Networking :: Way To Configure Telnet Server Without Disable Firewall
Oct 13, 2010
I have a question about telnet.Is there any way to configure a telnet server without disable firewall.I am using redhat 5.2 and fedora 12.I have lack of knowledge about firewall.
I'm working on setting up access for our developer via Telnet, we are on a local network behind a physical firewall. I set up the standard Telnet service for Fedora15 and from localhost I can login via any user and root.... However I cannot login from another terminal on the LAN, even though I can ping and FTP to the fedora15 box. I added the firewall rules for telnet, that did not work, so I disabled the firewall, still cannot get a connection via port 25. I feel either port 25 is closed in another manor or the telnet is restricted to the localhost.
Also I cannot login to root to configure the Firewall Desktop GUI, only standard users, is this an issue? I also cannot login to the console as root even though I use the correct password.I can only su to root and sometimes it is a PITA. There must be some settings to clear these issues up...
I have two servers running Linux 2.6.9 kernel.When i telnet to server1 , the telnet will be disconnected only after 3 login failures. While, when i telnet to server2, telnet will be disconnected after the first login failure.expect server2 to behave the same way as server1 when telnet is executed.Kindly tell me where i should tweak my servers so that i could achieve what i expect.
I will be relocating to a permanent residence sometime in the next year or two. I've recently begun thinking about the best way to implement a home-based network. It occurred to me that the most elegant solution might be the use of VM technology to eliminate as much hardware and wiring as possible.My thinking is this: Install a multi-core system and configure it to run several VMs, one each for a firewall, a caching proxy server, a mail server, a web server. Additionally, I would like to run 2-4 VMs as remote (RDP)workstations, using diskless workstations to boot the VMs over powerline ethernet.The latest powerline technology (available later this year) will allow multiple devices on a residential circuit operating at near gigabit speed, just like legacy wired networks.
In theory, the above would allow me to consolidate everything but the disklessworkstations on a single server and eliminate all wired (and wireless) connections except the broadband connection to the Internet and the cabling to the nearest power outlets. It appears technically possible, but I'm not sure about the various virtual connections among VMs. In theory, each VM should be able to communicate with the other as if it was on the same network via the server data bus, but what about setting up firewall zones? Any internal I/O bandwidth bottlenecks? Any other potential "gotchas", caveats, issues? (Other than the obvious requirement of having enough CPU and RAM).Any thoughts or observations welcome, especially if they are from real world experience in a VM environment. BTW--in case you're wondering why I'm posting here, it's because I run Debian on all my workstations/servers (running VirtualBox as a VM for Windows XP on one workstation).
I am encountering problems to configure my firewall (through iptables) to allow apt-get features, like update and install.I have the latest debian server running in a virtual machine in my windows xp and therefore I have two interfaces in this debian server:- NAT Interfaceinet: Host Only Interfaceinet: far my iptable rules drop all packets for default, in exception icmp and ssh that I allow to ping and connect from my windows xp. Both of them I use only the Host interface (192...) to connect to another 192... interface on my windows.
Those are working fine, but apt is not. I know, in this very moment it shouldn't. But I made a lot of attempts trying to configure the iptables allow connections through the 80 and 21 ports from/to NAT and Host. I think I made all possible combination (or not, because it didnt work). But I'm wondering if someone more experient can help me solve this problem.
I need to restrict access to the internet and keep unwanted software out of LAN with 45 workstations at the school I teach at. I thought about configuring a proxy and firewall on SuSE 11.4?
I'm stuck at server with OpenNA installed, which has no relation with CentOS but If anyone knows GIPTABLES firewall to point me somewhere I can get configuring.I need to open 2 custom ports but I just can't get it to work.
I have tried various rules, like opening port 53 for the DNS with little success. I finally figured that you need to set the source port to 53 and NOT the destination port.However, I have been unable to figure out what ports apt-get requires. The only way I get it to work is to accept everything in iptables.
I have centos with software firewall enable , but i want to set up hardware firewall can anybody guide how to install and configure hardware firewall in centos
I am running a centOS 5.5 server and can't synchronize with time servers via ntpd. My server sits behind a firewall with only port 80 open and I suspect this is the issue. Do I need to open other ports to connect to the time servers at [URL]?
I have a server machine that is running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11. I set up a mysql server there. Now I want to access this mysql server from my laptop. I used the following command,
> mysql -h -u davidehs -p
I found if the firewall on the server machine is running, I can not connect the mysql server from my laptop. If I stop the firewall first, and the do the connection, I can access the mysql. how to keep the firewall running and allow the remote mysql incoming requests?
I have a server machine that is running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11. I set up a mysql server there. Now I want to access this mysql server from my laptop. I used the following command,
> mysql -h -u davidehs -p
I found if the firewall on the server machine is running, I can not connect the mysql server from my laptop. If I stop the firewall first, and the do the connection, I can access the mysql. Do you guys have any idea how to keep the firewall running and allow the remote mysql incoming requests?
I am trying to find the difference between the above two services. Both are under xinetd and can someone please explain the difference between them (is one more secure than the other one?)
I am looking for a way to deny telnet and ssh to one specific user. So far I've only tested with telnet and my attempts have been limited to various hosts.deny entries:
None of these work. The only thing I've found that does work is:in.telnetd : IP_addressBut this is only a semi-viable solution because we will soon have multiple logins for the one username from different servers and sub-nets. Ideally, I'd like to be able to deny telnet and ssh access to this username regardless of where the login originates. I suppose it would be possible to specify each server IP, but that'll be a bear to maintain
I am running fedora from the USB. My computer is Dell - inspirion. I tried to configure the wireless according to the instructions. I added new a device ...
I see the new device but it's written inactive. The Active/inactive buttons are disable (or not seen at all). How can i resolve/Active the wireless?
I need to set up my centOS computer as a firewall in my home network. Ive got 2 interfaces, eth0 and eth1. I want to allow and forward all traffic on eth0 and block all traffic on eth1 except ssh, ping(icmp) and DNS. How do I do this? Ive tried some editing in /etc/sysconfig/iptables but no luck.
I got 2 servers, each on different locations (server 1 and server 2). I want all traffic on server1 included web browsing, applications etc., be always going through server2, like a gateway. I want the traffic to be encrypted (maybe use VPN?) So if I browse, or any logs pick up ip adresses from applications used by server1, I want it to display the IP address from server2 (Might be the wrong way to say it).
I always wants server2 to act as an firewall and logserver that logs all the traffic. I was thinking about using Snort for IPS/IDS solutions and OpenVPN for the traffic, but what can I use as a firewall? Most firewalls I find on google has its own OS/Distribution. Maybe Squid for logs? But squid does not support much protocols. Distribution on both servers are updated Debian/Ubuntu based.
Sorry but I'm a new user and would like to know how to enable/disable firewall. I have tried to open a port up on my firewall but, for some reason that didn't work. I have found these command in another thread: $ sudo /sbin/chkconfig iptables off $ sudo /sbin/service iptables stop I assume this is to disable the fire wall. How do I enable it once I'm finish running my program.
I am learning to setup firewall in my home for that i have selected four system(sys1,sys2....sys4) for testing .I have configured sys2 to act as a firewall with two NIC. sys3 and sys4 are inside the firewall . sys1 is not connected to firewall for testing purpose.
the IP assignments are follows :
sys1 : ( fedora, not connected to firewall i am thinking, But i am not sure )
what happened is that sys1(not connected to firewall) can ssh to sys4(connected,inside firewall),since the rules are written not to ssh form sys1 to sys4..
then I came to know whatever the request I give, It directly goes as sys1 --> sys4. Not as sys1-----> sys2(firewall)---> sys4 .and the firewall is not filtering and processing anything for both inbound and outbound (i think it's my mistake some where). the requests are directly going inside without firewall.
here's my delema, there is a server on a network protected by a overly restrictive firewall. I can't connect to the server.
I was thinking, does a program exist where the server would connect to another server outside the firewall, then wait for commands? This way there is no port forwarding required. The only program I know that does this is LogMeIn. If you check the logs it does use SSH, and thats even when I blocked the port. Since LogMeIn isn't what I was looking for (Windows Only, full screen capture instead of command line), does an alternative exist?
post the "perfect" tutorial for setting up a router and firewall for Ubuntu 10.10 Server 64-bit? I'm kind of a n00b when it comes to Linux, so I get really confused with some things, I have seen things on the ubuntu wiki about this... but it really confuses me =
I'm trying to setup my ubuntu sys as a router and firewall... Internet -> Ubuntu (Router) -> Switch (no DHCP on it) -> Computers I've already setup bind and dhcp3 and got those working perfectly... I've also setup Squid3 and Dansguardian for content filtering (blocking ads and such) and got them working too... I want to set it all up to be transparent, and allow the system itself to function as a powerful firewall router, giving absolutely NO issues to client computers connected, and no speed reduction at all.... I want to setup the firewall to allow all outgoing connections, but block everything incoming (stealth the network)... Forcing all http/s traffic to pass through dansguardian, then to squid...
But am very confused on how to pull this off... The system is running Ubuntu 10.10 Server 64-bit, with 4 GB of RAM, 320 GB SSD, and two 1Gb NIC cards... Sorry if I'm not very clear, I do speak english perfectly, but just kinda new to the "Linux world", I was using SONICWALL but that's getting a little too costly to my network and wanna do a free alternative... Something completely CUSTOM, not using some network security distro.
I want to do is setup a gateway(or router, idk what Ubuntu refers to it as.). So my set up would be Modem>Server>Switch>Router. I know that I need to set up it up as a DHCP server as well. I would also like to setup it up as a firewall too. I already have two Gbit cards that are already configured. So how do I do this? I already tried one tutorial, but it was old and was for Debian. I also installed ebox, but I couldnt figure that out either.
I have been running Senmail on SuSE 11.1 for the last few years with no problems.Since installing SuSE 11.3 a few months ago I have been having problems getting Sendmail to send to some (only a few) servers.If I disable the firewall # SuSEFirewall2 stop.I can send successfully using # sendmail -v -q, or # sendmail -v -qIxxxxx.When I re-enable the firewall I will start to get the timeouts/temporarily unavailable messages again (but as mentioned above, only for some servers) even though I can successfully telnet these servers when the firewall is on. When I disable the firewall the delayed messages can again be sent.Has anybody any ideas what I need to change (presumably in the Firewall) to get things working correctly? 'SMTP with sendmail' is already selected under 'Services to Allow' under YaST Firewall->Allowed Services..
I opened a specific port in my router and manually configured Limewire to use the same port for all traffic, but I notice when I disable and turn off Firestarter when on limewire, my searches go really fast and dowaloads zoom really fast also I am not running as root. Is this ok to temporarly stop the firewall when I am on Limewire and then turn it back on when finished?