OpenSUSE Hardware :: Configuring Gapcmon With USB?

Aug 24, 2010

I have a APC BR 800. How do I configure gapcmon for use with a USB cable? Must I use a network cable?

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OpenSUSE :: Gapcmon - Apcupsd NIS Network Error

Mar 20, 2010

Installed gapcmon 3.14.6 on openSUSE 11.2 using YAST. Have a Back-UPS XS 1500 (model BX1500LCD) connected via USB cable. gapcmon cannot communicate with UPS. Get NIS network error. Had same problem previously and was able to get it working, but can't remember what I did to get it to work. I have included technical details from a hardware scan showing that the connection between my system and USP is working as well as the contents of apcupsd.conf and screenshots.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Configuring OpenSuse To Work With Verizon USB760 Modem?

Jul 8, 2009

I just purchased a Verizon USB 760 Modem.I purchased the Modem from Verizon because their web site stated that it supported all major OS including Linux.

My system specs are: HP Compaq 6715b Laptop

OS Information
OS: Linux i686
Current user: jraglin@Jada
System: openSUSE 11.0 (i586)


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OpenSUSE :: Configuring The Dansguardian + Squid?

Mar 1, 2010

I have installed dansguardian and squid on my home computer and I need to configure them. the only problem I couldn't find any manual only one for opensuse 9. And even there the part after "acl CONNECT method CONNECT" doesn't make any sense to me.

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OpenSUSE :: Installing And Configuring Nagios On On 11.1?

Oct 29, 2010

Does anyone know of a good tutorial for installing and configuring Nagios on OpenSuSE 11.x?

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OpenSUSE :: Configuring USB SSD To Mount Correctly ?

Jun 16, 2011

Comp Specs:
Dell Laptop
OpenSuSE 11.4
GNOME #1 SMP PREEMPT 2011-04-25 21:48:33 +0200 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

Drive Specs:
Kingston External SSD Drive 128GB

Ok, so for the last couple of weeks I have been playing with trying to configure auto-mounting my SSD drive. But it seems SO confusing trying to get this configured correctly. Between HAL, udev, autofs, automount, auto.master file, etc I feel like I am getting more confused the more I read about it.... Not really sure how these work or how they are interconnected if at all?

First: At first when I plug in my USB SSD Drive it automatically mounts to "/media/SSD" (but this is not where I want it mounted, for a few reasons). "SSD" --> is the volume label as well.

Second: Then I tried adding this line to fstab:


When I add that line I can see during the boot message/log that it is waiting for me to plug it in so that it can mount it. Which is nice but I don't always need it plugged in at that moment. Also, after adding that line, when I plug the SSD in, it no longer automatically mounts it anywhere.

Third: Then I tried using the auto.master file to automount the drive (used this tutorial to do that --> Configuring Autofs). Added the following lines to auto.master (Not at the same time though, tried each separately):



After doing the above and then restarting autofs I saw the following as the last line of the mount command (which seems VERY strange):


Which also will not allow me to umount it? Tells me it's busy.

So basically I would just like to be able to plug in the USB SSD and have it automatically mount to "/mnt/SSD". Could anybody give me a hand with this?

Also, I would LOVE to know how these things work or how they work together (HAL, udev, autofs, etc...)

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Configuring Logitech LX6 In 11.2?

Dec 22, 2009

I'd like to get the scroll wheel's left and right tilting to work in firefox (go back and forward one page). A lot of the forums suggest ways to do this with xorg.conf, but I see that it's been removed in 11.2. The only mouse support in Yast is this "text console mouse model" thing- what is that?? At any rate, it doesn't have Logitech LX or MX series mice in its list.Any suggestions for getting this to work? Am I going to have to create an xorg.conf file, and what will break if I do? Any ideas what the direction is for Logitech mice in openSUSE? It sure would be great to have better support for mice in this distro

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OpenSUSE Network :: Configuring LAN Modem Not Possible In 11.3?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a devolo MicroLink 56k Fun LAN modem, which I could configure in openSuse 11.2 as an DSL device. With 11.2 it worked fine. But it isn't possible in 11.3 to configure it, because I cannot set the dial up internet provider phone number for this DSL device.I also tried it to configure it as a modem, but then it used the /dev/modem device, which is the wrong device for this LAN modem.

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Shutdown After Configuring The Session Manager?

Aug 16, 2009

I use:
OpenSuse 11.1 with KDE.

I wish: no session restoring on login and no confirmation dialog on logout � i.e. OpenSuse should never ask me, if I click on �shutdown� and always start with new session.

I do: So, in �System Settings� -> �Advanced�-Tab -> �Session Manager� I choose follow options:

NO Confirm Logout
NO Offer shutdown option

On Login:
YES Start with an empty session

Default shutdown option:
YES Turn off computer
(finally, it goes disabled)

The problem is:Now I can't shutdown my computer by clicking the �Shutdown� in main menu. I can click it hundred times � nothing happens. Could anybody explain me, why???

As an experiment:If I choose �YES Confirm Logout� and click the �Shutdown�, I will see the confirmation dialog, but with only one option - �Logout�.

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OpenSUSE :: Configuring Suspend Scripts Or Hooks

Apr 9, 2010

Is there anyone who can give a few pointers on how to go about controlling the Suspend/Wake process e.g. by using hooks. I know there are a few support pages on the site that refer to this but when it come to the details they are not as clear as they might be for someone new to Linux. (I assume that since 11.2 uses pm-utils the Powersave Project is not relevant to me, for example).Also any tips on restarting PCMCIA card services would be appreciated. Do I need to install pcmciautils?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Configuring New Proprietary Drivers?

Aug 26, 2010

I'm new -and inexperienced- Suse user, I have a new laptop with an ATI 5650 graphic card. I have been using the Radeon driver with very low performance for a while. this driver was installed following the "Xorg -configure" procedure as descibed in the forum. Today I installed the newly released driver from Ati. this is what I did:

1) in /etc/X11/xorg.conf I changed "radeon" with "fglrx"
2) I run the driver downloaded from the ATI website
3) I run the command "aticonfig --initial"

I'm no longer able to start the X server (the computer boots to full console) and I have no idea how to go forward. if I give the command "startx" I get a "segmentation error" and I go back to console can somebody point me in the right direction?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Configuring The Bootloader Screen?

Mar 14, 2010

I have called, I hope correctly, the first screen you see after the BIOS details - "the bootloader screen". If that is not the correct term, then I mean the screen against which GRUB displays your various OS boot options. For some reason, the bootloader screen only occupies the middle half of my widescreen monitor. The bootsplash screens and the login screen which come after it display correctly. I think they are controlled by the command vga=0x348Is there a way of stretching the bootloader screen so that, like the bootsplash screens and login screen, it extends to the full width of the monitor

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.0 - Configuring OpenLDAP 2.4 Replication?

Jun 29, 2009

I have been using OpenLDAP 2.4 with OpenSuse 11 without any issues but I now want to configure replication and can't see how it's done . The OpenLDAP 2.4 admin guide refers to the slapd.conf configuration file but this is not used by YaST.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Configuring Inn News Server On 11.4

Jun 11, 2011

I want to have an inn server running on my own server, both to relay my prefered newsgroups and to manage my own newsgroups.

I installed inn with YaST, but I'm lost in the inn documentation. I'm pretty sure openSUSE defaults solve most problems but can't find where I have to setup my own config

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OpenSUSE :: Configuring Xen / Virtualization - Only Asks For Root Password

Apr 9, 2010

I'd like to boot my windoze partition in opensuse. However,
System > Virtualization > Create Virtual Machines Yields nothing.
Only asks for root PW, and then does nothing else. Xen is installed.

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OpenSUSE :: Configuring The Concole \ Don't Like The Default Console Window Under Kde?

Jul 20, 2011

I now have Suse 11.4 and I don't like the default console window under kde.In 11.2, I was able to set the font size, line width and no. of lines, and then makethese changes permanent. I can't find anything now other than changingthe font size, and it's not permanent. The console window covers the whole screen,but I sometimes want to drag it smaller, which I can't seem to do now.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Configuring Intel Graphics Driver

Aug 24, 2010

My system occasionally, not often, but enough to bring me to do something about it, keeps freezing. Hard lock-ups. This is a known bug for openSUSE 11.3 and intel video cards. So, I tried some suggestions and updated my kernel to 2.6.35. Nope. Same prob. I updated Xorg, mesa, drm, cairo (had to go to Factory for that one). I finally got all the requirements met as listed on Intel Linux Graphics: 2010Q2 and I download the intel 2d driver, since it's newer than what comes with openSUSE, even in Factory (xorg-x11-driver-video-intel-legacy 2.9.1).Now, when I go to compile the driver, it errors out on ./ do I let this intel driver package know where xorg-server is?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Configuring Parallel Port Scanner On 11.3

Dec 22, 2010

Just updated to Suse 11.3, in past versions, including 11.2 I could activate my Epson parallel scanner this way:

Modify this file removing the '#' form the line '#epson'
Modify this file to indicate which port to use, like this:
# epson.conf
# here are some examples for how to configure the EPSON backend
# SCSI scanner:
scsi EPSON
# for the GT-6500:
scsi "EPSON SC"
# Parallel port scanner:
#pio 0x278
pio 0x378
#pio 0x3BC

It doesn't work anymor, the parallel port is apparently active since I can do:
ls -l /dev/lp0
And I get:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12 Dec 22 19:51 /dev/lp0

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Configuring Canon PIXMA MP510 Under 11.3

Jan 14, 2011

I'm trying to get my Canon Pixma MP510 scanner to work under openSUSE 11.3. Canon Linux Support doesn't seem to have anything for 11.3, but sane claims to provide basic functionality. The printer is working fine, but I don't manage to configure the scanner.

I tried to configure via YaST, but the following happens: The scanner is found, but (correctly) labbelled as "not configured". Clicking "Edit", the PIXMA MP510 is listed and a driver suggested: "Canon PIXMA MP510: (Package sane-backends) Driver pixma should provide basic functionality (USB-ID 0x04a9:0x1717)" If I select this option an click on "Next", the window crashes and I get the following error in the KDialog window, but I have no clue what it means: "YaST got signal 11 at YCP file Wizard.ycp:849 /sbin/yast2: line 399: 5663 Segmentation fault $ybindir/y2base $module "$@" "$SELECTED_GUI" $Y2_GEOMETRY $Y2UI_ARGS"

Is this a YaST problem? Or driver related? I thought about configuring the scanner without YaST, but don't know how to do it. I tried to google a HowTo, but couldn't find anything useful.

The command "sane-find-scanner" successfully detects the scanner, "found USB scanner (vendor=0x04a9 [Canon], product=0x1717 [MP510]) at libusb:001:004", but the command "scanimage -L" yields "No scanners were identified."

how to make YaST configure my scanner? Or how to configure it without YaST?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Configuring Online Update Frequency - 11.3?

Apr 29, 2011

Not sure this is the right place and I feel really stupid for asking this but, I want to change the frequency of the online update checks but, for the life of me, cannot find out how. During install, I can configure it but I now want something different. I thought that there was a topic with yast under software but no. Only "online update" which basically give me manual update. I click on configure but same screen appears.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Configuring FileZilla - Public And Private Key?

Mar 14, 2010

i am totally new to Opensuse and to filezilla. I formerly used winscp - a windows-client for i have a linux box and want to connect to the server via ssh ing filezilla.Can i use the same keys as i used in WinSCP - where should i store them and the third question.I read something about a certain so called certificate-file that has to be created!?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Configuring Mail / Web Server With A Static Ip?

Aug 29, 2010

I think that i lost my memory, because i completely forgot how to accomplish this.

I have a WEB/MAIL server configured to work on a static IP address, lets say

Now I wanna point a domain to that server to get the services up and running, lets say ...

The static IP Address is assigned by my Internet Provider.

I'm lost in the part of connecting the domain with the server.

I have the domain DNS pointing to the ISP name servers, but I don't remember if this is the correct way, or if I have to setup my own DNS server.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Configuring Squid Firewall In SUSE?

Dec 3, 2010

.i need to configure squid in my company how to install and configure squid in my SUSE server...

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OpenSUSE Network :: Configuring Caching Proxy Server 11.4?

May 25, 2011

I want to configure proxy caching on my openSUSE boxYast >>> Proxy >>>

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Connect To Internet After Configuring To Dhcp / Fix It?

Sep 12, 2011

I configure my server just like on the link found in novell i hope some can help me here. my client is able to recieve DHCP address and everything is working fine on the network how ever my client cannot pullup any website, but my server is able to pullup whats wrong on this one.

Cool Solutions: HOW-TO: Set Up a SUSE 10 Machine As a Router

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OpenSUSE :: When Started Configuring VNC It Appears That Tightvnc Is Installed By Default?

Jun 13, 2011

I recently installed opensuse 11.4 having come from 11.1 and when I started configuring VNC it appears that tightvnc is installed by default. I enabled remote administration and open firewall ports in YAST and found that the tightvnc viewer connects to my server ok. I do have a couple problems though;1. the password I set up when manually launching vncserver for the first time is not requested.2. When I launch a viewer connection it appears that an existing session is not being connected to since I log in as a user through the typical suse login screen and when I exit the session, all terminals and apps launched during that session are ended. On my 11.1 installation, after exiting a session all work was persistent and not ended.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Configuring The NVIDIA Graphic Card Driver?

Feb 1, 2010

I tried to install the NVIDIA graphic card drivers on my laptop XPS 1340, running with opensuse 11.2. There are two graphic cards, the integrated one and the NVIDIA one. I installed the drivers correctly by doing

su -c 'sh -q'
but when trying to configure the x-server
su -c 'sax2 -r -m0=nvidia'

I got the following error message in the /var/log/SaX.log NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidia0 (Input/output error).

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Getting Forbidden Access To Cups Printing When Configuring?

Oct 29, 2010

I am trying to configure CUPS and when I click on Adminitrator to Add A Printer, I get Forbidden after entering my root username and password. Anything I'm doing wrong?? In the past, it was just a matter of putting my username and password and walking though the installation. The printer is connected to the computer via USB and is being seen on the machine.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Configuring Msmtp For Sending Mail Through GMAIL?

Feb 17, 2010

Does anyone know how to configure msmtp to sed mails via gmail?

In mandriva it is done by modifying a file :


where you state your gmail account details.

Currently if I try to sent an email with my recently installed msmtp, I get the following message:

msmtp: account default not found: no configuration file available

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OpenSUSE Network :: Installing A Hardware Dial-up Modem And Configuring It To Get An Internet Connection?

Feb 28, 2010

Are there detailed instructions for Suse 11.2, anywhere, on installing a hardware dial-up modem and configuring it to get an Internet connection?

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