Hardware :: No USB-ports Work, 4 "root Hub":s Discovered?

Mar 12, 2011

In short: A fresh installation of LinuxMint9/LXDE on a pretty old Compaq Presario S4300. Issuing "lsusb" shows 4 "Linux Foundation root hub" but none of the totally 6 ports works (4 back, 2 in front - why 4 hubs? Should be 3?). They did work in Windows, in Mint I have tried connecting a scanner (HP ScanJet 3300), a printer (HP LaserJet 1000) and 2 different memory sticks (one formatted ext3), lsusb still shows nothing more than those 4 root hubs?Both the scanner and printer should be supported - even if not lsusb should show something. This is on a clients computer, a small shop that wants to try Linux. I can't sit there for hours trying totroubleshoot, when I go there next time I must know what to do - they are trying Linux, wants to know if it's any good

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Software :: Allow Non Root Users To Bind To Ports Less Than 1024?

Aug 2, 2011

Have a program, erlang, that needs to bind to a port lower than 1024, as a non-root user. How do you allow that on a system?

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Fedora Networking :: Root Can Not Bind Socket On Lower Ports (<1024)?

May 9, 2010

I am encountering a wierd problem in FC12. When I try to lunch a program that listens to a lower port such as 80 or any one that is less than 1024, I always get "Permission denied" error message (I am running it as root!).Then I try starting httpd service daemon that listens to 80, no errors, the daemon started and listend to 80.PS: I checked selinux, it has been disabled.Do you have any knowledge on this case? BTW, the kernel version is: #1 SMP Sat Nov 7 21:25:57 EST 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

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General :: PCI Card Not Discovered?

Sep 1, 2010

We have 2 Dell Poweredge R610's running Redhat 2.6.9-67.ELsmp.The onboard Broadcom Network card works as expected but we are having problems configuring the INTEL quad card which I believe is also installed as default.The correct driver (e1000 which has been downloaded) can be seen from lsmod although that's about it really (presume this is the correct driver). I am unable to plumb eth4-eth7 which I think would be the INTEL Network interfaces. When I do add eth5 for example and ifup the interface I receive:e1000 device eth5 does not seem to be present, delaying initializationlsmod shows:e1000 122705 0The card is installed in PCI slot1lspci shows the following: NB: I did try update-pciids but the servers are behind a Firewall and unable to reach the Internet.

06:00:0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 10e8 (rev 01)
06:00:1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 10e8 (rev 01)
07:00:0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 10e8 (rev 01)


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Debian :: Squeeze And Discovered Some .DS_Store?

Mar 12, 2011

I have Debian Squeeze and discovered some .DS_StoreWhere do they come from ?Can I delete them ?How to prevent that they are not created again ?

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Networking :: Make P2p Work If No Ports Listening

Oct 18, 2010

In emule p2p filesharing there's this thing called the id that is low if you do not configure your router for certain ports to be listening for incoming connections, forwarded by the router to ports on your pc. When the id is low, your downloads take longer or something like that. But if you have no listening port, how can a peer download from you?

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General :: Old File System Discovered After Disabling Ext4 Journaling

May 7, 2011

I bought a ssd drive for my laptop, installed it, installed Windows 7, installed Kubuntu 11.04. Till then everything worked fine, and I had following partitions on my disc:


/dev/sda1 ntfs ~100MB win boot,
/dev/sda2 ntfs ~170GB win main,
/dev/sda3 extended


It worked fine. While using 11.04 I encountered a serious bug in nvidia 270.41.06, and decided to switch to Kubuntu 10.10. I installed 10.10 on the very same /dev/sda5 (clicking a checkbox to format it). Everything worked fine, grub was installed and pointing to win7, and kubuntu 10.10. I disabled ext4 journaling as above, rebooted, and found, that grub now points to win7 and 11.04, and that system (which should have been removed during installation of 10.10) loads perfectly fine. I checked where 11.04 had been installed - still /dev/sda5. Win7 loads fine as well, so no linux on /dev/sda2 I checked if there was 10.10 kernel in /boot - no. File system on sda5 had no trace of 10.10.

I formatted sda5 with gparted, installed 10.10 again, disabled journaling and situation repeated, whole file system on sda5 changed. Enabling journaling did nothing, 10.10 didn't come back. I deleted sda3, sda5, sda6, made them again, installed 10.10, disabled journaling, and finally had my 10.10 on ext4 without journaling. So this is kind of solved, but I would still like to know that the hell happend? For the moment it looked like two file systems coexistened on one partition.

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Slackware :: H Article: Vsftpd Backdoor Discovered In Source Code?

Jul 4, 2011

Before anyone panics, the source tarball for Slackware 13.37 doesn't appear to be the "bad" tarball that Chris Evans mentions here:



$> sha256sum vsftpd-2.3.4.tar.gz
b466edf96437afa2b2bea6981d4ab8b0204b83ca0a2ac94bef6b62b42cc71a5a vsftpd-2.3.4.tar.gz

I checked str.c for the call to vsf_sysutil_extra() if the user is specified as and I also checked for the rogue shellcode in sysdeputil.c but I didn't find it, so it looks like the backdoor was uploaded recently.



Chris Evans, aka Scary Beasts, has confirmed that version 2.3.4 of vsftpd's downloadable source code was compromised and a backdoor added to the code. Evans, the author of vsftpd - which is described on its web site as "probably the most secure and fastest FTP server for Unix-like systems" - was alerted on Sunday to the fact that a bad tarball had been downloaded from the vsftpd master site with an invalid GPG signature. It is not known how long the bad code had been online.

The bad tarball included a backdoor in the code which would respond to a user logging in with a user name "" by listening on port 6200 for a connection and launching a shell when someone connects.Evans has now moved the source code and site to [URL] a Google App Engine hosted site. The GPL-licensed source code can be downloaded (direct download) from the same site, along with the GPG signature for validating the download, a step that Evans recommends. Evans says that the lack of obfuscation and lack of victim identification leads him to believe that "perhaps someone was just having some lulz instead of seriously trying to cause trouble".

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Add Irqpoll In 10.04 Lucid - USB Ports Don't Work / Fix This?

May 8, 2010

I installed Lucid earlier today (took about 4 hours as karmic wouldn't write the cd so had to use wifes Mac OS)
In the 2 previous releases of ubuntu I have had to add irqpoll to the boot line in order for my USB ports to work. I dont understand why this works but it does.
With the new "noninteractive" boot I can't work out how to add irqpoll to the boot sequence.

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Hardware :: On PCI Serial Port Card I-440 Work Only Two Ports From 4?

Jan 16, 2010

Label on card: "I-440 PCI 4S1P IO Card"

# lspci -v


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Networking :: 2 Or More Ethernet Ports - How To Make The Alternate Work

Apr 9, 2010

I have 2 (some future machines will have 4) ethernet ports. I want to have them configured such that if any gets unplugged, as long as at least one of them is plugged in, it can reach the network (even if via a different IP address), and it can be reached (at least when trying a working IP address). I tried this for /etc/network/interfaces:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static


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Ubuntu :: Edit File Discovered It Didn't Exist - Configure Grub?

Jan 17, 2010

I have recently installed Ubuntu Karmic on my laptop, which also has Windows 7. It now has GRUB, and I have been able to modify some settings via the GRUB command line. However, these changes are not permanent; they are reset the next time I load GRUB. I have seen many people trying to configure GRUB who have been pointed towards /boot/grub/menu.lst. I expect it would) I went to edit that file... and discovered that it did not exist. I am certain that I am using GRUB, not some other bootloader. Is there another possible way to configure GRUB, or somewhere else I might look for this file?

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Ubuntu :: OpenVPN Setup - Bridge Ports (From Work To Home)

Sep 9, 2010

I'm following this guide [URL]. I am trying to use a bridge to vpn from work to home.

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
auto br0
iface br0 inet dhcp
bridge_ports eth0

iface eth0 inet manual
up ifconfig $IFACE up
up ip link set $IFACE promisc on
down ip link set $IFACE promisc off
down ifconfig $IFACE down

I am forced to use dhcp because of my router. (although it is a static lease) I think this is where I am hung up. Everything else seems to be working properly though. I have a windows client connecting but is limited to the server serving out openvpn. ( In other words it is not functioning as a bridged vpn service.

openvpn server.conf
port 1199
proto udp
dev tap0
up "/etc/openvpn/up.sh br0"
down "/etc/openvpn/down.sh br0"
ca ca.crt
cert server.crt
key server.key # This file should be kept secret
dh dh1024.pem
ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt
keepalive 10 120
tls-auth ta.key 0 # This file is secret
user nobody
group nogroup
status openvpn-status.log
verb 3

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OpenSUSE Install :: Revert The Changes Or Change The Permissions Again To Root:root Or Make Sudo Work

Aug 10, 2011

Accidentally I changed the ownership of all the directories under / to my own instead of root:root. Now I am unable to use sudo and many bad things are happening. Is there a way to revert the changes or change the permissions again to root:root or make sudo work ?

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Hardware :: Multiserial Ports Identification / How Many Ports Are There

Dec 17, 2010

I'm writting an app for desktop and embedded linux and I need to get information about the multiserial port, and I need to know which port is been used (by a printer, por example).The multiserial I'm using is an Altera Corporation Device 0004, and I just need to tell how many ports are there and how many is been used.

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Fedora Hardware :: Tell If USB Ports Are 2.0 Ports?

Aug 11, 2010

How can I tell if my USB ports are 2.0 ports?

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Debian :: 5.0.4 - Root Password Does Not Work

Apr 8, 2010

After installation of Debian 5.0.4 when a window is shown to type the root password, after I have typed it and press OK, window is closed and nothing happen. I have verified that root password is correct, also I have reinstall Debian, but nothing is changed. Is there something to enable?

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Slackware :: Getting Aliases To Work As Root?

Aug 22, 2010

How can I get aliases working as root? Here is my Slackware 13.1's /etc/profile file followed by my *Slackware 11's* /etc/profile file [as a comparison]. My Slackware 11's root aliases work in addition to my username ones *without* needing a separate .bashrc in my home dir. In S13.1 I have created a .bashrc for my username and it works fine, but I want those same aliases operating when I'm root, and cannot for the life of me figure how to achieve it.

S13.1 /etc/profile:
# /etc/profile: This file contains system-wide defaults used by
# all Bourne (and related) shells.
# Set the values for some environment variables:
export MINICOM="-c on"
export MANPATH=/usr/local/man:/usr/man
export HOSTNAME="`cat /etc/HOSTNAME`"
export LESSOPEN="|lesspipe.sh %s"
export LESS="-M"
# If the user doesn't have a .inputrc, use the one in /etc.....

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Debian :: Accents Just Work When Logged As Root

Mar 10, 2011

I can use the accents (tilde, acute, ...) normally when I am the root, but when I log into my user account they re not recognized in most applications (opera, emacs, amsn, python idle,...) although they work in other applications (terminal, vim, iceweasel...). I guess that would have a simple solution. Something is right in the root account and wrong in my user account, but I cant figure it out. My layout is USA International (with dead keys).

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Fedora :: Root Profile Password Does Not Work

Sep 21, 2009

I can do su - and then type in my root password and then change users, but if I try to log in to the root profile, the same password doesn't work. What can I do to reset the root profile password?

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Fedora :: Root Password Doesn't Work In 13

Aug 20, 2010

I just installed Fedora Core 13 on my notebook and on installation setup entered password for root as asked. Now I'd like to login as root in console with password I gave to the root, but it doesn't work. Neither am I as regular user in sudoers file.

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus As Root Does Not Work On Laptop

Jul 20, 2010

Two screenshots are attached. On my laptop (a Toshiba Satellite A105) when I open nautilus as root the window that opens is screwed up. If I type [code] "gksudo nautilus" at a terminal prompt, screenshot-1 is what I see. Screenshot-1.png

The title bar has the word "root" instead of "root - File Browser" as it should be. There is no main toolbar, location bar, and no side bar. The next line beneath the title bar shows File, Edit, View, Places, Help instead of File, Edit, View, Go, Bookmarks, Help. If I click on View there are no checkboxes for Main Toolbar, Side Pane, Location Bar, and Status Bar. If I click on anything and then slightly move my mouse the nautilus window immediately closes. Therefore, I can't use nautilus at all to do anything.

This strange behavior only happens when I open nautilus as root. If I open nautilus normally, there are no problems. Screenshot-2 shows the window that opens if I run nautilus as root on my desktop computer. Screenshot-2.png

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Slackware :: 13.37 KDE Desktop Effects Only Work For Root?

Apr 29, 2011

I just got Slackware 13.37 up and running and all is well except for the KDE Desktop Effects. If I log in as root, they're enabled and work fine. However, when I log in as a user they are disabled and the option to enable them is greyed out.Other OpenGL programs run fine as a user, such as the glxgears test program and OpenGL screensavers.ATI card running this driver:It must be some kind of permission issue but I'm not really sure where to look.

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Ubuntu :: Linking User Theme To Root Does Not Work

Apr 17, 2011

I ran:
sudo rm -R /root/.themes
sudo rm -R /root/.icons
sudo ln -s ~/.themes /root/.themes
sudo ln -s ~/.icons /root/.icons
but on running
gksu nautilus
It still uses the same theme, not my own.

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Networking :: Running SMBClient From Root Account Does Not Work

Jan 2, 2010

I reinstalled Slackware lastnight and was configuring Samba today and when I tested the config (I had just copied over my working smb.conf) I kept getting an NT_LOGON error when I run:
PHP Code:
smbclient -l MYSERVER
from the root account after entering root's password.

I can log in through konqueror if I pass the credentials of the only user defined in smb.conf after I'd run smbpasswd for that user, and if I bring up a full terminal session for that user smbclient works fine, but it seems odd that root can't access the shares on the machine. I may have just never noticed this before because I usually test from a user account, but is this normal since I specifically only define one user where samba is concerned? I'm mainly asking because I was getting some unexpected write errors last night while I was installing the multilib libraries for Slack64 as root and I'm trying to verify everything.

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Debian :: Cannot Find Java Package - Fake Root Does Not Work

Mar 19, 2011

I'm am very new at debian. I have tried to use the apt install to install java-package an fake root after it says cannot find java-package also fake root doesn't work?

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Fedora :: Ssh Public Key Login Doesn't Work As Root User

Dec 22, 2010

I've tried to ssh in as the root user w/o a password (RSA keys) but I've had no luck as the root user. I've tried the exact same commands with Debian 5 and Centos 5.5, without a problem. Fedora 13 and 14 won't work! I can only log in w/o a password as a normal user, never as the root user! It always asks for the password if I try as root. I've even tried copying Debian's and Centos's sshd_config file and restarting sshd, but it still won't work.


mkdir ~/.ssh ~username/.ssh
chmod 0700 ~/.ssh ~username/.ssh
echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB............Jw8V03loeZ username@thehostname" > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys


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Ubuntu :: Vmlinuz - Can't Create - Delete And Open - Root Password Doesn't Work

Jul 2, 2011

i found an encrypted file called vmlinuz that i didn't create and can't delete and can't open because i dont have the password and the root password doesnt work either, what is it?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: User That Can Only Make The Sound Card Work On A F10 X86_64 System Is Root

May 4, 2009

The only user that can make the sound card work on a F10 x86_64 system is root. For non root users, I am not seeing any error messages when a app tries to use/access the sound card, just nothing plays. As I said, for root everything works as expected. I am sure this is a permission/setup issue, but I have no idea where to start.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Throw ReFit Into Main Hard Drive's Root Folder But Doesn't Work

Dec 7, 2010

I have a Macbook 2,1 since 2007. Last week my hard drive just died, so I decided to replace it with a new one, no problems with that. The problem came when I had to install an operative system, because my DVD drive has been broken for a year and a half now. I know we can easily install MacOSX from an external usb drive, but I don't have a big enough pendrive at the moment. So I went for Ubuntu. I have managed to get an Ubuntu 10.10 live usb stick working like charm, if anyone is interested. I just downloaded the latest i386 iso and followed this advice by pxwpxw for the 32bit EFI.

The only thing I had to change in the boot.cfg was the name of the iso and -very important- changed initrd.gz for initrd.lz. The live usb works great. But I decided to do an installation on the hard drive. I installed it using the whole hard drive and didn't get any errors. But when I boot the macbook it doesn't detect anything. I guess I need an EFI bootloader or something to make it work. I've tried to follow this guide but it seems to be intended for someone who already has MacOSX and the Ubuntu installation working. I just want to install a bootloader or whatever I need from the "outside" (from the live usb I'm using). I tried to just throw reFit into the main hard drive's root folder but it doesn't work. I think that maybe creating an HFS+ partition and installing reFit in it may work, but I don't think I can create that kind of partition from the Ubuntu usb and I also need a working MacOSX to run the enable.sh. I've also read of elilo but I've seen that it hasn't been updated for 3 years

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