Hardware :: After Restart LVM Disappeared

Aug 15, 2010

I had to move data from one HDD to another. So in existing LVM I extended it with new HDD. Moved from one to another hdd. Was fine but after restart LVM disappeared. I can see only partition LVM (pvdisplay, lvdisplay, vgdisplay show empty). No lucky recovering it. So can i use pvcreate (i don't have a backup data or uuid) and somehow get logical volumes with data? I tried with testdisk and others with no good lucky.

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Fedora :: Shutdown And Restart Icons Have Disappeared?

Feb 7, 2010

I'm running Fedora 11 with KDE desktop. Yesterday I installed several updates, including a kernel update. Now the Shutdown and Restart icons have disappeared from the Leave menu, which only contains the icons for "Logout", "Lock", "Switch User", "Suspend to Ram" and "Suspend to Disk". I had "Shutdown" and "Restart" icons in my Favorites menu, but when selected they open a "Logout" dialogue.

I can Shutdown and Restart from the command line, but would like to restore the capability to do it from the icons. Has anyone else experienced this and found a fix?

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Automatically Tried To Restart But On The Restart Got The 'terminal' View

Apr 30, 2011

I have just finished the upgrade of the latest version and I'm at the point of my system restating.

My system automatically tried to restart but on the restart I got the 'terminal' view. It stopped when asking for my username (it never normally asks for this before the grub menu) and then password. I didn't get any further than that.

I now have on my screen (still in the terminal view before the grub menu)

"name@name-desktop:...$ "

I'm on my phone now so I don't actually have the symbol for before the dollar sign but your know what it is. The raised S on a 90 degree angle.

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Ubuntu :: How To Restart Network Adapter (not Service) Without Restart?

Mar 13, 2010

I have a suspend problem in my laptop. Sometimes, when resuming from suspend, the network adapter is down (that is, the network does not work and the light of the network adapter is off). Restarting the network service doesn't work, because I think that the system forgot about the hardware, and probably the driver should be reloaded.Does anyone knows how to do that?(ps. /etc/init.d/networking restart does not work, because the hardware driver is not being recognized anymore).

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General :: Restart Dhcp From /etc/init.d/dhcpd Restart

Feb 27, 2010

i have installed dhcp,there i declared the subnet and network,i used command include "/etc/dhcpd.conf.jutu1"; to start and other files, but it show me this error when i want to restart the DHCP, if you need more information contact me, i have configured this file too jutu1, but it don't let me to restart dhcp from /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart, this show me this message


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Debian Multimedia :: GDM Goes To Tty On Restart / Doesn't Restart

Apr 5, 2010

Whenever I choose "Restart" from the GDM screen, GDM appears to shutdown, and the first TTY is displayed with a login prompt at the bottom (assuming I haven't used that TTY). I am by no estimation a patient individual, but I waited a solid minute or two for something to happen, but nothing ever did. I end up logging in as root on that TTY and running "shutdown -r now" to get the job done. This is a shared computer, and ideally any user should be able to perform shutdown options graphically from GDM.The only mentioned workaround doesn't apply to me as I am using the nvidia driver, not intel.

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General :: Difference Between Restarting/stopping Apache Using 'service Httpd Restart/stop' And Apachectl Restart/stop

Oct 11, 2010

whats the difference between restarting/stopping apache using 'service httpd restart/stop' and apachectl restart/stop. I know that using 'service httpd restart' is actually a script in /etc/init.d/httpd but what about apachectl?

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Debian :: /var/lib Has Disappeared

Aug 4, 2010

I just booted up and was told to manually enter maintainence mode and run fsck which I done. Something came up about do I want to connect to lost+found: yes/no to which I entered yes and one other error was found which was fixed. When I rebooted again GNOME wouldn't start because it couldn't find the directory /var/lib/gdm. The services dbus, nfs-common and exum4 also failed to start. I can log in as root and use the command line OK, however the directory /var/lib has disappeared completely and this is affecting various packages.

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Ubuntu :: Used 11.04 And Now 10.04 Has Disappeared?

May 24, 2011

my 27GB HD, I mess about, install various distros and OSes. Before today I had fedora on it, but it doesn't matterOn my 76GB HD, I had Ubuntu 10.04, which I use most of the time.On my 250GB HD I have Ubuntu 11.04I usually use 10.04 because the graphics drivers on 11.04 don't work for me. I wanted to play a windows game, but couldn't get it working on Wine 1.2 on Ubuntu 10.04. I remembered I had Wine 1.3 on my Ubuntu 11.04, so I booted that OS.

It had been a month since I last used 11.04, so there were 180MB of updates which I installed. Then I tried my windows game in Wine. I still couldn't get it to work, so I gave up and rebooted my PC so I could go back to my main OS, Ubuntu 10.04.But I couldn't.Apparently something I did above was enough to mess up GRUB, and it wouldn't boot any OS. I think it couldn't find my hard drives or something. GRUB just stopped working.

I read a few guides about reinstalling GRUB from the liveCD, but I couldn't understand them. So I thought I'd just install Ubuntu 10.04 on my 27GB hard drive, which then should install GRUB along with it and automatically find my other OSes, Ubuntu 10.04 on my 76GB HD and Ubuntu 11.04 on my 250GB.I did this, and GRUB now works, but for some reason it can only see Ubuntu 10.04 which I just installed on my 27GB HD and Ubuntu 11.04 on my 250GB HD, and not Ubuntu 10.04 on my 76GB HD, which is my main OS!Does anybody know why and how I can fix this?TL;DR I have three hard drives. Ubuntu 10.04 on my 27GB HD and my 76GB HD, and Ubuntu 11.04 on my 250GB hard drive. For some reason GRUB can only see Ubuntu 10.04 on my 27GB HD and not my 76GB hard drive.

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Slackware :: Cd's Have Disappeared

Apr 1, 2010

As of today my system is no longer recognizing empty cd's. If I put in a dvd or cd with anything on it, it is mounted properly and shows up in the file manager. When trying to burn some cd's today, every program says that there is no media to record to (yes, I put in several different blank cd's to be sure). K3b gives an error that says it cannot continue and probably the hard disk is full ( over 30 gigs left open).
All other programs are running fine. Nothing installed or updated since yesterday.

It plays fine, both cd's and dvd's.

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Ubuntu :: Everything On Desktop Disappeared

Jun 6, 2010

Everything on my desktop disappeard only thing left is desktop background and cursor. Im using dual boot with win xp. My grafic card is radeon 9200.

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Ubuntu :: Things Disappeared / What To Do?

Jun 14, 2010

I updated through the update manager the other day and after I shut my computer down and turned it back on the next day, all my icons on my desktop disappeared and I can't access my files or my applications. It gives me this error when trying to access my files in my desktop.

Could not open location 'file:///home/anubis/Desktop'
No application is registered as handling this file.

I posted a new thread about this the other day and somehow the thread disappeared too. what do I need to do?

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Ubuntu :: Log Off Button Disappeared?

Jul 13, 2010

Basically what happened is that I installed ubuntu 10.04 a few weeks ago. At some point, there were two gwibber icons in my task bar, one covering my "log off" button. (Not sure what the term for that is.) I restarted and it was fine, then it appeared again. I then shut gwibber via console, and since then my log off thing has not yet reappeared, i.e. I am constantly shutting down in console. What can I do to have that button back?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Has Disappeared 10.04?

Sep 2, 2010

I dont quite know what ive done, but after ive reinstalled my ubuntu 10.04, my grub boot menu seems to have dissapeared. my computer will still boot after a while but with no sign of the grub menu. The problem is, that when it boots it sets of the warning buzzer on my laptop (as if it cant find anything boot) this goes on for about 10 seconds before it finally gets round to booting. is there anyway i can restore my grub boot menu?

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Ubuntu :: One Of Partitions Has Disappeared

Nov 9, 2010

I currently have Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 in my computer, and I was booting normally with grub until last night. I tried to install Adobe Photoshop into Windows and after that I went on to reboot my system. When it restarted, grub showed a message like this:

error: no such partition
grub rescue>

I've followed some advice regarding this issue and I got this running the bash script (boot_info_script0555.sh) mentioned in some related posts. Here is my RESULTS.txt output. After a quick view, I think the biggest problem is that one of my Linux partitions has disappeared, and I don't know how to recover it.

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Ubuntu :: Panels Have Disappeared EEE 8.10?

Apr 30, 2011

I accidentally closed my panels and now my computer EEE with XUbuntu 8.10 has no top or bottom bars. The command i need is xfrc4-panel but where to I put this to make it startup again correctly. What folder and what file and where in the file, and are there any parameters to add.

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Fedora :: 12. All Menu Icons Disappeared?

Nov 20, 2009

Today I installed a fresh copy of F12 and I noticed that I have no icons in any menu of any application - Desktop, Nautilus, Firefox, Pidgin, OpenOffice - nowhere.I only have them in the Main Gnome Menu and that's it.Does any body know what can cause this problem and how to fix it?BTW,I've been using Fedora starting from F6 and I can claim that F12 is indeed one of the most awful release that I've seen I used to successfully upgrade to each next major release up to F11, but F12 made me completely reinstall my OS, cause there were tones of bugs after the upgrade including not working WiFi

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Fedora :: XP Disappeared From Boot Options?

Feb 10, 2010

Had dual boot with Fedora 12 which still is fine but after my hard disk failed (ntfs) with all my data have been unable to access XP which is installed on the same disc as Fedora.

Device Boot Start End #cyls #blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 0+ 1136- 1137- 9126912 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda2 * 1136+ 1161- 26- 204800 83 Linux


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Fedora :: Window Controls Disappeared?

Feb 17, 2010

using kde with F12 and since this morning all of the window controls have dissapeared. i'm more familiar with gnome and can't seem to find the settings for this. i'm attaching a screenshotFIXED- Switched back to kwin from compiz and that resolved the problem

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Fedora :: NetworkManager Applet Disappeared In F13?

Jul 26, 2010

I just upgraded (as a fresh install) to Fedora 13. In so doing I kept the old /home partition. My NetwokrManager Applet is missing from the top bar. But if I login instead as a different user, then it is there. When I did the install, I had to create a (new) user as part of the process. The old passwd file had two users, one called admin, and the other myself. I logged in initially as the new user, and created the admin user keeping the same home directory, user ID and group ID. I then logged out, logged in again as admin, and removed the new user. I then added myself as a user keeping the same home directory, and user and group IDs.. For some reason admin has the applet but I don't. I also don't see how to add it except as a custom laucher using nm-applet, and that didn't seem to work.

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Fedora :: Add Remove Software Disappeared

Mar 15, 2011

Due to a faulty disk I had to re-install Fedora (and Amahi) which has installed fine. However, there is no sign of the 'Add Remove Software' in the menus. As this is a handy feature is there a way to get it back please?

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Fedora :: Raw Cr2 Thumbnail In Nautilus - Disappeared

May 21, 2011

I'm using F14 and I usually saw cr2 raw thumbs in nautilus. Then some days ago they disappeared.

package raw-thumbnailer is installed.

Browsing gconf-editor at Desktop/gnome/thumbnailers I saw no key for CR2.

Then I wrote the key You can see in attachment and everything was working again.

But as You can see there is a message: "this key has no schema"

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OpenSUSE :: Rely On Pdftk, Which Has Disappeared In 11.2?

Nov 13, 2009

I have come to rely on pdftk, which has disappeared in opensuse 11.2I tried just cloning the package from 11.1 into factory & 11.2 in OBS, which didn't work. I tried tracking that down and got bogged down in a maze of dependancies and ultimately some incompatibility with the latest g++ or gcj which I failed to figure out.I see the errors in the build log, I just don't see what's wrong with the code, especially since it builds fine on 11.1. It looks like maybe it was always technically incorrect code, but only now gcj or g++ refuses to accept it. But I can't tell what's actually wrong with it. And the home site hasn't been updated in 3 years so no luck there.Has anyone managed to build pdftk on 11.2 ?Or, is there some other package that can do what pdftk does ? (non-interactive pdf manipulation)I see debian and ubuntu still have it in their latest versions. So next I'm going to try just importing a .deb with alien or maybe try porting their patch set over to my OBS package.

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OpenSUSE :: Get Back Disappeared Language Bar?

Jul 15, 2010

My nice language bar (the switcher / indicator En->Ru) on the task bar got disappered for an unknown reason and I seem to have no idea how to get it back. I'm running OpenSuSE 11.2 and KDE.

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OpenSUSE :: Window Minimized Is Disappeared

Aug 10, 2010

When minimizing an application window, it now doesn't show up on the task-bar. Thanks for any help. Using 11.3 Gnome. (It did work properly for a few days)

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Ubuntu :: Panel Icon Disappeared

Jan 10, 2010

After a recent upgrade I have lost the top right icon in the top panel - so I cannot Set Status, Lock Screen, Guest Session, Switch User ..... Restart, Shutdown. I have right clicked on the top panel and installed the Shutdown icon so I can shutdown but I have lost all the other functions including the 60secs countdown. Is there any way I can get the standard top right icon in the top panel?

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Icons Has Disappeared?

Mar 14, 2010

My desktop icons has disappeared. they can be seen in Places->Desktop. But do not appear at my desktop. Why? What is the solution to get them back?

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Ubuntu :: Icon For Firefox Has Disappeared?

Mar 27, 2010

I ran in update and now my icon for firefox has disappeared. I can still run firefox, but I would like the icon back.

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Ubuntu :: Empathy Disappeared From Indicator?

Apr 12, 2010

anyone know why empathy would suddenly disappear from my indicator applet thingy?

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Ubuntu :: F-spot Database Has Disappeared?

Apr 16, 2010

When I opened F-spot this morning I got an error message, then it opened a new database - which has nothing in it. Reopening f-spot simply loads the new empty database again. find my old database and get f-spot to use it again? The new database appears to be located in ~/.config/f-spot/photos.db (I'll print out the contents below).


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