OpenSUSE Hardware :: Unable To Delete Files From Kingston 'ur Drive' 4gb Usb Stick

Apr 5, 2011

i have a 4gb kingston 'ur drive' usb stick but i am unable to delete files from it. i have another usb stick a PNY 8gb stick whick works ok, but not the 4gb.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Unable To Delete Files From USB?

Jun 14, 2011

I used imagewriter to create an iso for an os. I now want to remove the files that where created from this process but they are locked. I have tried to reformat the drive using partitioner but 2 USB drives show in dolphin after this process and the files still remain.

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Ubuntu :: Create A Bootable Install Of 10.04 Which Boots Off An 8GB Kingston DataTraveler USB Stick?

May 5, 2011

I'm trying to create a bootable install of Ubuntu 10.04 which boots off an 8GB Kingston DataTraveler USB stick. I used the latest Universal USB installer from pendrivelinux to install it, and I used the I386 ISO of Ubuntu 10.04. It successfully installed to the USB stick and I enabled 4GB of persistence. However, when I put it into any machine it gives me the following message:

Mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: No such device (initramfs) Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs I tried redoing it, and redoing it without persistence enabled, but still no luck.

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General :: How To Install A Distro Onto A Memory Stick "Kingston"

Nov 9, 2010

Have just purchased a 4GB Kingston Traveler memory stick and would like to know how i can install a Linux distro "Austrumi Linux" onto the memory stick.

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Ubuntu :: 16 Kingston Usb Flash Drive Not Working?

Apr 15, 2010

it now calls itself skymedi. In windows it does not open or format. I tried some utilities from [URL] but i cant figure them out. Im going to try it out with gparted.

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Fedora Hardware :: Recover Usb Flash Drive Kingston 8GB?

Feb 27, 2010

I bought a usb drive flash drive (pendrive) Kingston 8GB: And i have a problem: In windows XP, the drive is recognized but when i click appears a message: "Insert a disk in drive X: " So, when i plug the same drive in fedora 12, nothing happen.

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Fedora Hardware :: Kingston 2GB Flash Drive Not Working?

Dec 20, 2010

I am running a 32-bit Fedora 11 OS (in GNOME).

My 2GB Kingston Flash Drive is plugged into my hp pavilion dv6000; the light on the flash drive is on but there is no icon on my desktop, and it is also missing from the 'Places' tab.

After typing fdisk -l I receive the following message:

Disk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000d7c32


I've plugged in the drive to different USB slots to no avail. I also plugged in my e-reader to see if my USB slots were malfunctioning, but the e-reader was detected by Fedora.

I have plugged the thumb drive into my Windows 7 Desktop PC with the hope of the OS recognizing the drive, but the result is the same as in my laptop.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Unable To Play Files On NAS Drive From Within Smplayer Over Samba Shares Or Ftp?

May 21, 2011

I have mentioned this in another thread elsewhere but perhaps this is a better location. In Opensuse 11.3 I was able to play files on my NAS drive from within smplayer over samba shares or ftp. I would simply use dolphin to browse to the file on the nas drive (either through samba or ftp protocol), double click the .avi file and it would load smplayer and begin playing immediately.

In 11.4 I have samba set up using the same smb.conf file However, if I double click the .avi file it copies the entire contents to the local computer before launching smplayer. If I use smplayer's file selector and navigate to the file on the samba share I get the message "you can only select local files" This is a different behaviour to that from 11.3 However, using the ftp protocol from within dolphin smplayer launches immediately and begins playing. smplayer is launched using the shortcut command

smplayer %U
Does anybody have any suggestions on a workaround or how to correct? Using kaffeine I have no problems. Double click the file on the nas drive and kaffeine launches immediately and begins playing.

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Fedora :: Can't Delete Certain Files From A Mac Drive?

Jan 27, 2010

I am using FC11 and have an external USB drive attached which was originally formatted and used with OS X. I'm pretty sure it's an HFS+ filesystem, but fdisk-l simply reports "unknown". I moved a ton of files to it from an older OS X drive, including a bunch of backups that were done with Time Machine in OS X.

Now I've moved them all back to where I want them (onto an EXT2 formatted drive) and I'm trying to clear those Time Machine files off the HFS+. The drive will ultimately be used with a Mac, so I don't want to wipe the whole disk (aside from the fact I have a ton of other stuff on there that I don't want to move).

The problem is that I cannot get FC11 to delete the Time Machine files. When I try to delete the top level folder ('rm -rf topfolder'), the command looks like it's running (and goes load crazy on the CPU), but I left it running all night, then cancelled it this morning, no files were deleted. It just sits there. When I try to delete folders a little lower in the tree using 'rm -rf myfolder' I get an error telling me the folder is not empty. When I go down to the lowest level folder, I can only find DS_Store and .localized files in it. The properties are rather odd... output of ls -als is this:


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OpenSUSE :: Open Files From Memory Stick The Memory Stick Is Not Available?

Mar 21, 2011

When I start bluej and try to open files from my memory stick the memory stick is not available. Is there any way that I can open files directly in bluej from my memory stick.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Delete Some Files

Jun 11, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04. I have a small HDD and I noticed that the weight of the folder .Trash-0/lost+found on my computer was of 2.6 gb.

I tried to delete the files in this folder, but it seems impossible. Even with using sudo I can't delete them because I am not authorized to do so. The files in the folder are quite weird, there are folder and files named like this: #7614692, #7613635 etc. Their groups and their users are also quite weird: -1933023744, 1624453254... Even from a live cd it is not possible to delete them. Also the date of the files is ****ed up, example:

- last access: "mar. 13 juil. 1943 15:26:11 CEST"
- last modification: "mer. 12 oct. 2022 15:59:51 CEST"

I recently upgraded this partition from ext3 to ext4, so I would guess that it comes from here. But I don't know if these files where there before or not.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Delete The Files As They Appear Again And Again?

Sep 11, 2010

i have a pen drive that has two mp3 files.i am unable to delete the files as they appear again and again how can i format the drivee using dd command

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Delete Files From Flash Drive Without Reformatting

Nov 7, 2010

When I try to delete files form my flash drive, the file picture goes away, but the actual data does not. Lets say I put a 900mb file on my 4gb flash drive, then I delete it. It will still ll me that only 3100MB are left in free space. If I try to add more than that it tells me the drive is full. I keep reformatting and reformatting into all different types on file systems but nothing works.

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General :: Need To Delete Old Files To Make Room On Drive

May 7, 2010

I have a Dell Netbook which came with Ubuntu Linux 8.3 (I think) in 2008. The drive is a SSD 3gb unit and the drive was nearly full when I received it. There was only 758mb free on the drive and I wondered why they would sell a computer with so little free space on it. When the updates was installed the drive was full. Is there a way to retrieve some space on the drive without deleting programs which came with the computer? I have tried ordering a new drive online without getting one, including Dell itself. In Windows you can delete old files which will free up some space and is wondering if the same thing is possible under Linux?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Delete Read-only Files?

Aug 21, 2010

I'm trying to delete files on a USB disk. If I try using terminal using rm, because files are write only. I can't change this, even as root using chmod or unmount mount. When I use fdisk I still can't reformat, either as superuser or root. I get the following :

Disk /dev/sdh: 16.1 GB, 16064184320 bytes
7 heads, 37 sectors/track, 121140 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 259 * 512 = 132608 bytes


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Ubuntu :: Unable Yo Delete The Files Having Permission?

Jun 1, 2011

Is there no good way to assign permissions so that users can create files, modify files but cannot delete them? I know there's the sticky bit, but all that does is say that only the owner (who is a single user) is able to delete them. Ideally, what I want is to be able to use the sticky bit, but apply it to the file's group, rather than the file's owner.

Here's the example: I have a folder that is shared publicly. I want people not belonging to the folder's group to be able to create files, modify files, but not delete them. I want the folder's group to have full control. This would be possible if the sticky could apply to the folder's group, instead of the owner. I've looked into ACLs, but from what I gather, it's still just assigning permissions "none" "read" and "write," none of which would stop someone deleting a file, while still letting them create or modify (unless they were the owner, which is not helpful).

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Ubuntu :: Accidently Delete Files In Windows System Drive?

Sep 1, 2011

I have dual boot ubuntu 10.10 and Windows XP and Accidently, Some files in XP system drive files got deleted and now canot boot into Win XP,These are the files left and nothing happend to folder....



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Fedora Hardware :: Unable To Delete Files From Cowon S9?

Jul 22, 2010

I recently bought a cowon S9 mp3 player because of its capabilities of playing ogg music files. I decided I wanted to remove some music files to replace with others bur after supposedly deleting them I found that there was 10gb still in use. After opening the folder for the cowon s9 and viewing the hidden files I found a "Trash 500" folder with the songs I thought I had deleted. The problem now is I can't delete this folder, even if I open the folder as root, it doesn't allow me to delete the unwanted files.

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Server :: RHEL Auto Delete Files With Full Hard Drive

Jul 13, 2010

I experienced a full hard drive yesterday due to a massive error_log. We took care of the errors, but later found out we were missing files, including a MySQL database table. Having a shopping cart and ecommerce stuff on the site, we found that some of those files were missing, too.Does RHEL 5 have some sort of feature for automatically deleting files when the partition is full? If it does, I want to turn it off.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Borked 16gb Usb Drive As A Boot Stick

Feb 5, 2010

I decided to use my 16gb usb drive as a boot stick for a new opensuse install by doing what the doc said to do i.e. "dd if=USBdrive of=ISO bs=4M" which worked great and all, but now I want the drive to do something else besides act like a cd with openSUSE on it. I can't figure out how to delete or write anything to it, because it's now read-only. Remounting hasn't worked but it's possible i'm not understanind how the mount command works, but I have tried "mount -rw /USB /MOUNTPLACE" and also with a couple of different filesystem types like usbfs & vfat.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Create USB Stick / Resolve This?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm new here, an Ubuntu user who would try Opensuse for a while. That is if I'm able to launch the thing !
I'd like to create a Live Usb Stick to test it and install it if I like it but it doesn't seem to work.

I tried the website method, using "Win32DiskImager.exe" but the program doesn't work for me (WinXP) : it looks like it's writing but when the "Done" message is prompted, I'm unable to access the usb key, Windows says it's not formatted. That doesn't look right...
I tried with LinuxLive Usb Creator but the boot process fails and Universal-Usb-Installer doesn't offer an Opensuse option.

Is there another way to install the distribution on an USB stick ? I could still try through Ubuntu but that would be quite surrealistic.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Flash Drive Won't Delete

Jun 23, 2011

When i open dolphin and go to my flash drive, the files wont delete. When i delete them it keeps coming back. I already checked permissions as well.

I had it in during installation but didn't install it to there. Is that the issue?
If so how will I delete the folders?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba - Access The Shares But Read-only And Unable To Delete / Modify Files Using The IMacs

Sep 2, 2010

I have a few ubuntu servers which have samba shares on the network and for the most part have had little trouble with them. Recently we purchased a few iMac's for one of our deptartments and, while we're able to access the shares, all the files on them are read-only and we are unable to delete/modify files using the iMacs. This is not an issue with any of our windows machines (W2K, WinXP, Vista).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Create A Live USB Stick In A Pendrive With Files Available For Windows?

Nov 14, 2010

I've put openSUSE several times in USB flash drives. I've used the old method with dd ... and the new one with dd_rescue ..., shown in SDB:Live USB stick - openSUSE This way a partition is created (sdb1 or sdc1 or ...), with the Linux file system (ID: 83). One of the problems of this system is that all the data of the pendrive is deleted. Another problem is that sometimes openSUSE doesn't load completely and I cannot use it. And another of the problems is that even if I create another partition (for example to make the Live USB persistent and "remember" the configuration of my computer) and I put some of my photos, songs, films there when I plug the pendrive in a computer running Windows XP I cannot access the data. (What about Vista and 7?)

Other Linux distros can be put in pendrives using the FAT file system (for example W95 FAT32 (LBA), ID: c). This way my personal data or files (photos, documents, ...) can be opened from a computer running Windows XP (and the personal data is not erased when putting the Linux in the pendrive). So I would like to know how to create a Live USB drive with personal files that are avaiable for many Operating Systems, including Windows XP. Perhaps the solution is to put openSUSE in a FAT file system, or put it in Linux file system but create another partition with FAT file system (for this openSUSE should avoid the 1st partition, sdX1, that should be for the personal data, so Windows XP can access it).

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OpenSUSE Network :: Delete All The Files In Tmp?

Nov 26, 2010

Can I just go in a delete all the files in tmp? Or, do I need to be more careful? I noticed that a lot of flv fragments go in there. I did just delete those because I couldn't see how they could be useful again. What about all the other stuff?

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OpenSUSE :: Trash - Can't Delete Any Files Bigger Than 4 Go

Jan 3, 2011

I can't delete any files bigger than 4 Go. I got a message telling me that my trash is full and I should empty it. But there is nothing in it. Is there any thing I can do to be able to delete files over 4 Go?

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OpenSUSE :: FireFTP Can't Delete Local Files?

Jul 7, 2011

i've used the firefox add-on FireFTPseveral years and like it a lot...simple and handy..but the version 1.99.4 loaded on my openSUSE 11.4 is unable to deleteocal files..previous versions, a right click on a local file and select "Delete"would result in the file being deleted...current version: same action results in a pop-up error "Unable to deletefile." _and_ the creation, in the local directory of a new sub-directory/home, it including an empty sub-directory /.Trashi'd wish another user to confirm that undesired action and join my bug

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OpenSUSE Install :: Syslog Files Accumulating Searching For Setting To Delete Old Syslog Files?

Oct 7, 2010

I noticed in my system that my root partition is getting full. I found a lot of old compacted syslogfiles. Had a look at etc/sysconfig editor eg cron but could not find a setting which allows to delete files older than a month. Where and how could I influence this ? I deleted manually all syslog files older than a month. Approx 6GB

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Ubuntu :: Delete Files On Flash Drive "locked"?

Jun 6, 2010

I got a free flash drive from Columbia College that has some files I want to remove. I did the right click thing and they are read only. I tried to change to read and write but I got. Sorry, could not change the permissions of "ColumbiaCollegeViewbook.pdf": Error setting permissions: Read-only file system

Now this thing only shows up as 5.4 MB Yea that is right Megabytes! But I have a plan for it. So is there any way to get the files off so I can put mine on it?

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OpenSUSE :: Way To Get Rsync To Delete Files If They Were Deleting At Source?

Jun 11, 2011

I have 2 folders that are synced using rsync. Right now if I delete a file in the source folder, the destination folder still retains that file. Is there a way to get rsync to delete files if they were deleting at the source?I could not find anything in the man page.not sure if I'm missing something or if that feature just doesn't exist.

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