Hardware :: Difficult To Decide About RAID - No Experience

Dec 5, 2010

I have no RAID experience on Linux, so I've found dozen of information on the net about software raids, hardware raids and fake raids. Now situation is not clear to me at all. I'm considering to buy one of these cards to run on my Ubuntu server (currently 9.04, but will be upgraded to 10.10):
1. Promise FastTrak TX2300. I believe this is fake raid as it has some RAID bios. It handles SATA II cards and has PCI interface (what is important to me because I don't have PCI-X or PCI-e).
2. Promise SATA 300 TX2 Plus. I believe this could be a software raid because it has no built in raid support at all.

So I don't need to install my system on future raid system I just want to add those disks as storage mirror to my existing system. So what card is better (I believe both are supported on current ubuntu)? Is card better with built in raid which has some settings in BIOS ? What will be setup of the card? I mean should I use any BIOS RAID options or I should disable BIOS raid and use linux dmraid? In that case maybe better choice is card without any RAID in bios ?
Sorry if question is too beginner, but I'm lost with all the information. The main thing I want to know if I should use BIOS raid featured to use fakeraid or I should disable it anyway.

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Software :: Can't Figure Out To Do Slightly More Difficult Equations?

Jul 10, 2011

I've just installed Maxima and wxmaxima. I've learned how to do simple math equations (3x+7=16) but I can't figure out to do slightly more difficult equations. Specifically, I can't figure out what's wrong with how I input this equation:

solve (7^(-4*x) = 2^(1+3*x), x);

I've tried incrementally building the equation (starting with 7^(x) = 2, then moving to 7^(-4*x) = 2, etc.)but when I introduce the second x, I get a blank output. I have no idea what to do.

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OpenSUSE :: Widely Adopted Web Application Having Such Difficult Time?

Sep 29, 2010

I've seen Flash come up quite a bit in these forums as a target for many complaints for users. I was wondering what exactly is the issue with Flash including the 64bit support, the sound issues etc. Why is such a widely adopted web app having such a difficult time?

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Ubuntu :: US-International Keyboard Layout All Wrong And Difficult To Use

Apr 10, 2010

The US-International layout in K/Ubuntu seems to be extremely irritating and difficult to use. I'm wondering if I could find some help here. One thing is if a dead key doesn't work (typing in ' + t for example) it will produce nothing in Ubuntu, as opposed to windows producing 't. I must add a space after almost every apostrophe or quotation mark, which is becoming extremely difficult, tedious, irritating and unnecessary. Also the dead keys that are available are ridiculous. The dead keys I am used to and want are:

' + [letter] = ����� � �
" + [letter] = ����� �
` + [letter] = ���� �
~ + [letter] = � � �
^ + [letter] = ���� �

Which allows one to simultaneously and smoothly type English, Dutch and German but could (to a lesser extent) be used for French. What I get:


Which makes 's (ś) painful, as well as the many uses for apostrophes in dutch like m'n and 'k (producing mń and ḱ respectively) etc. Considering this layout is widely used and is pretty much the de facto layout in The Netherlands whose primary languages would be Dutch and English (and some German), why has it become so difficult to use? Also, how do I fix it?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: NVidia Quadro NVS 110M Difficult To Identify

Apr 2, 2010

I come here every two or three years, when I have some troubles with my graphic card. Indeed, once again. Since last Tuesday, I experience some system freeze. Since yesterday, I must run on low graphic mode. As there has not been any X.org or driver update, I suspect that my graphic card is running down. But I do not know how to diagnose this.

My configuration:
-- Dell Latitude D820 laptop;
-- processor Intel Core 2 Duo T7200 (2.0GHz 667MHz FSB);
-- bi-canal 2x1024Mo DDR2-SDRAM 533MHz memory;
-- graphic card NVIDIA Quadro NVS 110M 256MB;
-- 15.4" WSXGGA+ (1680 x 1050) LCD screen;
-- 100Go SATA (7200 TPM)) hard-drive;
-- 8x DVD +/- RW burner;
-- battery 9 cells 85 WHr LI-ION;
-- Bluetooth card for Latitude;
-- Intel PRO/Wireless 3945 802.11a/g;
-- Ubuntu Linux 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope desktop 64 bits real-time kernel.

Some commands results:
$ lspci | grep -i vga
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72M [Quadro NVS 110M/GeForce Go 7300] (rev a1) .....

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General :: Finding Difficult To Understand The Methods Of Xml Modules In Python?

Apr 15, 2011

python can get anylink or any tutorials which is having few basic eg. and could help as a guide too. bcaz whatever now i have like "byte of python" which i feel difficult bcaz it lack in having eg. for modules of xml.so please help me by providing any better options

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General :: Can't Decide On A New Distro?

May 9, 2010

I've had Ubuntu (8.10) on my netbook in the past and I really liked it. I'm currently running Fedora and feeling like I should "change it up" again. I've played around with Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid a little, and so far I'm very impressed. I've always wanted to try Arch, but I'm worried I won't have the driver support I need for all the non-standard hardware in a netbook.

Does anybody have a suggestion for a new distro to try? I'm preferably looking for something feature-rich over light-weight, and something that I can have up and running with a minimum of configuration (at least partially working).

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General :: How To Decide On A Distribution

Jun 21, 2011

I've been trying out various variants of Ubuntu (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Linux Mint, Ultimate Ubuntu, to be specific) as well as the latest Fedora. The only thing that I can distinguish between the various distributions is the desktop environment that it uses (but some distributions, like Fedora, have multiple versions) and the software packages it comes with. But sofware can always be installed afterwards, and so can desktop environments, so what varies between the various distribution branches on a deeper level, on the things that the newbie user like me can't directly see? And is there any easy way to compile my own version of Linux?

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OpenSUSE :: Firefox Font - Gaps In Alphabets Are Making Them Difficult To Read

Jul 9, 2010

I am facing some problems in font rendering issue for Urdu (South Asian language). Actually the alphabets are being displayed as, for example, "a p p l e" instead of "apple" - if you see this website, probably you will see the gaps in alphabets are making them difficult to read.

I have installed at least 10 different Urdu fonts but still no help, then I tried adding:

MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO="0" to /etc/environment but it also did not helped.

I am using OpenSuse 11.2, Firefox 3.5.10

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General :: Chroot Jail - How Safe If It Is Locked Down And How Difficult Is Building A Secure

Mar 16, 2010

How safe is a chroot if it is locked down? how difficult is building a secure chroot? Does anyone know of any working tutorials for setting up a secure chroot? i only need it to run two applications, a torrent client and a VPN client. I'm hoping to set one up on Ubuntu Karmic. also, I found this, under 'section 4' he gave no write permissions to any non root user, can this be extended upon? which directories do limited users require write access to? what else would you consider essential to security inside a chroot?

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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID-5 Recovery (spare/active) / Degraded And Can't Create Raid ,auto Stop Raid [md1]?

Feb 1, 2011

Could any RAID gurus kindly assist me on the following RAID-5 issue?I have an mdadm-created RAID5 array consisting of 4 discs. One of the discs was dropping out, so I decided to replace it. Somehow, this went terribly wrong and I succeeded in marking two of the drives as faulty, and the re-adding them as spare.

Now the array is (logically) no longer able to start:

mdadm: Not enough devices to start the array.Degraded and can't create RAID ,auto stop RAID [md1]

I was able to examine the disks though:

root@ mdadm --examine /dev/sdb2
Magic : a92b4efc
Version : 00.90.00

mdadm --create --assume-clean --level=5 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdc2 /dev/sdd2
As I don't want to ruin the maybe small chance I have left to rescue my data, I would like to hear the input of this wise community.

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OpenSUSE :: How Does Decide Kernel Versions To Update To

May 19, 2011

I checked my kernel version (uname -r) and see I'm on "", and I noticed that they just released 2.6.39. I'm assuming (perhaps incorrectly) that there's been at least versions 2.6.35/6/7/8 released in there. Why isn't my openSUSE 11.3 using anything more recent than .34? How does this updating work? Is 11.4 on a more recent one?

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General :: How Does Compiz Decide Which Windows Should Be Sticky?

Dec 14, 2010

How does Compiz automatically decide which windows should be sticky (i.e. should be visible on all workspaces)? Windows such as gnome-panel and cairo-dock always stay on the visible workspace, without requiring additional configuration. How does Compiz figure this out?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Decide Which Virtualization Platform To Use

Mar 12, 2010

I want to run 4 instances of a Virtual Machine on a Dell Power Edge 7401 machine want to know which Virtualization platform will help is there any performance compatibility test some where so that I can understand it.

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Fedora :: Nvidia Driver 260.19.29 Experience?

Dec 16, 2010

I am stuck with Fedora 13 due to the fact that clutter has some nasty bug which colides with the nvidia binary blob driver (I _require_ CUDA _and_ usable 2D/3D). So the new version is out since some days ago but not yet in rpmfusion. So did anyone give 260.19.29 a shot and does the 2D/3D UI still lag?

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Ubuntu :: Solution For Best Download Experience

May 12, 2010

For some reason, my downloads on Windows are really slow no matter what download accelerator I use. I've tried IDM, FDM , DAP , DAM , Orbit , Supersonic , jDownloader - they all have some problem . Sometimes the files just halt and refuse to be downloaded.
Warning : Not For Advanced Users!
On Ubuntu though I have found a wonderful solution that sees me all the time maxing out my download connection and often exceeding it with absolutely no problems.

Here's the combination :
Aria 2 + Flashgot.
I will show you how to set it up, how to configure it and how to pause , resume downloads.
That's all one needs!

1. To get started , let's download Aria 2.
Fire up a terminal and enter
sudo apt-get install aria2

2. And now Flashgot : Install the add-on from this site: [URL]
Close Firefox

3. Now to choose Aria 2 as the default download manager
Open Firefox
Flashgot -> More Options -> General Tab and select Aria 2.

4. Now in terminal:
mkdir .aria2
Now create a file called aria2.conf inside .aria2( which is a hidden folder can be viewed by pressing Ctrl+H in the Home Folder)
cd .aria2
gedit aria2.conf

5. Open the file and type split=100 on the first line. That does it . Now to download anything say for example a video from ..... : [URL] in the bottom right corner click the flashing icon ( Flashgot Media) or alternatively go to Tools->Flashgot->Flashgot Media

6. Your download will start after selecting a download folder. A window will open which will display progress. To Pause , press Ctrl+C.

7. To resume open History, navigate to the page and again click 'Flashgot Media'
The file will resume.

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Ubuntu :: Ruining KDE Experience Ever Upgraded To 10.4?

May 19, 2010

No matter what desktop I use, there are 5 nepomuk processes and one virtuoso-t process running, taking up quite a lot of CPU in total. These stupid things have been ruining my Ubuntu and KDE experience ever since I upgraded to 10.4. I want to have those things NEVER run again, no matter what they're for, preferably by editing a config file because using graphical settings in KDE hasn't actually disabled them.

EDIT: If I kill the process nepomukservices, it keeps coming back! Who does that??? I installed KDE 3.5 now (instead of the very bad KDE 4). I have no setting to disable desktop search, because the brilliant and good KDE 3.5 has no such useless, CPU hogging, feature. But somehow the evil KDE 4 still manages to hog down my system by keeping to spawn this nepomukservices process all the time even when I'm not logged into KDE4 at all!

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Ubuntu Security :: Decide If A New Program Have Installed Is Malware Or Not?

Aug 5, 2011

In Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, I have downloaded and installed texlive (2011). They have issued the following warnings:

1. "To the best of our knowledge, the core TEX programs themselves are (and always have been) extremely robust. However, the contributed programs in TEX Live may not reach the same level, despite everyone�s best efforts. As always, you should be careful when running programs on untrusted input; for maximum safety, use a new subdirectory."

What does this exactly mean? The installed program has already created own directories and subdirectories (e.g. /usr/local/texlive/2011/bin/i386-linux). Am I supposed to create a new subdirectory in home to write files and run latex program? Exactly how do I know that the downloaded and installed program is not malicious?

2. "Finally, TEX (and its companion programs) are able to write files when processing documents, a feature that can also be abused in a wide variety of ways. Again, processing unknown documents in a new subdirectory is the safest bet."

what is implied by "a feature that can also be abused in a wide variety of ways".

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Installation :: Decide The Parameter Value Of Root In Grub.conf?

Jul 21, 2010

After I installed Linux OS(for example:SuSE10,redhat5),the [root] parmeter of [kernel] in created grub.conf seems that sometimes it's defined to device name.sometimes it's defined to Label or sometimes UUID. So ,I want to know what is that relative to? Hard disk type or OS version or both?

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General :: Port Just Can't Decide Weather It's Open Or Closed

Feb 18, 2010

I am only getting 4.7kb/s, dispite there being 31 or so Seeders. The port is just opening and closing it seems, I have no idea why though.The port was opened both with firestarter (which isn't supposed to be firewalling ATM) and "sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 6884 -j ACCEPT".It was also opened under the 'Application Sharing' menu of my router.

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CentOS 5 :: How Mirror List Works And Decide Status

Apr 1, 2009

I was puzzling over the nss dependence problem that people are having in upgrading 5.2 to 5.3. The issue is clear (that the mirror people are using for [updates] is not pointing to the latest set when an uptodate mirror may be being used for your [base]). My question is though how the mirror list decides whether a mirror is fresh. According to [URL] then this mirror [URL] is "green" which presumably means that the system thinks it is up to date (last probe was 1 hour ago). However if you look at the files on the mirror now (12:54 BST, Apr 1 2009) you see that the date of the 5/ branch is 24-Jun-2008. Thus this host is not ready to give you updates to 5.3. Is this a bug?

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Ubuntu :: Upgrading To 10.10 I Experience Freeze On Shutdown?

Oct 10, 2010

After upgrading one of my computers to 10.10 I experience freeze on shutdown I understand that there are multiple things that can do that. Is there a way to Isolate the issue. It freezes during the ubuntu dots screen. The dots are still changing endlessly. So it is not complete freeze. The only way to intervene is by issuing a CTRL-ALT-DEL then the computer restarts.

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Networking :: Script For Faster Internet Experience

Feb 27, 2011

I came to know about namebench tool while working on a setup of DNS server, test results showed some servers working pretty fast. After investigating different options and many tests i managed to keep a good rank of DNS slave server. The idea was to keep checking available fastest DNS servers in the region and modify named.conf accordingly.As many of us are not building a DNS server, I am not going to discuss it in details here, however in case you are using some flavour of GNU/Linux, UNIX you can use following method to have a faster internet experience.

To have it accomplished we are going to use namebench, cron and a small script. namebench looks for the fastest DNS (Domain Name System) servers accessible to your computer.

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Programming :: Experience To Make A Script More Efficient?

Mar 30, 2010

I wrote this script to attach url's to specified 6 digit numbers in a configuration text file. My original goal was to be able to be able to pull the url's and the 6 digit numbers from .csv files. that would allow me to make the script more versatile, not only for this particular project, but also for other projects in regards to the configuration file. This script works, and has served it's purpose, but it is not very pretty, and it's probably not very efficient. What can I do to improve it and possibly make it more versatile. I've thought about functions and arrays, but my skill set is still pretty limited. I'm not looking for someone to write it for me, just to point me in the right direction.


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Ubuntu :: My Experience Downgrading Ext4 File Systems

Jan 1, 2010

This post is not to ask for help, but rather to document my recent effort to downgrade my ext4 file systems to ext3 file systems. I don't know if it'll help anyone, but here it is anyway, fwiw.I am running ubuntu 9.10 on an older Dell GX-270, and had formatted my partitions with ext4 file systems. I began to notice partimage wasn't backing up my ext4 file systems and I decided to downgrade to ext3 file systems.My system has one 160GB drive and one 500GB drive. I also have an external usb2 500GB drive./home is on the internal 500GB drive. To convert it, I mounted an ntfs file system on the external drive, created a container file, put a file system on it, and mounted the container as a linux file system.

The backup was done done via rsync. rsync makes things really easy. It understands uids, gids, file permissions, and all kinds of links. That's one reason I created the container file on my external drive. NTFS doesn't understand uids gids, linux file permissions, or linux style links.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Theme For Good Big Screen Experience?

May 2, 2011

I have assembled an "old" PC I want to attach to my 32" Sony TV. Mainly for browsing, watching videos, playing casual games. Is there a special Desktop theme suited for big screen ? In other words: Big icons, big text? Not sure if Unity helps out here. I would be willing to install another desktop manager (e.g. XFCE, KDE) than Gnome if it provides such features. Firefox for examples supports increased font size for browsing. For shell I've played around with guake and font sizes around 20 pix. It just would be nice to have "enlarged" menu entries.

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General :: How Can I Continue Linux Experience With No Internet Connection?

Jan 18, 2010

Well; soon my site will be down and my internet too.I am still unemployed and can't pay my bills.I wish I could get a job in Linux somewhere, but it doesn't seem possible.Does anyone get paid in Linux? So, was wonderin how can I continue my Linux experience with no internet connection?And, Does anyone know of a hosting site that would hold or distribute my creations URL...they will be deleted from servers in about a week.I only pay $7 a month for my site; but its $40 a month for internet connection.

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General :: Can't Statically Decide Virtual Address Of The Function At Compile Time?

Feb 8, 2010

I have read a couple of articles on how dynamic linking works (those stuff about got, plt and lazy binding), and I am still not sure why you need to do dynamic linking in such a complicated way.Suppose your program uses a function in a shared library that needs to be linked dynamically at run time (like a printf). Why can't you statically decide the virtual address of the function at compile time? After all, all you need to do is to enter the page table entry corresponding to the address of the function if the library has been already loaded to a physical page frame.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Experience With Bluetooth-Headset DR-BT101 From Sony?

Sep 26, 2010

has anyone experiences with the bluetooth headset DR-BT101 from Sony under Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Use Xbox 360 For A Smooth Media Center Experience?

Oct 11, 2010

I've been looking around for the past week, but I have yet to find anything yet that provides a media center solution using Ubuntu + Xbox 360, comparable to Windows 7 + Xbox 360.

I want to drop Windows 7 completely on my media PC, and just use Ubuntu (or Linux Mint). I've tried ushare, XBMC, Moovida, and a few other apps. Either they don't support sharing, or it's difficult to configure, or it is a cheap looking solution.

Is there no way to use my Xbox 360 for a smooth media center experience, similar to how it functions as a Media Center Extender for Win7, while replacing Win7 w/ Ubuntu?

I'm even open to commercial Linux solutions, I'm just hoping to be able to drop Win7 if possible..

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