OpenSUSE Install :: Installing OpenSUSE With Win 7

Apr 27, 2011

after downloading th 4.3 Gb .iso openSUSE 11.4 i found that i cant install it beside my window ,i have trouble with greating a suitable partition for openSUSE .my problem is that i have three primary partitions and also three partitions ,and softwares don't allow me to create a ext4 and a swap partition.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot - After Installing New Graphics Drivers OpenSUSE 11.4

Jul 14, 2011

I have installed openSUSE 11.4, and I really like it compared to other linux versions I've tried, but I find it requires a bit more linux know-how.

Being fairly new to linux, it has been quite the effort to learn but I started getting the hang of things via online support and such. Lately I've been having some problems.

I need linux to run a TCAD program, and it requires some openGL functionality and was giving me errors when I tried entering the software related modeling GUI.

Anyhow, I thought it had to do with my graphics drivers, so I decided to update them via ATI proprietary driver. After doing this, the system booted me into the console rather than X.

I tried numerous online guides on how to fix the issues, by running all sorts of boot commands (nomodset), and I read the graphics driver theory, as well as trouble shooting ATI graphics.

In the process, I also installed a radeonhd-xorg11-something through YAST, and that caused a black screen altogether upon boot. I managed to boot into failsafe with x, and from there I removed it via YAST, however this did not resolve issues. I also deleted any xorg.cionf files in hopes that the system will default back to the radeon driver.

As it stands right now, I can only boot into my system via failsafe mode. I'm keeping the unit off for now as it's probably tired from all the hard reboots I had to do . If someone can help me resolve this issue, I can turn it on and enter any commands required, such as finding out the graphics card, the kernel, the driver currently running, etc and I can post it here.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Windows1 / Windows2 / Windows3 After Installing OpenSUSE

Jul 24, 2011

I installed openSUSE alongside Windows yesterday using the default settings. I had the installer automatically shrink my windows partition and create one for openSUSE. When I boot my computer now, the openSUSE bootloader shows up with options to boot into openSUSE, failsafe openSUSE, windows1, windows2, or windows3. Windows1 and windows2 appear to be the same thing - they both boot into windows, they read the same info for the hard drive, they have access to all the same files. Windows3 cannot start and says that the BOOTMNGR is missing. What are these three different windows options, why are two the same, and why doesn't one work?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Best Way Of Installing OpenSUSE Without Losing Any Data?

Mar 16, 2010

I am interested in installing openSUSE on my computer and my PC already has a Debian installation on it.What is the easiest/best way of installing openSUSE without losing any data?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing Other Language On OpenSUSE 10.3

Apr 21, 2010

I have to install another language to an openSUSE 10.3.The problem is that after selecting the language the system is requesting the CD but I don't have one. Can I force the system to update from the Internet repositories or something like that?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing VNC On A VPS Using SSH?

Jan 29, 2010

I have just been given a VPS to have a play with. Its got Open SuSE 10.0 installed and I have root and SSH access.

Ideally Im trying to install a desktop manager (Gnome ideally), so that I can setup something like VNC and using a graphical interface (I assume this is possible?).

Working on the assuming that it is possible I whats the best way to proceed? Installing YUM to install gnome and a vnc-server?

I found some instructions here, however im not sure if they are accurate: Bob and the Knowledge Factory / Install VNC in VPS server with Gnome

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing Next To The (K)Ubuntu?

Dec 14, 2009

If you are installing along side of (K)Ubuntu, you may have problems booting back to your ubuntu distro.The openSuse installer will put a menu item for it in it's list which will go to it's menu file (i.e. all your old options from ubuntu will show up when selected).My kubuntu menu never called out a new root though so it could not find the kernel image.

I fixed it by mounting the partition from within openSuse and adding 'root (hd0,4)' to the menu entry.Seems to have done the trick,I can now boot to either openSuse or Kubuntu.Don't know how updates will be handled yet, but I'm backing up my MBR as a precaution. Note that grub is zero based for drive and partition so hd0,4 looks in the fifth partition of the first drive.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Backup MBR Before Installing

Jul 27, 2010

I have win 7 ultimate. I would like to install opensuse but with the option to revert back to my old MBR in case things don't work out. my win 7 dvd gives a version error everytime i try to restore the MBR so i end up having to reinstall windows 7 in it's entirety Is there a tool that allows me to reload my MBR without going into windows? i recently botched an install and got a grub 17 error lol so i could not go into windows. That was funny. Also is there a way to install opensuse without touching my MBR at all. (it's going on a separate drive by itself). I want win 7 as my main, and i'm good with just an entry for opensuse, which i can remove at my pleasure if i'm tried of it

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing 11.3 On VServer?

Oct 2, 2010

I have a for me very hard to handle problem as I'm quite new to Linux.I want to install openSUSE 11.3 on a virtual Server with nothing more than a ssh shell and root Rights.

Currently running is version 10.3 of OpenSUSE. I tried updating via dist upgrade but at some point it stops with following Error: We do not have enough disk space in /etc or /dev/zerodoes not exist. Exit. error: %post(pam-modules-11.1-5.1.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1

I know that this is the Result of low RAM and/or swap Memory but in a virtual Server I can't influence those.

PS: The Reason Version 10.3 is in use, are the available preinstalled OSs so there is no higher Version available.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing 11.3 With/without Burning?

Nov 30, 2010

i've decided that i wanna learn a bit of linux, and so i tried to install suse... i've come to have a lot of problems:i downloaded both the KDE Live CD and the DVD (4++ gb), both 64 bit.i dunno about the software there, but should i get the 32 bit version becouse is more likely they works or the 64 bit is fine?

what i'd like to do is overwrite my windows 7 (basically get rid of it, only way for me to use linux).i tried installing from Live CD (burned) but it does not seems to work, tried the USB thing but still something is wrong, is like is not recognized... i can't burn 4++ gb so i was wondering if there is a way to use the ISO w/o burning it... ofc i tried but in the boot menu it asks for a CD so nothing to do.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing 11.3 On An Old Thinkpad 770?

Feb 27, 2011

I've got a Thinkpad 770 that I'd like to install openSuse onto. I am not planning to use KDE or GNOME on this machine, but one of the other simpler GUIs.Is there an install CDROM available for machines that do not have DVD drives?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing From Nfs Shared

Mar 18, 2011

I used to install Opensuse on many computers using a mounted .iso file nfs-shared over my home network.Booting the "to be installed computer" with the -NET cd, pressing F4 to specify DHCP+NFS.It worked great until 11.4; when Yast starts, I'm stuck with this error message:"Unable to create repository from URL 'nfs://'.I can confirm that before starting yast, the mount is ok and that the "Installation system" is loaded over nfs from the server machine.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing The 11.3 On Labtop?

May 7, 2011

i have windows 7 installed on my samsung labtop . i want to install opensuse so it be dual OS on same laptop when i come to the disk part in installation is suggests formatting the whole hard disk including the hidden recovery partition as it don't see win7 at all while i have 22gb unformated space for installing opensuse.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing On Two Disks?

Sep 13, 2011

I am planning in near future(about a month or two) to build a new computer. There be a least two phisical disks - one for OS an another for data or backup. One disk to be a small(60-80 GB) SSD, another to be a HDD of 1 TB or bigger.

I have a few questions:

Is Linux(openSUSE in my case) work with SSD? It is possible to install Linux on two disks - in my case /swap, /boot and /root partition to be on SSD and /home partition on larger HDD?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing 11.2 On A SunFire X4140?

Jan 5, 2010

I'm trying to install OpenSUSE 11.2 on a SunFire X4140 without success. It has 2 x 146GB SAS disks.The installation seems to go just fine until it comes to booting from local disk, where I get:"Boot failed : press a key to retry"I've tried installing with the GRUB and LILO boot loaders, and in different locations - on disk, in the MBR etc. I also tried SLES10 + SLES11 which gives me similar errors.

I'm not sure if it is significant, but in the YaST Installation Settings I see:"it was not possible to determine the exact order of disks for device map. The order of disks can be changed in 'Boot Loader Installation Details' "I did change the order of the disks but that had no effect. I don't see the error in SLES10.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing Machine With No DVD Drive

Jan 7, 2010

I'm trying to install on a machine that has a CD drive but no DVD (and is currently running 10.3). Following the procedure here I created a filesystem on the server and copied the DVD ISO to that. I boot with the network install CD and in the boot options I put in
But then I get a red error diag saying
Could not find the openSUSE respository
Activating manual setup program

I go into the manual setup program, select hard disk, sda7, the iso file appears in the "Enter the source directory." dialog so I click OK. It does the "Loading the installation system" (or something, it's quick) and then errors with "No repository found". I have also tried sharing the iso file from a windows server and using network SMB but that didn't work. Tried mounting the install DVD (that I have used successfully before) on the windows machine, sharing it, and point the manual SMB install at that. Everything gives me "No repository found." I could use the Network CD to do an Internet install, but that seems unnecessarily slow and wasteful of bandwidth when I've already downloaded the DVD iso.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing SUSE On Old Box Without DVD Drive?

Feb 1, 2010

I've ordered and received the beautiful 4 disk set for release 11.2 that came on DVD. Like so many Linux users I would like to load it on an older Windows XP box without DVD drive. Haven't seen this release offered on CD's. I've been able to copy it via network to a file on the box, but have no idea which files belong on which CD - I assume it will take 7 or 8 disks like many of the older releases. Don't want to buy a DVD drive for the old box .

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrading KDE4 After Installing 11.2?

Feb 2, 2010

how to upgrade KDE to KDE4 4.3.5 after installing suse 11.2 I have searched for a single download link for the upgrade, but I cannot find it.My goal is to obtain the upgrade, which comes with a newer version of networkmanager.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Having Troubles Installing From Iso Without Burning DVD

Mar 8, 2010

I'm trying to install OpenSuse 11.2 from iso image without burning it in a DVD.. because I don't have a CD or DVD drive.I'm using Windows Vista.firstly I mounted the dvd image .. but thought that was wrong because when rebooting instillation won't find the image.. is that true?so, I extracted it and I opened openSUSE11_2_ LOCAL.exe. and then reboot.. got two choices (Vista or install OpenSuse) and selected install OpenSuse but my screen went "out of range" !!

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Install :: Black Screen After Installing OpenSUSE 11.2 / Fix This?

Apr 7, 2010

I have registered a problem similar to the one reported in this thread: Solution to black screen problem in opensuse11.2 - openSUSE Forums
after installing openSUSE 11.2 from DVD, and rebooting the system a blank screen appears after booting process is completed.

Initially, I was thinking that was 'cause of the installation of ndiswrapper drivers (see command "modprobe ndiswrapper" not working - openSUSE Forums) but after the 4th (!) installation of openSUSE I really don't know what to think...

Sometimes openSuse boots regularly, and sometimes not... seems that there is no difference if I restart the PC or I turn it off and then off. Result is the same: sometimes I get the user desktop and sometimes not...

As explained in my previous post, I have checked the disk but all seems ok.
Now I cannot use the PC even in failsafe mode... I get always a black screen.
But what is more surprising is that I have 2 identical (identical!) PC with the identical hardware, and identical bios configuration. Only the monitor is different. Well, said that, one is working the the other one not...
To be honest, the working PC was an openSUSE 11.1 systems updated to openSUSE 11.2.

I think that must be something wrong on the distributed openSUSE DVD..

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Boot Into Ubuntu After Installing 11.2

Apr 18, 2010

I've been having trouble booting into Ubuntu 9.10 after installing OpenSUSE 11.2. When I installed it, the opensuse setup detected the partition ubuntu was installed on and added it to the grub menu. I also have windows vista and windows 7 installed and both boot up just fine from the opensuse grub boot menu. The ubuntu installation that i have was an upgrade from 9.04 so I am not using grub2 in that installation.

System Info:
Amd Phenom II X4 810 2.6ghz
4 gb ram
Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit
OpenSUSE 11.2 64 bit

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing The Package With Zypper?

May 4, 2010

I have minimal open suse installed as a server and now i would like to install some packages with zypper and it always download some packages related to X11 and gnome but I want to ignore that.Is it possible some how that I can define a USE flag for that like -X -gnome?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Blank Screen After Installing 11.2?

May 7, 2010

After struggling to install openSUSE 11.2 on my computer with ATI radoen graphics, I finally managed. Rebooting just after initial installation caused my laptop to give me a blank screen, no command prompt, nothing. With some help from the only post with such a problem on Ubuntu website and after first installation, I did the following:

1. Boot from Live cd of opensuse 11.2
2. Mount the partition which has root.
3. check for and delete Xorg


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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 - Bootmgr Missing While Installing?

May 30, 2010

When I try to install opensuse 11.2 from my usb hdd it says Bootmgr is missing.I installed other distros before without any problem. Now I have windows7 installed on my pc.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Start Windoze After Installing?

Jun 15, 2010

I would normally consider throwing the laptop out the window but I have not done that.YetHere's the situation. I got fed up with Windoze. So I downloaded Opensuse 11.2 onto a dvd. I then installed it.Ran/Started Opensuse for the first time... Wow. Beautiful, amazing, fast, etc etc. So.. Okay so far, except for one or 3 niggles, one of the main ones being that I could'nt connect to the Net.Anyway, I rebooted, and when the Startup (?)-Screen came up, it had 2 versions of Opensuse on the 'list' (one of them a Safe Mode), and ....3 versions of Windoze. Yeah.. Three. First bit of confusion.

I clicked on "Windows 1" and got a black scree with the words "Boot Mgr missing" (or similar), 'Press Ctrl Alt Del"..... Great, I thought. So I did that, anyway, and upon reboot tried "Windows 2" instead; same thing. Tried a third reboot, and "Windows 3". SAME. Now I'm P****d off.......Apparently, when it was installing, it said it would be 'Shrinking' Windows to make space. Would this have anything to do with it? How on earth do I get Windoze BACK, at least until I can try out another version of Opensuse OR a different Linux Distro????

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OpenSUSE Install :: Not Installing Boot Loader?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm trying to make my iMac "Triple Boot".But using rEFIt as the boot loader, and installing Grub or Lilo makes the "Boot Menu" complicated.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Only Failsafe 11.3 After Installing Ubuntu10.04

Jul 24, 2010

new bought cheap PC, with pleasure installed 11.3 and then I tried to install Ubuntu 10.04... on grub startmenu see I now only SuSE Failsafe. I want my trusted SuSE ro seen, can not find an handy solution on forums.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Only Log As Failsafe After Installing ATI Drivers?

Sep 11, 2010

I've installed my the ATI drivers as per this link: SDB:ATI drivers - openSUSEHowever when trying to reboot on normal mode the OS opens only tty1 (terminal 1?), you know, the one with green theme background. Fortunately I was able to reboot and log with failsafe. Any ideas why this is happening and how I can fix it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing 11.3 On Compaq ML370 G3?

Dec 26, 2010

I have a problem with installing OpenSUSE 11.3 on my server Compaq ML370 G3.4 gb memory
and 6 drives, all at 36,4Gb(scsi)On the server it is the Compaq Smart Array 532 controller.
When i install from the DVD, after i choose the default keyboard, the an error comes up, and it is restarting the installation process.When i use liveCD i can get to the desktop, but then evrything hangs.

I have tryed the SLES 11 SP1 and i think and as I recall i can perhaps manually the drivers to the installation.But my main question is, Is there a way to add the controller drivers in the installation prosess of OpenSUSE 11.3?

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OpenSUSE Install :: GUI Not Getting After NVIDIA Driver Installing In 11.3

Jan 8, 2011

I installed on my laptop NVIDIA driver from the opensuse repository. After restart i am not geting the GUI.The screen blinks while booting and finally ends in command line login. Error shows that gdm lasted for only few seconds. Max number of try exceeded.

HP pavillion ZV5000
64b processor
NVIDIA GEForce4 440 64m

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