style Won't Change?

May 6, 2010

I just installed Kubuntu on my machine, but on returning to gde I still have the oxy-white pointer from kde. I went to preferences>appearance>themes>customize>pointer, and changed it back to DMZ White, yet the pointer still looks like oxy-white. I tried it with all of the different pointer options, but none of them will override oxy-white.

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General :: Write A Script To Convert All DOS Style Backslashes To UNIX Style Slashes?

May 20, 2011

How do I write a script to convert all DOS style backslashes to UNIX style slashes in a list of files /

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Slackware :: Change The Start Menu In KDE To The Classic Style?

Feb 25, 2010

I I just discovered that I can change the start menu to more like the old KDE 3.5 style by right clicking the K icon and selecting classic menu style..

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Ubuntu :: Missing Maximize / Minimize / Close Icons - Invisible Cursor

May 3, 2011

I have installed recently a bunch of distros and settled with xubuntu 11.04 for my old laptop. Everything worked fine out of the box except some times wireless stopped working and the pc needed a restart. One of those times i restarted and because restart seemed unresponsive I clicked again but a problem tab poped up. Every time that i clicked restart, the pop up appeard I was forced to force shutdown.

1. Maximize/Minimize/Close buttons are completly missing. Even windows settings (where you can unjust those buttons) does not work. It is blank.

2. Cursor is invisible but when i click something appears , stays visible but the cursor is a different icon than before.

3. other problems as well. I cannot move terminal etc.

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Debian Multimedia :: Turn Off The Automatic Playback Of Audio Songs When Cursor Is On There Icons?

Jun 11, 2011

how can i turn off the automatic playback of audio songs when cursor is on there icons?

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Debian Multimedia :: Notification In Bar Style Instead Of Box Style?

Nov 14, 2015

which kind of package enables the notification bar ("(A) Connection Established I'm running Code: Select allLinux 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u5 (2015-10-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux on two machines with i3 window manager but one have notifications in a box, the other one in a bar on the top of the screen. I would like two enable the "bar style" on the second machine as well.

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OpenSUSE :: Inconsistent Style In Help Center

May 16, 2010

I am trying to read the info for Groff using KDE Help Center. The paragraphs take turns in using monospace and sans-serif. There is no apparent logic behind this variability. Additionally, several lists are misplaced (not indented).

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General :: How To Change Red Cursor To Black Again

Apr 27, 2011

I have a very affordable Linux Alpha 400 2.4. I need to change back to the black regular cursor. What I am getting know is a red cursor that does not let me indent and write, when I do it brings the text under this sentence along with it.

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OpenSUSE :: What's The Name Of The Package That Provides Suse-style Submenus

Dec 3, 2010

Back in the day when I was using openSUSE and KDE3 I really loved the way the menu entries were organized into submenus. (For example: the Multimedia menu used to have the following submenus: Audio, TV, Video, etc.) I've been using neither openSUSE nor KDE3 for more than a year (switched to Arch + KDE4).

Not that I have anything against openSUSE. On the contrary, I think it's a fantastic distro, but the time came when I needed to move on (going rolling release was what finally sold Arch to me). However, I have taken with me many of the things I learned to love on Suse. One of them was the menu's layout, which for me works better that vanilla kde's. What I would like to know is:

1) If that menu layout was something from KDE3 that got lost in the move to KDE4, or something SUSE added.

2) Which Suse package provides the layout (the default menu layout is given by menu files on /etc/xdg). I would like to take a look and copy it to my Arch install.

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Debian :: Change Mouse Cursor Size?

Jun 20, 2011

I have been trying for quite some days to change the size and theme of the cursor . I was expecting that there be something in preferences in GNOME v2 but is not there (Is there some enhancement there in GNOME v3?) Anyways, after googling quite a bit, I came across a tip to change the the cursor theme. sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme The thing to do here is choose some alternative theme and logout and login back.


Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number: I haven't been able to find how to change cursor sizes as well and what the current size is? I did find another command xrdb -query but that also doesn't seem to be much helpful either :-


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Ubuntu :: Cursor - Unable To Change Properly

May 16, 2010

Whenever I change themes to the azenis theme in ubuntu 10.04 the cursor will not change themes properly for example it will change to the proper cursor when I hover over a close button (I'm using emerald themes too) when hovering in certain programs (like firefox) and when moving icons. I have tried to change the theme to another one reboot to hopefully "reset" the mouse then change back but it didn't work. I'm using ubuntu 10.04 64 bit.

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Mouse Cursor Pointer

Jun 3, 2010

I am using Kubuntu 10.04. I am using the default theme. I would like to know where do i go to change the mouse cursor point type.

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General :: Change Cursor Sensitivity In Ubuntu 10.10?

Oct 8, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 When my cursor hovers over an icon for not more than a second, if that, the folder opens; it's the same with links. I barely have to touch Firefox, and it comes up. I'd like to be able to click on a folder rather than just pass over it. Surely there must be a setting that can be change

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Fedora :: Change The Mouse Cursor And Windows Color?

Feb 21, 2010

stopped using fedora and I can't remember the name of softwares which allow to change the mouse cursor, and others which allows to change the colors of the windows

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Fedora :: Change The Mouse Cursor For Root User?

Dec 17, 2010

Does anyone know how to change the mouse Cursor for the root user?

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