Networking :: Connecting WD My Book World Network Hard Drive

Aug 7, 2010

I bought a WD My Book World Network Hard drive and are trying to connect it. I am using Suse 11.2 and have it connect wired through a Netgear WGR614 router.I believe I can use Samba?It is working under Windows and it connected as network drive.

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Ubuntu :: World Book Network Drive Not Recognized ?

Mar 30, 2011

So my World Book Network Drive stopped working all of a sudden and I decided to remove it from the enclosure and plug it in via USB. I can see it in Disk Utility, I took a snapshot of it and attached it here. Normally when I plug a hard disk into ubuntu you can see it in places, not the case with this one. I would like to try and retrieve the data from it?

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Hardware :: Cannot Connect To Western Digital World Book Drive

Oct 16, 2010

I am using Ubunto 10-04 LTS and trying to connect to Western Digital (World Book) network drive. By signing into Mionet I am able to reach this drive on my network and remotely. Trying to run the executable resulted in the following error:

"The file '/media/Disc 1 290909/WDAnywhereAccess_3_6_0.exe' is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run. For more details, read about the executable bit."

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Ubuntu :: Connecting Hard Drive To Network

Jan 4, 2011

What I have
1- 1TB HDD. "has 2 partitions"
1.1- Data1 250GB NTFS.
1.2- Data2 750GB EXT4. "Content 4 folders"
1.2.1- Documents.
1.2.2- Music.
1.2.3- Pictures.
1.2.4- Videos.

2- Laptops with Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop 32bit. "I have 3 laptops"
2.1- TV-laptop."I connect to it TV, sound system and 1TB HDD"
2.2- MY-laptop.
2.3- MyWife-laptop.

What I Done so far is that:
1- I connect my 1TB HDD to TV-laptop.
2- I configure Samba on TV-laptop. "Add Samba share"

2.1- basic (/media/Data1,data1,,writable,visible)
access(allow access to everyone).
2.2- basic (/media/Data2/Documents,documents,,writable,visible)
access (allow access to everyone).
2.3- basic (/media/Data2/Music,music,,writable,visible
access(allow access to everyone).
2.4- basic (/media/Data2/Pictures,pictures,,writable,visible)
access(allow access to everyone).
2.5- basic (/media/Data2/Videos,videos,,writable,visible)
access(allow access to everyone).

What I want is that:
1- I want to mount 1TB HDD to all laptops via network "Wireless" automatically when I connect 1TB HDD to TV-laptop.
2- I want all laptops to save data to 1TB HDD. such as all laptops Docs will be in Data2/Documents and so on.
3- I want the laptops synchronize the data.
4- I want some application add data from 1TB HDD such as Rhythmbox.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting To Networked Windows Hard Drive

Jun 14, 2010

My friend has a Windows 7 desktop with a large data hard drive which is set up to allow other users to connect to remotely, such that they have read and write access. To set up a connection from another Windows machine, it is as simple as right clicking in the My Computer window and selecting "New Network Connection", then entering the information requested.

The information my friend as given me is:
- The IP Address
- The Hard Drive's Name
- A Username and Password

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Mount WD My Book World Edition NAS In Ubuntu 11 Without Extensive Terminal Work?

Jul 9, 2011

Can I mount a WD My Book World Edition NAS in Ubuntu 11 without extensive terminal work? The NAS has a static ip, it can be ping'd from Ubuntu, and my Windows machines access it just fine, no passwords required.I have not been able to find a way to make this work. Nothing against the terminal per se, it's just still a little too unfamiliar and I keep hitting error road blocks on this one.

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Networking :: Connecting Mac Book To Fedora Server?

May 9, 2011

We have a mac book connected to our network. It can surf the web and even get into our network files. However, these network files are on linux, and finding the open files (not password protected) is fine. But we need the mac book to get into the protected files to edit our media. When we connect to the linux server, there is a pop-up asking for a login. We enter the correct credentials that work for everyone else to get into our protected files, but these credentials don't work... There is a message that pops up: "This operation cannot be completed because the original file '<file_name_here>' cannot be found." But it found the other open files...? what do we do to get this to work? The macbook is 'os x' and the linux server is 'fedora 10'

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting To NAS - Cannot See My Synology NAS Drive On My Network

Jun 20, 2011

Having become so frustrated With the many bugs in 11.04 I have stepped backward and instead installed Ubuntu 10.10 onto my Dell laptop. Until now I have been very pleased, as nearly everything has worked well, straight out of the box. So, just as I thought I was home and dry I have noticed that I cannot see my Synology NAS drive on my network. This is doubly frustrating because my other PC, also running 10.10, has suddenly lost it's ability to see the NAS drive too. Throughout last week I used the NAS in conjunction with my Ubuntu PC without a hitch but now it's gone. The NAS is visible to both Windows and Macs it's just the Ubuntu machines that cannot use it. It is also vaguely annoying knowing that the NAS itself uses a Linux OS or maybe that could be a clue to what's wrong.

As things stand my Apple Macs can see each other, they see the Windows box, see the NAS and see the shared folders on the Ubuntu machines. The Windows machines see the Macs, each other, the NAS and the Linux shared folders. The Ubuntu machines only see the Apple Mac shares, no Windows and no other Ubuntu shared folder nor the NAS.

It is curious because the little program Avahi Zero Conf Browser can see absolutely everything on my network yet the Ubuntu GUI is proving to be the most difficult thing to network using anything other than than a web browser. Is there a concise definitive reason why Linux (Ubuntu) is so infernally difficult to network? I am not very experienced with Linux or the terminal but was hoping that this system might by now have become a little more user friendly for ordinary people.

Could there also have been something in a recent OS update that has killed off my PC running Ubuntu's ability to see the NAS where previously there has been no problem.

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Ubuntu :: Western Digital My Book World Edition II Enclosure Failed

Mar 29, 2010

My Western Digital My Book World Edition II enclosure failed recently and as normal, WD support sucks. A friend told me he salvaged his by looking at the individual disks with Linux. How can I recover the disks, which seem to be fine.I can put them into an enclosure that supports JBOD and Raid 1 and it will see the drives when hooked up to a Windows XP system. It does not see anything on the drives but it knows they are there. I have a copy of some data recovery software Easus Data Recovery Wizard and it finds loads of data on the drives but recovery, according to the timer, will take weeks.How can I make Ubuntu see each drive and mount it?

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General :: Formatting WD My Book World Edition External Harddisk With Ext3?

May 18, 2010

I have a Western Digital My Book World Edition external harddisk with blue rings. I filled it up and now want to delete the data and start over. I'm set in my ways and have been accustom to reformatting harddisks periodically (sector maintainance, etc.) It's worked for me as I've luckily have not had a disk crash in 25 years.My webapp is not helping me with the reformat and neither is Western Digital tech support. I've heard that it was factory formatted with something called Linux ext3. Does this make sense? Has anyone had any experience with reformatting external harddisks being used as a NAS (home use).

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Fedora Networking :: How To Share Hard Drive On Network

Jun 18, 2010

I am trying to share a hard drive on the network. (Essentially the hard drive is for another computer which didn't have the physical space for it so this computer is like a holding place for the hd). I read somewhere that I can use samba to do this. But in all honesty I have no idea what I am doing. What would be the best way to share this drive? Also understand, I know little about networking.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Hard Drive On Network?

Oct 10, 2010

I have a network where several machines are connected through a switch. I'd like all machines to be able to read/write to/from the hard drives of the other machines. for example:

machine1 will read/write files that are on the hard drive of machine2
machine2 will read/write files that are on the hard drive of machine1
machine3 will read/write files that are on the hard drive of machine1
machine3 will read/write files that are on the hard drive of machine2
etc etc...

all of this reading/writing will be done through the terminal, and programatically. rather than SSHing into a machine to read/write files from it, I'd be happy to set up some 'conventions' on how to access hard drives of various machines. for example:

'hdd1' will refer to the hard drive of machine1 (that has the static IP of
'hdd2' will refer to the hard drive of machine1 (that has the static IP of
'hdd3' will refer to the hard drive of machine1 (that has the static IP of
etc etc...

this way, when I want to read/write a file, its PATH will be something like ~/hdd1/myfile.txt; ~/hdd2/anotherfile.txt;

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Fedora Networking :: Share My External Hard Drive Over My Wireless Network?

Aug 4, 2009

i am using fedora 11 and i want to share my western digital external hard drive over my wireless network like i previousely did with my windows os. it is connected via usb to my computer. how do i do this ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Share An External Hard Drive In My Wireless Network

Jul 2, 2010

I have two computers with ubuntu 10.04 installed. They both connect to the same wireless router. One computer has an external hard drive that has music, pictures and some documents. another thing, the hard drive has been formatted to ext4. I would like to be able to access that external hard drive from my other computer. I read some post on how to connect to the server through ssh but i think it's the intruction are too old. I tried nfs for server/client, but couldn't set it up, it was a little complicated.

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Ubuntu :: Wireless And External Hard Drive Not Connecting

Aug 17, 2010

I am running the latest Ubuntu on a partition with windows 7 as my main OS. I got my wireless drivers installed and it seems to pick up on all the wireless networks, whenever i try to connect to mine it tires and then fails and asks for the password again, even though its definatly the right password for my wireless.

I am also having trouble connecting to my external hard drive, i am completely new with Linux and would appreshiate -retard proof- tutorials if you need me to run anything, and such. Its fully updated and drivers are up to date (apparently) so i cant understand what is wrong.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Server Wont Show Up On The Network After Reinstalling Hard Drive?

Jan 27, 2011

Removed hard drive from our office server to check model number (windows pc). reinstalled same hardrive and now i can't connect to server from the network (MAC). it gives me error code -43.

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Networking :: Book Recommendation / VPN Network Maintenance

Nov 8, 2010

I work for a small retail company which until recently consisted of just one location. This month, we will open two new stores.I have been given the task of setting up a VPN network between the three locations and maintaining it.This network will consist of a main data server on the original location which has four client computers.The second location (another part of town) will have three clients, and the third location will have one client, all connected to the main data server (Retail POS system.) This will be a hardware VPN, with the main data server and all of the client computers running Windows XP.I have been working with the telecom company that is installing the phone system and is providing the routers at each location for the VPN.

I realize that since these are all Windows based machines it is not a Linux question, but I know that many of the experts here maintain Windows machines as well in their work. I am not an IT professional (I am a gemologist), but because I have been a Linux user for most of the last ten years, my boss seems to think I could handle this task so rather than contract this work out, he has asked me to do this. I truly enjoy this type of work, but I am concerned that my lack of knowledge is going to catch up with me, even though I do have a fairly good basic knowledge of Linux networking.

My question is simply this: Can anyone here recommend a good book or online training course which will give me the knowledge I need to maintain this system and trouble shoot it? I have searched online and there are literally hundreds of such books and it is like wading through a swamp. With such a small network, I am sure I can learn what I need, but if someone can recommend a good training/reference book that you have personal knowledge of, I would appreciate the recommendation.

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Hardware :: SCSI Device Does Not Exist After Connecting Buslink 80GB Usb 1.1 Hard Drive

Jan 25, 2010

After connecting, dmesg shows:


After that, there are no /dev/sd* entries. the hard drive works as expected on my windows box. how can i mount this drive?

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Networking :: Best Book To Understand Linux Network From Scratch

Mar 27, 2009

i really confuse now..many people gave recommendation for many book.i have little experience on networking
what is the best book for understand Linux Networking from Scratch..

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Hardware :: Test Integrity Of External Hard Drive / Without Removing It And Connecting With SATA To Motherboard?

Jul 28, 2009

I have a seagate SATA hard drive that was running a mythtv distro. It had 3 partitions, EXT3, swap, and XFS. I started having I/O errors on boot and saw error messages on both the EXT3 and the XFS partitions. I also heard some clunking sounds on the drive when it was reading, so I thought hell, the drive is dead.

I have since replaced the drive and everything is back up and running on the replacement drive. I thought hell, the seagate drive is toast, but I just want to verify it with some sort of tool. I have the hard drive in a Vantec NexStar external hard drive case (SATA->USB) and found there was a tool called badblocks. Ran badblocks on it, which ran for 24ish hours and found no bad blocks. I also didn't notice any clunking sounds while it was running.

I ran
badblocks -n -v /dev/sdb
Is badblocks a proper test to run on external hard drives or was I just wasting my time? Is there any way that I can really test it without removing it and connecting it with SATA to the motherboard?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting To External USB Hard Disc?

Aug 30, 2010

I have a few computers all connected to the same router both wireless and wired. All at the moment are running Ubuntu. There is no problem sharing any of these computer's local drives through the network. However I have one desktop with an external USB Hard disc plugged into it. I would like to share this external hard disc on the network. I set it up to share but when I try and access it from one of the other computers on the network, although it shows up, I get the message "Unable to mount location. Failed to mount windows share".

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Fedora Networking :: Connecting Home Network To Work Network

Sep 20, 2010

Currently my office use a Cisco Firewall which will only allow the ANYCONNECT utility to do the vpn connection. I found a Linux utility (OpenConnect) which will do the same thing, but allow me more flexibility with my networking needs.What I ultimately would like to have is to have a switch that I can connect any network device into it and be connected to the office. IE (my IP Work Phone and Computer) Currently I have is a computer with fedora 13 and two network cards eth0 (home network - connected to a router) and eth1 which I would like to connect a switch to. OpenConnect communicates fine and I can see the work network from the Fedora machine. It creates a vpn0 tun/tap device and I don't know how to pass communication to/from the eth1 device.

Do I try to iptables the ports for the phone and services I need on the computer? Or do I build bridge; and If I do what am I bridging. I have tried making a bridge from eth1 to vpn0 which reply's with unsupported device or something like that.Unfortunately my network skills are bit limited and my office says "it can't be done". Their solution is for me to buy a ASA5505 (or something device) and have a static IP. I would have to make it work as my router and even then it will only DHCP 10 ip addresses; which will cause a shortage of IP addresses in the house.

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Ubuntu :: See A Network Hard Drive?

Sep 17, 2010

I am wondering if ubuntu can see a hard drive attached to the network while using a live cd. I know ubuntu can see a local hard drive but wondering about a network one.

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OpenSUSE Network :: WD Live Cannot See USB Hard Drive On 11.3

Oct 4, 2010

I just setup an old computer with Suse 11.3. My goal is to store all my movies and stuff on the Suse box and access them through my home network. I have 11.3 installed, got the network setup and working, can access the internet, access files to/from my laptop to Suse box, and can even access movies/files on the Suse box from my WD Live media box. The problem is: when I add an external drive to the Suse box my WD Live does not totally 'see' it. he external USB drive is accessable on the Suse box as I've moved files to and from this external USB drive. The drive is a WD MyBook. I setup sharing in Samba and the WD Live sees the drive but cannot see the files. Is this a permission thing? Pretty sure I setup Samba correctly as I share several directories in the Suse box.

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Ubuntu :: Clone A SGI IRIX Hard Drive Over The Network?

Jul 5, 2011

I want to clone an SGI IRIX hard drive over the network. The hardware is ancient, no usb, and the CD rom is shot, its scsi and Im worried I wont be able to get it to boot a live cd.

if I run dd on a running computer, what consequences might there be?

dd if=/dev/sda | gzip -1 - | ssh user@hostname dd of=image.gz
where /dev/sda is the local IRIX computer and of=image.gz is a free partition else where.

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Hardware :: Install Printer Thru Network Hard Drive?

Dec 27, 2009

I am trying to setup up an HP Officejet G85xi printer through an Iomega Home Media Network Hard Drive, so that the printer can be shared over the network without requiring that an attached computer be turned on to print. There is a place on the back of the Network Hard Drive to plug in the printer with USB. Then the printer is available over the network via SMB at the following location: //WORKGROUP/IOMEGADRIVE/Printer1

When I add a new Network printer, Ubuntu sees the printer on the network and I am able to install the printer driver. However, when I go to print, nothing happens. Previously, when I tried to install the G85xi locally with USB, the Ubuntu printer driver installed but did not work. If the printer is installed in HPLIP then it works. And then, after the printer is installed locally on a computer with USB through HPLIP, it can be shared as a network printer and I am able to print from other computers simply by adding the Network printer without going through HPLIP on the client computers.

There does not seem to be a way to install an SMB shared printer in HPLIP on the client computers and it seems that HPLIP only supports printers connected directly to the network. Is there any way to get this working directly through the Network Hard Drive so that the computer next to the printer does not have to be turned on in order to print?

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General :: No Cd-rom Or Network / Dd A Usb Boot Image To A Hard Drive?

Aug 30, 2010

I acquired an old IBM Thinkpad 770e the other day and it runs fine but I have an issue installing Linux on it. It has a floppy drive in it not a cd drive. It also does not have an ethernet jack or wifi.

I did clone my external firewall image to the drive but that image is partitioned in such a way to make it impractical for a laptop/desktop system. So I know that the machine will boot off a floppy and it will run off the hard drive. The bios test utility reports no hardware problems.

What I had hoped to do was to install some suitable distro to it. Not sure which one yet, any recommends? Damn Small Linux would be good except that you are limited to what they offer. I would also prefer to stay with a debian based distro.

The issue is install media. Floppy install images are not practical, and there is no cd drive. Is it possible to boot off a floppy and then chroot to, say a usb flash drive to do the install?

I do have a wifi card (d-link DWL-G650) that fits the micor-channel slot but it requires the madwifi driver which needs the kernel source and depends to be able to install. Not something that normally works out of the box so to speak.

Another question that comes to mind, Is it possible to dd a usb boot image to a hard drive and have it work?

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Software :: Access Windows Hard Drive On Network ?

May 8, 2009

I am trying to access the files on my windows pc. I am trying to access them from my laptop which has mandriva 2009. I have both computers connected through the same internet router, and i am succesfully accessing windows share files and remote control. The problem is, i dont want to move the files i want from their current location, to a share folder, and then onto my laptop. The main problem is that my whole family uses the pc, and while they are logged on i cannot remote control.

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General :: Upgrade Internal 2.5" Hard Drive Vs External Usb Hard Drive For An Old Laptop?

Jan 25, 2010

I got a dell inspiron 1501 laptop with a 80Gb sata drive what is the best solution to add data storage space for someone that love to have multiples operating systems at hand Note: I use mostly linux so I won't need to change my laptop for many years maybe ...

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Ubuntu :: Sharing Files Off A External Hard Drive Over A Network?

Jan 8, 2010

when I try to share files off of my external hard drive over my network; it says it is shared on my ubuntu machine but when I try to access the file on my windows machine it says I do not have permission.

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