OpenSUSE Install :: Slow Startup After Login / Speed It Up?
Nov 1, 2010
What can I do to speed up the start-up after login?
I am running OpenSuse 11.3 with Gnome on my laptop (Acer Travelmate 2490) and I need about two and a half minutes from login until the hard disk lamp 'settles down'. This is much longer than I have been used to expect from earlier OpenSus versions. Are there some default applications/processes I could ditch?
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Sep 10, 2010
Does anyone know how to revert network speeds to those attained with openSUSE11.2-64? On openSUSE11.2-64 the reported network download speed was,
max : 420 kB/s
ave : ~ 200 kB/s
After upgrade to openSUSE 11.3-64 the figures dropped to about 25% of the previous values. After upgrade to KDE 4.5 and plasmoid-networkmanagement the initial values did not change but the average value dropped after about 30 seconds to ~ 15 kB/s. Approach so far:
1. The motherboard's (A780GM-LE) build in LAN (Realtek RLT8111DL) was originally detected by openSUSE 11.3 as the Realtek RLT8169 and kernel module r8169 installed. This was replaced by the latest module r8168-8.019.00 from Realtek.
2. After kernel update to Linux x86_64 the plasmoid-networkmanagement was replace by NetworkManager-kde4. This improved flow with,
max : 140 kB/s
ave : ~ 80 kB/s
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Oct 8, 2010
With the upgrade to 11.3 x86_64 I was very disappointed to find that the time it took to log in to KDE once I entered my password skyrocketed. On 11.2, what used to be a speedy two seconds before I would see the desktop has now turned into 30 seconds, or more sometimes: today it was closer to 45.
disable powerdevil or to disable the KDED modules, both located in the service manager.
Disabling powerdevil does bring my login time back down to where it was in 11.2. I have several questions now: Powerdevil is described as a "laptop power management daemon" in the service manager. Is it truly only for laptops? What features does powerdevil provide? If I disable it will my CPU frequency scaling and other power management features still work?
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Jul 22, 2010
Anybody else experiencing slow login times with 11.3 KDE? It's taking 40 seconds from the login screen to the desktop. It's a clean 64-bit11.3 KDE install.
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Aug 16, 2011
when i login, Ubuntu asks to install 3D Drivers for my grapics card. Can i make a script in openSUSE to do this as well? Or even better, check for drivers on startup and then install the drivers for the graphics card on boot.
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Feb 4, 2011
OpenSUSE 11.2 (i586) IBM x3250
Login is taking forever. Nothing is running, server is idle.
Finally get prompt.
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Jun 30, 2011
I'm new to openSUSE and my computer is quite slow although my computer isn't that bad. I opened up ksysguard and it appears that my CPU is the bottleneck. My CPU usage is usually 100%, then after a few seconds, it goes down to 20-60% and then it goes back up to 100% after another few seconds. It says I have 141 processes running (I don't know if that's normal or not).
My Specs are:
CPU: AMD Duron (tm) processor 1.8GHz
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6200
Memory: 2GB RAM
I'm using KDE.
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Feb 1, 2011
I'm trying to transfer some files to my USB stick, and it's transferring at the most pitiful rate, around 200-400kb/s, occasionally shooting up to 1MB/s, but not for more than a few seconds.
I realize a lot of factors can play into this, so I'll try to provide as much detail as I can.
I'm using OpenSUSE 11.3, KDE 4.6 RC2, and a Corsair Mini Voyager 16GB. My motherboard is a Gigabyte EP45-DS3L.
dmesg output:
lsusb -t output:
Sometimes too, the transfer just stops all together. It just... doesn't transfer for a while, then it'll go back to 400kb/s etc, then it'll stop again for a minute.
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Sep 6, 2010
I have recently installed OpenSUSE 11.3. I can play audio files, but there is a problem recording, namely the recording is way too slow. This was tried 3 ways: in Audacity, in Skype (making a test call), and using the arecord command in a console, as root. To make the playback sound normal, I tried taking the already-recorded file and speeding it up in Audacity. It was necessary to speed up the recording by 50%. I've tried updating alsa and other suggestions which I could figure out, and run the scripts for diagnostic information. BTW, I'm using a headset plugged in to standard 1/8 inch mic and speaker jacks, not a USB headset.
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Feb 27, 2011
I recently installed OpenSUSE 11.3 amd64 from DVD on a new HP 625 Laptop. Whenever networking is activated, application startup slows down significantly. When I deactivate networking in the nm-applet application startup is fine. I am using the broadcom-wl package from packman for the broadcom wireless card (BCM4313)
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May 3, 2010
I'm an Ubuntu user since Jaunty, and I've always upgraded my system (NOT fresh install). Everything went fine, but yesterday I upgraded to Lucid. My only concern -for now- deals with startup time. I'm a desktop user (Core2@3GHz) so I think I should boot in less than 10 seconds. Anyway, boot time is 30 seconds - not too much, but there is definetly something wrong with tools I don't know (ureadahead, plymouth, etc.). Attached is my bootchart: can anyone explain me what's wrong?
Also, I don't even see a plymouth Ubuntu themed bootsplash: I only see a blank (black) screen standing for seconds, then I see the bootsplash for less then half a second, then GDM appears :S Not crucial -I know- but how can I fix it? (I don't know if it's related, but I can see the animation at shutdown)Finally, GNOME desktop takes too long to load. I don't know why, but there are 15/30 seconds in between login sound and a usable desktop (with panels and icons, I mean).Please help me, I don't want to do a fresh install. Boot speed is not a dial with desktops - I know - but it can be a symptom that my system is a bit a messy (and I don't like it, since I installed Jaunty less then 1 year ago). (!Forgot! I also installed grub2 by hand
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May 20, 2010
I am running Ubuntu 10.04 from a USB key (16GB). Overall I'm pretty fine with it but there are a few problems I am having. It seems to be very slow. In particular, Firefox and Pidgin freeze every now and then, before becoming active again. The same thing also happens for other applications such as Rhythmbox, Gedit, and the terminal. Additionally my start up and shut down times are horrible (worse than when I use Vista and Ubuntu 8.04). I was wondering if there is something with my install or if this is all due to the fact that I am running from a USB. I don't think it's the USB since I ran 8.04 from a USB HDD (55GB) and didn't have any problems with speed.
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Nov 15, 2010
I have a 500gB USB drive connected to my laptop for backups and filestorage. But I can't get it to play nice with Midnight Commander. My transfer speeds max ut at 2MB/s wich is painfully slow when moving large files such as movies. Worker FM transfers the same files to the same drive much MUCH faster (not sure by how much, though). This leads me to the conclusion that the problem lies with MC.
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Jul 24, 2010
I'm using Fedora 13 x86_64. The internet speed is very very slow. I have enough hard disk space, RAM. Processor AMD Athlon II 2.6GHz. What can be the reasons?
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Feb 25, 2010
I just installed Ubuntu 9.10, replacing Windows 7.
its running a little slower than I hoped it would, loading movies takes a while, and when i switch to full screen, it takes about 5 seconds to catch up.
im suspicious that my video card driver might not be configured correctly. can anyone tell me what I might need to configure to get things running smoother?
other things on the computer are also running slow, like opening Firefox, it takes a while for the window to appear.
- Athlon 64 x2 5200+
- Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-S2h motherboard
- Radeon HD 3650 512mb pci-e
- 4gb DDR2 800
and I do have ATI catalyst installed
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Apr 25, 2010
I have been trying out Ubuntu One for the past couple of days but find it to be incredibly slow. At first i had put a folder will a large amount of images in the ubuntu one folder. The total size of it was 35Mb, after over 26 hours only 11,5Mb of that had been uploaded.
After looking around some on these forums i saw several comments about it being slow when it is a large amount of files, no matter if the filesize is small or large. I decided to try it out with a larger single file. I erased everything that was in the previous share and then put my testfile of 350Mb in the Ubuntu One folder.
After two hours of waiting i could still not see it on the U1 website so i decided to see how long it would take with dropbox and put a copy of that file in my dropbox folder as well. The file was uploaded correctly to dropbox in just a couple of minutes but it has still not been uploaded to the U1 website even though it has been 4-5 hours since i first put it in my U1 folder.
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Apr 14, 2011
I need to transcript some recordings to a friend of mine. I woule like to have the sound playing slower than usual. Is it possibe on any Ubuntu (L. Lynx) anyway? How?
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May 26, 2010
I am using debian(lenny) on a pc coexisting with windows. I use grub to decide which o/s to boot.
I picked debian, logged in as a regular user. I selected "Administration" under the "System" tab and then selected "Update Manager". I had to provide the root password.
I was asked to insert Binary DVD-1 and was told to use smart update. I did at which time 16 files begun downloading at between 4400 B/s and 4800 B/s from the Security server. It looks like it is downloading a new linux image.
Is there any way to speed this up?
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Aug 7, 2010
Does anyone know if the Yum fastestmirror plugin only makes decisions based on latency to pick the best host or does it measure bandwidth? On my laptop for the last few weeks I've been getting super slow yum updates (3.5kB/sec), when I force it to use the baseurl it runs as fast as I'd expect (160+KB/sec).
So the fastestmirror plugin doesn't seem to work unless maybe it's measuring latency as fast but the actual download speed is slow. If so, fastestmirror plugin should really take both into account.
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Feb 10, 2010
When using launchpad and the ubuntu daily build website it is very slow. I get 1.2mb/s normally and the speed drops quickly to 0kb/s This is the case from any version of ubuntu that is installed on my laptop.In windows it is no problem, equally there is no problem from a live cd or an install on my external hard disk. Is canonical blacklisting/slow listing my ip?
I am behind a university network but am sure this problem occurs at home .I did a clean install and had no problem until about an hour ago. When I tried to re download a project using bzr my speed instantly ropped.I had downloaded it fine a couple of hours ago. I hope that someone can shine some light on this, its very hard to work on projects if I can't download them.
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May 25, 2010
I have a HP nx7400 laptop. Now I have a docking station DC power adapter - Works Fine. Ordered another DC so i could travel with it, but when used ubuntu runs at a very slow speed.
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Feb 14, 2011
I use Brasero 2.32.0 to burn DVD's and the max speed I reach writing on my 16x DVD's is 2.5x (more or less).
Follows info's about my OS and HW setup code...
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Mar 28, 2011
I have very suboptimal Internet speed in Wifi with Ubuntu. Normally in WIndows 7 I get download speeds up to 800 KB/s and a very fast Wifi experience, but in Ubuntu I get 100KB/s maximum and web page load speed is very extremely slow. Also, pinging to AP often gives very high response times and a lot of lost packages while in Windows they are very low and none packages are lost. I have a Netgear wg111v3 which worked out of box when I installed Ubuntu but always with this problem. It is updated and I've reinstalled Ubuntu many times..
Also I forgot to say that in Ubuntu the connection goes down very often and sometimes will not connect again until I reboot. Again in Windows never happened that.
Motherboard: GA-MA74GM-S2H
CPU: AMD Athlon 64X2 dual core
Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit
Wireless adapter Netgear wg111v3 USB .....
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Oct 14, 2009
We have a server and we have instales an Open suse 10.3 on it. We created a Samba server also. Made to share folder, that we acces from network from other computers that have xp.
The problem is if we try to copy from server it is very slow only 100-300kb/s. The strange thing is that if i copy 1 file then its slow but if i start to copy another one the speed gos up to 10-15mb/s. Evry time i want to copy somethin or install from that server i need to start another copy. If i copy from a comp to that server the speed is normal only if i copy from server its slow.
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Sep 6, 2010
I'm having very strange issues with OpenSUSE 11.3 KDE LiveCD, mainly performance-wise. Most noticeably, it takes 10-30 minutes to actually boot the system, and it doesn't matter whether the LiveCD is booted from the USB or if it's install into the hard disk. There aren't any noticeable errors during boot, though, except a few "timeout" errors and not being able to lauch VirtualBox Guest Additions (which I don't need since it's not run from VirtualBox anyway).
It takes the most time during the "scanning USB devices" section if I boot from the USB, and during the state where it detects the network card/assigns an IP. In both cases, every dot that appears there takes around 2 minutes. During the boot, the PC seems to be mostly idle, and appears to do something only occasinally, when certain parts of the boot sequence are passed, so that makes boot up feel "jumpy" - nothing happens for 10 minutes, then the PC starts accessing the HDD, then nothing happens for 10 more minutes.
There are other performance problems, noticeably during installation to HDD (through the Install option from the CD startup menu - it's quite a bit faster when started from the running LiveCD). For instance, it takes around 5-10 minutes to make the screen where you need to choose the language and keyboard layout responsive. The performance, in both cases, seems to be inconsistent - sometimes it starts booting and responding quickly, the other times it's really slow, up to the point of outright hanging.
System specs:
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 925
HDD: WD Caviar Black 640 GB
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4890
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Dec 26, 2010
Are there any easy special tricks to speed up the boot time?Coming from Linux Mint (GNOME), I could get to the Desktop from cold in less than 25 secs.Now in openSuse 11.3 (KDE4.5) it takes more than twice that.Is this a function of KDE or have Ubuntu done something that openSuse hasn't to speed up the boot?
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Mar 24, 2011
I have a HP Mini 311c that has an ALPS touchpad. Linux Mint detects it as a mouse and so when I try to increase the speed of the mouse, nothing actually happens. I've created a script which includes just the following code:
xset m 5 2
This is saves as startup-script.hl on my Desktop. I then go into Startup Applications and add the script in there. But when I reboot my Netbook the mouse is moving at its default slow speed. I've ensured the script file is allowed to execute (right click > properties > permissions) and have also tried copying it to the init.d folder with no luck.
One thing I have noticed though is that straight after I login to Mint the mouse cursor does move at the speed I want, but after a few seconds reverts back to the slow speed.
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Oct 21, 2014
I mount a BD-RE in Debian Jessie to write about 20GB of data. But the writing speed is terrible slow. I get a Speed of 250kb/sec.
Are there any options to increase the speed of writing? I don't use packet writing and no wodim, no growisofs, nothing. I just mounted the disk and I use mc (Midnight commander) to copy the data.
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Dec 10, 2009
I am currently using fedora 12. My question is why is the speed for my yum and rpm are very slow. Something like Flash Player 10 couldn't even load after being installed. If I downloaded the rpm, the speed is like normal but if I yum it. The ESA took like >1,000,000 sec..or whatever..The point is it does seem like something has happened to my yum/rpm function. I can download and surf the web as usual. I just can't get any add-on such as the Flash Player 10. I can only use the basic already provided by Fedora.
I tried:
su -
yum clean all
rpm --rebuilddb
yum update
but I am still unsure what type of RPM issue I am facing.
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Feb 5, 2010
I am experiencing very slow speed with the Intel 5300AGN on a Dell Studio XPS notebook and the iwlagn driver. I'm using Fedora 12 with all the latest updates available. When connecting to a G network with WPA2 security, everything goes fine at "normal" speed. When connecting to a N network with WPA2 security, the download speed falls between 0 k/s and 20 k/s max. The connection speed (as stated by Network Manager and iwconfig) is between 0 kb/s (?) and 11 Mb/s during the same session. I'm can't connect through ssh or download with scp (stalled). Web pages take a lot of time to render.
When connecting to the same N network on Window 7, everything runs fine enough. Every N network I try is the same story. Works fine on windows, badly on F12..
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