Debian :: Squeeze And Discovered Some .DS_Store?

Mar 12, 2011

I have Debian Squeeze and discovered some .DS_StoreWhere do they come from ?Can I delete them ?How to prevent that they are not created again ?

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General :: PCI Card Not Discovered?

Sep 1, 2010

We have 2 Dell Poweredge R610's running Redhat 2.6.9-67.ELsmp.The onboard Broadcom Network card works as expected but we are having problems configuring the INTEL quad card which I believe is also installed as default.The correct driver (e1000 which has been downloaded) can be seen from lsmod although that's about it really (presume this is the correct driver). I am unable to plumb eth4-eth7 which I think would be the INTEL Network interfaces. When I do add eth5 for example and ifup the interface I receive:e1000 device eth5 does not seem to be present, delaying initializationlsmod shows:e1000 122705 0The card is installed in PCI slot1lspci shows the following: NB: I did try update-pciids but the servers are behind a Firewall and unable to reach the Internet.

06:00:0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 10e8 (rev 01)
06:00:1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 10e8 (rev 01)
07:00:0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 10e8 (rev 01)


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Debian :: Unstable Squeeze To Stable Squeeze?

Apr 10, 2011

I am still running the linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 kernel a computer with squeeze. I installed squeeze on it when it was unstable. I would like to bring up to the new stable state.Should I do apt-get install linux-image-2.6.32-5-686or should Iapt-get dist-upgrade

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General :: Old File System Discovered After Disabling Ext4 Journaling

May 7, 2011

I bought a ssd drive for my laptop, installed it, installed Windows 7, installed Kubuntu 11.04. Till then everything worked fine, and I had following partitions on my disc:


/dev/sda1 ntfs ~100MB win boot,
/dev/sda2 ntfs ~170GB win main,
/dev/sda3 extended


It worked fine. While using 11.04 I encountered a serious bug in nvidia 270.41.06, and decided to switch to Kubuntu 10.10. I installed 10.10 on the very same /dev/sda5 (clicking a checkbox to format it). Everything worked fine, grub was installed and pointing to win7, and kubuntu 10.10. I disabled ext4 journaling as above, rebooted, and found, that grub now points to win7 and 11.04, and that system (which should have been removed during installation of 10.10) loads perfectly fine. I checked where 11.04 had been installed - still /dev/sda5. Win7 loads fine as well, so no linux on /dev/sda2 I checked if there was 10.10 kernel in /boot - no. File system on sda5 had no trace of 10.10.

I formatted sda5 with gparted, installed 10.10 again, disabled journaling and situation repeated, whole file system on sda5 changed. Enabling journaling did nothing, 10.10 didn't come back. I deleted sda3, sda5, sda6, made them again, installed 10.10, disabled journaling, and finally had my 10.10 on ext4 without journaling. So this is kind of solved, but I would still like to know that the hell happend? For the moment it looked like two file systems coexistened on one partition.

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Slackware :: H Article: Vsftpd Backdoor Discovered In Source Code?

Jul 4, 2011

Before anyone panics, the source tarball for Slackware 13.37 doesn't appear to be the "bad" tarball that Chris Evans mentions here:



$> sha256sum vsftpd-2.3.4.tar.gz
b466edf96437afa2b2bea6981d4ab8b0204b83ca0a2ac94bef6b62b42cc71a5a vsftpd-2.3.4.tar.gz

I checked str.c for the call to vsf_sysutil_extra() if the user is specified as and I also checked for the rogue shellcode in sysdeputil.c but I didn't find it, so it looks like the backdoor was uploaded recently.



Chris Evans, aka Scary Beasts, has confirmed that version 2.3.4 of vsftpd's downloadable source code was compromised and a backdoor added to the code. Evans, the author of vsftpd - which is described on its web site as "probably the most secure and fastest FTP server for Unix-like systems" - was alerted on Sunday to the fact that a bad tarball had been downloaded from the vsftpd master site with an invalid GPG signature. It is not known how long the bad code had been online.

The bad tarball included a backdoor in the code which would respond to a user logging in with a user name "" by listening on port 6200 for a connection and launching a shell when someone connects.Evans has now moved the source code and site to [URL] a Google App Engine hosted site. The GPL-licensed source code can be downloaded (direct download) from the same site, along with the GPG signature for validating the download, a step that Evans recommends. Evans says that the lack of obfuscation and lack of victim identification leads him to believe that "perhaps someone was just having some lulz instead of seriously trying to cause trouble".

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Ubuntu :: Edit File Discovered It Didn't Exist - Configure Grub?

Jan 17, 2010

I have recently installed Ubuntu Karmic on my laptop, which also has Windows 7. It now has GRUB, and I have been able to modify some settings via the GRUB command line. However, these changes are not permanent; they are reset the next time I load GRUB. I have seen many people trying to configure GRUB who have been pointed towards /boot/grub/menu.lst. I expect it would) I went to edit that file... and discovered that it did not exist. I am certain that I am using GRUB, not some other bootloader. Is there another possible way to configure GRUB, or somewhere else I might look for this file?

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Hardware :: No USB-ports Work, 4 "root Hub":s Discovered?

Mar 12, 2011

In short: A fresh installation of LinuxMint9/LXDE on a pretty old Compaq Presario S4300. Issuing "lsusb" shows 4 "Linux Foundation root hub" but none of the totally 6 ports works (4 back, 2 in front - why 4 hubs? Should be 3?). They did work in Windows, in Mint I have tried connecting a scanner (HP ScanJet 3300), a printer (HP LaserJet 1000) and 2 different memory sticks (one formatted ext3), lsusb still shows nothing more than those 4 root hubs?Both the scanner and printer should be supported - even if not lsusb should show something. This is on a clients computer, a small shop that wants to try Linux. I can't sit there for hours trying totroubleshoot, when I go there next time I must know what to do - they are trying Linux, wants to know if it's any good

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Debian Configuration :: Dropbox Install For Debian Squeeze From Source Code

Feb 19, 2011

how to install Dropbox for Debian Squeeze from source.Please read everything before you begin. I prepared it as I installed Dropbox for my own system. Please Note: I use sudo, you may have to use root or 'su' from the command line. If you don't know the difference between sudo and su, then you shouldn't try this until you know. At the time I did this, the lastest dropbox version was 0.6.7.

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Debian Multimedia :: Squeeze Compiling Dwm From Debian Source / Reality Check

Aug 18, 2011

Below is the recipe I've used to compile dwm from source on Squeeze

apt-get install devscripts debian-keyring
apt-get build-dep dwm

It all seems to work, however debuild gave an error about secret keys. Is this a sensible procedure? What happens in the (probably unlikely) event there is another source patch?I've gone to a tiling window manager as the result of the purchase of a wide screen LCD monitor. I like to have some stuff down the right hand side when running Firefox and OpenOffice in the main panes. Any configuration tricks welcome. Modern screens are the wrong shape!

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Debian :: Upgrade Debian Stable Kernel From Squeeze Version?

May 26, 2010

I've just install debian squeeze version, or the testing one, but I am not really happy with it. Is not listening me all the time. If I install the debian stable I don't have internet connection. Is it possible to update the kernel somehow using the testing version?

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Debian :: Debian Squeeze / Gnome Icon Themes Don't Change

Feb 8, 2011

I installed Debian Squeeze with Gnome today. I'm unable to change from the default icon theme. I can change themes, but the icon theme remains default.Things I've tried:

- I've made a new user account.

- .gtkrc-2.0 in my home is auto-generated, .gtkrc.mine does not exist.

# -- THEME AUTO-WRITTEN DO NOT EDIT include "/usr/share/themes/Darklooks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" include "/home/haunted/.gtkrc.mine"


- I've tried installing a theme into my /home/.themes.

- I've reinstalled gnome-settings-daemon.

- Tried changing themes then doing a full reboot.

- Cursed it periodically.

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Debian Installation :: ISO Image For Installing Debian 5.06 On Squeeze Repo

Sep 18, 2010

I want to install Debian 5.06 64 bit on squeeze repo. Where can I find its netinstall ISO?

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Debian :: Installing Command Line Debian Squeeze System On Eee PC 701

May 29, 2011

I have been trying to install a command line Debian Squeeze system on n Eee PC 701., but have run into a number of problems:

1) All install info I can find assumes that the person wants to install a GUI system of some sort.
2) The Eee PC has a unique 2 MB. partition that needs to be preserved, so no guided install.
3) The Eee PC has an SSD instead of an HD. Most postings I have seen recommend an install without a swap partition, but the install (both live and text) seems to choke and despite a fresh formatting of the existing partition, claims to be overwriting existing files.
4) I can understand from the wiki that the Eee PC wireless driver (Atheros) should be included in Squeeze, but when the wireless connection and password is added, the installer claims that the password is not correct, despite me having checked it a number of times.

I hope someone can help me out. I just want to use the Eee PC for low resource stuff done on the cli like using a text based web browser to access the net through a wireless router and to hook it up to an external USB HD and to my stereo, to play my music collection.

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Debian Configuration :: Installed Firestarter Firewall On Debian Squeeze?

Apr 5, 2011

I installed Firestarter firewall on debian Squeeze.Now i note there is a gui available in System->Administration which apparently does not need to be running all the time - its not set up to start on boot.When I boot I notice the boot message has a line saying "Starting Firestarter firewall .... failed"When I am logged in and type "/etc/init.d/firestarter status" as the Firestarter FAQs say, I get"Firestarter is running... ... (warning)"I can run the gui manually and still same message.

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Debian Multimedia :: Customize Desktop Debian Squeeze Xfce?

May 11, 2011

I just a newbie.i want to try customize my desktop.i found a website shown linux desktop very greatfull, like this :but i don't know how to start it.any expert guys please let me know the guiding for me to start this.

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Debian Multimedia :: 'Startup Disk Creator' For Debian Squeeze?

Jun 14, 2011

Found this 'Startup Disk Creator' in Ubuntu,it is useful,how we get it install in Debian Squeeze? There's a Unetbootin for Debian,but it pull in lots of qt stuff,I don't like it.

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Debian Multimedia :: No Synaptic Package Manager In Debian Squeeze?

Aug 22, 2011

I have installed Debian Squeeze amd64 from DVD-1.iso (4.4 GB) and I cannot install Synaptic Package Manager or Wine because they are not in the repos.


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Debian Hardware :: Debian Squeeze Memory Amount Incorrect?

Feb 23, 2011

Fresh install of Debian 6.0 (squeeze) and the memory shows 3.8 GB. I have 6 sticks of 2 gb on the board.

Pertinent dmesg lines: AMI BIOS detected: BIOS may corrupt low RAM, working around it.

3083MB HIGHMEM available.
883MB LOWMEM available.
Bios tests 12 gb of ram fine.

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Debian :: Radeon Xpress 200 Problem On Debian Squeeze - Kernel 2.6.30

Sep 18, 2009

After dist-upgrade a few days ago, X refuses to kick in.

Xorg.0.log reads


Fatal server error:

no screens found

Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support at

Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information. lshw reads that Xpress 200M is claimed by radeonfb driver.

At this moment, no fglrx packages are installed.

System is Toshiba laptop.

I do not think ATI dropped support, however, even without fglrx, nothing works.

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Debian :: Installing Latest Nvidia Driver On Debian Squeeze ?

Nov 9, 2010

I installed Debian Squeeze with no issues. I went to install latest Nvidia driver as done previously with Lenny. Used instructions that worked on lenny from "the trooper" [url]

Downloaded th latest driver for my GeForce 7300 GS vidio card, driver package

Used "method # 2 as described in HOW TO,as it worked perfectly in the past on Lenny. Only syntax I changed was instead of gdm I typed gdm3 as it appears that is the new name for gnome in Squeeze.

Did as folows:

Now the trouble showed up, Unfortunatly I can only go off my memory. A question was asked stating that something did not match, it needed a 3 and the driver had a 4 version or somethng of this sort. then it asked if I new what I was doing (and I lied) and selected yes. And whammo, it didn't work. (This question was asked when i did in Lenny and it is working perfectly still on that system). I now can not boot to GUI, I notice when system boots it starts in "S" mode although I select normal boot from grub2.

Not too bad if I got to reinstall as little is on the system. I just want to know what I am missing on the instalation deal or should I be going about this difrently with Squeeze.

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Debian Installation :: Debian Squeeze On The Dell Mini 9?

May 22, 2010

This topic began in the Debian Development forum here I have successfully completed both the install and the after installation configuration. I have a fully functional system on this little baby, inspite of the fact that wireless (Broadcom bcm4312), ethernet (Realtek) and sound were initially broken.

There is a lot of assistance out there on the web. In the previous thread, I was having trouble installing any debian on a usb stick. The issues that needed resolving were 1. Bad stick

2. Incompatible kernels between boot.img and .iso

3. The method of copying .iso to the stick that finally worked was wget My first successful usb install was Lenny. Even though I upgraded the stock system with lenny-backports, I could not get wireless, ethernet or sound working the only connection I could get to the internet was through my 3g stick and that was not performing up to it's capability. I manually configured wvdial to get that working.

I attempted an upgrade to squeeze several times and each time the upgrade trashed the system. I finally found squeeze boot.img and .iso files from an eee pc blog. This allowed a fresh install of Squeeze and I was making progress. The little atom processor would not handle the b43-fwcutter driver, so I compiled one from the Broadcom site written especially for the atom processor. Now I had cable broadband supplied wireless. I got my ethernet working with help from the Gnome site technical specs on Network Manager. Simply changing ifupdown=false to ifupdown=true in the network manager config file.

Sound was activated by help from a blog entitled "Debian on the Dell Mini 9" My head is spinning now or I would be more specific and instructive on all I did to get this baby up and running. If anyone asks, I may do a how-to.

PS: Posted from that Dell Mini 9 running Debian Squeeze.

EDITED: Correction of typing errors.

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Debian Installation ::Can Only Get To Command Prompt With Debian Squeeze

Feb 10, 2011

Debian Lenny worked just great. That was my first experience of Debian. The installer recognised all my hardware and the system was soon up and running brilliantly with a few tweaks. Confident of Debian's reliability, I decided to move to Debian 6 and did a fresh install, with downloads of the new operating system rather than a distribution upgrade. The installation routines have not worked for the same computer system. I don't know if its hardware not being recognised by Debian 6 that were recognised without a problem by Debian 5??

At first, the boot-up flipped at "Waiting for /dev to be fully populated," there was a kernal panic then Debian disappeared. No signal was sent to the monitor and I had to switch off the computer manually
I was able to look into the Debian 6 OS from Arch Linux, installed on different partitions of the same hard-drive. I am able to overwrite the Debian files as root from Arch.
My i686 machine has PATA IDE drives.

Why are 2) dbus and the 3) avahi-demon failing? I need to get them started first so that I can get an internet connection and try and correct the problem with X and the wrong Nvidia driver. Is there some configuration I can do either from Arch, where I am now, or the bash prompt on Debian? Thanks in advance.

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Debian Multimedia :: Install VGA Driver On Debian Squeeze

May 22, 2010

I want to install VGA driver on debian squeeze. my VGA is "Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller".I do not know which driver I must install for this VGA.Does Linux recognize related driver ?

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Debian :: Kde Paralyzed - System Has Debian Squeeze

Sep 24, 2010

Once in kde, after an undefined time (can be minutes or hours), mouse cursor start to have a fixed shape (if i am in iceweasel on a link, the mouse can get locked with the hand shape). In this state, the mouse cursor can still be moved, but no program can be launched or closed (X) in kde. I still can launch a new console now (ctrl+atl+F2), "ps" don't show any process consuming cpu (all processes are near 0). "sensors" shows 55*C. Other commands as "kill" going to lock, they don't work and at the same time they don't return the cursor to the shell.

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Debian :: Revtex Installation On Debian Squeeze Os

Apr 26, 2011

On my squeeze OS I have texlive-latex3 installed and I wanted to install revtex package of the American Physical Society. While trying to install I was prompted to run #unzip -d /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/ However my machine does not have /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/ Instead it has /usr/local/share/texmf/ Will it be all right if I insert this location after -d ?

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Debian :: Get And Install Wine Debian Squeeze 64?

May 7, 2011

i screwed up a good debian install with wine. before i do it again i want to know what the best way to get and install wine . AMD 64, toshiba L645D laptop with 3G ram. ATI radon openGL . I read several pages and seems they suggest to compile from source (which i can do i think). others say to use aptitude .

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Debian :: Debian Squeeze - Apt-get Running By Itself In The Background

Nov 15, 2010

I am running Debian Squeeze, apt-get update runs by itself in the background, taking up 100% of one of the two processor cores.

I have kept the system updated.

Heres the output of



I have noticed this a couple of times now, i can kill the process and it doesn't show up again ( i haven't noticed it showing up till next reboot).

I don't have update manager to set to automatically install anything, I have set it to "Only notify about available updates".

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Debian :: Debian Squeeze - How To Burn CD/DVDs

Mar 23, 2011

I have not been able to write to DVDs since the install except for once when luck seemed to play more a part than anything else. Does anyone have a fix for this?Well, after letting it sit and sit and sit, it looks like it does write the data. But, it's writing about 1/2 of a DVD for just 2 500K files.

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Debian :: Laptop With Debian Squeeze Or Lenny

Apr 2, 2010

User familai with amd64 for computational chemistry and i386 for desktop. Seeking advice from users who succeeded in arranging a laptop with Debian squeeze or lenny, wireless LAN, 3D acceleration video, flash for speech. The laptop WITH STANDARD USA KEYBOARD should be available from European market resellers.

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Debian :: Have To Shutdown Twice On Squeeze?

Jan 17, 2010

I searched the forum for this, but didn't find anything about it: when I try to shut down the computer, it returns to the login screen. When I log back in and shutdown again, it shuts down.Squeeze works perfectly, but this is the only thing that doesn't work like it should. Is this a setting I should change somewhere?

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