Networking :: Getting A USB Network Abapter To Work

Apr 13, 2010

We have a TrendNet TU2-ET100 and need to get it working under FC2 and K2.6.7. The chip manufacture ASIX says there driver works under kernel 2.6.7. But after compling their driver and using modprobe to load it no luck.

Below are some outputs:

dmesg | grep eth
/etc/init.d/network restart


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Fedora Networking :: Connecting Home Network To Work Network

Sep 20, 2010

Currently my office use a Cisco Firewall which will only allow the ANYCONNECT utility to do the vpn connection. I found a Linux utility (OpenConnect) which will do the same thing, but allow me more flexibility with my networking needs.What I ultimately would like to have is to have a switch that I can connect any network device into it and be connected to the office. IE (my IP Work Phone and Computer) Currently I have is a computer with fedora 13 and two network cards eth0 (home network - connected to a router) and eth1 which I would like to connect a switch to. OpenConnect communicates fine and I can see the work network from the Fedora machine. It creates a vpn0 tun/tap device and I don't know how to pass communication to/from the eth1 device.

Do I try to iptables the ports for the phone and services I need on the computer? Or do I build bridge; and If I do what am I bridging. I have tried making a bridge from eth1 to vpn0 which reply's with unsupported device or something like that.Unfortunately my network skills are bit limited and my office says "it can't be done". Their solution is for me to buy a ASA5505 (or something device) and have a static IP. I would have to make it work as my router and even then it will only DHCP 10 ip addresses; which will cause a shortage of IP addresses in the house.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unbale To See My Network / Get That To Work?

Dec 16, 2010

I just reinstalled my machine with Ubuntu 10.10, and thats is the same version it had before. I just got a new Linksys router as well and when I installed Ubuntu wireless networking worked fine during the install and after but... when I update that wireless card thats working fine for years and works fine before the update half the time won't see my wireless network and if it does it won't accept my key the routers fine physically the cards fine Any ideas?

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Ubuntu Networking :: On Board Network Won't Work?

Dec 27, 2010

I have recently built a HTPC with a GA-G41m Combo and it has worked well with Ubuntu 10.04, however last week some time the on board network stopped working. I have tried different routers and different cables, but the network light wont come on. What Can I doo?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.4 Network Doesn't Work Due To DNS

Jun 15, 2011

i've installed it on my parents old computer, mostly for downloading. But wired internet did work all the time but then i had to reset our router because of some problems and now it doesn't work anymore! But the strange thing is, if i put the cable on my own laptop with windows on it, then it works as normal.

So i guess its some kind of DNS problem, but i'm very new with ubuntu and also not so good with computers. Our network is simple just an modem connected to an router: Sitecome WL-341.

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Networking :: Second Network Interface Doesn't Work?

Jul 3, 2010

I have two simultaneous active mobile connections through my two mobile phones and USB data cables. Yet I can only send/receive with one connection.Each of the phone modems have a node in /dev, namely ttyACM0 and ttyACM0. So the modems are detected correctly.After setting up two dial-up connections with the two modems I have two ip's. Ifconfig-a confirms this:

ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:


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Networking :: Get USB Network Adapter To Work In Mint?

Dec 15, 2010

I used Several Distos, went to school up to Linux 225, but haven't used Linux for years. I have an older (P4, Win xp) laptop I use at the coffee shop. I want to put Linux Mint on it. I use a USB Adapter (Arilink101 AWLL6075) for Wi-Fi. I tried the live CD and, of course, USB Adapter doesn't work. In the half hour I looked at it, I realized I forgot a lot of things. I could not even find the laptop USB. Will tring to get it to work be the typical Linux thing, where you download the drivers, do the install right, and it doesn't work? You compile drivers, set everything up right, and it doesn't work?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Server Blocking SSH From Work Network

Feb 2, 2010

I have an ubuntu 8.04 dedicated server running openssh which I am having problems with.

The server is based in England yet I am currently working from Thailand. Slow speeds and timeouts I am used to but it is now over 24hr since I have managed to SSH the server (from here).

I just tried remote desktop on my PC back in the UK and this connected straight away through both SSH and SCP.

Thinking that it may be the IP being blocked from my works network I switched off wifi on my phone and tried to connect over the data network a few times with no luck.

Another strange problem is that when we got the server it was locked into a chroot jail which SSH(22) always leads into. After accessing SSH on port 22 I have to run a break script to gain root access. The sshd_config file says that the server is listening on port 57 yet I have never been able to access this.

> netstat -a | grep ssh
tcp6 0 0 [::]:ssh [::]:* LISTEN
> iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination


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Ubuntu Networking :: .04 - Wired Network Doesn't Work

May 4, 2010

I installed Ubuntu10.04, It cannot driver Wired network and wireless. Later I installed linuxMint9, wireless is ok, but wired network doesn't work. I am sure the lan cable is ok. It works in Windows.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Loopback Won't Work When Not Connected To Any Network?

May 6, 2010

I'm using Wordpress on Apache localy to keep a diary (it's convenient because of the tags).
When I'm connected to any network (be it wired or wireless) my Apache (and Wordpress, of course) works just fine. But as soon as I go offline, I can't access the web server neither through browser nor by telneting to the 80th port. Pinging localhost works just fine.Here is my ifconfig when offline and when online:Online:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:24:54:6f:07:aa


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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To Any Wireless Network / Get It To Work?

Dec 26, 2010

I can't connect to any wireless network although my drivers seems to be working fine. I think it's somehow related to "Network connections" manager.
Please see attached image.

My current wired network (eth0) works fine I can ping or browse Internet.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Sometimes Doesn't Work

Feb 14, 2011

what is the command to restart the network services? ive forgotten i think it uses -hup switch though. about 1 in 20 boots on my desktop ubuntu system results in the system insisting its no longer on a network yet has a fully functioning network card. a reboot always fixes the issue but that doesnt seem like a long term solution to me. If I ping a neighbouring system I get nothing. (sent packet count increases in ifconfig) If I ping from a neighbouring system back to my desktop I get nothing (no change in packet count) I can bring down and back up the network interface with no results. A sniffer shows the system definitely isnt sending anything out Everything worked previous boot and will work again after a reboot.

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Networking :: Configuring Samba To Work On Windows Network

May 18, 2010

First off I would like to install a GUI for samba. After that I want to set up my network so that router stays as the server for the network I have four windows computers already hanging off of the router. This machine which has Slackware on it is hardwired, directly connected, to the router via cat-5 cables. I have samba installed already and I just need to configure it correctly.

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Networking :: Network Sharing Work After Disable Dnsmasq?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm sharing the wireless signal (wlan0) on my fedora 12 machine.However, when the computer starts up I have to execute:> service dnsmasq stopOnly after this, will the computer share the internet signal (through eth0).Why is that? Should I uninstall dnsmasq?I've already removed it from chkconfig:> chkconfig --del dnsmasq

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Can't Get Wake Up On LAN (wol) To Work On Network Card

Oct 2, 2010

I can't get wake up on lan (wol) to work on my network card.The strange thing is that before I had it working with the exact same hardware. But I was on Centos 5.4 then. Now I am on Centos 5.5.Am I correct in concluding that the sky2 driver does not support wake up on lan?

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Fedora Networking :: HP Mini 2140 Wired Network Won't Work

Jun 20, 2011

i dosent get the wired network in my HP mini 2140 to work. It had worked before but today it stoped. I think it's the network card that is the problem. im running fedora 15.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network For Lenovo T400 Doesn't Work

Feb 22, 2010

I just got a new T400 and installed Ubuntu. Everything is fine and I'm really impressed by this OS. But seems my wireless network is very unstable. Sometimes it just can't connect.

The wireless interface is:

description: Wireless interface
product: PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN [Shiloh] Network Connection
vendor: Intel Corporation

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Ubuntu Networking :: Will The Xbox 360 Wireless Network Adapter Work?

May 17, 2010

How do i get my xbox 360 wireless adapter to work on ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Not Working - How To Make It Work

May 30, 2010

My wired network is not working! This is the result of ifconfig -a:


eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1c:25:3e:fe:50
inet6 addr: fe80::21c:25ff:fe3e:fe50/64 Scope:Link


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Does Not Work (gets Connected To Network Successfully)

Jun 10, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04 from 9.10 and I ran into few issues.

Laptop - Dell Vostro 1520
OS - Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit

Issue - My wifi connects to the network properly and shows connection established. But I am not able to browse. I tried ping and I didn't got any response. But I was able to get response when I use ethernet (wired connection) and I am able to browse. No issues with wifi card as my wifi is working properly from Windows and with the same network. I did a complete update again before posting this and it is yet to be resolved. Here are the output of some commonly asked outputs with wifi enabled and connected:

1. sudo lshw -C network


description: Ethernet interface
product: RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller
vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Symbolic Link Paths Don't Work Over Network?

Sep 17, 2010

like to create symbolic links on our server which will work from any work station.I guess the problem is that they use absolute paths.Since the absolute path is different from each workstation, they don't work except for the computer on which they were created.Is there a way to make them use relative paths instead?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Doesn't Work - But Recognizes Network?

Sep 20, 2010

I installed Ubuntu on a machine after erasing everything else and the wireless has never worked. It says that the wireless has already shut down even though it recognizes the wireless network and my other non-linux machines see the network and work fine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Get Wired Network Connection To Work

Oct 11, 2010

I am unable to get my wired network connection to work. My laptop sees the wired connection, but will not connect. I am running 10.04 on aLenovo T400 with 3 gb of ram.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cron Not Work When Trying To Sync With Network Drive?

Oct 25, 2010

Cron refuses to work when trying to sync with a network drive. I am trying to setup a cron job to backup a folder in my home directory ('/home/scratch') to a folder ('home/internet_backup') that is mounted (using nfs) to a network folder. The folder ('home/internet_backup') is mounted correctly to the network folder upon system startup, so this part works.

I created a simple bash file ( that looks like this:
# backup the contents of 'scratch' (of 'internet' machine) into '/home/aa/internet_backup/'
# the latter folder ('/home/aa/internet_backup/') is mounted to 'developer' machine
rsync -av --exclude=".*" /home/aa/scratch /home/aa/internet_backup/

When manually running this bash file from my home directory (./ everything works, and the contents are written to the destination folder. Yet, instead of running this manually, I wanted this to be executed by Cron every 30 min. so I first chmod +x this file, and then copied it (using sudo) to /root.

I then created the following using 'sudo crontab -e':
# m h dom mon dow command
10 * * * * /root/
This is the same bash file illustrated above, yet, it doesn't work (files are not being written to the destination folder).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Doesn't Work (HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00)?

Dec 6, 2010

My desktop PC has 2 NICs. I have Ubuntu on it since several years, and I remember that both eth0 and eth1 used to work. However, I discovered recently that currently only eth0 works, and eth1 is dead, but I don't know why. It's been a while since I've tried eth1, so I have no idea when exactly it broke. I suspect the problem may be related to the fact that the MAC address is incorrect: it is set to 00:00:00:00:00:00, which seems wrong. But I have no idea how this happened...Any idea what might be wrong and how I can fix it? Here is some output which I think is useful:

peter@cheetah:~$ ifconfig -a
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:18:f3:68:42:78


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Network At Work

Jul 14, 2011

Currently I'm having trouble connecting to the guest wireless network at my work. I've read through a couple threads that seem similar to my problem. I tried going through the terminal window and following the instructions that was offered to others. I'm just wondering if my hardware is different, if I need drivers, if my permissions aren't correct.

1. I recently received a Sony Vaio laptop model # VGN-FE770G from a friend, and I'm enjoying running Ubuntu.

2. I followed another thread that suggested to change some lines in /etc/network/interfaces, but I don't have permission to edit this file. I don't really have the need to set up multiple users on my laptop, so how can I change my permissions to root? (Or is it a good idea even?) Should I log in as root?

3. How can I set my laptop up to be flexible with network selections, using hardware: (built-in camera and microphone for example), and useful applications?

I ran "ifconfig -a" and this is what I got.


eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:13:a9:48:c3:00
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0


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Fedora Networking :: Set Up Samba Using Command Line Terminal / Network Does Not Work

Nov 29, 2010

I set up Samba using command line terminal, and my network does not work. I have Samba username and keyring passwords all set, then I go to gui system-config-samba, and my samba user profile password is incorrect. In the past, I have used a 10 letter password, however, every time I boot the computer, I have to go back in and re-enter the password.I wonder if samba is truncating the password because it only accepts an 8 character password? I have deleted the user, and added a new username, and it is still doing it.

If I go into the gui and re-enter the password, usually I can get the network back up with my windows machine. All of the parameters are correct, I use the network to transfer files from my Windows to my Fedora drive all of the time when it works.

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Fedora Networking :: Automatically Connecting To Hidden Network Doesn't Work?

Jan 2, 2011

I'm new to Fedora and have a problem with the network manager. Everytime I start Fedora, it does not automatically connect to the default WIFI Browsed Google and just found [URL]..

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Networking :: Ethernet Cable And Wireless Network Won't Work In Ubuntu 9.10 / Sort It?

Feb 20, 2010

I'm a new user of Ubuntu, so i'm not that familiar with this OS. My wireless network is detected but when I'm entering my 128 bits WEP key, it doesn't connect at all. I have no clue where to start troubleshooting.

Here's some of my specs if that's of any help:
Computer is a Sony Vaio laptop model VGN-SZ370P
My wireless card is from Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller

The ethernet cable connection used to work before, but I fooled around with some commands and now seems to be disabled...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Doesnt Work - Says - Wired Internet Disconnected ?

May 2, 2010

My friend has 2 pcs, one connected to the internet and the other one used to connect (when he had windows installed) to the internet through the first one using internet sharing, now i installed ubuntu on both and the network between them has been created but it wont connect, the internet icons just animates for like a minute then says "wired internet disconnected" in other words it failed to connect.

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