OpenSUSE Hardware :: SMTP 1 CPU Instead Of 4/8 (fresh Install)

May 19, 2011

Just moved from 11.3 to 11.4. I have an Intel DX58SO MB with an I7 cpu. Upgrade failed, so did a fresh install from the dvd media. For what ever reason, it did not detect multiple cpu's and I am running on 1! ??? What is going on, and how do I fix this? I'm suspecting a bug at this point, but will hold off until I can get some validation, or input.

cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6


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OpenSUSE Install :: Fresh Install + Update & Reboot = Unable To Open Session?

Sep 14, 2010

I just reinstalled my OpenSuse 11.3 with the GNOME desktop. As soon as I was done installing and I was on a fresh desktop, I installed the Yast updates that were available, rebooted, and now I can't login to any of my User accounts. Whenever I try to login, it tells me that it is "Unable to Open Session".o any of you know how I can fix this without having to reinstall all over again

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OpenSUSE Install :: Fresh Install 11.4 Blocks At Splash Screen On Reboot

Jun 30, 2011

I ordered a SuSE 11.4 installation DVD from an online Linux Distro distributer that I've used before with no problems. I did this rather than burn my own DVD from the website. I thought that I might perform a fresh install of SuSE 11.4 on this Dell 1420 Laptop that is currently running Ubuntu 11.04.

Note, this is a completely fresh install, not a side-by-side installation with Ubuntu; I followed the installation sequence that completely repartitions the entire disk for SuSE, and accepted all of the suggested options regarding logon, etc.

Everything goes well ... sort of. The first install didn't reboot correctly, i.e., the set-up that is supposed to run after the initial install never happened and I had to manually power-down the machine and restart from the "safe mode." Needless to say, that didn't work as expected. So, I re-install, from scratch, trying different options: for instance, instead of LVM, I decide to have an un-encrypted partition scheme and accept the "obvious" options ... thinking that the LVM options interacted badly with the install. Eventually I get the installation to proceed correctly, or so it appears: it goes though the entire sequence, including the re-boot, building the default image, etc.

I test this image by removing the DVD, power-cycling the machine, and all looks good, so I begin the process of installing software updates, etc. Being paranoid, I re-boot the machine, and all restarts correctly, etc.

Now here's the annoying thing. The next day, I power the machine on, and it locks at the splash screen. By the way, these are the exact symptoms that I experienced with the bogus/incomplete installations. The boot sequence proceeds up to the splash screen and waits forever.

So, in sum: I spent inordinate amounts of time attempting to install this software, carefully following the instructions provided by the installer. In every instance, after leaving the machine off for a day or so and rebooting, I am met with a splash screen that sits forever. Needless to say, I am extremely reluctant to repeat another day of software installation to only have to re-start with no assurances of success. Either I go back to ugly Ubuntu (which has always worked out of the box, by the way), or I look at other options. I was hoping to use SuSE, but I really don't care which distro is on that machine as long as it works and it provides TeX, R, Emacs, Scheme, and a few other software packages that I'm sure are of no interest to your customer base.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Overlapping Partitions With Fresh Opensuse 11.3 Install

Aug 4, 2010

After a fresh install of opensuse 11.3 x86_64, using a NET install CD, I noticed that the boot disk layout has overlapping partitions. I've noticed one other post that mentioned this at the very end. Is this a known problem already? Or is there something I'm missing that makes this okay?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Better To Update Current Setup Or Do A Fresh Install Of 11.3?

Jul 31, 2010

I am looking to update from 11.1 to 11.3. My question is would it be better to update my current setup, or do a fresh install of 11.3? I was never able to get 11.2 to install no matter what I tried so I gave up on it and went back to my tried and true 11.1. What is the best way for me to get 11.3 on my computer?

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OpenSUSE Install :: After A Fresh Install Of 11.4 X-system Comes Up With The Wrong Screensize

Mar 15, 2011

After a fresh install of Suse 11.4 X-system comes up with the wrong screensize 1680X1200.
Instead I need 1600x1200. How can i set permanently the screensize I need ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Disable Win 7 Dual Boot And Do A Fresh Install?

Apr 16, 2011

I have been trying to install openSUSE 11.4 on a Windows 7 laptop, but the suggested partitioning sucks and I lack the skills to do it manually. I would like to format the laptop drive, give up Windows for good and do a fresh install of openSUSE 11.4. openSUSE wants me to keep Windows boot. But I do not want it!

I have tried for an hour now. Can't format, there is no options for that in the openSUSE 11.4 install. There are expert options, but I really do not know how many partitions does openSUSE require. For some strange reason openSUSE wants to keep my Windows partitions. WHY? And if I delete all of the partitions, it wont automatically recreate the needed partitions for openSUSE, it only displays errors and won't let me continue.

For the love of God, do I have to open the laptop, remove the hard drive, put it in another computer and format there?

Why isn't there an option for removing all partitions, formatting the drive and installing openSUSE?

How to disable the forced Win 7 dual boot openSUSE offers and do a fresh install with only openSUSE 11.4 WITHOUT ANY WINDOWS DUAL BOOT BS.

By the way, since my laptops internal DVD is broken and I will not repair it until my daughter is old enough to handle optical drives, I use USB DVD and it won't give me any boot options but starts installation right away. This is also strange.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Does A Fresh MBR Contain Generic Code

Jan 13, 2010

If I low level formatted a drive, then created a partition table, and installed Linuxes with their bootloaders *only* on their root partitions, would the one with the bootable flag set boot?

To put it another way; does the process of creating a partition table using Linux tools put generic code in the MBR?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Almost No Sound After Fresh Installation / What Is Going On?

Sep 11, 2010

Following some problems of kernel upgrade, I have resinstalled my system. I now have some issues with sound. CD are recognized and played but no sound is coming out of my speakers (tested with amarok and caffeine). Same thing on .....: I see the video and get no sound.

However, I can hear the test sound form Configure Desktop / Multimedia

Any clue about what is going on?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: No Sound After 11.3 Fresh Install

Aug 12, 2010

I have a fresh install of openSUSE 11.3 (gnome) on my Dell Opxiplex380--but no sound... The hardware works because I can swap a Windows SATA HD into the CPU and test it. My alsa-info file is here: [URL]...


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: No Sound In Fresh 11.4 Install

Mar 10, 2011

Just installed OpenSUSE 11.4, and so far I love everything about it, the only thing that's not working is the sound. I have my sound card setup in YaST -> Sound like I always have, and it recognizes it as M-Audio Delta Audiophile 24/96. I also installed alsa-tools-gui to get Envy24Control for ICE1712 chipsets, and I unmuted all the outputs, and raised the DAC volume. My speakers are on, and all the cables check out. Here is all my multimedia information:


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OpenSUSE Install :: XP And OpenSUSE 11.3 Onto A Fresh Disk?

Dec 20, 2010

This may be a no brainer and often repeated questionBut i will ask again.I need to install XP and openSUSE 11.3 onto a fresh diskShould i install XP first and then SUSE or the other way around

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OpenSUSE Install :: No XServer After Fresh 11.2 Install

Apr 18, 2010

after the install with kde selected i get a command line however typing startx tells me no startx installed, startkde says "$DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the X server."

hwinfo --gfxcard says
Hardware Class: graphics card
Model: "Trident Microsystems 9910"
Vendor: pci 0x1023 "Trident Microsystems Inc."
Device: pci 0x9910 "9910"
SubVendor: pci 0x1179 "Toshiba America Info Systems"
SubDevice: pci 0x0001
Revision: 0x63

laptop is a tecra 8200 and the graphics card is actually "Trident Microsystems CyberBlade XP" not sure of that is the problem or what to do about the whole thing

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OpenSUSE Install :: Fresh Install Of 11.3 Won't Start

Aug 20, 2010

I downloaded the iso from the webpage and used the live cd option. From there I chose install and proceeded to install the OS. Everything went fine and I got a message that the system would need to restart without the live cd. I saw the chameleon with the white growing line under (which seemed to run to it's completion) and then I came to a screen mostly white with three option buttons in the bottom right corner and my mouse with the waiting symbol spinning in the middle of the screen. Basicly the symbols stops spinning after a little while and the system hangs. I have tried starting in fail safe mode and run level 3 with the same result. My laptop is a MSI GX740

Edit: I have tried both ubuntu and mint earlier today and those Live CDs wouldn't even start. Also I am using the CD size Gnome ISO. Maybe some of the content on the dvd iso would provide support for my HW?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Update After Fresh Re-Install

Jul 15, 2011

I had to reinstall OpenSUSE after I reorganized my hard Drive partitions... I was trying to update the system when I encountered an ERROR: Problem connecting to a software origin There was a (possibly temporary) problem connecting to a software origins. DETAILS File"/repodata/repomd xml' not found on medium [URL] My repositories too seem all right.

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OpenSUSE :: Update Error On Suse 11.3 (fresh Install)?

Jan 6, 2011

I have installed Suse 11.3 on my computer yesterday but since then I have been trying to update it but unable to do so. Everytime I try I get this error message: "system management is locked by the application with pid 6953 (usr/sbin/packagekitd). close this appliaction before trying again."

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OpenSUSE :: Plasma Hangs After Login On A Fresh Install?

Apr 19, 2011

I installed openSUSE 11.4 today and I have a problem. After login, KDE Plasma hangs for about 30sec and I can't do anything. The keyboard and the mouse are working, but if I click, I don't get any response only after about 30sec.

This is a fresh install, 32bit, I'm using only the Oss, Non-Oss and update repositories and the system is up to date.

I have an nvidia 9500M GS graphics card, first I thought it is a driver bug, but I tried both the stable 260.19.44 and the latest 270.41.03 drivers, and was no difference.

I made an another user to try with a clean kde, but the same happened.

I have nothing in my Autostart directory, and I cleaned also the /etc/xdg/autostart dir, leaving there only the pulseaudio related files.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login Failed After Fresh Installation?

Jun 2, 2010

I have tried to install openSuse several times and the same problem would persistRight after installation, when the prompt to log in shows up, I enter a username and a password, but it says that login failed. I am sure I type in the correct data as I have written down the username and the password I register during the installation.Also, after the installation finishes, the computer restarts automatically, though instead of restarting it goes into a mode similar to stand by. The screen is blank and the media buttons of the keyboard are lit, but nothing happens, so I just restart manually. Could this have something to do with it

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OpenSUSE Network :: Fresh Install Hostname Wrong

Nov 17, 2010

Just completed a fresh netinstall of OpenSUSE. This machine previously had a Ubuntu install on it, but I was having all sorts of issues and decided I required a fresh start. The install itself went acceptably, although I ended up manually fixing GRUB.Now the system is running, I've got a ridiculous problem, in that I'm still seeing the old hostname- It used to be ubuntu-server, but should now be unimatrix-001.Checked both the obvious places (/etc/HOSTNAME & YaST), but the correct hostname is in both of them.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: BCM 4322 On Fresh 11.2 Install, Not Working?

Nov 13, 2009

Newbie here, but I'll attempt to display all the information requested in lwfinger's sticky:

/sbin/lspci yields:
0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN


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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Fresh 11.2 Install - Wifi And Dhcp?

Dec 23, 2009

I just did a fresh install of 11.2 on my Thinkpad (previously running 11.1) and am having trouble with getting wifi to work properly. My wireless will not connect reliably. Sometimes it connects after reboot but then drops and will not reconnect. Below in line 4 of the status query you can see that it says DHCP4 client NOT running.

ifstatus wlan0 wlan0 device: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02) DHCP4 client NOT running wlan0 is up 5: wlan0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state DOWN qlen 1000
link/ether 00:13:02:4e:66:38 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
Configured IPv4 routes for interface wlan0:
default - -


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.3 Fresh Install From DVD Did Not Recognize Internal Bluetooth

Jul 28, 2010

When I tried to upgrade via DVD I had numerous problems and most of them were fixed by installing with automatic configuration. My laptop is a Pavilion dv2000. I added on the bluetooth 2.1 Internal module and it worked perfect in 11.2.

Anyway, bluez won't start and the bluetooth hardware is not recognized by USB.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing Fresh Or Upgrading Open Suse 11.1 To 11.2?

Feb 24, 2010

My question to the community is should I preform a fresh install of OpenSuSe 11.2 or upgrade my current version of OpenSuSe 11.1? As of current I just use my system to surf the web check, email and Basic Business needs. The specs of my Laptop are:

OS Information
OS: Linux i686
Current user: jraglin@Jada
System: openSUSE 11.1 (i586)
KDE: 3.5.9 "release 49.1"


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Choppy Or No Sound Output 11.3 KDE Fresh Install

Oct 21, 2010

A fresh install of 11.3 64 KDE 4.4 some packman stuff installed. Some broken as no current 64 bit libs or funky packman situation currently. CD audio is choppy. No mp3 playback though support is installed. [URL]....


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Get A Fresh Install Of 11.3 To Sync A Palm Pilot With Jpilot

Jul 18, 2010

what files control the udev device mapping. I'm trying to get a fresh install of 11.3 to sync a palm pilot with jpilot.

I have created a "10-pilot.rules " file in /etc/udev/rules.d containing:

BUS=="usb", SYSFS{product}=="Palm Handheld*", KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", NAME="ttyUSB%n", SYMLINK+="pilot", GROUP="users" MODE="0666", OPTIONS+="last_rule"

when I hit hot-sync I get:

crw-rw-r-- 1 root dialout 188, 0 Jul 18 22:13 /dev/ttyUSB0
crw-rw-r-- 1 root dialout 188, 1 Jul 18 22:13 /dev/ttyUSB1

If spent the last 6 hours googling around and yes I'm a member of "dialout"

What is controlling the attributes of these nodes?

Oh, and P.S. Why'd they put alpha video drivers into the kernel another 3 hours wasted.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Fresh Install Of KDE

Jul 10, 2010

My Thinkpad is set up with ext4 for / and, as an unformatted leftover from the last update, /home is setup with ext 3. I intended, as always to leave /home alone, reformat / and do a fresh install. One this occasion though I am wondering whether to bite the bullet and reformat /home as well and do a complete fresh install all around. Other than the advantages of ext 4 over 3, is there any advantage to occasionally cleaning out KDE and doing it fresh?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Blinking LXDE And Gnome - Fresh Install - Graphics Resolution Is Wrong?

Apr 7, 2011

I've borrowed a copy of 11.4 DVD install disc from someone at work, everything went fine install wise. Except Grub taking control, which I didn't ask it to, but easy fix with yast, problem is firstly my graphics resolution is wrong, but I'm trying to work that one out myself as it always seems to be happening with distros I use on my machine. The weird thing is my desktop blinks! Every 10secs or so the whole screen goes blank and then reappears? I thought it might be the wrong refresh rate, but that's at 60Hz which is correct, would it be the resolution problem?

My hardware:-
P4 2.8
1Gb ram
Geforce FX 5500
Dell 1703FP monitor

I was trying to running diagnostic's from Opensuse, but the blinking was getting on my nerves and I'm not familiar with a non Debian based OS......yet! I've got compiz and all running on the hardware in my Ubuntu install after editing the xorg.conf, could I simply copy that to my Opensuse install?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Nvidia Driver Gives Gdm Failure On Fresh 11.4/Gnome Install (GT430 Card)?

May 8, 2011

I have spent ages looking at similar problems but not not quite the same. I have installed 11.4/Gnome (x86) and wanted to use my GT430 card. I went here: '' and used the 'one click' install for current cards. All went ok until I rebooted and I got a 'gdm[1239]: WARNING: GdmDisplay: display lasted 0.846578 seconds' message. I got five of these in succession until the 'gdm[1239]: WARNING: GdmLocalDisplayFactory: maximum number of X display failures reached: check X server log for errors' appeared and it popped me down to an init 3 login.

So, I deleted the blacklisting conf file so that I could get back in to Gnome on Nouveau (which I did ok). I then noticed there was no /etc/X11 Xorg.conf file so I ran /usr/lib/nvidia-xconfig to generate one (which it did) - but it made no difference. I am at a loss know after spending 8 hours on this. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. My machine is still at fresh install state so even if I have to reinstall 11.4 it does not matter.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot 11.4 On Dualboot Nvdia G7600 Based System - Fresh Install "system Console Stolen At Line"

Apr 22, 2011

I tried to update one of my home machines with a fresh install. This is far from new to me so I did not expect any problem. But I was proven wrong. First: did install the system as usual. First anomaly: system blocked during the install process but did restart it flawlessly one I tried to eject the DVD from the player. It needed actually that intervention to retake working. It then went to install and froze during the first system start. I rebooted with failsafe settings, it then correctly configured. I reached a beautiful desktop. I performed the updates from the update repository and I joined the nvidia proprietary driver repository (which updated to the G02 driver).

I then rebooted the machine and now I am in trouble. In normal mode the system (dual boot Opensuse, XP) does not boot at all and freezes immediately after hitting enter as before. In safe mode it goes further but does not reach X anymore. It blocks with the following line statement: "system console stolen at line 266". I then tried "startx". But the system goes into a scrolling loop that does not allow me to read the output. how to get at least the error message of the loop? I read some line passing by that the system might have an X11 authorization problem.

Athlon Phenom X4 905e
Nividea G7600 graphic card
Former system installed and running flawlessly: 11.1

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Server :: Smtp Proxy Filter To External Isp Smtp?

Jan 31, 2010

In order to have greater control over the emails sent out the company I imagined the following scenario.ScenarioDescribing in words what I need.ser sends an email to for example, using the smtp of my isp (is the internet).Before the email is sent, the firewall checks if the recipient is blocked transparent, if you are locked out rejects the email.I searched several forums and mailing lists, but did not find scenarios similar to mine.Where found situations in which the mail servers were internally in the company, which is not my case.

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