OpenSUSE :: Moodle 2.02 Dataroot Location Is Not Secure Error - 11.4 - 64bit

Mar 23, 2011

I have opensuse 11.4 in which I am trying to install Moodle 2.02 on my server. In the install.php it asks for where you want to place your moodle and moodledata directories, which in the default installation of Moodle in Opensuse is /srv/www/moodle and /srv/www/moodledata. It initially automatically fills in /srv/moodledata for the moodledata directory. When I change it to the default opensuse location it balks at the /srv/www/moodledata with "Dataroot location is not secure". It won't let me get past it. I have Moodle 1.99 running on opensuse 11.1 with those same directories. What can I do to get around this error message?

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Ubuntu :: Error - Forbidden You Don't Have Permission To Access /moodle On This Server

Feb 10, 2011

installation moodle on Ubuntu 10.04.1 localhost show message It works!at localhost/moodle show message Forbidden You don't have permission to access /moodle on this server.

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OpenSUSE :: Installing The Moodle On 11.3?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm having issues installing Moolde on OpenSuse 11.3. I've downloaded the package but I get missing dependency issues like no mimtex needed and then after I resolve that I get a heap of missing pearl stuff. So do I assume then that the moodle package isn't a complete install even though I found it on the open suse site? Can I get a complete list of what's missing or what I should be installing when I install my open suse 11.3?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Moodle Startup In 11.3 Education Distro?

Oct 8, 2010

I have installed the Li f e distro in my laptop as Virtuaqlbox guest and actualised it completly. I created the "moodle" database and "moodleuser" in mysql and started the apache2 web server as written in Moodle - openSUSE My problem is that the page //localhost/moodle is blank . does not appears nothinġ I tested the page //localhost/ and "it works" , and tested the //localhost/manual and shows the manual local pages of apache through http. I alsoo tested the //localhost/phpMyAdmin page and it works entering the "moodleuser" and password and shows the phpMyAdmin pages. I tried also //localhost/ATutor and //localhost/FreeSMS and they does not work (error "not found" page ) and tried //localhost/openbiblio and shows a "database query error"I changed the HOSTNAME varialble to localhosţ. The files in the /srv/www/moodle directory are owned by root whith 744 permisions I tried with lynx http text browser and shows the 500 error (internal server error)

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Fedora X86/64bit :: CMake Installed Location Changes

Aug 16, 2011

I'm trying to get Rigs of Rods working on Fedora, but I've run into problems. RoR uses wxGTK development version 2.9, but Fedora only uses the stable 2.8. When I compiled and installed wxGTK and other RoR depencies not available with yum, some installed to /usr/local/lib and not the CMake expected location /usr/lib64 (LD_DEBUG=libs /home/user/ror-trunk/bin/rorconfig) I had to add "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=-ldl" to CMakeCache.txt to get RoR to compile, and tried adding "CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH:PATH=/usr/local/lib" and "wxWidgets_LIBRARIES:PATH=/usr/local/lib" to try and fix

ldd rorconfig | grep -i libwx => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found

but it didn't work. ldconfig hasn't helped either.

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OpenSUSE :: Installing Mathlab For (32bit) Into 11.1 (64bit) - Error With Xsetup

May 11, 2010

I am trying to install the Linux version of Mathlab (32bit) into my openSUSE 11.1 (64bit). With STATA this was at the time possible, having installed the 32bit GTK. This is a program running Java. So since I have both 32bit and 64bit Java installed it should work, no? Copying files to /usr/local/temp as indicated OK
Decompressing O.K.

su -
cd /usr/local/temp

Executing ./install gives following error: An error status was returned by the program 'xsetup', the X Window System version of 'install'. The following messages were written to standard error: /usr/local/temp/update/install/ line 86: /usr/local/temp/update/bin/glnxa64/xsetup: No such file or directory

Attempt to fix the problem and try again. If X is not available or 'xsetup' cannot be made to work then try the terminal version of 'install' using the command: install* -t or INSTALL* -t

If I well understand in line 86 the script is calling the 64 bit version of the file gnlxa64 to call the 64 bit version of the program that is not available (as academic version). I tried then the command line version.


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General :: Error Cannot Find Disk At [hash-code - Looks Like 0ace5f When Booting OpenSUSE 11.2 GNOME-LIVE (64bit)?

Jan 29, 2010

I am in the process of re-DL-ing the ISO as the checksums didn't match.

Mind you, that was with a shell extension in Win-Lose. Who knows.


I have the ISO (that I had previously) on a USB courtesy of UNetBootIn. All appears well until, quite quickly, I receive an error after the loading process which goes something like:

Error: cannot find disk at [hash-code - looks like 0ace5f etc etc, is about 12 char's in length.]Something very similar (but not same error I think) happened when I tried to do the same with my OpenSolaris or Fedora install. I.e., gets as far as the very beginning of the loader and then: bork.

At least one of them said "will reboot in 120 secs". Saves me the trouble!

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Error: "Missing Dependency: Is Needed By Package Iptstate-2.2.1-5.fc11.x86_64 (installed)"

Nov 10, 2009

Today I got update notification. I type in terminal yum update, and get this error: Quote: Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package iptstate-2.2.1-5.fc11.x86_64 (installed) You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem You could try running: package-cleanup --problems package-cleanup --dupes rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

I removed iptstate.x86_64, again run yum update, and than, ibnetfilter_conntrack got installed. I tried to install iptstate.x86_64 again, but i get Quote:


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General :: Steps To Install Moodle In Fedora 9

Jun 9, 2010

i have downloaded the moodle zip file and xampp for server.please give me the steps how to install and start running moodle on fedora 9

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Debian Configuration :: Installing Moodle 2.0 - Incorrect Access Detected

Feb 16, 2011

This must be a server related question, so i decided to give it a try!I installed the defaults of:

apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server

Then i installed Moodle 2.0 blá, blá ... It's working fine from localhost. When try to access this server from other host i get:

"incorrect access detected, this server may be accessed only through [URL] address,"

Apache is working fine because i get the "It work's!" message.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 64bit 11.1 / Setup Does Not Run With "Segmentation Fault" Error?

Jan 13, 2011

I recently bought an HP OfficeJet 6500 AIO printer. Since the printer has ethernet connectivity, I have managed to setup the printer with the 32bit openSuSE 11.2, 11.3 machines I have in my network. However, the 64bit 11.1 is another beast. I cannot make the printer work. The default and updated from officials repos hplip does not contain the PPD file for the printer/scanner/fax.I added the "Printing" repository (Index of /repositories/Printing/openSUSE_11.1) and downloaded the 64bit versions of hplip, hplip-hpijs packages. Now, the issues:hp-setup does not run with "Segmentation fault" error! Although I can see the printer, setup and modify it's configuration, cups cannot print, not even a test page.The errors I have are:

Unable to execute /usr/lib64/cups/filter/hpcups: No such file or directory

Regarding the 1st error, I "solved" it by using the hplip-qt3 package from KDE_3 repository. And when I used that version of hplip, (3.10.9-4.2, instead of the 3.10.9-31.1 of the Printing repository), I had no more filter related problems (foomatic etc).For the second one, it is obvious that the problem is related to the location of the 64bit filters.The /var/log/cups/error.log has the following lines:

I [13/Jan/2011:20:50:52 +0200] [Job 60] Started filter /usr/lib64/cups/filter/pstops (PID 30039)
I [13/Jan/2011:20:50:52 +0200] [Job 60] Started filter /usr/lib64/cups/filter/pstoraster (PID 30040)

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General :: Secure VNC Over SSH Error - RHEL 5.5

Mar 7, 2011

I am trying to do secure VNC over SSH to a remote linux server from my windows PC, but running into this error.

Error: Unable to connect to host: Connection refused (10061)

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Security :: Ways To Secure Sendmail Or Secure Alternatives To Send Mail

Dec 1, 2010

I'm an Oracle DBA and started working for my current employer about 4 months ago. This past weekend an alert re: FS space brought my attention to /var/spool/clientmqueue (full of mail re: cron jobs) and the fact that sendmail is not running on our Linux servers.I'm told that the IT security team deemed sendmail too vulnerable so we don't run it.Aside from FS filling up and missing notification of issues with crontab entries, I'm concerned that we may be missing notification of potential issues. In other Unix/Linux environments I've seen emails from the print daemon when it experienced problems with specific jobs.

Are there other Linux facilities aside from cron and lpd that use email to advise the users of possible issues? Are there ways to secure sendmail or secure alternatives to sendmail? My primary need/desire is to make sure that emails regarding issues on the server get to the appropriate users. Secondary goal would be to have the ability to use mailx to send mail out. There is No need/desire to receive mail from outside.

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Server :: Error: Secure Connection Failed

Jan 3, 2010

My server is suddenly getting giving the following error: Quote: Secure Connection Failed An error occurred during a connection to SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. * The page you are trying to view can not be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified. * Please contact the web site owners to inform them of this problem. Alternatively, use the command found in the help menu to report this broken site. I had been trying to configure the server to do secure logins (before Christmas) , but I don't think I had completed the configuration and I'm not sure how to reset it so that I can start again.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Error Before Booting \ Error Message:IOMMU: Mapping Reserved Region Failed?

Feb 20, 2010

I'm a recently proud owner of a new Aspire AS3810T with Fedora 12 installed, when it boots up before entering the boot screen when it loads I see this error message:IOMMU: Mapping reserved region failedHow can i fix this error? It's quite frustrating

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Fedora X86/64bit :: ERROR - X86_64 Error: 37: No Locks Available

Aug 10, 2011

I am getting the below Issue while cloning Oracle Database Server from cold Backup dump. its happening during "perl appsTier". Can anyone help on this issue..? find the error details below.

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Aug 6 12:10:08 2011 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.


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OpenSUSE Network :: How Secure Is Default Opensuse 11.04 Machine Out Of Box

May 19, 2011

First off How do you disable IPV6 access on all connections used on the pc-is there a way to test for ipv6 connectivity?

Secondly how secure is a default opensuse 11.04 machine out of the box? should i be making some changes to the default configuration?

Thirdly what does the default firewall settings do? on my network i use my wpa2 psk aes connection via my local wireless network-in the event that some can hack into my wireless would the opensuse firewall prevent direct access to my pc from a attacker on the same wireless subnet?

Fourthly when does opensuse 11.04 go out of date? in a year from now?

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Ubuntu :: OpenMotif : Create Network Location Link As Local Filesystem Location?

Apr 26, 2011

I'm working with a program that uses Open Motif to create all of the widgets, including the Open File dialog box (obviously). However, Open Motif being kinda old-timey, 80's vintage, and for the most part now an abandoned project, it is quite clunky. So, actually what I need to do is to open some files located on my work server. I have already successfully connected to the relevant server directories with Samba, and with programs built with GTK+ (such as GIMP) I can open files across the network because I have created a bookmark in Nautilus, and those bookmarks appear in the Open File dialog box created by GTK+. Now, Open Motif is different: it doesn't see network locations, orNautilus shortcuts. When I type "smb://serveripyadayada" in the search folder, it really doesn't like it and complains. So, what do I do? Can I get somehow Open Motif to open a network location? Or can I do a run-around and place a shortcut in the file system that points to the network location?

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OpenSUSE :: Secure A Productive Workstation?

Jul 17, 2011

Howto secure a productive opensuse workstation? Have you virus scanner, for example clamav and rootkit scanner like rkhunter installed on a produktive opensuse workstation in your company?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Security - How To Secure

May 30, 2011

how to secure opensue? Or point me to some good articles etc?

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Ubuntu :: Error Could Not Open Location World Icon Always In Taskbar

Jun 23, 2011

I have this error which happens just after login, and it stay in the bottom panel all the time with a world icon, it's impossible to close (see image below), if I click the world icon the error message pop ups again. How do I make it go away?

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General :: Centralized Location For Operating System Error Messages?

Jul 20, 2010

the thing that tends to draw out their frustrations the most are the error messages.

Things like "x.x not found, such and such can't continue" or "Unable to locate x.x", etc.

Well, of those people as I described above, a lot of them are fiercely independent people and would fix their own problems had they any idea what they were.

So, I had a thought that adding google or LQ.o search terms to the error messages, along with a link to the search feature, would be somewhat beneficial.

Perhaps with messages regarding missing files, then provide a link and message "To correct this issue, copy filename and submit it here -> url and download the package"

So I was wondering where I could find lots and lots of error message code.

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Software :: Java Error Attempting To Run A File Which Exists In Specified Location / Why Is So?

Jun 8, 2010

I recently set up a Linux VPS and installed JDK 6u20 on it; I tried running a class and here's the result


The file "Server.class" is in the location I specified - why am I still getting the error?

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Location Bar: How To Write Manually Location

Oct 30, 2010

I have been testing ubuntu 10.10 maverick, it has some nice features. Anyway I am missing the possibility of writing manually the folder you want to go on nautilus using the Location bar. It was used to have some kind of icon which you can click and it switched between graphich breadcrumbs or the location of the folder and you could changed it manually, you know what I mean?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Connect To WPA Secure Routers.

Mar 1, 2009

I can connect to unsecure routers, but not to any secure routers. NetworkManager doesn't seem to work and neither does anything else I try. I have tried with WPA supplicant but to be honest I have not a clue what to do. I have an Atheros ar5009 card and I'm currently using the ath9k module. Lan works just fine. But my wireless doesn't.

wlan0 IEEE 802.11abgn ESSID:""
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.462 GHz Access Point: Not-Associated
Bit Rate:1 Mb/s Tx-Power=23 dBm
Retry min limit:7 RTS thrff Fragment thr=2352 B
Encryption keyff
Power Managementff
Link Quality=92/100 Signal level:-36 dBm Noise level=-95 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

I have updated everything it seems like, but nothing I do seems to work. I have been at this for almost 3 weeks already hoping for a break and so far nothing.

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Debian Installation :: Cannot Write Grub To Boot Location - Fatal Error

Jun 10, 2011

I have been following this tutorial [URL]. When I get to the end of the installation and try to install GRUB to the /boot partition I have set up it throws a fatal error at me. No explanation other than it can't write to the specified location. I double checked all the partition settings which were the same as the tutorial then skipped the GRUB installation and finished. The only thing I can think of that might be wrong is that the 250MB partition size specified for /boot in the tutorial is too small.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Play Dvd - An Error Occurred - Could Not Open Location

Mar 19, 2011

I placed the DVD in the player's window. Movie Player was installed earlier. When I am trying to play the DVD, it is shown as under. "An error occurred. Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file."

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OpenSUSE Install :: ATA Secure Erase Command Working Right Now?

Oct 18, 2010

I first tried to use UBCD HDDErase although it won't detect my seagate 1000 GB Sata HD (This worked for my other computer/HD). So I loaded up a OpenSUSE live cd rescue terminal to enter the command (of course after setting a password and making sure HD is not frozen):

time hdparm --user-master u --security-erase uber /dev/sda
The following line appears:
"Issuing SECURITY_ERASE Command, password="uber", user=user
That's all it says and there is no % completed or anything. (as it appears on the wiki)

Also I can still type but theres no command or console or anything it just is blank if I hit enter.Is my HD being wiped right now? or is it not working?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Browsing Secure Sites Is Very Slow

May 21, 2011

I've recently installed openSUSE 11.4 (64 bit) on my system and am experiencing severe performance issues with websites using https (any site using https). Page loads over https take anywhere between 30 seconds to 2 minutes. It's the same issue posted here Secure sites load slow or not at all -- there was no confirmed solution.

- My router/hardware configuration has not changed in a long time and I've run Ubuntu, Arch Linux, and Windows XP on the same machine within the last year and have not had any issues.
- I also have a laptop running Arch Linux (kernel 2.6.38) and this problem does not occur using Firefox 4 or Chrome. To add to the madness this problem occurs while running Firefox 4 inside a Windows 7 guest via virtual box, but NOT while running IE 8 inside the same guest.
- This issue occurs using Firefox 4, Chromium, Opera, Konqueror, and Arora.
- I've disabled ipv6 in Firefox via about:config.
- I've disabled ipv6 in yast and have attempted to use both the "ifup" and "networkmanager" options.
- I am not using a proxy server.
- I've attempted the fix posted in the Ubuntu forums for a similar problem [ubuntu] [SOLVED] Banking Site is very slow.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Connect To Bt Openzone Of Bt Fon But Not Secure Connection

Jun 22, 2011

I have a compaq pressario v6000 with broadcom wireless card bcm4312. I was running Suse 11.3 and one day the wireless stopped working so after several hours googling I gave up and installed 11.4 but I have exactley the same problem I can connect to my bt openzone or btfon network but not to my own secure network I have tried everything I can think of including disabling security settings on my homehub but I can't get it to work at all I have used network manager and traditional I just can't get it to work.

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