Hardware :: List Of Distros That Support Drivers Out Of The Box Or A Program To Install Them?

Jul 12, 2011

What are the distros that support hardware drivers out of the box or a program to install them i.e. example image

I know of these: Ubuntu and derivatives (can install drivers via Hardware Drivers program) PCLinuxOS (everything seems to work out of the box)

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General :: Distros Which Can Support 32 Processor?

May 5, 2010

Any Linux distros which can support 32 processor ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Install Drivers/firmware Because Presumably There Is No Out Of The Box Support

Sep 16, 2010

I'm a first time user of ubuntu and any other form of Linux. I decided to install ubuntu on an old Dell Latitude D600. The LAN controller is a Broadcom BCM4306 [14e4;4320] (rev 02). I honestly thought that once I installed ubuntu I would have no problem connecting to my wireless router. I was wrong.

A FAQ on this forum states that I need to install drivers/firmware because presumably there is no out of the box support. I read the FAQ [URL]..Debian and it seems that I need to get the driver/firmware then issue some command to put it where it needs to go.

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General :: What Support Does OS Distros Normally Give To Their Users

Mar 4, 2009

What support does linux OS distros normally give to their users?

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General :: Any Distros That Support An HP Scanjet 4850?

Oct 2, 2010

It seems I've cleverly ended up with a distro (PCLinuxOS) that supports almost every HP scanner except the one I own. Is this scanner supported by any other Linux flavors?

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Red Hat :: Graphic Driver Does Not Support In Fedora 10 / Install Supporting Drivers?

Jul 25, 2009

I am new to linux. I install fedora 10 in text mode in my system. Because some drivers didn't support. I don't no know how to install supporting drivers. My system config. are Intel 945 mother board, 512 DDR2 RAM, 80GB IDE hard disk, P4 3GHz processor. When i try to install in graphics mode after disk checking i.e while anaconda is loading my monitor automatically turned off. So I recognized that problem with some driver. So I installed in text mode. Please tell me where do i get drivers for my system and how to install in my system. I don't have Internet connection for automatic installation using yum which was i found from linux forum so kindly tell me manual installation.

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General :: List Of Distros That Use Grub?

Jun 26, 2011

Would like to try multi-boot different distros other than the Ubuntu flavors, they must use grub boot loader automatically. I cant find any list on the web? I don't want to edit menu.list.

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General :: ATI 5800 Drivers With Various Distros?

May 24, 2011

I was using Ubuntu but changed distros recently due to Natty which I found buggy with Gnome. I just don't care for Unity. I have tried Fedora 14, Fedora 15 Beta, OpenSuse 11.4. I am leaning towards Linux Mint.

Except for Ubuntu, my ATI 5800 video card fan is running constantly. I ran the Dell diagnostic on the card. It reported the card was running correctly. It also runs correctly in Windows 7.

I am a semi-newbie and have some confusion as to which drivers to use for my card. Two questions:

Is there a a thread someone can point me to to correctly install the correct driver for any particular distro?;

Is there issues with ATI video card drivers and certain distos?

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Hardware :: 'Additional Drivers' In Distros

Jun 27, 2011

I know that Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Linux Mint, Pinguy, etc. has an 'Additional Drivers' window but what about other Distros such as CrunchBang, PCLOS, etc. and others? Can I get drivers in them as easily?

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Hardware :: Compile Your Own ATI Drivers In Debian Distros ?

Mar 4, 2009

This probably isnt the correct place to put this, But I can hardly understand how this forum is organized. And forget blogging, I dont even know what that is, let alone how to make one.

Anyway i see tons of requests for installing the ATI drivers in linux, I can only help with the debian based distros.

This was originally posted here http://www.mepis.org/node/13647


Finally, after many days of research on how to install Ati proprietary drivers on Mepis 6.5 with 3D and dual-monitor enabled and my Radeon x1950Pro I have come to a successful install and i will share my method below.

My system specs are below.

I read a lot of documentation and tried many guides on Ubuntu/Mepis forums with no or limited results until I found a guide on a french Ubuntu forum that guided me to success.

I had to modify the guide to my needs since it was aimed at installing on Ubunto 7.04 Feity Fawn. Since Mepis 6.5 is based in part on Ubuntu 6.06 the core parts of the guide were adequate.

If you follow every step to the letter eveything should work right away, and fast. (Make a backup of your xorg.conf before you do this!) Make sure your monitor(s) is setup or detected properly in xorg.conf

So here it is customized, adapted and translated to english:

1)Go here and download latest ati drivers: [url]

In our present case these are:



2) If you tried installing previous versions of fglrx Use synaptics search function and remove everything with "fglrx" in its name before we start.

3)Open a console

Here is a one liner you can use that does everything above in one shot:

4)Reboot PC (Will probalby be command line logon with no GUI (X))

Login to your user and then su to root and enter: aticonfig --initial or in my personal case

aticonfig --dtop=horizontal --overlay-on=1 --force-monitor=crt1,crt2

I noticed on some of my tests that sometimes the xorg.conf files dissapears during this process. Seems like a bug. In such a case restore your backup and repeat the aticonfig routine.



5)When you are rebooted you will have a working gui but no 3D acceleration yet. So open a console and su to root

kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf


To the end of your xorg.conf


Test in console as root and you should have 3D



You can also run:


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Software :: Where Is The Source Codes For The Open Source Drivers For Each Distros

Jan 2, 2009

We all know we can install a linux system such as Fedora 10 and use it. Being linux, one should in principle get the source codes for everything that has been precompiled (except the proprietary drivers such as nvidia) in the installation DVDs/CDs. Where are the source codes ? Is there a place I can download them ?
To avoid confusion, I am not referring to the kernel source that can be compiled to give a linux kernel, but that does not include the drivers, such as intel_drv.so.

To be more specific, the intel graphic i810 driver has been built into any linux system, but where is the exact source? One answer may be that primary source intellinuxgraphics.com. However, if anyone tries to download the every changing (i.e., keep updated almost every single day) driver source codes from freedesktop.org, it is almost certain that the source codes will not be the same as the one that is finalized in Fedora 10.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: ATI Graphic Drivers Support ?

Aug 4, 2010

Im thinking of getting a new machine-the only thing is a lot pc's these days ship with ati cards rather than nvidia cards. ATI will work on windows ok but i seem to recall linux support for ati being somewhat non existent...since i will have a windows/opensuse dual boot on the machine should i stick with nvidia for the graphics card then?

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Fedora Hardware :: No 3D Acceleration Support Using Mesa Drivers

Sep 18, 2010

I've been struggling with getting my graphics card configured under a fresh install of F13. I have an ATI Radeon HD 5450 1GB DDR3 and when I run glxinfo this is the result:

name of display: :0.0
display: :0 screen: 0
direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.4
server glx extensions:
GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, ....

What concerns me are the lines:
OpenGL vendor string: Mesa Project
OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer

If I try to enable Desktop Effects it tells me I have no 3D acceleration. So 3D acceleration not supported for this card using the open source, stock install drivers? I'd like to avoid the proprietary ATI ones if I can. Background on the video card here: [URL]. It's the cheap-o model in the HD 5XXX series and based on the article above it seems to be more of a beefed up version of the HD 4XXX chip design than a true HD5XXX series card.

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Debian :: List Hardware Devices And Their Drivers?

Sep 28, 2010

I would like to display hardware devices and their drivers in Debian. Sth similar to windows 'Device Manager' not necessarily must be in gui version. What kind of cmds I should use to be able to display hardware detected by HAL and their drivers ?

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General :: Get A List Of What X Video Drivers On System?

May 10, 2010

How can I get a list of what X video drivers are on my system? Preferably not using a package manager (since I'm not sure I trust it to not miss stuff like the nvidia driver). Googling didn't give anything useful .

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Debian Configuration :: How To Add Support To Kernel For Xhci Usb3 Drivers

Aug 29, 2015

I'm done following this guide about Kernel Building. [URL] .... and I got done successfully, the .config file was the very default obtained from "make menuconfig" the only extra thing added was:


All dependencies had to be installed about 2GBs for kernel building to function properly, mainly due to the needing of kernel headers. It loads successfully on my desktop whether or not it needs that module (if it was added correctly) but my goal was to add xhci support so it will load from my laptop, still won't load from the laptop giving me a initramfs prompt. Adding that code line to the .config file didn't seem to do what I wanted.

Although since I did a "make-kpkg clean" command as requested by the manual I dont know if it used that line or not to be honest. since I think it deleted the .config file in its efforts to clean old configs so I don't know I'm new to kernel building.

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Ubuntu :: Update Broke Graphics Drivers And Mouse Support?

Oct 5, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 on an Apple iMac 27". After updating yesterday, I no longer have working graphics drivers or a working mouse. The graphics card in question is an ATI HD 5750, and mouse is an Apple bluetooth 'magic' mouse.So far I've managed to fix the mouse, but not the graphics.

At first I didn't have any display at all, but I was able to ssh into the machine and get part way through the proprietry graphics driver installation. The installation failed, but at least I have something displaying on the screen now.I have tried the fix in this thread:[URL]The installation of this completes, however the graphics driver is not working. If I go to Administration > Hardware Drivers, then Ubuntu tells me the ATI driver is in use, but it's clearly not (takes 3 seconds to move a window).I've tried booting into the .24 kernel instead of the .25, but that's even worse since not the mouse doesn't work in .24 (it used to work fine)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Vote On FB For Support For Kodak Printer Drivers

Jan 28, 2011

I posted a request on Kodak's FaceBook(FB) page asking about their support for Linux drivers URL... Search for Mark Schuster to see my request and click the LIKE button to voice your request for Linux support. Let's let them know we want Linux drivers for their printers.

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Fedora Hardware :: Which Card Recommend To Get The Closest 3D Support To Windows Drivers?

Nov 14, 2010

just posted the same question in a thread with no questions allowed. deleted the message and here is the question again: I'm looking into updating my videocard with something more Linux-compatible (read: NVidia
instead of ATI). Is there any kind rule of thumb as to what series of cards is supported best? Atm I'm watching a Geforce 7900 GT on ebay, is that a good choice as far 3D acceleration goes? Which card would you recommend to get the closest 3D support to Windows drivers?

P.S.: I'm going to play games with the card. I use PlayOnLinux, which works for a very high amount of my games, as long as I'd have 3D acceleration. Performance is irrelevant as long as it's higher than a Radeon X850XT.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: NVidia Drivers Do Not Support Correct Display Resolution

May 31, 2010

I am new to opensuse and have installed 11.2 KDE. It is simply perfect for my system. However after the initial setup the display resolution was set perfectly fine for my 18.5" LED monitor, default resolution was 1366x768, and everything looked good from desktop to fonts but the OSS drivers didn't support compositing so I decided to switch to nvidia drivers. I installed the driver as shown in openSUSE repositories page, for my 6600GT card. Now after rebooting everything is stretched,even the fonts look really ugly and fuzzy.

I am unable to find any mode in Nvidia XServer settings that would correct the current ugly stretched display. I am unable to set 1366x768 manually as well, doing so my PC won't boot to KDM but rather sticks to console. Now it's for sure that my monitor and display card supports 1366x768 resolution but it's just that nvidia drivers/Nvidia XServer settings won't let me set that resolution. How can I set the resolution or even better if I can enable compositing using OSS drivers then that would be great an dm willing to switch back.

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Ubuntu :: Alt F2 - How To Add Program To List Of Shortcuts

Apr 24, 2010

I downloaded the latest Chromium build but to run it I have to go into its folder and click it, or I can type its full address ( /home/ubuntu/chrome-browser/chrome ). I want to be able to hit Alt-F2 and type just "chrome" How can I add the program to the list of shortcuts? Also I would like to disable the saving of history in Alt-F2

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General :: Lsusb / Lspci List Devices For Which System Has No Drivers?

Jul 20, 2010

I have been administering linux systems for years now, but usually they are commodity boxes and as a result I rarely have driver problems, short of needing to install some "restricted" or "proprietary" driver package, or manually installing the nvidia binary drivers back in the day. However, one question to which I have never picked up a straight answer regards common troubleshooting practice. Will lsusb and lspci list device for which a system has no drivers (kernel modules)? I am trying to install a webcam on a SiS-chipset laptop and though I can see a physical webcam, neither lsusb or lspci are showing me that any webcam-like device exists. What I want to know is if it would show anything, or if it needs drivers in order to show a device?

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General :: How To Install 2 Distros

Feb 22, 2011

i have linux mint 10 installed on my system and i want to install fedora 14 too .since fedora 14 comes with grub legacy and not grub 2 so,if i install fedora 14 would the grub 2 that comes with Linux mint be over-written by grub leagacy if yes,then how do i install fedora 14 withoust losing grub 2

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Ubuntu Installation :: Netbook 10.04 On Kohjinsha SX3 - Get A Grand List Of 0 Drivers On System

Aug 10, 2010

I have tried several times to get Ubuntu to work on my SX3, and I gave it a serious attempt today to see if I could get things working, I'm getting a new hard drive so this is Ubuntu's last chance - for a while at least.

I've gotten past all the minor inconveniences and has it set up like I want it, but my problem is drivers. If I go to System - Drivers I get a grand list of 0 drivers on my system. Things like the touchpad, bluetooth and WLAN are working, but any function keys, brightness control keys etc are useless. In addition it either doesn't have, or is running on really bad drivers for my screen and graphic card. My screen comes up as "unknown" - though it's usable. Scrolling is not a matter of scrolling, but "jumping", and the computer is generally kinda sluggish (which is odd since it's running quite fine on Windows 7) and attempting to play any video file, on any media player - or even ..... - gives you a fps of about 0.1. (sound's working perfectly though)

I noticed some thread about laptops that are incompatible with Ubuntu somewhere, Is there anything that can be done about this or should I just give up and go back to Windows 7? Kohjinsha has drivers for XP, Vista, and 7, as a side-note, if it matters.

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Ubuntu :: Program To Support Multiple OS Installation On Flash Drive?

Oct 10, 2010

I want to put a program (something like GRUB) on my flash drive, so that I can install multiple OS'es, like Ubuntu, Fedora, Dreamlinux, etc. Are there any good programs to do this?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot See Other Distros On Laptop

Sep 3, 2011

I have a problem with opensuse grub - it cannot see other distros on my laptop (Ubuntu and Mint) and the original grup got glitchy when I recovered it (I couldnt reinstall it with terminal, so I used rescatux to recover it, but I couldnt update it). It works with windows. Is it some kind of bug or osuse isnt compatible with other distros?opensuse: 11.4 64 bit

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General :: Any Other Distros Which Allow To Install 'on' Windows?

Jan 22, 2011

Are there any other Linux distros (apart from Ubuntu) which allow you to install 'on' Windows?I'm having problems installing Ubuntu on my Thinkpad, it keeps breaking down halfway during the installation. I wanted to try another.I wanted to try and use fedora KDE but it doesnt appear to have the 'windows' installation version?

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General :: Which Distros Install From USB/Live USB

Jun 26, 2009

A friend of mine is working at a company that's getting a lot of netbooks. None of them have optical drives so USB is important. They are going to switch most of the netbooks from Windows XP to Linux. I told him that both Ubuntu and Ubuntu Netbook Remix can be used this way. He installed both to a USB Drive and what he likes is at bootup it gives the option to either run it from USB as a Live Distribution or to install it to the hard drive.

The installation would give him a way of switching them to Linux and in other cases for users who prefer Windows XP they still have the option of using a USB Flash Drive when they want to use Linux. The question: What other distributions work this way? I have looked at Fedora, CentOS, Mandriva, and OpenSUSE. Would either of these install from USB or even work as a Live Distribution from USB or even do both? Are there other distributions that would do this?

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Ubuntu :: Open Program/window List Missing?

Sep 3, 2010

i accidently got rid of the panel on top, so i deleted the bottom one, and started a new one on the bottom. now whenever i open a program, there used to be a "list" of all the open program/windows on the bottom, now that is goneso once i minimize a program, the only way for me to get back to it is to press alt+tab.

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Fedora Installation :: F12 - Other Distros Not Recognized On Install

Jan 31, 2010

I was in the process of installing Fedora 12 when it came to the "Operating Systems List". Here it recognised only Windows and none of the other 4 Linux distros already installed. Looking at the option to "add" and then given the drop down list for each partition, can someone tell me what to enter in the LABEL box for these partitions, or how to find what to enter in these boxes to enable these distros to be booted?

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