Hardware :: Install Fedora 13 On An Older Dell PC?

Sep 30, 2010

This is probably a dumb question...but you know what they say about dumb questions...

I would like to install Fedora 13 on an older Dell PC (which had at one point run Fedora).

But I plan to download and burn the ISO bootable Fedora CD/DVD on my Windows 7 box.

The question then becomes: Does the 32-bit versus 64-bit distinction have to do with the download and ISO-CD/DVD creation (what OS and hardware you're doing it on)?


Does the 32-bit versus 64-bit distinction have to do with the *Target* OS and hardware (in this case Fedora 13, and I assume 32-bit)?

So, do I download the 64-bit version or the 32-bit version (the older Dell is 32-bit hardware)?

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Fedora :: Install Older Versions Of (10 Or 11)

Jan 17, 2010

i wanna install older versions of fedora(10 or 11), and after looking everywhere, i found that if you search the available mirrors through the download page. This allows you to select mirrors with the version you want. I didnt know if that was the way to get older versions or if there is another way.

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Fedora :: How To Install Older Kernel

Feb 13, 2010

How can I install older fedora kernel? Because I accidentally removed the working kernel among three kernels. I've tried yum install kernel- but fails.

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Fedora :: Install An Older Version Of Wine?

Dec 30, 2009

The newest version of wine 32-bit (1.1.32?) seems to be a disaster. I had Newsbin Pro working great in Fedora 10. Now this program won't run with wine.i686 on Fedora 12 x64.

I have tried Crossover Linux 8 standard and Newsbin Pro works with that. Crossover is using wine 1.1.18. However that will cost me $40.

How do I install an older version of wine with the dependencies in Fedora 12 x64?
I searched for an rpm and found various flavors of wine rpms. Can I just install that older rpm?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Cannot Install Older Version Of Java JDK

Jun 10, 2010

I have a Sun Fire X4450 running RHEL 5.3. Attached to this server via FC is a Sun StorageTek ST2540 that allows additional storage capacity. In order to administer the ST2540, a software application from Sun (CAM 6.6) has been installed. Part of the install process for this application also installs Java JDK1.6.0_12 (64-bit).

However as we use this hardware as a database server, our database software will not install properly as it requires an earlier version of Java JDK1.5.0_11 to be installed. When I try and install the older JDK rpm package, RHEL will not let me. How can I get both versions of Java installed?

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Fedora :: Install An Older Kernel - Custom - But RPM Wont Let ?

Mar 3, 2010

I am building a series of custom kernels...for one of them i am using a kernel that is older than my currently installed ones.

I am using rpm to install this kernel and it will not install, period. i don't get why i can't install this....what does it matter that i am installing an older kernel? and why is fedora/rpm designed to not let me do this?


There should be an easy way to get around this, but i haven't figured it out yet. i've googled around, no luck. i bounce between kernel versions all the time without problems on my system, so why is rpm setup for strict versions on a kernel? and is there no way around this, and i just have to delete all three of those kernels, i don't really want to. 2 of them are awesome and i shouldn't have to build them again, that would be complete crap! and i wouldn't have this problem on my debian setup, so why fedora? (i generally think fedora is better)

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Fedora :: Using Yum To Install Older Version Of Software (MythTV)?

Apr 25, 2011

I've got a MythTV 0.23 backend and I'm trying to get the frontend working on my Fedora box, but by default yum installs 0.24 which has a different database model and so won't work with a 0.23 backend. I've got the RPM for 0.23 but it has a bunch of dependencies so I need to track down the RPMS for those, too, so I was wondering if I can do this in yum? I've seen an old thread about installing a yum-allowdowngrade package but that doesn't seem to be available any more.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Windoze Driver From Dell's Site Dell Inspiron 5160?

May 24, 2010

This card has been the bane of my existence for a while. In the old days I could get it to work with Fedora using a generic video driver. A friend recommended OpenSuse because of my love for KDE.

The good news is that install went greeeeat. But after that, I once again got a black screen with a line randomly done it. Is there a way to change? I tried changing those resolution options but it didn't work. I have the Windoze driver from Dell's site. Its Dell Inspiron 5160.

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Software :: Install Older Version Of Gcc 2.95.3 In Fedora Core 8 Or Fedora Core 12?

Mar 14, 2010

i download the rpm package of gcc .

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Dell N5010 - Unable To Install Fedora On Unallocated Space

Sep 13, 2010

My laptop is currently running on Windows 7 Ultimate. I have a 320 GB HDD, which I have partitioned as follows. C: Drive as Windows 40 GB capacity and successively partitioned the rest of the drives for 50 GB capacity and left an unallocated space of 67 GB for fedora 13 x64 installation. The problem that I am facing is, that I am unable to install fedora on this unallocated space..even though I am checking the option for "Creating custom Layout". When I check the option for "Creating Custom Layout" Ive been shown with the only option to install fedora on the unused space on the HDD which is around 265 GB. I am also attaching a screen shot of my disk management. how I can install Fedora on this unallocated space of 67 GB?

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Fedora Hardware :: How To Install "older" Nvidia 195 Drivers

Sep 17, 2010

The drivers from rpmfusion are the 256.xx version drivers. Unfortunately I have two games from LGP - X2 "the treat" and X3 "Reunion", and those games have BIG problems with the newer 256 drivers.So - I am forced to install the "older" 195.xx range drivers (the last ones that behaved good). The problem is - I cannot use rpmfusion for that -they have only the latest drivers and no older ones-, so I amd forced to download the drivers and install everything by hand.

At first I tought "no problem". I have done that before with other distro's like Mandriva, openSUE, PCLinuxOS etc. and never had any trouble. It was just a case of installing the kernel headers, developmenpackages, compile the driver and tweak the xorg.conf file.After a restart everything works as I wanted.With Fedora 13 however it seems not to go that easy. The first try resulted in a lock-up - even to a point I could not use Ctrl+Alt+F"x" to switch to a terminal. By the way - I "disabled" the nouveau driver in the grub startup configuration, but that also did not helped one bit. This is weird, as compiling did not give any error and I have to assume that part was going ok. I really have no idea what is going wrong here.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Connect To Internet On Dell Laptop With Dell Wireless Card

Dec 23, 2009

I am using a dell laptop which has Dell 1397 802.11B/G Wireless Mini Card. I not able to connect to internet and was not able to detect what actual problem is weather card is not supported (i.e. drivers are not available) .

Also, if any one can point to exact process to connect to wireless Lan using fedora12.

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Fedora Installation :: Install F8 With DELL Optiplex 755?

Feb 7, 2009

I have a Fedora 6 in DELL Optiplex 755. When I installed Fedora 8, I got the following error message:

"An unhandled exception has occurred. This is most likely a bug. Please
save a copy of the detailed exception and file a bug report against
anaconda at http://bugzilla.redhat.com"

This error message is from action of screen: "Installation requires
partitioning of your hard drive. By default, a partitioning layout is
chosen which is reasonable for most users. You can either choose to use
this or create your own."

I chose: "Remove Linux partitions on selected drives and create default
layout" or

I chose other options, but I still got same error message.

Then I switched to a new HHD, but I still got the same error message.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Install 11 Onto Dell Workstation 670

Jul 20, 2009

New to Fedora. I am trying to install Fedora 11 onto Dell Workstation 670. would you please kindly let me know
1) which install media could i use?2) could I maintain both Fedora 11 and Windows on my workstation?

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Fedora Installation :: New Dell XPS 15z Hangs On Install?

Jun 3, 2011

I just got a new dell 15z and it hangs on the install "Waiting for hardware to initialize"of the 64bit fedora. I have tried both the nomodeset and noprobe and still to no avail. I have also tried installing ubuntu and the installer will not run so im at a loss. Any ideas from the fedora community.Is there any way I can debug anaconda so I can see where it is hanging?

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Fedora Installation :: F15 Install On Dell E5520 Crashing

Jul 18, 2011

I've just been given my new dell E5520 laptop. I stuck in the f15 DVD and booted. After selecting install I get the usual boot screen then it stops with trace errors. I have heard of some issue with linux and new latops but cant find where I got this from.

I would copy them onto here but have no idea how to get the info of the laptop. If there are any specific items needed let me know and I will type them in. This is going to be very annoying and I dont what to use the windows 7 thats on it.

Just for info I have just booted linux mint 11 and that booted and loaded ok. I will try and take a pic of the fedora error

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Install F15 On Brand New Dell XPS Laptop / Way To Do This?

Sep 8, 2011

I just got my brand new shiny Dell XPS L502X laptop today and planned to do a dual-boot installation between Win 7 and F15. Win 7 went great but I can't even get the 64-bit Live DVD of F15 to load. The splash screen always hangs while the bar loads, but if I push ESC so I can see what's going on in the background, I get a whole lot of different error messages and the last message is "fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed." What I get is nearly identical to what I found in this post. I've already tried the usual kernel options that have always worked for me in the past, such as noapic, noacpi, and nomodeset. However, the Live DVD still won't boot. There's got to be a way to install this. Any ideas?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Install F12 On A 3 Year Old Dell Demension 1100

Feb 20, 2010

I am trying to install Fedora 12 on a 3 year old Dell Demension 1100. It only has a CD reader so I bought a 5 CD set and proceeded to install. Everything works fine until the end of the initial part of the installation where it asks to reboot the computer, the program says it has installed correctly. On rebooting the command line appears and asks for localhost log in. Problem is during the installation the program didn't ask for a user name only a root password. I am unable to access this and there are still another 4 CD's to go.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Install 12 On Dell Inspiron 1545 Laptop?

May 12, 2010

I am using Ubuntu right now. But I wanted to install Fedora 12 on my Dell inspiron 1545 laptop. My questions are can I use a live cd if available for fedora 12 and then install it on my laptop like we can do for ubuntu. Are all the drivers available automatically installed during installation.

The problem I faced my last installation with fedora 11 was that I could not get the wireless installed and I was unsuccessful in installing the wireless drivers using ndis wrapper or b43-legacy or something.

Can you give me a detailed link which could allow me to install the wireless drivers and also the video drivers for my laptop. The problem I am facing with my ubuntu 10.04 is that it is slow, the flash plugin is worst i guess, some of the flash videos are very slow.

Taking all of these into account can someone suggest me a good operating system. I am pretty much interested in learning linux rather than just using it like a windows operating system. I am considering, fedora 12, suse 11.2, linuxmint, centos, mandriva. Which one could be a best possible for my installation.

As I am not willing to purchase a dvd for these linux flavors can I use my flashdrive to install.

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Fedora Installation :: Live Cd Install On Dell Latitude D600 ?

Mar 30, 2010

Just did a fresh install of F12 on the D600, and a couple of problems. The network was working during the install, but after does not see ethernet nor wireless.

The only straying I did from a default install was to manually create partitions, making one for swap and the rest is / on ext4. Seemed fine installing and booting.

Also the touchpad and mouse settings are messed up, buttons reversed, click events from the touchpad showing "clickdown" but not acting as if the click was released.

ONE BIG COMPLAINT: I see selinux doesn't come with an easy way to disable. How is it disabled with F12?

For now I'm in a hurry, so I'm going back to F11 - past OS installing and booting ok include Ubuntu 8.04, 9.10, F5, F7, F9, F10 and XP to name a few.

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Fedora Installation :: 'Missing Operating System' After 10 Install On Dell M6400?

Jan 31, 2009

I have installed Fedora 10 on a Dell M6400. It has 2 disks in a mirror raid. It came with Windows Vista, but I am not doing a dual boot setup. I have formattet the disk with this installation.I downloaded http://ftp.crc.dk/fedora/linux/relea...0-i386-DVD.iso, burned the DVD and did the install check. It passed the check.The installation went fine, but after the first reboot I am getting "Missing operating system".

I have no idea where to begin... Could the installation media be faulty after all? I there anyway to get passed this, without reinstalling? I know this may have something to do with the boot loader, but I don't know anything about it.I have installed Fedora 4,5,6,8,9 and this never happened to me before, but then again, I did all these installations on my old Dell Latitude.... Could this have something to do with the new hardware?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Install Libg++2.7.0 Package In FedoraCore 6 On A DELL Machine

Jun 1, 2009

I am trying to install libg++2.7.0 package in FedoraCore 6 on a DELL machine that has Intel Pentium D processor.I get an error saying "unrecognized host system name i686 unknown linuxoldld"

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Fedora Installation :: Dell Poweredge 2850 - Fails Install On FC11

Aug 23, 2009

FC11 i386 dvd iso image passes pgp verify. Burns fine and verifies fine under nero. Boots fine and verifies fine on my athlon system and installs just fine. Not one issue at all. 1374 pkgs install without issue. Take the same disc put it into my dell poweredge 2850 (dual xeon) and the disc fails to verify.

Even if I go ahead and try to install, it will boot and go through the menus. Then on package install at some point it will say one is corrupt and halts the install. Yet ubuntu 9.04 installs just fine on it. So I don't see how it could be the dvd player itself, though not 100% ruled out.

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Fedora :: Install F14 On Laptop (Dell D820) Thunderbird Doesn't Show Up?

Feb 21, 2011

When I install F14 on my desktop, everything works 100%. I can open up the Add/Remove Software search for Thunderbird for example and install it. When I install F14 on my laptop (Dell D820), Thunderbird doesn't show up when I search, and when I look at the software sources, nothing is checked. When I try to enable it, it says could not contact fedora and it will be disabled. as to what is different between the two installs?

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Fedora Installation :: FC12 X86_64 Dell Optiplex 760 Install USB Keyboard Fail

Nov 18, 2009

When attempting to install FC12 x86_64 on a Dell Optiplex 760, my USB devices stop working after initial boot. I see anaconda, but am unable to change anything since my keyboard, mouse and any other USB devices are not powering up after kernel boot.

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Fedora Networking :: Install 12 Dell Wireless 1350 (802.11b/g) WLAN MiniPCI Card

Feb 18, 2010

I have a Dell Latitude D800 with a Dell Wireless 1350 (802.11b/g) WLAN miniPCI Card. I need to install wireless on this laptop but I see no wireless card when I know I have the above wireless card. Here are some commands that I ran that I might prove useful:


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General :: Install Fedora 12 On A Dell Latitude C600 (Pentium III 750/600 MHz; 256 MB RAM; 250 KB Level 2 Cache?

Jan 30, 2010

Ive been trying to install Fedora 12 on a Dell Latitude C600, (Pentium III 750/600 MHz; 256 MB RAM; 250 KB Level 2 Cache; 8 MB Video Memory; ATI M3 Video Controller) Downloaded iso files from Fedora Project, Verified integrity with sha256sum.exe, burned to 5 CD's. Disc's 1 & 3 failed Linux test at installation. Burned Disk 1 twice more and still fails. Went ahead with installation. Chose to Use all of the 20 B hard disk. Would not install via graphical. Finished after Disk 1. After re-starting computer and logging into root, only get CLI operability and can't seem to get a GUI. I'm new to linux - just thought I'd put this laptop to use to familiarize myself with it.

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General :: Install Older Gcc Using Yum

May 13, 2010

Is there a way to install older version of gcc using yum?I do a yum search, but it shows only the latest 4.5 version.

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Fedora Installation :: Raid On Dell R210 - Install Driver - Sees 2 Separate Drives?

Jun 4, 2011

Fedora is having trouble identifying a raid partition, it sees them as separate drives. I got drivers from dell, but during a Fedora dvd install, it mentions nothing about a place to install extra drivers.

When it says it must "initialize" the drives, Fedora then breaks the dell bios raid. How to either install the dell drivers or make Fedora see the raid partition as one?

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Ubuntu :: Install Onto An Older Computer?

May 16, 2011

I'm trying to install Ubuntu onto an older computer. It has 1GB of RAM.

I couldn't get the disc to boot up on start up so I got Ubuntu to fix that for me with the handy feature it has on the installation disc.

However, when trying to boot up Ubuntu from the disc, it gives me this error:

try (hd0,0): NTSF5: error: "prefix" is not set

Waiting for about two minutes seems to ignore this, however, as it goes straight into the Ubuntu start up screen. However, after being there for a moment the loading bar stops loading and it seems to stop working in general.

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