OpenSUSE Network :: Combining Vncviewer Switches ?

Mar 21, 2011

I use vncviewer (win32) to connect to my SuSE 11.3 box. The SuSE box has the "standard" xinetd started Xvnc server running (includes the -inetd switch).

My client (the vncviewer) has to go through a firewall with limited ports available and so I use the command line:


However, if there is a problem with the connection, such that the client disconnects, it seems that subsequent request to the Xvnc server create a new session/display. The text in the client window reports "nobody's x11 desktop (host:1)", then "...(host:2)", then "...(host:3)" etc.

I have tried combining the display and the port parameters, like this:


Can anyone suggest an alternative way of reconnecting to a broken vnc session?

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Software :: Scripting Commandline Args To Switches - Network Hardware

Jan 6, 2010

I have some network switches that I can login to via ssh and run commandline arguments (not a bash environment). Is there an way/app out there that would allow me to pass commandline arguments to the switch then wait and get the command output. ALl this over ssh?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: When Start Up System / Screen Switches To Lower Resolution

Nov 26, 2010

When i some times start up the system the screen switches to a lower resolution.Then when i restart my system and it switches to 1152x864.What can be causing this problem and how do we root out this ?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Open Applications While In Vncviewer

Jan 7, 2011

i've tried different vncservers and with all of them, when i use vncviewer, i'm unable to open some applications. for instance, i can open firefox and terminal. but other programs are giving me problems, like google chrome or the disk manager, which will open for a split second and then disappear. i am so mad i've looked all over the place for a couple days and ready to pull my hair out. i've installed vnc4server, tightvncserver, and a couple others i can't think of right now.

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General :: Use Vncviewer With Unity Desktop?

May 12, 2011

Just loaded Ubuntu 11.04. Only one of my desktops (graphics cards?) could run Unity. Is it possible to use vncviewer with the Unity desktop? How?

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General :: Hot To Terminate Vnc Server When Vncviewer Is Closed?

May 9, 2011

I'm using tigthvnc server on linux machine. Often my clients are closing their vncviewrs from close button ('X'), and not exiting gracefully their sessions from OS. How can I terminate the server when they do that?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Connect To Server With Vncviewer?

Apr 27, 2010

I tried to connect to the server with vncviewer Therefor I installed vnc-ltsp-config (repo EPEL) I configured /etc/sysconfig/vncservers

VNCSERVERARGS[9]="-geometry 1600x900 -localhost"

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CentOS 5 :: VNCviewer Stuck When Logout Remotely

May 16, 2011

I managed to install Centos x86 for the first time, together with VncServer, SSH access, mySQL and Apache. Everything worked greater until I logged in remotely to the server from my Windows 7 machine using RealVnc. I manage to connect successfully and able to use the GUI remotely. However, when I press logout from the menu, the screen gets stuck on the funky blue and white curly background. It does not close automatically.

If I close it using the 'X' button and reconnect, I get in to same stuck screen. My only workaround is to login with Putty and type 'service vncserver restart'. Then I am able to connect again. But same thing happens when I do a logout.

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Software :: TurboVNC Vncviewer Freezes On Connection / Resolve This?

Oct 21, 2010

I've installed TurboVNC and also libjpeg-turbo on Centos 5 to view a Windows computer. I previously have been using TightVNC and it worked great. When I connect to the server using vncviewer, it will only occasionally refresh the image, like when I change a browser window to full screen.

I selected to have a log file and debugging on the server, but I haven't been able to find the file. code...

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SUSE / Novell :: Vncviewer Command Line For View Size?

Aug 8, 2010

I use vncviewer command line to remote access my pc from my notebook.
Is there any option to resize the view like windows client can by percentage?
my notebook screen size is 1280x800, while I use bigger resolution for my pc 1280x1024 if not mistaken.
already look here: but I don't see any option to do that.

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Fedora :: Combining 2 Systems Into 1?

Mar 31, 2009

I have been running one computer with Fedora 9 and one with Windows XP Pro. to conserve space, I have moved the Fedora hard drive into the Windows computer (newer). Both are sata drives and each boots completely on its on. I would really like to make it a dual boot system so I can choose which drive to boot without having to open the case and swap the cables around. The Linux disk is readable by the windows OS but not the other way.

Everything I have read about dual-boot is how to do it at installation time. Is there anyway to do it, without reinstalling one of the OS.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Combining Two Dvd Into One?

Jan 26, 2010

Is there any software that will allow me to combine like DVD Shrink does? Without having to convert them muliple times. In DVD Shrink, you open one titleset and choose the movie you want and then open the second titleset and then do the same, and have DVD Shrink combine and shrink them into another titleset, then I make a menu with Titlewriter.

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General :: Combining Records With Same Key?

Apr 4, 2010

Input file (already sorted on the key field):

204 Daniel Barton
206 Mary Halston
206 David Coleman
206 Carson Coleman
207 Roland Highsmith
207 Annie Highsmith
209 Connie Ward

Desired output file:

204 Daniel Barton
206 Mary Halston David Coleman Carson Coleman
207 Roland Highsmith Annie Highsmith
209 Connie Ward

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Software :: Combining OGV Files Into One Big File?

Jan 2, 2011

I've tried several methods without success. These OGV files are 7 parts of a single screen cast. I tried ffmpeg but every option I try I either get crappy video or the audio/video is out of sync. Latest attempt was:


ffmpeg -v 9 -i XDF_Demo-PART-0-video.ogg -r 15 frames-part1/XDF_Demo_%06d.png

But that failed because the png quality. mplayer and mencoder I mostly just couldn't get it to play the files together. easy way to combined these files so media players and html5 can play it in one pass?

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Programming :: AWK - Combining Multiple Columns?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a folder with only 24 files named <number>.dat (i.e. 4.dat, 6.dat and so on) where <number> is between 0 and 256. Each file has just two columns of data and nothing else.

I'm trying to combine all the second columns ($2) together. I've been fiddling around with getline and so far have

awk '{ getline ln < "6.dat" ; print ln" "$2 }' 4.dat

which takes file 4.dat and adds $2 from 6.dat, but I want a single command to take each $2 from every file and add them to (for example) 4.dat (having $1 from 4.dat is no problem). A command that takes every file in the folder and grabs $2 and places them in a common file would be ideal. Frankly I can work around if you combine both columns from every file.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Audacity And Combining MP3 Files?

Mar 1, 2010

So I asked around and to combine audio files apparently I want to use Audacity.

It seems easy enough to LAYER audio files, but how do you string them together in sequence? I have an audiobook divided into 5 minute chapters and I want to combine them into longer MP3 player likes to play them out of order which makes them difficult to listen to. I want to make it 1 long tract, or maybe 6 medium length tracks.

How do I combine tracks with Audacity...Not layering them but putting them in order into 1 long track?

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General :: Combining Multiple .xls Spreadsheets Into One Document?

Nov 7, 2010

I have multiple .xls documents that are formatted as such,

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?mso-application Excel.Sheet?>

They are all given different filenames bob_smells.xls, nancy_smells_worse.xls etc. I was wondering using Linux (LUbuntu specifically), would it be possible to combine all of these worksheets into one document, with each of the seperate files becoming a tab / sheet within the one file (And the name reflecting the original name of the document)?

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Networking :: Combining Multiple Interfaces With Multicast?

Apr 1, 2010

I have 4 interfaces, dvb0_0 - dvb0_3. Each one has a multicast stream coming in on it. The program I am using to decode these streams only accepts one interface though. How can I "combine" so that the program, listening on 1 ip can get all 4 streams? they are on groups

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Software :: Combining An Archive And Script File

Oct 30, 2010

So what I am looking to do is combine an archive and a script file. I would like to have a number of files compressed into an archive package and when a user double clicks on the package instead of having it open with the archive manager, instead have it run a shell script that is also packaged with the files.

This shell script will do a number of things including handling where the files are extracted to. Over all this would be similair to a self-extracting installer Windows users are used to using.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Combining Streams Of Video Into One File?

Feb 6, 2011

I'm looking for a program of some kind that I can combine 4 (if not 2 minimum) streams of video into one file. The only program so far that I've found that does this is avisynth but I can't seem to make it work at all. Does it even work under ubuntu? I've tried numerous guides and how to's but nothing seems to be working.

Basically I just need something that will take a video file, from several different sources (cameras placed around a car) and be able to place them in a grid form into one file. Basically in a format like this, where each letter is a different video file:
a b
c d

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General :: Combining A Badblock Scan With A Time Output

Jul 7, 2009

I have a Lenny Raid-5 setup, and I use rsnapshot to occasionally backup the raid to an old external hard drive that I otherwise leave unplugged. That external went bad, so I figured I should setup its replacement with encryption and keep it off site when not in use.

While googling and coming across LUKS, I can across this post this post that mentioned the drive should be be filled with random data before setting it up for encryption, and had the following as a potential sufficiently-good option over the time-intensive dd /dev/random route:
badblocks -c 10240 -s -w -t random -v /dev/sdx

I was unfamiliar with badblocks, and came across this post after a google session which noted the time duration of scan is an important factor as well as the result.

I sshed into the NAS, and was about to run badblocks first in read mode, then in write mode, but then I considered the time consideration. I was going to use something similar to the following: nohup badblocksstuff &

My Question: Is there a way I can append to the resulting nohup.out a time to complete value?

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Programming :: Combining Commands And Var's In Bash Shell Script?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a command which on the command line needs to look like this

rlam -if3 '!pvalue -H image1.jpg' > image2.jpg

Nevermind what rlam or pvalue do ... they are part of a program package I am using. The above command works on the command line, and also when written verbatim in a bash shell script.

My problem is: in the script I wish to replace image1.jpg with the content of a variable, e.g.


How to I get the script to insert the value of $IM into the command when the pvalue part of it needs to be quoted?

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Software :: Combining Antivirus Data / Image Recovery?

Aug 9, 2010

I tried the Linux-based live CD's of the main Windows anti-virus vendors (Kaspersky, BitDefender, AVG, Avira). They work well, but they are single-purpose solutions while affected Windows users also need a solution to 1) pull data (or what's left of it) out of their contaminated Windows host onto a USB thumb drive or a remote host, and 2) restore a clean image using eg. CloneZilla. Asking users to burn and run three different CD's is not very user-friendly. Has someone already investigated combining those three features into a single live CD?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Editing Application For Combining At Framelevel?

Oct 17, 2010

I want a video editing software for combining two videos at frame level. I mean, for eg: to show double action at a time in movie. We shoot two characters separately. And then we combine it

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CentOS 5 Server :: Configure Cluster For Combining Cpu / RAM / Hard Disk

Jan 8, 2010

i want to configure a cluster for combining CPU / RAM / Hard disk

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Editing Application For Combining At Frame Level?

Oct 17, 2010

I want a video editing software for combining two videos at frame level. I mean, for eg: to show double action at a time in movie. We shoot two characters separately. And then we combine it as a single video with dual role effect. Now, I think you understood my requirement. Plz anyone tell that type of application which suits my needs.

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Ubuntu Networking :: VNC To Internal Computer With "vncviewer -via"?

Dec 11, 2010

I'm trying to VNC into a computer that does not broadcast it's ip address. I can ssh into it though, for example, by first ssh'ing into a computer that does broadcast it's ip address.

Someone told me the following would work:

vncviewer -via user@externalhost internalhost

but I get:

channel 3: open failed: connect failed: No route to host
vncviewer: VNC server closed connection

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Fedora Servers :: Use XP As VNCViewer And Fedora 10 As VNCServer

Apr 29, 2009

I run into a problem when trying to use my XP as VNCViewer and my Fedora 10 as VNCServer I installed VNC server and client in both my XP and Fedora. If I am using Fedora VncViewer through XP, it runs with no problem. But not the otherway around? (XP vncviewer to FC) Yes..... I know this happens a lot and I can google it, but I googled it with no luck! IP address for my Fedora is

I run VncServer in Fedora by typing 'vncserver' or 'vncserver :1', and comes out with the display screen number (1) and the log file. I checked the log file and there are a few errors. (see attached) I run VncViewer from XP, type in and still got "Connection refused (10061)' (please see attached again). I attached the startup file as well for you to see. Port 5900 TCP and UDP are open, I can ping from XP to Fedora, I can telnet, but I can't VNC.

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Ubuntu :: Monitor Switches Off - Cannot Get It To Restart

Aug 19, 2010

I'm running ubuntu 10.04 on a new pc I just bought. Every so often the monitor will just shut down and display a message: "no signal input". I'm sure the computer is still running though because the fan is still running and all lights etc. are still on. I've tried switching the monitor on and off and there is still no input signal, the only solution is to reboot the entire computer.

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Ubuntu :: HID Foot Switches Into Command Mode

Jan 9, 2010

I purchased a foot pedal [URL], which I want to use as a substitute for the ALT, CTRL and SHIFT key (Mainly in my texteditor, Emacs, where these modifiers are used a lot for commands). So instead of pressing ALT+x I want to press the left pedal + x. However, instead of going into the command mode it just types x to the screen. If I keep the pedal pressed, and type another x, it switches into command mode, like it should have done right away. The device seems to use HID, and lsusb gives:
Bus 005 Device 004: ID 1130:660c Tenx Technology, Inc.
Is there a way, how I can change the behaviour of the device?

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