OpenSUSE :: How To Configure The Parental Control Tools / Dansguardian

Aug 26, 2011

Is there any easily configured parental control tools for openSUSE? I used to use dansguardian, but I can't even find a repository with it in for openSUSE? On Mandriva there is a GUI for simple parental control (time & user based), + dansguardian is automatically set-up with squid etc. running appropriately.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 - BBC IPlayer Parental Control?

Jan 29, 2011

While trying to get the iPlayer working (Ubuntu 10.10) I turned on parental control and set up all the passwords and other stuff it needed. Now when I try to play something with guidance it says wrong password and also wrong answer to security question. I know 100% I am putting the correct one in.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Parental Control/web Content Filtering?

Jul 29, 2010

I work at a cybercafe and i am currently plagued by users who, despite the warning not to, continue to watch porn and use p2p software on my connection. I have done some preliminary research on how to filter the web content as well as to reduce the bandwidth used by p2p software on my network. I found that a solution that has worked for many with regard to web content control is danguardian + squid or privoxy in conjunction with a firewall like firehol or something of the sort. Others use an os like untangle or clear os and install it on a stand alone server. then others use open dns. although i would like the open dns solution, i will need to install a dns client, ddclient and i am a linux newbie so and ddclient requires some compiling or so, and i'm not yet into that. I am also currently not in the mood to dabble into untangle or clear os bcos it will cost me a lot do download the iso's. Internet access is costly over here.

Before i go ahead to implement the steps in any of the tutorials i have seen, i am wondering if such a measure will even help at all.You see, at my cafe, i use my server to share the connection to all my clients. I connect to the internet using a gsm modem. then i have two nic's. nic1 is set to share my connection and my router connects to that nic1. nic2 connects to my router using a static ip to enable communicate with my clients. If i implement something like dansguardian on my server, will it solve the problem for me, that is, do i have to also re-implement the steps i took to configure dansguardian on all the other pc's, that is, my clients?

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Ubuntu :: Nanny Parental Control Timelimit Doesn't Work / Why Is So?

Nov 17, 2010

I use the Ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix. To limit the time of kids using the netbook I installed Nanny and set the timelimit to 0,5 h.

But for some reason it doesn't work. You can see the Nanny Icon, but it isn't logging of the user when the timelimit is reached...

Did anyone encounter the same problem or is it just me who did something wrong?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Log Firewall Proxy Server For SOHO Or Parental Control?

Aug 1, 2010

If this gets moved I apologize for putting it in the wrong place...Purpose of server: RED GREEN ROUTER for SOHO or PARENTAL CONTROL Block known bad URL,IP... ie porn, malware, ads, others Block Good URL,IP if Desired by OWNER Scan mail protocols for viruses out and in if out is found log and mail MASTEROSSIBILTY??? scan all protocols in and out for viruses n block log out block log and mail MASTER a server build log and possibly a step by step assist for new users.Version of ubuntu server 10.04Hardware Gateway Pentium 4 2 network cardsUse of server RED GREEN ROUTER FIREWALL that blocks site list from shalla and my own list. general use would be for SOHO or Parental controlpick language...pick it again??? for kb...kb layout...eth0(as RED)me it...timezone...HDD choice(i used guided-use entire disk)...user...proxy if needed(not for RED GREEN ROUTER!!!)...updates(i picked auto)...LAMP,openssh, mail server ...sqlpassword...grub...done

login as user/pass created in install
run following


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Ubuntu :: Install Gnome Nanny - Clicking On "Parental Control" Resulting In Nothing

Sep 21, 2010

I have difficulty in running Gnome Nanny in Lubuntu 10.04. Installation is easy just by adding repository and do sudo apt-get install. But clicking on "Parental Control" resulting in nothing and I do not know how to change the setting for example, email only and no browing?

I think Gnome Nanny is user friendly and suit my purpose to stop user access to browser internet but email only through zimbra.

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Security :: Configure Squid Active Directory And Dansguardian?

Jul 19, 2009

I have configured squid with AD. It is working fine. Now I want to use dansguardian with squid for web filtering on group bases, what should I do. What configuration i have to do in squid for dansguardian and all my users in AD also authenticate with dansguardian and also how I use dansguardian.

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Server :: How To Configure Dansguardian On Squid Transparent Proxy?

Jun 11, 2009

can anyone give me the solution how to configure dansguardian on squid transparent proxy.i m using
linux - slackware
squid - squid-2.6-stable18
dansguardian -

squid transparent proxy is working properly.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Configure The Touch Sensitive Volume Level Control?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a acer aspire 8735G-6502 this bad boy [URL]: Acer Aspire 8735G-6502 18.4-Inch Widescreen Laptop: Computer & Accessories I am trying to figure out how to configure the touch sensitive volume level control. It works somewhat, but only increasing volume. Xev does a strange job detecting the key codes, and assigning keyboard short cuts does the same thing. In fact when moving ones finger in a downward, volume decreasing motion it picks up only strange upward finger motion.

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Fedora Installation :: Open-vm-tools On 13 - Run ./configure ?

Sep 5, 2010

I'm trying to install open-vm-tools-2010.08.24-292196 on Fedora 13. I've downloaded the tar and extracted it into /tmp/open-vm-tools-2010.08.24-292196. I then run ./configure and I get:

I have icu and libicu installed. I've done a find across the whole filesystem and sure enough I don't have an icu-config file. There doesn't seem to be an icu-devel package - at least I can't find it if there is.

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OpenSUSE :: Configuring The Dansguardian + Squid?

Mar 1, 2010

I have installed dansguardian and squid on my home computer and I need to configure them. the only problem I couldn't find any manual only one for opensuse 9. And even there the part after "acl CONNECT method CONNECT" doesn't make any sense to me.

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Ubuntu :: Tools (gui) To Debug / Configure Xkb In A User Friendly Way?

May 9, 2010

Are there any tools (gui?) that make the xkb configuration easier? I know xev, but that sadly only displays the keycode and the character, but not the shortcuts like <LSGT> that xkb is using internally. I am stuck with the old problem of improperly mapped keys on my German Apple Aluminium Keyboard. My old workarounds that worked with Hardy and Karmic (modified "de" files in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols) do not work anymore in Lucid.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Make Dansguardian Start Automatically Upon Boot?

Nov 29, 2009

I installed dansguardian & squid on 11.2 and things seem to run fine. Squid auto starts but dansguardian does not. I have checked Yast2's runlevel services option and dansguardian is enabled to 'Yes'. But when i check with 'service dansguardian status' it reports 'unused'.If i start dansguardian by hand, things work perfectly fine.I am in a desperate situation since there are 4 other computers which are dependent on this setup to work correctly

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Ubuntu Networking :: When Click Configure In Network Tools It Keeps Telling The Interface Does Not Exist?

Feb 12, 2010

I want to use a static ip address on my wireless network but when I click configure in network tools it keeps telling me The interface does not exist and to Check that it is correctly typed and that it is correctly supported by your system

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Server :: Samba And Other Free Software Tools Can "control" A Number Of Windows Workstations

Jul 19, 2010

I want to have a Linux server "control" a number of Windows workstations. The workstations are a mixture of XP Pro, 7 Pro, and 7 Home Premium (the latter won't join a domain so can't have all the features I want mind). I want:

Centralised username and password database. Easy to add users. Roaming user profiles, so users can switch computers and take their settings with them. If possible, settings for selected programs shared between XP and 7. (They need separate profiles.) My Documents on a network file server. I'm interested in having transparent versioning on this - perhaps by using a copy-on-write filesystem, perhaps just by using a version control app on the server and having cron make a commit every night.

Able to manage software installation and removal centrally. (This I already do, using WPKG). Able to manage configuration centrally. Basically pretty much anything the user could change, I want to be able to force a setting of. I'm thinking desktop wallpaper locking, forcing use of a web proxy, setting printers, restricting use of USB drives, etc. Printer accounting.

Give the clients resolvable names (probably DNS, maybe WINS). This is mainly to help if I need to remote into a client desktop. I don't know to what extent this can be done with Samba. I know it doesn't have all the features of Windows servers, but I know next to nothing about Windows servers. So, can what I want be done? How I'm prepared to read docs for and test things out, but I don't want to be looking for tutorials on something not possible!

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Software :: Configure A Remote Control Without Using Lirc?

Feb 24, 2011

I'm using Debian Squeeze and my 0-9 remote control buttons and power off button work even if I've didn't installed lirc. In a Gnome desktop I could set up the volume too, but now as I'm using Fluxbox I can't start the volume control applet anymore (by the way does somebody knows any handy volume applet for Fluxbox ?)So my question is that if some button of my remote control already work without lirc, then there must by some drivers installed, when I've upgraded to a newer kernel, but I can't figure out what makes my remote control to work. Does anybody knows something about this and if there's something already installed for IR devices in newer kernels how can it be further configured ?

If i type the command "cat /dev/input/event6" in my terminal I can see that all my remote control buttons give a signal, but still I can't figure it out how can I set up all of them.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Energy-Control Out Of Control?

Dec 20, 2010

Since a while,the energy-saver shuts down the screeago,it happens after half an hour,but I didn�t set it up in that orders !It makes menervous,short time away from the comp,and soon the screen is dark!And the screensaver will not appear any more,too.I tried to enlarge the times in the energy-manager,created a new profile,switched off the laptopmode-service,nothing helps!And it seems,if there is no possibility to set one of the profiles up,they can only be changed,deleted or newly created.Is there really no place to force it to the required settings?Under the good old KDE3.5,it was no problem,to get it work like I want it to.My 64-bit system runs under openSUSE 11.3 and KDE 4.4.Is here any salvation for my nerves

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General :: KDE - Control Center And Configure Desktop Missing

Apr 6, 2011

Yesterday, after I first installed Slackware 13.1 I had no trouble replacing the default wallpaper with a simple gradient. Very easy. Today, (after re-formatting the drive and re-installing the entire system because I messed around with a script and it wouldn't boot) I can't change it. I spent about an hour messing around with menus and settings trying to figure out how I did it, and eventually, as a last resort, turned to the help file. It tells me to choose Configure Desktop from pop-up menu when right-click on the background.

But Configure Desktop doesn't appear in the pop-up menu. (At least, not anymore it doesn't.) The help file also says to use the Control Center, but I can't find any trace of that either. I haven't the slightest idea why these are missing. Since I re-installed everything onto a freshly re-formatted drive, anything I played around with before shouldn't have any effect on the new installation. The problem is there both when I login as root and user. I really don't want to try re-installing everything again.

The only changes I've made to the system since the re-install is to edit /etc/inittab to replace the 3 in id:3:initdefault: with a 4, so I get a graphical login, and to edit /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 to place an & at the end of the dhcpcd request which, according to the instructions I was following should put it in the background to speed up boot-time slightly. I haven't (knowingly) played around with anything that should affect KDE, except changing settings from within the KDE menus. I know it's probably going to be something very simple, and possibly obvious in retrospect, but I'm new to Linux and have no idea what I'm doing here.

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Programming :: Configure Serial Port RS-232 To Use Flow Control?

Aug 2, 2010

how to configure serial port RS-232 to use flow control? The reason is without flow control is is not working properly(dala loss etc.) Im trying to run it as it is just with setting the flow control flag and Im sending my data via loop-back on the rs-232 to GTK TERM on the same computer... but when I enable IXON/IXOFF in GTK TERM, my sending program cant even open the port...

My current settings is:

struct termios termios_p;
tcgetattr(sc.fd, &termios_p);
termios_p.c_cflag = B9600;


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Fedora :: Configure FC11 To Grant Full Control To The TigerVNC Session?

Aug 29, 2009

How do you configure FC11 to grant full control to the tigerVNC session. I cannot do any software updates, update vsftp through the GUI and add different software.

There are probably more things.

I can do this from the local console but I want to run two systems headless and use my three monitors on a single system that I manage them from.

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Ubuntu :: Parental Controls Software Available?

Jan 11, 2011

I am considering installing Ubuntu on one of my desktop pcs used by my daughter. It's currently running Windows 7 32bit in a LUA, but is not as stable as I'd like. I am using Cyber patrol as a parental control system - which could be causing some of the instability. Is there any Parental Control software available for Unbuntu?

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Ubuntu :: When Writing A Script Using Command-line Tools Why Is It More Difficult Using Graphical Tools

Apr 16, 2010

When writing a script using command-line tools why is it more difficult using graphical tools?

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Ubuntu :: Seeking Router With Parental Controls

Feb 7, 2010

a widow with 4 kids - 2 of whom have severe depression & signs that one may be suicidal and is taking interst in some dark garbage on the net. Overall still a pretty good kid, but he surely doesn't need help online to get further in a hole. The 15 year old boy is highly intelligent (whole family actually) and knows how to get around software parental controls with peer to peer, live disks, etc. There are several PCs - both windows and mac, and an X-box.

I want to set up the household with a router or similar solution that is smarter than the kid and his friends. I figure protecting the network is the most tamper proof, all-encompassing way to go. In the short term, I really want to lock that home net solid, while still allowing mom to do her facebook and the oldest to use the web for schoolwork. Dlink Securespot technology seems to be the best overall solution I have found so far. If there is something better, I'm hoping someone here can steer me to it.

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Debian :: Xen-tools Shows Conffiles - When Do Dpkg -s Xen-tools Is It An Error

Apr 8, 2010

I checked xen-tools on a Debian Lenny system

Got following


This package contains tools to manage Debian based XEN virtual servers.

Using the scripts you can easily create fully configured Xen guest domains (domU) which can be listed, updated, or copied easily.

Homepage: [url] in the above output I am getting a line Conffiles and then you can see a series of /etc what are that and is it an error or some conflict?

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Software :: Install The OE Tools - Angstrom Distribution Tools In My Ubuntu

Sep 2, 2010

I need to install the scripts of angstrom distribution

ie ARM to install the scrpits from the site [url]

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Ubuntu :: Setup A Server Side Parental Controls?

May 3, 2010

I am making a proxy server that us dansguardian to do parental controls features.

Is there anyway I can set it up so all devices must automatically go to the proxy server without additional configuration. I am thinking something like it gives DHCP what it shows that the proxy server is the gateway, and then the proxy server sends it to the router.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.2 - How To Use ISight Firmware Tools

Nov 22, 2009

Have opensuse 11.2 on a macbook white, the only thing that matters to me that I can't get to work is isight. I have the tools from FunkyM's repo....but what do I do now?? After downloading the isight firmware tools what would be the next steps to getting it to work?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Tools For Installing Windows XP Onto USB-stick

May 11, 2011

As the thread-title reads I'm looking for an app that helps me to create a bootable usb-stick with Windows XP on it for my girlfriend who wants to dualboot Windows for school work.Is there any app that fulfills my need? Or am I forced to use the command-line with fdisk or something? (an in case, what should I do?)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Update Package Sax2-tools To Version 8.1-618.1?

May 15, 2010

When i update package sax2-tools to version 8.1-618.1, from Xorg repository 11.2, it autimatically offers to delete the following packages:


Dont know if this is a wanted behaviour.

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General :: Ban A Certain Site To A Certain IP In Dansguardian?

Nov 25, 2010

I will just ask on how will I ban a certain site to a certain IP address on the network? I am using Dansguardian Web filter.

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