Networking :: RSync Over SSH - Authentication By Cryptographic Key

Jun 25, 2010

I have 2 boxes, both using Slackware64 ver. 13.
Box1 - ssh server and rsync server daemon are functional.
Box2 - client box that connects to Box1 by ssh as well as rsync by way of ssh.

I followed the instructions in Chapter 2 of the O'Reilly book "The Secure Shell, The Definitive Guide" to setup ssh authentication by pub/private keys. The configuration works, but only once, and upon re-logging into Box2, I find I have to go through the following setup to make it work again -
$ssh-agent $SHELL
$ssh-add /home/mike/.ssh/id_rsa
then prompted to provide passphrase.

Then rsync over ssh will work - example:
rsync -e "ssh -p 45000" -avzi mike@ /mnt/current
I want to get it configured so that it works every time with no user input, in order to configure automatic cronjobs using rsync commands like the one above.

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Networking :: Rsync With Key Authentication?

Feb 20, 2011

I have done the port forwarding to a production machine from our office machine it includes 3 hopes ie 3 machine in which I have done the portforwarding... but I am not able to rsync and directory or file even small fies with 10KB, but I am able to do do the rsync in to the same machine with 2 hopes

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Programming :: How To Use Cryptographic Techniques In C Program

Jun 23, 2010

i have a simple client and sever program in C language. in which client is requesting some parameters( like system up time, memory, no of process etc) form server and server send this information to i want to use DES, AES.RSA. BLOW FISH algorithm to this communication to make it secure. actually i have to compare performance parameters of these cryptographic techniques.but i don't know how to use SSL libraries as SSL library support these cryptographic techniques. but i have no idea how it will work for me

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Ubuntu Servers :: Advanced Rsync - Make The Rsync Set Or Keep The User And Group Affiliations?

Nov 17, 2010

Thought I'd post it here because it's more server related than desktop... I have a script that does:


This is used to sync my local development snapshot with the live web server. There has to be a more compact way of doing this? Can I combine some of the rsyncs? Can I make the rsync set or keep the user and group affiliations? Can I exclude .* yet include .htaccess?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Rsync Gmail / Run Rsync --recursive --times --perms --links --delete?

Jan 7, 2011

When I run rsync --recursive --times --perms --links --delete --exclude-from='Documents/exclude.txt' ./ /media/myusb/

where Documents/exclude.txt is

- /Downloads/
- /Desktop/books/

the files in those directories are still copied onto my USB.


I used fetchmail to download all my gmail emails. When I run rsync -ar --exclude-from='/home/xtheunknown0/Documents/exclude.txt' ./ /media/myusb/ I get the first image at url.

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Server :: Rsync Execution - With Crontab - Have Given Full Path To Rsync Too

Apr 12, 2011

I have a tiny shell script to rsync files between two servers and remove the source files.

This script works fine, when it has been initiated manually or even when the rsync command is executed on the command line.

But the same script doesn't work, when I try to automate it through crontab.

I am using 'abc' user to execute this rsync, instead of root, as root login to servers are restricted in all of our servers, by us.

As I mentioned earlier, manual execution works like charm!

When this is initiated through crontab, it runs the first command(chown ...) perfectly without any issues. But the second line is not at all executed, and there is no log entry i can find at /mnt/xyz/folder/rsync.log.

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Software :: Run Rsync To Download Files From A Server Without Rsync Daemon?

Sep 18, 2009

I just tried to sync files from one server to another. After the sync process, I found the files are bigger than original ones.

I looked up the web and found someone mentions the rsync daemon. So I have to run the daemon on one server before I run the rsync?

The command I used is rsync --partial --progress -r source destination

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Server :: Rsync Can Not Rsync Files With Include Filter

Jul 21, 2010

use rsync to cp such files and dirs under /var/www/html/mydir directory but these two files(/dir4/1.html /dir4/2.html) cant rsync to dest mechine.

rsync configure file,below...

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Server :: Rsync Fails In Cron - Ssh Key - For Rsync?

Dec 8, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server and Postgresql 8.4. I have a .sh script that is run by cron every other hour. That works fine. The .sh script includes an rsync command that copies a postgresql dump .tar file to a remote archive location via ssh. That fails when run by cron; I think because it is (quietly) asking for the remote user's password (and not getting it). I set up the public/private ssh key arrangement. The script succeeds when run manually as the same user that the cron job uses, and does not ask for the password. I am able to ssh to the remote server from the source server (using the same username) and not get the password prompt (both directions), so why doesn't rsync work? I even put a .pgpass file in the root of that user's directory with that user's password, and the user/password are identical on both servers.

I think the problem is rsync is not able to use the ssh key correctly. I tried adding this to my script but it didn't help.


Here is the rsync command embedding in the .sh script.


Here is the cron entry:


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Networking :: Timeout While Rsync ?

Nov 26, 2009

I was trying to rsync datas from one server to a remote server. There is a firewall between the two servers and the 22 port is open for the servers.

Attached the error that I got.

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Ubuntu Security :: Configure SSH Key-based Authentication And SSH Password Authentication In Same Machine For Different User?

Jan 10, 2010

I want to configure SSH key-based authentication and SSH password Authentication in same machine for different user .

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Ubuntu Servers :: Postfix Smarthost + Authentication: Get 535 Incorrect Authentication Data Error

Mar 14, 2011

On Ubuntu server 10.10, with a relay smtp server with authentication via postfix; I keep getting 535: Incorrect authentication data. I'm sure my username and password is correct. Heres how I set up postfix: I created a file called smarthosts.conf in my /etc/postfix/ directory that contains the following:


my server uses plain text authentication on port 25. I would like to use security like SSL, but this particular server is unsecured.

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Networking :: Rsync No Shell Access

Apr 14, 2010

I am looking for a secure way to backup data from user's computers ( Linux/Windows ).My needs :
1. Secure
2. Per user backups
3. Windows/Linux compatible ( server will be Linux only )
4. Incremental backups

My preferences :
1. Rsync

Things I can not do :
1. Give out shell access ( forget rsync -e ssh )
2. Use a protocol that takes too many ports ( my box is behind my router ).

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Debian :: Way To Make Su Repeat Authentication Rather Then Just Returning Authentication Failed

Apr 1, 2016

If I am running a script, let's say a install script. Is there a way to make Su repeat authentication rather then just returning "Authentication failed" and continuing the script?

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Security :: Make A Choice On What Authentication Protocol To Use For Authentication And Authorization?

Jan 17, 2011

I need to make a choice on what authentication protocol I want to use for Authentication and Authorization. I was looking at Radius and then literature suggested that Diameter was a better protocol. Keep in mind I need this on a hetrogeneous setup ( linux & windows together). Diameter seemed like a good fit until I discovered that the open source code no longer seems to be maintained ( C/C++).

I was also looking at Kerberos as an option though there is alot overhead with the server. SSL/TLS or EAP? I am looking for simple but secure and am new at the security protocols.

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Server :: Su: Authentication Service Cannot Retrieve Authentication Info?

Mar 12, 2010

I have a problem with ldap client authentication in ubuntu. I am using rhel5 as openldap server and I configured ubuntu as client, when I am trying to login the following message is coming."su: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info. Sorry"
But when I do search through "ldapsearch" command output is coming without any errors, Can anybody explain what would be problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Rsync Over SSH - Embed Logon Credentials?

Jan 18, 2010

Is there a way to embed the user password in the following code?

rsync -r -n --progress --delete -u -l -e ssh "/media/Storage/Libraries/My Music"


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Ubuntu Networking :: Mount Windows PC To Backup Using Rsync

Jul 1, 2011

I want to backup windows PC's in my network to my ubuntu 11.04 pc, using rsync. Rsync is working, but I have to mount the pc's. A few details.
My server is named: server
The windows pc is named: \PC_OF_MARTIJN
The folder where the mount is coming is: /home/bastiaan/backup/mounts
Credentials are in /home/bastiaan/backup/credentials and they're called: martijn

So what I'm going to add to /etc/fstab is this:
//server \PC_OF_USER /home/bastiaan/backup/mounts/user cifs credentials=/home/bastiaan/credentials/user,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0
Will this work?

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Networking :: Malformed Rsync Command (backups) On ReadyNAS

Oct 6, 2010

I'm trying to set up rsync backups on my ReadyNAS and I'm getting the following error: ERROR: The remote path must start with a module name not a / This error is accompanied by the following information:


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Networking :: Rsync Sending Data From The Client To The Server?

Jun 29, 2010

shed some light on what I am doing. I am wondering if I just havehings back to front.Server (MESH):Fedora 13Firewall ports open tcp 22(ssh), tcp 873(rsync)sshd service started

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Networking :: Rsync - Sync Files Modified Within The Last 60 Days?

Jun 3, 2009

Can anybody tell me how I can synchronise files between two computers in a network that have been modified or created within the last 60 days?

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Networking :: Automatically Pass A Password To Rsync For Remote Host?

May 24, 2011

I need to be able to use an rsync command in script that will be run by cron. And it needs to be able to pass a password to rsync so that the remote server it's connecting to will authenticate.

I cannot set up ssh keys between the two servers, it's not an option. I cannot use any other language other than bash, it's my only option. I know this is highly insecure, I have no other option.

So far I have this:
rsync --rsh="/usr/bin/ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o PreferredAuthentications=password" -raxv /source/dir/* user@remotehost:/target/directory/.

This allows the script to ignore host verification and goes directly to the password prompt. I need the script to fill in this password prompt with the password that is stored in a variable.

I tried using expect, but I honestly don't know the syntax, it just keeps failing. A lot of the examples I'm finding online for expect starts off with a "spawn", which i don't have installed, and not sure if I have the ability to install it yet.

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Server :: Squid Proxy Authentication And Without Authentication

May 27, 2011

I have a network and am using squid proxy with authentication I want to create another subnet without authentication.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Rsync Transfer From Client To Server - Slow LAN Connection

Dec 7, 2010

This is a recent problem, and I can't pinpoint any change/upgrade that would cause this. Rsync transfer from Client to Server:
sent 11756196 bytes received 1032741 bytes 138258.78 bytes/sec
total size is 144333466390 speedup is 11285.81
Pinging back and forth from each machine is fine. No Ifconfig errors Client, but Server has RX packet errors.

Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:11:25:37:ee:44
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::211:25ff:fe37:ee44/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:41786 errors:2157 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:2157
TX packets:34138 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:55615449 (55.6 MB) TX bytes:4737538 (4.7 MB)

What's the next step?

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Networking :: Rsync-like Use Of Rdesktop For Continual Load Of Data Files Off Windows?

Jul 19, 2011

Windows computer continually generates images (AutoGrabnnn). All downstream analysis on linux computer. I need analog of rsync bringing files over as they arise. rdesktop seems to be the approach. Is this already described somewhere to bypass much trial-and-error?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wlan Web Authentication?

Feb 6, 2010

At my workplace the wireless connection is open but once you connect you first need to authenticate on your browser to be able to use the internet.On Windows as soon as I open whatever page I get the login request.On Linux I open firefox but nothing happens, just get the usual error page like if I had no connection. The IP's I get as well as DNS seem ok, I even tryed to match them up with windows.I tried a lot but can't get to the login page.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Likwise Authentication To TMG?

Mar 28, 2011

I have question regarding AD authentication. Will Ubuntu workstation joined AD domain via likewise client authorize to TMG proxy directly without any utilities like ntlmaps and etc?

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Networking :: Create Windows Like Authentication?

Feb 5, 2010

i have windows server 2003 in my office and my xp client uses domain based active directory login in their own systems ,my question is that how can i create the same environment in the linux platform

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Fedora Networking :: Authentication Wireless Fail?

Feb 19, 2011

is there a "debug" method for your wireless connection. My authentication for 2 laptops Dell d600 and IBM t42 both are unable to connectreless routers (2 different ones).Fedora 14 32bit Gnome NetworkManager

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Ubuntu Networking :: Public Key Authentication Fails?

Feb 6, 2010

I'm trying to connect to my Xubuntu box (zelda) remotely using my RSA key. I'm using Cygwin on my Windows box (link) to SSH in to the Xubuntu box. I've created the key and placed it in the authorized_keys file on my remote box. Here's where it gets weird. When I ssh into zelda the first time, it prompts me for my password. However, if I'm already connected to zelda and try to open another connection, it prompts me for my RSA passphrase. This is very confusing, and I have no idea what's going on.Here's my sshd_config file on zelda.

# Package generated configuration file
# See the sshd(8) manpage for details


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