OpenSUSE :: TB On GB Drive After Upgrade?

Nov 28, 2010

I recently upgraded from openSUSE 11.0 to 11.3. I had a backup archive before the upgrade and wanted to make another one today. I can't because the destination external hard drive is only 500gb. The Yast backup said I had over 300 tb to back up! - which can't be since the physical hard drive is only 40gb. So I attempted to do the same thing from the command line and got the same result.

I started going through the directories, looking at properties. I found that /proc and /var/lib/ntp show 128 tb of unknown and unreadable data.

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General :: Upgrade Internal 2.5" Hard Drive Vs External Usb Hard Drive For An Old Laptop?

Jan 25, 2010

I got a dell inspiron 1501 laptop with a 80Gb sata drive what is the best solution to add data storage space for someone that love to have multiples operating systems at hand Note: I use mostly linux so I won't need to change my laptop for many years maybe ...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrade 11.0 To 11.2 - Upgrade To 11.2 - Losing Files

Nov 23, 2009

i want to upgrade to 11.2, however, i am very cautious about losing my files. there are files on this system which i absolutely can not afford to lose, and they are only on this system. which method of upgrade will be the best, best as in safest.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Use The Upgrade Feature Of 11.3 To Upgrade From 11.0?

Jul 28, 2010

Is it possible to use the upgrade feature of 11.3 to upgrade from 11.0?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Unable To Access The USB Drive Or Pen Drive?

Feb 6, 2010

I just installed opensuse 11.2 and was invented with a issue where usb was not detected by the OS.

i tried lsusb no details were display

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Ubuntu :: USB Drive Duplicated After Upgrade

Jun 7, 2010

I have a USB hard drive that is called "My Book", which was listed in the Media folder whenever it was connected. Since I upgraded to Lucid, I now have a permanent folder/drive called "My Book" with an X over the folder icon, and whenever I connect the hard drive, it is given the name "My Book_". I can't change anything about the new, permanent folder; apparently I don't have permission. This has meant that all the applications that linked to files on the hard drive - Banshee etc - can no longer find the files because the hard drive now has a different name.

Does anyone know why this has happened and what I can do to fix it - ie. get rid of this new 'drive'. I'm guessing that the reason the underscore is added when I plug the drive in is due to the existing, redundant but unmoveable, drive icon.

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Ubuntu :: USB Drive Installation For 10.04 Upgrade

Jun 22, 2010

I'm trying to create a USB drive installation with Ubuntu 10.04 on it so I can update from Xubuntu 8.04. Unfortunately I can't even get the USB to appear. I'm new to xubuntu/ubuntu so I know that drives need to be mounted or something, but my 500Gb external drive showed up just fine when it was switched on. Also, does xubuntu not come with the Startup Disk Creator? I can't seem to find it if it does.

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Hardware :: Hard Drive Upgrade From 1TB To 2TB?

Jun 15, 2011

Currently have a Dell Precision T3400, current setup RHEL 5.5, with a raid 1 setup with the 1TB drives. Not to loose any data I was planning on making a Acronis image of the 1 TB drives and restoring it to the 2TB drives. how do I get the system to extend my /data out to the 2TB.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade To F15 On A New Hard Drive?

Jul 29, 2011

i'm going from 12 to 15. i have 1 drive with f12 and windows, another full of data. i'm replacing the f12/windows drive with a larger drive. i can temporarily install the new drive thru usb to copy data. and i can do a fresh install of f15 onto the new drive. is there an easy way to upgrade from f12 on one drive to f15 on another? one of the drives will be mounted thru usb.0

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Will Not Install On USB Drive Or Upgrade From 9.04

Feb 12, 2010

I have two external USB Drives, a 100GB one and a 120GB. I run Ubuntu 9.04 with no fixed hard drives attached using the 100GB USB Drive. I have no issues what so ever with this configuration. When installing I simply had no fixed hard drives attached. Plugged in the 100GB USB Drive. Booted from the Ubuntu 9.04 CD and pointed to the 100GB USB Drive to perform the install on. After install completed removed the Ubuntu 9.04 CD. Booted from the 100GB USB Drive and Ubuntu 9.04 was up and running.

Had been running Ubuntu 9.04 off the 100GB USB Drive for months with no fixed hard drives attached for months with no issues. Then Ubuntu 9.10 was available. So I upgraded. After upgrade completed when it booted all kinds of errors displayed and it would not function at all. So I simply reinstalled from the Ubuntu 9.04 CD as described above. Was up and running on Ubuntu 9.04 again with no issues.

Then I went ahead and bought a 120GB USB Drive to experiment with Ubuntu 9.10. Booted with the Ubuntu 9.10 CD and installed to the 120GB USB Drive with no fixed hard drives attached. During the install there are no issues. But once I try to boot from the 120GB USB Drive with Ubuntu 9.10 once again all kinds of errors are displayed and it just won�t function. Ubuntu 9.04 will run on a USB Drive with no fixed hard drives attached. (Been doing this for months) I have also done this with prior versions of Ubuntu. So what is the difference between Ubuntu 9.04 and Ubuntu 9.10 that would cause this? In the future when there is a new release of Ubuntu will it support run on a USB Drive with no fixed hard drives attached?

Or am I stuck with running Ubuntu 9.04 if I want to continue running Ubuntu on a USB Drive with no fixed hard drives attached? BTW: My 100GB USB Drive still has Ubuntu 9.04 installed in it. My system is continuing to run like a champ with Ubuntu 9.04 with no fixed hard drives attached using the 100GB USB Drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Mount DVD Drive After Upgrade From 9.10 To 10.04

May 3, 2010

I have an LG DVD+RW and an older DVD drive...FSTAB contains the following:

/dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
/dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0

I see a cdrom0 in "Places", but get the following error when access:

"Unable to mount cdrom0. mount: no medium found on /dev/sr0"

I do see the following mount points in the filesystem under media:


I assum my fstab entry is incorrect... not sure how to resolve though. I'd like to get my DVD+RW working, so I can burn a Live CD and re-install from scratch instead of upgrade.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 10.04 On 8Gb USB Hard Drive?

May 11, 2010

I have a Dell Latitude D630 onto which I applied an installation of Ubuntu 9.10 on an 8GB external USB hard disk (mechanical, not FLASH) with now problems. It has been working beautifully, but I upgraded last night to Ubuntu 10.04. I had it run overnight and believe that I ran out of hard disk space, as I have less than 100MB left on the drive.

-I'd like to ensure that the installation completed properly so that I can run it for further modification/repair/reinstall.

-I know that this free space is inadequate and would like to either properly remove unneeded files or restart with a minimal installation of Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: CD/DVD Drive Won't Mount After Upgrade To Lucid?

Jun 14, 2010

I'm running ubuntu Lucid Lynx on an asus K50IJ series laptop. I'd had jaunty before and made a fresh install of lucid. My CD drive had been fine in jaunty, but doesn't mount any more in lucid. I have found numerous threads with promising-looking titles, but they either do not match my problem or their solutions don't work for me.

This is my situation: The disc will turn for a bit after inserting, then stop. During that, the little light on the drive will flash a few times, then wink out. So I guess the power supply's fine.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Unmount Drive To Upgrade HDD?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a 160GB drive installed as /dev/sdb. If I replace it with a 500GB drive, do I have to unmount/mount or will it work as is? This is on Ubuntu Server.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Through Flash Drive?

Jan 26, 2011

Recently I have purchased a laptop of compaq. Currently I have windows xp and I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 in my laptop. Now I have downloaded Ubuntu 10.4 from the net. Now I want to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.4. The downloaded contents of 10.4 is there in my flash drive. Kindly let me know how can I upgrade. Also kindly note that I am having a reliance USB net connect but I am not able to connect to the internet through it as 9.10 is not supporting. I have tried to install the wvdial but was not able to install the same. Kindly help me out as I am fully non technical guy and don't have any idea of software but I want to learn. In case I have to save it to root or home folder kindly let me know the path and other things that I have to type in the terminal.As I don't have any idead of any command as well.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Upgrade From Dard Drive

Apr 4, 2011

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. For some hardware problem I could not upgrade my Ubuntu to 10.10. Now the problem is solved. I have the ISO image file of 10.10 (ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso). As I live in Bangladesh, there I have to use a slow connection. So, It will take long time if I have to upgrade online. Is there any way for me to upgrade my version of Ubuntu using the ISO image file?

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Ubuntu :: Natty - Can't Clone My Drive Since Upgrade?

May 19, 2011

I have not been able to clone my drive since the upgrade to Natty. This was never a problem for me in 'any' previous distro. I have a dual boot Windows 7/Natty system; and I never have a problem with the Windows partition getting cloned. partclone (Clonezilla) crashes about an hour and 15 min into the cloning of the Ubuntu partition. I'm getting a "buffer-overflow" error. I'm using clonezilla-live-1.2.5-35-amd64; and have been since Lucid. I've recently downloaded clonezilla-live-1.2.8-42-amd64.iso and am burning it to DVD now. I don't know if this is going to help; but I'm ready to try anything; as this is my only means of disaster recovery! During the reboot into Natty, I received some error messasges stating that there were inode problems. I don't know if this was on the source or destination drive; as I still had the destination drive connected to my USB port. Then I started thinking... What package, that wasn't there in Maverick, that is present in Natty messes with inodes???

Then I thought ZeitGeist So I ripped it and everything connected to it out-by-roots and tried running Clonezilla again; but no luck...Has anyone else had this problem; and what can I do about it I've replaced all of the relevant hardware; and two days and $500 later, I still don't have a solution.

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Debian Configuration :: Cannot Mount Drive After Upgrade To Lenny

Jan 17, 2010

Basically, I have no trouble booting off a really old kernel like 2.6.18-6. If I try to boot off the newest one installed with Lenny, I get errors such as "mounting /dev/ on /root/dev failed...ditto for /sys on /root/sys" almost as if it's failing to find the drive. This finishes up with "target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init" and I'm dropped into a busybox shell.It's an ordinary SATA drive, which is being used as an OS drive only. It seems as if something has changed with the newer kernel, but I have no idea where to start or what to look for.

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Fedora Installation :: F11 Upgrade Does Not Find Hard Drive?

Jun 12, 2009

Seen this posted several times, currently running F10 and cannot upgrade to F11 as it does not find the hard drive.
AMD 64
Used these boot options: acpi=off pci=nomsi

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Upgrade Will Not Start XP On Second Hard Drive

May 8, 2010

I upgraded 9.10 to 10.04 via the weekly update reminder. All went went on the install and the GRUB menu looks normal; however, the bottom line is Windows XP and when selected will not load Win XP on a separate hard drive. As soon as I click the XP line, the screen goes blank with a flashing cursor in the top left corner. It remains in that condition as long as the desktop has power. What other information can I provide to get some help bringing up XP?

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Ubuntu :: System Upgrade Woes - Wipe Drive?

Apr 29, 2011

I have a real love/hate relationship with Ubuntu. A few weeks back my Windows XP crashed and I had to take it to a tech to have my drive wiped and the operating system reinstalled. Just when I got XP back up and working perfectly someone told me to try Ubuntu. I made the Ubuntu 10.10 boot installation disc and installed it. Although I partitioned the drive during the install I was never able to reboot to Windows and thus lost all the files and programs I had just finished installing.

Okay. long story short: I got used to running Ubuntu and started to like it. Then this morning I was prompted to upgrade to Natty 11.04. After the install I got a message about being low on utilities and to boot in the Ubuntu Classic mode, which I was not able to do.

So now my machine is virtually non-functional. It won't run any programs but sometimes if I'm lucky I can get the computer to shut off without pulling the plug from the wall. I think I just need to wipe the drive and start over. Can someone tell me how to do this using DOS without having to make another long trip to my tech? Luckily I have a Windows XP laptop to use to access this forum.

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Debian Configuration :: Jessie Upgrade Broke NTFS Drive

Sep 22, 2015

I had a Linux server with Wheezy, I have 2 internal drive, one for linux OS, the other our Video On Demand drive that must be accessible to Windows and online. (That's why I chose NTFS, with our large video files, FAT will not work, and EXT isn't compatible with windows sharing, and I haven't gotten FTP to work right .

So I upgraded to Jessie today, and everything went smoothly until I tried to access my NTFS drive. (Named WowzaStorage)

I used FSTAB to auto-mount the drive (/dev/sdb1) to /media/ntfs/ on boot. All of this worked swimmingly on Wheezy, but since the update, something got mucked up and I cannot figure it out.

When accessing the mounted NTFS folder in /media/ (if it even shows up) gives me a 'Cannot be found' 'Input/Output error'

When in gParted to examine the drive, I can select it and view all the correct info, but I keep getting "error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sdb1/ --invalid argument"

Now first I thought maybe the NTFS driver was faulty and I removed 'ntfs-3g' and reinstalled it.

Now when I am in Terminal, after i umount and mount sdb1, I can CD to the drive but not the folders on it... Also using the File Browser, I get errors, and missing folders.

I get "Unhandled error message: Error when getting information for file '/media/ntfs': Input/output error"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Start Up Windows On 2nd Hard Drive After Upgrade To 10.04 / Fix It?

Jun 6, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04. I went with the option of upgrading grub as well, should of just stuck with the old one I guess. I have 2 seperate physical hard drives, and now I can't get vista running on my other drive. I get to grub, choose the run vista option, and now it just blinks one underscore line in the top left corner of the black screen, and goes nowhere. When I was installing the upgrade, and when I got to the grub upgrade i tried to upgrade all teh different options in grub. All of them worked except the last one, and it warned me, that one of boot options in grub didn't install properly and may cause my OS not to start up. I guess that must of been the vista option.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 9.04 To 10.04 Using A Clonezilla Hard Drive Partition?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm trying to "upgrade" from ubuntu 9.04 to ubuntu 10.04.2 via a clonezilla (using a maverick usb clonezilla software with it's vmlinuz and initrd.img). but this clonezilla is not from a bootable usb flash drive, usb drive or CD, it's from the hard drive.

Here's what I have:

1) one 500gig drive with a primary partition under LVM. this partition has a 490gig root partition (ubuntu-root) and a 10 gig swap partition (ubuntu-swap_1). It has an extended partition (/dev/sda2) that's not under LVM consisting of one logical drive (/dev/sda5) that is the /boot partition.

2) I've upgraded the grub to grub2 (version 1.96) which has better features.

3) I've deleted the swap and reconfigured this partition with a name of (livehd) and it has an ext3 filesystem. I've copied the clonezilla software to this partition which also has the ubuntu 10.04.2 image that I want to restore to the root partition.

4) I've modified the existing grub2 using the 40-custom file so that the grub menu has the "Clonezilla Ubuntu 10.04.2 upgrade" entry in it.

5) the initrd.img from clonezilla has LVM support since I opened up the image to a directory using "gzip -d -c /boot/initrd.img|cpio -i" to check it.

6) grub2 sees the (ubuntu-root), (ubuntu-livehd), (hd0,1), (hd0), and (hd0,5) devices and can list (ls) their directories


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General :: Debian System Drive Upgrade: Copy Filesystems From MBR Partitions To GPT?

Jan 23, 2010

My home server runs Debian Lenny, and I'm about to upgrade the system drive to a larger drive.In the process, I want to take the opportunity to reorganize the partitions and resize them. For learning purposes, I'm planning to migrate from an MBR partition table to GPT.Because of those two changes, I can't just run "dd if=/old/drive of=/new/drive" (well, not without lots more work afterwards). I could use the debootstrap process to get a fresh installation on the new system drive, but I used that technique during the last system upgrade and it's probably overkill for this.Can I just copy the partitions from the old drive to the new?Will "dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hdb2" work, assuming /dev/hdb2 is larger than /dev/hda1? (If so, the filesystem can be resized to take advantage of the new larger partition, right?)Would parted (or gparted) be a better tool for copying the contents of the partitions?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Halts For Unavailable Removable Drive After 10.04 Upgrade

Apr 30, 2010

After upgrading to 10.04 today, booting halts with the drive unavailable for mounting S to skip bla bla message. The drive in question is an Ipod, and didn't see it in fstab or mtab.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fan Or Hard Drive Spinning - Upgrade From Karmic 9.10 To Lucid 10.04

May 5, 2010

I have an HP Mini 210 and I recently performed an Upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 and noticed that the netbook is much more noisy now (and can get very warm). I am not sure wether is the fan or the hard drive spinning. I did a "top" but no process was high consuming. I also thought that maybe compiz could be responsable for it, so I disabled all the visual effects, but still no change.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Upgrade Change Drive Order And Broke Mdadm?

May 19, 2010

I have 4 drives in my system. Two are SATA and configured in a RAID 1. This is my main drive for the system. The other two drives are IDE drives used to bulk temp storage. Before the upgrade my RAID drives were:


I'm not sure what the IDE drives were. Now after the upgrade the IDE drives are:


and the RAID SATA drives are:


Needless to say on reboot the raid blow up and the system would not boot. I was able to get it working for now by removing the IDE drives. My current mdadm.conf file is as follows:

DEVICE partitions
ARRAY /dev/md1 level=raid1 num-devices=3 UUID=20fd5b92:860d9ca3:57d3b65c:14fcf2fb
ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid1 num-devices=3 UUID=16401201:52cf4cc0:27286d7a:ac5234f7

Now I assume that I could change the devices to the new devices names. However I was hoping for a better way to do this. The IDE drives are only semi permanent. Is there a way to configure mdadm with partition labels like you can in fstab?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Upgrade On USB Flash Drive Fails To Boot / Sort It?

Dec 4, 2010

I have a 1.0 ghz G4 eMac running Tiger. Using Ubuntu 10.04's Live-CD I installed 10.04 on a 8-gig USB flash drive and it worked very well despite spending nearly five hours to download its files via DSL and a pokey USB 1.1 port. The flash drive's 10.04 installation worked just fine on my eMac and 900mhz G3 iBook except for Airport wireless non-connecting issues.(I like Ubuntu 10.04 because unlike Mint for PPC, you're not hassled or barred from accessing your Mac HD and its files.) THEN, to resolve my wireless issues, I decided to upgrade to 10.10 which took nearly 12 hours, and it seemed to've installed well until I tried booting the flash drive and it doesn't work. I get the Ubuntu icon in the Startup Disk screen but it keeps returning to it even after I select Ubuntu. The error screen I get reads code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty Upgrade The Disk Drive For /media/XXX Is Not Ready Yet Or Not Present

May 6, 2011

I've tried to use that thread to help but to no avail, i tried to use this:


BUT I CAN'T OPEN A TERMINAL!!! as i am at a point where the screen says: Continue to wait, press S to skip or M for manual recovery. so if i run this command : gksudo gedit /etc/fstab my computer whines about there being no way to show this on the screen, I have tried this:

Use a non-graphical editor, like emacs or vi. Try Ctl+Alt+F3 -- you should get a login prompt. Login to an account with admin privileges (like, the first account you created, for example), and then type 'sudo vi /etc/fstab'; that will open /etc/fstab in the vi editor. Make your changes, save them, exit the editor, reboot... but if you're not used to working with a non-graphics-based editor, you'll have a bit of research to do. It's not hard, though, just tedious.however i have not managed to make it work.

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