OpenSUSE Install :: Installing The Package With Zypper?

May 4, 2010

I have minimal open suse installed as a server and now i would like to install some packages with zypper and it always download some packages related to X11 and gnome but I want to ignore that.Is it possible some how that I can define a USE flag for that like -X -gnome?

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OpenSUSE :: Zypper R - Best Version Of Package

Jul 5, 2010

I installed R using zypper some time back, but then I read that I should have used a specific repository called Rpatched. So (note order) I added the repository, then remove R (called R-base) and then proceeded to install the package. Clearly in my repository list there is more than one source of R. Should I have removed the package first and then add the new repository? How in fact does zypper deal with different repositories when they all have the same package? I expect it might choose the most recent version. But what happens when the packages are patched? How does it determine the best version of the package to use?

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OpenSUSE :: Zypper And Package Management (Yast GUI)

Jul 16, 2010

I might switch to OpenSUSE from Debian, but I have my doubts still about package management with OpenSUSE. I'm glad to see that zypper now has the --clean-deps option. Is there a YAST GUI for this as well? I don't like the command line very much. Additionally, is there any way to remove a package with all its config files? In Debian with the Synaptic front end, you can right click on package and click "remove" and it will just uninstall the package but leave its configuration files intact.

But if you select "Completely Remove" it will remove all the configuration files so that if you later install the package again it will use the default settings once again. Is there any way to do this with OpenSUSE? Again, I'd prefer a GUI. Does 11.3 offer Delta RPM updates, and are there many repos that offer delta RPMs? Does Zypper cache downloaded packages by default? And using the YAST package management GUI are packages caches by default? If so, where? Does the YAST GUI try to refresh the package cache all the time, or can I do it manually?

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OpenSUSE :: Finding Package Dependencies With Zypper?

Apr 2, 2011

Is there a command that I can use to find out what are the dependencies of a given package.

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OpenSUSE :: Zypper Installs Conflicting Package Without Complaint?

Apr 20, 2010

I created an rpm that attempts to install the file /etc/rsyslog.conf (which on my system is already installed and owned by the rsyslog package). When I install this through rpm, I get the appropriate error. However, when I install the rpm through zypper, I get no complaints, and in the end two packages end up owning the file.

Is this the expected behavior? Does zypper force install rpms despite errors? I looked through all the config files, but couldn't find any setting dealing with this case. Is this something that is controlled by a config somewhere? I'm running openSUSE 11.2-0


linux:/usr/src/packages/RPMS/x86_64 # rpm -i testfile-2.0.1-0.x86_64.rpm
file /etc/rsyslog.conf from install of testfile-2.0.1-0.x86_64 conflicts with file from package rsyslog-4.4.1-3.1.x86_64


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OpenSUSE :: Prevent An Update From Being Installed (zypper Package Locks)?

May 22, 2010

everytime I run "zypper up -t patch", I get the following:


Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...


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OpenSUSE :: How To Speed Up Zypper And YAST2 When Installing Appz

Feb 16, 2011

I found zypper and YAST2 are comparatively slower than apt-get in my situation.Because when one application, e.g KDE 4.6,which has a lot of dependent appz,those depencies are installed after downloaded one by one.But in the case of apt-get ,they are installing and downloading simultaneously.No doubt that apt-get are faster than zypper.

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Fedora :: Terminal Command For Installing Packages Zypper / OpenSuSE?

Jun 24, 2011

I'm considering making a switch from Ubuntu/Linux Mint to Fedora 15 because I just adore, love, cannot be without Gnome Shell any longer. SELinux - I actually am finding I hate this program as it blocks certain plugins (like Java), some programs I run it blocks functionality, etc. What's the best way to disable it or make it more like Ubuntu where it's pretty much permissive of everything. Common Apps I use - I haven't checked the repos, but at the least I use the following (some I know work, but I can't remember the specific ones I want to know if I need to compile or if it's in the repos)

a - Snes9x
b - PCSX Reloaded
c - KeepNote
d - libdvdcss2 and libdvdread4
e - MP4, MP3, AVI, MPEG, OGG, OGV codecs (I think I've converted any others like WMA and WMV... wait I have a few WMA files, crap)
f - Flash 64-bit - this one I have issues with SELinux wise, (reason for first question)
g - VirtualBox - it runs so much faster under Fedora so I know this one works
h - Sun Java

RPMs - Fedora uses RPMs right? Is there like an DEB Alien to convert DEBs to RPMs? Apache2 - Now maybe I found this as httpd or lightppd or something, but why isn't it listed as Apache2 in the repos? I'm more or less guessing that Fedora is not a "rolling" release, is there a variant or version that is or a repo I can enable? A software center, other than Synaptic; I'm pampered when it comes to Ubuntu Software Center and that, is there anything like that in Fedora that isn't Synaptic? What's the terminal command for installing packages, is it zypper or is that OpenSuSE?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installation Fails While Installing Package

Jul 1, 2010

I'm installing openSUSE 11.2 on a notebook from DVD + locally mirrored update and kde4 buildservice repositories. This usually worked fine, but this time, the installation always fails at about 89% while installing some package, whose name I can't find out. Its script fails with error 127, the error message blocks access to the log.

Is there a way to continue the installation process afterwards, instead of always trying to reinstall and hoping to find out the name of the failing package?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Run Zypper Dup In X Or Not?

Dec 6, 2009

I'm upgrading from 11.2 RC1 to the final release.

I searched here, but didn't find much in the way of tutorials. This page was the best I found: Upgrade openSUSE

That page indicates that I only need to run

zypper dup

Very simple, but is it complete?

Thinking it is not that simple, I put together my own list of steps and I'd like some feedback on whether all this is necessary. In particular, is it necessary to run zypper dup outside X? Are my steps too complex?

sudo -s
zypper lr --export backups/repos/foo.repo
zypper ref
zypper in zypper libzypp (nothing to do)


I solved that by going into yast and disabling the CD-based repository. How do you do this in zypper when the error message doesn't tell you the name of the offending repository? That error could be very confusing to someone who didn't realize that a CD-based repository would be responsible for this.

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OpenSUSE :: Use Zypper To Install 'Eclipse'?

Apr 24, 2010

I just got my repos back on the track. I looked for the eclipse platform in 'Yast->software management', still like 8 choiches to make. Can I use zypper again to install 'Eclipse'?

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OpenSUSE :: Zypper Cannot Install 32-bit App On 64-bit System

Nov 9, 2010

I added ettercap repo Index of /repositories/home:/bastianfriedrich/openSUSE_11.3 and I want to install 32-bit ettercap. But these commands fail:

# zypper install "ettercap-ng.i586"
# zypper install ettercap-ng.i586
# zypper install "ettercap-0.7.3-9.1.i586"
# zypper install "ettercap.i586=0.7.3-9.1"

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OpenSUSE :: Cannot Install Anything Using Zypper Or YaST

Jul 23, 2011

I don't know why this is happening, however, all of a sudden I am unable to install any packages (from OpenSUSE repos of course) using either Zypper from the CLI or YaST2. Every time I try and install anything, or perfom a zypper dup, I am greeted with the below error message.

error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index
error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found
error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index
error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found
error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index
error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found
error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index
error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found
error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index
error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found
error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index
error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found
error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index
error: db3 error(-30987) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found
error: error(-30987) getting "" records from Requireversion index

I'm no stranger to OpenSUSE's package manager, however I have yet to come across this error before.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Use Zypper Or Yast?

Mar 16, 2010

when in command line (because i cannot start plasma either) i get an error message stating [/usr/lib/YaST2/bin/y2base: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/ symbol: _ZNst_num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE2idE, version GLIBCXX_3.4] i would like to know how bad it is and if it can possibly can be fixed

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrade To 11.3 Using Zypper Dup?

Aug 14, 2010

I just run

zypper dup

on my 11.2 box. Apparently it did ok, but I can't see any change. How can I check if I have 11.3 now?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Zypper Dup And Aspire One ?

Nov 4, 2010

So I did zypper dup yesterday, because I have been a having a ton of freezing issues with this 11.3, and now after a restart I get the green lizard loading screen and then, when it seems like it's about to load KDE all I get is a black screen with a cursor.

It will boot up in failsafe mode just fine. I just rolled back to an older kernel but still same issue, what should I do now?

This laptop has a Intel 945 graphics card

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OpenSUSE Install :: Execute Zypper Command To Install The Kde Desktop?

Mar 21, 2010

I need to execute zypper command to install the kde desktop? I also added the kde repo or officers would suffice?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Zypper Stopped With Checksums Changes?

Dec 17, 2010

I usually install or upgrade using Ctrl + alt + F1 console in init3 mode.Despite this and while using # zypper re && zypper up i notice that often times upgrade is stopped when checksums are changed. Last day 250 packages could not be upgraded because of maybe 5 packages with changed checksums. Sometimes clearing zypper cache with zypper cc does the trick but not all the time it works, I had to force install manually to be able to upgrade. Is it possible that upgrade is not impeded by such changes ? If not is it at least possible to have a list of changed checksum packages to be able to remove them or install them manually more easily ?

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OpenSUSE :: Zypper Error While Attempting To Install Apps

Jan 5, 2011

OpenSUSE 11.3
Zypper 1.4.8-0.2.4 (i586)

When attempting to run commands of zypper:

$ sudo zypper install <XXX>
$ sudo zypper help
$ sudo zypper services


I looked through my command history to verify I hadn't done anything stupid. The only thing I had done since my last zypper command was to install ngspice....WITH zypper.

Looks to me like is corrupt.

Is there a way I can "update" or reinstall with an uncorrupted version without bricking my OS? I looked into uninstalling from Yast Software Manager (GUI) but it throws all kinds of warnings about how it can't complete operations and it will break links and I'd like to avoid it unless a guru says otherwise.

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OpenSUSE :: Restrict Zypper To Install Only Updates And No New Packages?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm a long time Linux user but new to Suse. I got a couple of questions I was hoping someone might shed some light to. I'm running OpenSuse 11.3. -After running 'zypper update' I see it's listing a couple of new packages it wants to install (flash-player among them). I thought update would mean update existing packages, not install random new packages. Is there a way to restrict zypper to install only updates and no new packages?

-I'm trying to find a repository that has the complete courier mail server (smtp, webmail and all the rest, not just the imap server) but I'm having no luck. Anyone know where I could get it? I know I can build it myself. -Is there a way to automatically download all available updates so that they can later be installed interactively?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Zypper Up Renders System Unusable?

Jun 26, 2010

I have a problem after running zypper up. Apparantly somehow it upgraded to current factory release.. Problems so farNo networkNo x - session(after a quick hack i have x started but no input devices work)I think there is something wrong with udev and my xorg.confx first complained about InputDevice not being recognised.. I moved away my /etc/X11/xorg.conf and got a quick running session (without input devices, so icannot log on) but after a reboot it gives me a "black" screenWhile troubleshooting is encountered the problem that my network card is not recognised.. This all points in the direction of udev or whatever to be badly configured during upgrade..

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OpenSUSE Install :: No Kernel Found After Zypper Dup From 11.1 To 11.3 On Asus EEE PC 901?

Jul 19, 2010

uccessfully installing 11.3 M4 through GM on a test disk on my main machine, I upgraded the main disk on that machine with zypper dup from 11.2 to 11.3.As that went well, I decided to upgrade my netbook Asus EEE PC 901 from 11.1 tot 11.3 through zypper dup. While installation gave no errors, the system won't boot anymore, that is, grub loads and presents the boot menu, but doesn't find the kernel:

kernel (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.34-12-pae root=/dev/diskby-id/ata-ASUS-PHISON_SSD_SOQ2780080-part1 spash=silent vga=315


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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 Hangs / Freezes After Zypper Update?

Sep 8, 2010

zypper refresh
zypper update -d
zypper update


After that both systems hang with a black screen, running high CPU as I could hear the CPU fans running at max speed. Waited on both systems, but had to hard reset both.

#1 (using ext3, but mounted as ext2) tried to reboot, but had a LOT of file system issues that had to be resolved (fsck). After that the Video driver had to be reinstalled. Finally the system did reboot, but all icons on all GNOME desktops (~/Desktop) are white and have the ".desktop" extension in their name.

#2 (using ext4) came backup fine, but also required the video driver to be reinstalled. After that the system worked fine.

Still wondering how to resolve the GNOME Desktop Icon issue with #1. Tried to create a new user, but that had the same effect for the icons (launchers) in ~/Desktop. Icons for "Home", "Trash" and connected networks do display the normal names and have a normal image.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 - Checking For Updates / Zypper Up / Dup And Thumbleweed

Mar 17, 2011

I have openSUSE 11.4 and added repro for Thumbleweed to the basic repro's.As told me I had to do a zypper dup ones for the Thumbleweed-repro to bring system up to date.

1) In KDE I do not see an update-icon in the system-tray anymore: 11.3 had one.Does this mean the auto-update function is disabled?

2) About "levels' of repro's: they are all 99, should Thumbleweed in my case be more important: say 75 ( at least <99 ) ?

3) When I use zypper up I have apps that wants updates and some are "hold back" Is this related to repro's that do refresh but not install ?

4) Someone told me NEVER mesh around with zypper DUP, so he means ONLY use zypper UP.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Yast Zypper Corrupted After Aborting Update

May 8, 2010

I was updating all the installed packages on my system yesterday via YAST. The package manager seemed to hang when downloading a small update for YAST itself (related to ncurses, I think) so I hit the abort button. The package manager quit but now it doesn't work. Trying to start the software management module (Qt version) give me the following error:
UI Syntax Error
Couldn't load plug-in qt-pkg
Check the log file!

So I then tried the console version of YAST. The software management module doesn't work here either. It give me the following error:
UI Syntax Error
Couldn't load plug-in ncurses_pkg
Check the log file!

I Googled a bit and came to the conclusion that for the second error I should try the following command:
zypper install yast2-ncurses-pkg
But this just gives me another error:
zypper: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So now it appears that both YAST and zypper are corrupt!

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OpenSUSE Install :: Online Updates For 11. 2 And 11.0 Corrupted Yast And Zypper

May 9, 2010

Using 11.2 64 bit on Amd 3200 64I installed 4 Days ago After running a online update yesterday with Yast which was completely finished, starting the machine today, I wanted to add a program Yast reports "UI Syntacs Error Couldn't load plugin qt_pkg" Using 11.0 on P2800 I run an online update 3 days ago. Today I started, the updater reported updates. When I accepted I got the error message "DBus error :Unable to get transaction id from packagekit." Disabling the updater, starting Yast, I got "error initializing the repositorys.Parse error." and "UI Syntacs Error Couldn't load plugin qt_pkg" On both machines I gave the command rpm --rebuilddb On the 11.2 Yast started without error.

I wanted to instal a program when the download was completed I got again the message "UI Syntacs Error Couldn't load plugin qt_pkg"On the 11.0 Yast installed a small Program without error.When I opened Yast online update, I got the "parse error again. When I say o.k. there, Updates are shown and installed. However using the updater kit it reports still "DBus error : Unable to get transaction id from packagekit". How can I fix the DBUS error of the 11.0 (On an 9.0 I had to deinstall Rug and thereafter run only Yast) I can deal with the Parser error myself, checking all Repositories should do it)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Does The User Have To Use Zypper If They Want/need A Unique/simple Alias Name

Aug 9, 2010

When adding a repository via YaST2, how do you add the Alias name? I don't see a text_box for Alias? I noticed in /etc/zypp/repos.d/ that YaST2 uses the Alias, as well as in /var/cache/zypp/. I have very descriptive text in the Name field to make it easier to read in YaST2 Versions Tab, etc. YaST2 appears to make the Alias = Name.Does the user have to use zypper if they want/need a unique/simple Alias name?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Evrgreen Zypper Up And Server Don't Boot Anymore?

Jun 3, 2011

I use evergreen for 11.1 on a hosted server. I just did a "zypper up" and I can't boot anymore!I still have access to the server through a recovery system a bit like the openSUSE rescue. But my main mail server in on this machine, so I don't have anymore access to the evergreen mailing list (of course I can subscribe from gmail of else, but i try first here).

I can reinstall from my hosting provider, but I just missed the point that this reinstall is not from 11.1 but to 11.4, and that mean I have to reconfigure most of my service, and this takes there a way I can reinstall original 11.1 base? may I stop the evergreen repo, do zypper up and be undergraded?important notice: this server use a provider kernel and lilo, not the evergreen kernel. I now have a 2.6.38 kernel next time I will try simply issuing "lilo".

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrade To 11.2 With Broken Zypper / Repository 'gwdg_suse11.1' Is Invalid?

May 24, 2010

When I attempt to refresh my zypper repositories, I get messages like:

Repository 'gwdg_suse11.1' is invalid.
File /var/tmp/TmpFile.vRNflE doesn't contain public key data

I've asked for help (which has been freely given) on these forums before, but nothing has worked, and I've been stuck with this error for many months now. In effect, my system is effectively non-upgradable.

However, I would like to upgrade to 11.2. Is there an upgrade CD, or should I just download the 11.2 DVD (at nearly 5GB) and choose the "upgrade" option from it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Message: Zypper: Error While Loading Shared Libraries

Jun 9, 2010

I have installed 11.2 from OpenSuse DVD on a clean partition. The problems I am having are: Updater Applet - it keeps trying to do the update and fails with the message: DBus error: Unable to get transaction id from packagekit. svn. I am trying to understand how to run svn client. I found installation instructions here. However, running the command zypper install subversion produces following error message:
zypper: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory.

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