OpenSUSE Network :: NFS Has Stopped Working

Apr 13, 2011

After 2 years of good service and after I've changed IP addresses in the router from to my autofs stopped mounting my NAS with NFS. That was the only change.

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OpenSUSE Network :: NetworkManager/knetworkmanager Stopped Working?

Aug 5, 2010

I've run into a situation where knetworkmanager tells me networking is disabled. If I switch to the ifup method in Yast then I can get online but when I switch back to user controlled knetworkmanager tells me that networking is disabled.I've actually had this happen twice.The first time I somehow managed to get it working again (I thought it was by right clicking on the icon in the system tray). This time I don't see the same option.Has anybody got any suggestions on how to get knetworkmanager working again.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Video In Firefox 3.6.10 Has Stopped Working?

Sep 18, 2010

over the last couple of weeks, firefox has asked to be upgraded a few times. shockwave flash has also asked to be upgraded. sometime last week after upgrading shockwave flash all video stopped. so i have no videos, video in webpages just shows a grey box, with a light grey arrow.i have been very busy so i have taken time here and there to check the internet for solutions. there appear to have been problems with macs' and a lot of the problems appear to be from august 2009 onwards,am not sure it is the same problem.i am running opensuse 11.1mozilla firefox 3.6.10shockwave flash 10.1 r82 is enabled

uname -a
gives me:


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OpenSUSE Network :: Flash Stopped Working After Update

Sep 1, 2011

After a recent flash update it has stopped working in firefox 6 and konqueror. I am using 11.4 kde 4.6.5. Never had a problem with flash till now.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Installed 11.3, CUPS Printing Stopped Working?

Jul 20, 2010

I have been using Opensuse since 11.0, and I never had any problems with the setup of CUPS printing (university based). Now for the first time, after many months of flawless printing using 11.2, after installing 11.3 the printing has stopped working. I use the same method: Print via print server machine -> CUPS server (IPP) and I test the connection. In my 11.2 it shows "OK", in 11.3 (I also tried with firewall off) I am getting the following (I have substituted the actual values with xxx for privacy).


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OpenSUSE Network :: NetworkManager Stopped Working After Encrypting The Disk ?

Jul 22, 2011

I managed to kill KNetworkManager today and I'm not sure what I did. This is a netbook running openSUSE 11.4 with all updates applied and KDE 3.5 (from the openSUSE repository). Normally, I use knetworkmanager to connect to the Internet. Everything was working fine this morning and today I decided to apply whole disk encryption (using cryptsetup and luks) to it.

So, I backed up the files, encrypted the partitions, made some adjustments to /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst, and copied the files back. Everything is working fine, except for knetworkmanager. When it goes to connect, it starts off with the "gray Earth" (to represent no connection) and then it switches to the "connecting" icon for a fraction of a second, and then it's back to the "gray Earth". Looking at the output of iwconfig, it hasn't connected to the router at all (the essid is blank).

The connection works fine using ifup. I tried using cnetworkmanager (the console version) and it spits out errors like this:


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OpenSUSE Network :: NFS Automount Stopped Working - System Error: Connection Refused

Jul 6, 2010

I got connecting to our NAS over NFS working perfectly. Direct NAS Reading & Writing - How? But on Saturday I found out it had stopped working. For no apparent reason, not straight after an update either I don't think. When I manually try to mount --verbose:

mount /mnt/IHL --verbose
mount: no type was given - I'll assume nfs because of the colon
mount.nfs: timeout set for Tue Jul 6 14:48:32 2010
mount.nfs: text-based options: 'addr='
mount.nfs: Unable to connect to, errno 111 (Connection refused)
mount.nfs: mount to NFS server '' failed: System Error: Connection refused

Corresponding fstab line that used to work just fine. /mnt/IHL nfs auto 0 0 For now, I can drop back to Samba but this is a PITA as I can't open OpenOffice documents and write to them directly on the NAS. The fact smb:// works proves networking wise we're cool too. There is no firewall between this PC and the NAS, the NAS is instructed to allow my PC's LAN IP full access. OpenSuse's software firewall has been told to allow NFS Client too. Why would this setup break out of nowhere? How can I debug this best? I see nothing relevant in /var/log/messages How can I get it to work again? A hopeful reboot didn't do its usual wonders...

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Ubuntu :: Network And Sound Stopped Working

Aug 2, 2010

I have posted this in networking, but perhaps it should have been here. Can anyone give me a clue on how to get my networking to work again? I don't care about sound.Last night I was trying to get my printer working, and when I rebooted, I lost networking and sound.I am currently booting on a live CD, and sound and networking are fine-- so it can't be a hardware issue (obviously). I must have inadvertently broken something, but I can't figure it out.

I have tried restarting networking, but it doesn't respond-- it says stop/waiting or something like that.I can't access the sound preferences-- it says waiting for sound to respond (or something like that).When I reboot, sometimes I see a terminal window with the same line scrolling very, very quickly-- something about waiting for USB.Additionally, the system is very slow to respond-- clicking a menu item can take a long time for it to appear, etc.

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Networking :: Network Connection Stopped Working ?

Nov 24, 2009

I have Debian installed a year ago, working perfectly until last week when network card connected to internet stopped to communicate. I did no change in configuration. It just stopped to work while I was reading an online web page. Network card connected to local network still works fine.

I thought it might be a NIC failure so I installed a new PCI NIC but no change, still no communication throught this NIC.

I verified/changed cable between NIC and the router, no luck. If I connect the same cable from router to a Windows PC, everything is OK. If I connect back to Debian machine, it does not work.

I tried connect this NIC with a different router with DHCP enabled, nothing, NIC will not communicate with DHCP server.

I tried to set static IP, no change.

Today I booted a Knoppix 6.2 and this NIC worked perfetly! It set up using DHCP, I could access the internet.

I booted machine as usual and the problem still persists of course.

This is information captured immediately after boot. The trouble NIC is eth0 after boot finishes.

All this was captured with eth0 connect to a router with DHCP enabled. There is no DHCP entry in syslog related to eth0. Reinstall is the very last option.

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Networking :: Network Cable Just Stopped Working

Dec 14, 2008

I have a laptop, and the wireless and cable worked fine for a while, but one day, for some odd reason, the wireless and network cable just stopped working. I'd connect to the web, and I would get output using "ifconfig" and the GUI wireless signal. When I hook up the wire, it detects it. However, no matter what I can't load any web pages. The wire does work in another house, and my windows partition utilizes these devices well. Any ideas?Additionally, I am able to log into my wireless router and change configurations, but that's about it :/.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Stopped Working

Sep 1, 2011

I have not used wired network on my desktop for some time, and now it appears to be not functional. Wifi works fine.

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Networking :: Network Stopped Working For No Apparent Reason

Apr 8, 2011

Network stopped working about a month ago. I installed ubuntu again, and network worked fine, and I turned off updates to keep things stable. Now network stopped working again. No changes had been made to it.I put in the ubuntu install cd, and network works fine off of it. I did not reinstall again. ifconfig shows eth0 with correct ip address, but 0 RX/TX packets.

Cant ping anything from it, and cant ping to it from other computers.I'd really rather not reinstall yet again, any ideas on how I should go about diagnosing this problem?Ubuntu 2.6.35-28-generic-pae #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 1 14:58:06 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux

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General :: Network Stopped Working On Ubuntu After System Had Locked Up

Jun 20, 2010

My main PC has AN Athlon X2 4600+ on an Asus M2npv-vm. Has been working fine for ages running Ubuntu. Today it the system locked up and I had to do a reset. Since then it will not connect to the router or cable modem. I can connect another PC to the router, so that looks okay.

What can I do to test the network connection from Ubuntu? It's not even getting an IP.

I suppose it could be something has died in the hardware, but want to eliminate other possibilities first.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Stopped Working After Update 10.04?

May 7, 2010

i have lucid installed on my toshiba laptop after after an update my wireless stopped working keep asking for password and my wireless card is not detecting no wifi :

*-network UNCLAIMED
description: Ethernet controller
product: AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter
vendor: Atheros Communications Inc.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Stopped Working / Wireless OK

Sep 21, 2010

I'm not a total newbie, but run into some strange problems with my installation of Lucid.Everything was working fine yesterday. I shut down the laptop and powered it up this morning and had problems with network. I have two NICs (wired and wireless). Both are set to pick up IP settings from DHCP and both do, however when using wired network I can't communicate with outside world - can't even ping the default gateway (but pinging or IP address of the NIC no problem, so stack should be OK).When on the wireless network everything works fine (otherwise I would struggle to write this post ).What is very weird though is that I have a VMWare Player installed and using Windows VM on wired network works just great!

I noticed that when you're persistent it happens that you can ping but huge chunks of traffic are lost (e.g. packet 1-10 would pass, 11-40 would be lost, 41-59 would pass and so on).I restarted Ubuntu, tried shutting down interfaces, disabling networking and nothing helped. I don't recall performing any changes (at least that I would be aware of).Can anyone suggest something?BTW. This is not DNS issue as both IP addresses and FQDNs do not work. When I refer to using a given network (wired or wireless) the other one is down with ifconfig command...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Stopped Working, Works With Win XP?

Oct 22, 2010

It has been a while and many ubuntu updates since i connected the windows laptop, it used to work fine but this ubuntu machine keeps telling me the cable is unplugged. When i boot into windows XP the network works fine and the laptop can connect through the network to use the internet. I have a very simple home network ... 3 pc into one switch. I am by no stretch of the imagination good with networking

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Stopped Working After Install To USB HDD / Fix It?

Jan 15, 2011

My desktop computer has another Linux distro on it. Wired networking was working fine. I wanted to try Ubuntu 10.10 so I installed it on a spare USB HDD. After install, networking still worked on both distros.

I moved the USB HDD to my win7 laptop and Ubuntu 10.10 booted fine. Once booted, Ubuntu asked to configure wireless on the laptop. I tried to do this but it did not work.

Therefore, I moved the USB HHD back to the desktop and booted. Now the wired network does not work from either Ubuntu or other distro (fedora 14). And to top it all off, the wired network will not work even from the Ubuntu live CD.

I have checked all connections, switches & cat5 cables to my desktop computer. I can still access the network and internet from my laptop (in win7) so I do not believe it is an infrastructure issue. I can confirm that everything works from the cable out of the back of the desktop through to the internet.

Here is the output from the usual troubleshooting commands in Ubuntu 10.10 code...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Stopped Working - Not Responding

Jul 26, 2011

My network manager application went missing a few days ago. I enabled it by right clicking on the taskbar above and opting for "show". It reappeared and worked fine. After I rebooted, however, it was there ok, but it doesn't respond to clicking at all. It has stopped working.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Or Router Suddenly Stopped Working

Nov 25, 2010

Right so yesterday my internet worked fine. Today - no connection at all. The light for my cable on the router doesn't even show up. I originally had indicator-network installed, so when the internet first stopped working, I tried a few other options such as tethering to my phone via usb and bluetooth (which I have successfully used in the past). However, these didn't work, and I figured that as connman is still in beta, maybe that was why. So I reinstalled network-manager and network-manager-gnome via a usb stick, uninstalled indicator-network, and rebooted the computer. Still no internet.

When I click on the applet, it says "No network devices are available". This is odd, as I definitely have a network device... it is part of the motherboard. So I thought I'd do the SMARTlan test or whatever it's called. It's part of my BIOS, so I ran that and it returned results that I (kinda) expected: when the cable wasn't plugged in, it returned one set of results. When it was only plugged into my computer (and not the router), it returned another set of results. And when it was plugged into both my computer and the router, it returned a third set of results. So that leads me to believe the cable itself is fine.

And when I move the cable to a different port on the router, nothing changes. The corresponding light still doesn't come on. Network-manager, telling there are no network devices. The BIOS can see the ethernet port and the cable. And the router is functioning perfectly for my parents' computer and my ps3. And I have checked the cable to my computer for physical damage - it follows the same path as the one to my ps3, and on top of that, nothing physical can possibly have happened to it in the last day. This happened once before, except I don't think the network devices were lost.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Adapter Stopped Working And Fails To Start

Feb 19, 2011

I have somehow messed up my network (onboard) card in the process of configuring network settings. how I managed to do so is that I did not use ifdown before making changes to my "/etc/network/interfaces" file. Also I think it might be relevant to mention that the sshd was running -although with no active connections at that time- since I have the service installed on my 10.04 Ubuntu Server (x64). So step by step what I did to end up with no network connection:

1) sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces ~/myfiles/interfaces.original

2) chmod 444 interfaces.original

3) sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces and then applied my network settings (IP, netmask, etc.). The syntax and configuration of my "interfaces" file is without flaw since it was simple, typical and was assigning my up to then DHCP assigned IP of to static.

At about that point and although "ifconfig" showed the changes had been applied as planned the network card stopped working. I could no longer ping anyone but myself and the leds both on my network adapter and on my switch were turned off. Since my configuration also has a Windows 7 installation I rebooted to Windows in hope of troubleshooting through device manager but I got an error code 10 which means that the adapter could not start. Did I fry my network adapter for good and for all or I still have a chance of repairing it?

PS: After a closer look I saw that the NIC's LEDs indicate that the device cannot start. I am considering to reboot my MB as a last resort since the NIC is an onboard device and changing BIOS settings has done nothing to restore it.

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OpenSUSE :: KDE 4.6.5 Stopped Working?

Aug 3, 2011

I am new to Opensuse, I used Fedora for more than a year and installed OS 11.4 64bit to experience the awesome KDE that Opensuse offers. I added KDE 4.6 Stable: Index of /repositories/KDE:/Release:/46/openSUSE_11.4/x86_64 It worked fine since the install(I installed 11.4 this Saturday), suddenly yesterday I don't remember what I did, KDE stopped working. What happens is I login using kdm, then all the stuff loads up but when I try to open anything the whole KDE freezes. If I clicked the launcher on bottom bar it opens only at the beginning, then if I press anything inside the launcher things freeze. Then even the launcher freezes too.I rememeber doing 2 things I did before restart:1) I did sudo zypper dup2) I changed my theme to Qtcurve gtk look. I thought the problem might be because of the QTCurve theme and even uninstalled using alt+f2 command line restarted, no change

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OpenSUSE :: Xsane Stopped Working?

Aug 8, 2010

My setup:

- scanner - Canon MP640
- sane 1.0.21
- xsane 0.997

Problem: xsane recognizes my scanner, but when I try to "Acquire Preview" or scan it doesn't do anything. It's like it can't communicate with the scanner. It waits till I click cancel.Sane is setup correctly - I tried skanlite and it works just fine

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OpenSUSE :: Samba Stopped Working In 11.3

Aug 16, 2010

I recently upgraded to 11.3 and must say am highly disappointed. Between the multitude of problems, and sudden lack of long standing tools ( Sax2, system repair, loss of functionality in software installer), this to me has been a major step backward.

Now I have found out Samba as well has stopped working, sort of. I can still copy from windows share to my Suse box, however copying from Suse to the windows share now results in an error, the details for which just say invalid argument. Also note there are no logs in /var/logs/samba so I don't really have a clue whats happening.

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OpenSUSE :: Java Stopped Working?

Aug 22, 2010

My java-plugins stopped working. I can'tlog on to my webbank and Danish authorities without it. I've tried in Google Chrome, Konqueror, Firefox and Opera. None of them works. All browsers report that java is enabled. According to yast2 I have:



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OpenSUSE :: Firefox Has Stopped Working?

Sep 21, 2010

I have Firefox 3.5.11 for Opensuse Linux 11.2. This morning I tried to install an add-in and it was not compatible with Firefox. Now, Firefox will not load. I tried to reinstall Firefox through YAST but this did not work. How do I get Firefox working again?

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OpenSUSE :: Caliber Stopped Working From Kde 4.5 To 4.6?

Feb 13, 2011

I made un update yesterday. Main change was from kde 4.5 to 4.6. Caliber stopped working. If I launch it from konsole, I have:

wrbbt:~> calibre
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/calibre", line 19, in <module>


RuntimeError: Failed to load the Progress Indicator plugin: the sip module implements API v8.0 to v8.1 but the progress_indicator module requires API v7.1

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OpenSUSE :: Update Applet Stopped Working?

Apr 18, 2010

Is it just me or your update applet also stopped working recently? I'm running Factory KDE-4.4.2 and openSUSE-11.2. It's always "Checking for updates..." without finding any, even though I can always see new ones through Yast - Online Update. And sometimes it asks me to accept some key, when I click OK it asks me for a root password but after I type in half of the password it simply disappears and starts "Checking for updates..." again without end.

And YAST doesn't show any newer packages anymore but rather has "Switch system packages" on the top. If I click on that, then it starts showing newer packages and wants to update them all. But what if I want to use Packman's packages for multimedia and Factory KDE for KDE? If I select "Switch system packages" for KDE then it will update, for example, Kaffeine to KDE's but I want to keep it Packman's. If I search for Kaffeine, it shows no newer packages, but if I go to Versions, there's clearly a newer version there!

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OpenSUSE :: Device Notifier Stopped Working?

Mar 18, 2011

Im running suse 11.4 on my laptop, everything was ok, this morning, I've attached two or three usb flashes to my laptop and mounted them by device notifer but after an hour, I've attached another usb flash and device notifer stopped working for any usb device or cd/dvd rom actions... (I mean that it doesnt shows ant action, completely emotionless! ) all of them are mountable by command line.

and after that my dolphin places, doesent shows removeable devices and other partitions enymore (so i couldnt mount any partion using gui)

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Printer Stopped Working In 11.2?

Dec 8, 2009

I have a Canon Pixma iP4000. It worked in 11.1, and worked until recently in 11.2. But now it does not work. When I try to print anything with it I get the error:

"Unable to find Gutenprint driver named "Canon PIXMA iP4000"!"

I have tried deleting the printer and setting it up several times in both the YaST printer module and http://localhost:631/. Nothing changes. I am using the driver it suggests and the driver definitely exists. I have tried reinstalling all of my cups and gutenprint-related software as well. I am using an up-to-date x86-64 system.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: DVD Writer Stopped Working?

Mar 18, 2010

I burned about a half dozen dvds/cds and all of a sudden I started getting a bunch of these when I put in a blank disk:

[ 511.551052] sr 8:0:0:0: [sr0] Unhandled sense code
[ 511.551064] sr 8:0:0:0: [sr0] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE
[ 511.551076] sr 8:0:0:0: [sr0] Sense Key : Blank Check [current]


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