General :: When Click On Add/remove Software Get The 'you Are Attempting To Run "pirut"?

Dec 3, 2010

I have an acer aspire one netbook running linpus linux light,I managed to get the sub menu working, however, when I click on add/remove software I get the 'you are attempting to run "pirut"' query..I type in my password and then get a box coming up which says 'an unhandled exception occurred, this is most likely a bug'.

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Fedora :: Remove Pen Drive When Click 'safely Remove' Tab Instead Of Getting Removed It Reappears

Jun 28, 2011

To remove pendrive when I click the 'safely remove' tab instead of getting removed from the desktop it reappears again. This problem is there in fedora 14

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error Processing Flashplugin-nonfree (--remove): Reinstall It Before Attempting A Removal

May 3, 2010

This is the error I get when using apt-get upgrade or package manager dpkg: error processing flashplugin-nonfree (--remove): reinstall it before attempting a removal.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Terminal AND Pirut Not Working

Aug 20, 2010

when i open add/remove software (pirut) it makes me give the pass word and when i do and press OK the thing disappears and doesnt even re appear.... and when i put some codes into terminal and press enter it goes to a new line awithout the useratlocalhost or rootuser.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Items From Right Click Menu?

Nov 5, 2010

i would like to remove s#certain items from the right click menu in ubuntu 10.04

i.e. remove functions from the right click menu in 10.04

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General :: Mouse Single-click Equals Double-click - Can't Select The Entire URL By Clicking

Apr 13, 2011

when i click my mouse on something, it sometimes registers as two clicks. it doesn't happen all the time, but frequently enough to be annoying. for example, when i click a videos video to pause it, it often opens into fullscreen (which you normally click twice to do). also, in the url bar of chromium, i can't select the entire url by clicking. i now need to use ctrl+a. that's also because when i try to select the url, the highlight randomly disappears.

if i have multiple windows open, my click on the first "x" of the top-most window also closes the next window. i'm on linux mint 10. it's not really important, but it drives me crazy sometimes when my mouse doesn't work the way i want it to.

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Slackware :: Configure Mouse Click Interval Since A Single Click Is Recognized As Double Click?

Apr 29, 2010

I try to configure mouse click interval since a single click is recognized as double click by doing it from KDE mouse configuration in system settings; but my attempt doesn't work even (I set the click interval to 2 sec, but doesn't change anything). What is the best way to do this in slackware?

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Ubuntu :: Remove Items From Nautilus Right-click Context Menu?

Jun 19, 2011

I uninstalled xmms player quite a long time ago. I think when I had hardy heron. Currently I'm on 10.04. When I right click a .mp3 file I still have the option to play with xmms player showing up. Even if I choose an "other application" the xmms player option remains stickied to the top.Does anyone know how I can remove this entry? I did a lot of searching but couldn't find a solution.

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Ubuntu :: Panel: Paraylzed Computer - Unable To Right Click To Remove Or Change

Jan 16, 2011

I wanted to create another panel on my computer. I created one, which formed directly above one that I already had (at the bottom of one of my two screens). Just out of curiosity I asked it to autohide. That was a big mistake. Now, I am unable to right click to remove or change the panel (the right click menu doesn't appear). This is true for all my panels. I thought logging out might fix it. No luck. Restart. No luck. Now my "top level" panel won't load, which means I don't have access to any of the main menus at all. Basically, the only think I can access at this point is what is on my desktop.

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CentOS 5 :: 5.4 Software Update And Pirut \ When Go To Apply It, The System Complains About Dependency With Rhn-setup-gnome?

May 6, 2010

I am having with CentOS5.4 and Pirut?The update system is telling me I have a Pirut update, but when I go to apply it, the system complains about dependency issues with rhn-setup-gnome. I have searched high and low for the solution to this but haven't found it yet.I have found some hacks, but I am hesitant on messing with the integrity of the system just to complete the update.

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General :: Attempting To Install Magicjack?

Sep 17, 2010

is the magicjack phone system compatable with ubuntu o s system ?

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General :: Attempting DUAL BOOT Win7 With Kub 10.04?

Jul 27, 2010

Current rig:

Toshiba Satellite L455 laptop
Celeron 2.20 GHz
Windows 7, 64bit

I downloaded the DVD release of Kubuntu 10.04, from The file is: Kubuntu-10.04-dvd-amd64.rar . I burned it to a DVD, as image, with ImgBurn application. See any problems so far? I want to dual-boot, leaving my Win7 in tact. I am confident that I can handle this with some patient instruction.

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General :: Attempting Triple Boot - Need DD Command

May 2, 2010

I'm a newb and have ambitions for a triple boot with MAC/W2K/#! 9.04. I first installed Ubuntu on C600 laptop and then switched to Crunchbang 9.04 since the Dell is lacking any ooomph. Now I'm trying to triple boot an HP Pavilion a330n (AMD Athlon, non-SATA board which has created problems getting Leopard to play nice, but that's another story). I removed the HD from the C600 (W2K) and replaced it with another running only #!. I installed the W2K laptop drive as master on the HP desktop with a 120GB IDE drive as slave. The 120GB drive has been partitioned for 4: MAC (35GB, ext3), W2K (35GB, NTFS), #! (40GB, ext3) and Linux-Swap (remainder, ext3).

Now to the question: I was planning on using the DD command to "xcopy" the W2K drive to the W2K partition. Sounds simple. I am trying to use the following:
dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sdb3 bs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror

To back up a step, I saw somewhere else suggesting to boot live and run off the CD to facilitate this since I'm manipulating both hard drives. Since I'm working live, I've had some trouble sorting out password issues with root. I managed to change the root password (I know - dangerous, but only for this session anyway). Each time I try to execute the dd command, I get nada. No activity. The cursor drops below the root@crunchband:~$ prompt and just blinks. There is no important information to be lost on either drive per se, but have lost the W2K install CD long ago which is why I need to use DD anyway.

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General :: Failed To Execute /busybox Attempting Defaults

Apr 28, 2011

I am building a floppy linux distro and have compiled a custom kernel, toolchain, uClibc and busybox. It all fits and boots but says "Failed to execute /busybox attempting defaults" /busybox is executable and should have the shared libraries available. I created both a dynamic and static hello world program and nether will boot as init. The root fs mounts without issues. What is the problem? (Sorry, Do not have the log since this is a different box) (May try to get it over serial console)

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General :: Effect Of Attempting Change Of /FS Ownership Or Rwx Permissions

Aug 9, 2009

My system (CentOs5.3) became erratic after i tried to change wholesale the ownership of the /FS. is it possible to change ownership or rwx permissions of files in linux? what is the safeguard available to preserve the consistency of the program files in linux against such an attempt by su?

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General :: Attempting A Java.bin Silent Install Using Two Files?

Jul 12, 2011

I am attempting a java.bin silent install using two files.

The bash script is this:
sh jdk-6u20-linux-x64.bin -i silent -f /<location>/ 1>console.txt 2>&1
sleep 5 #this may be unnecessary, just testing it


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Ubuntu :: Several Applications Click On And It Takes To The Installer How To Remove Those Types Of Applications

Jul 28, 2011

I haven't used Ubuntu for a while, and just reinstalled it. I have one major dislike about the new version, There are several applications I click on and it takes me to the installer.How do I remove those types of applications or just install them all?

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CentOS 5 :: Pirut/yum: RHEL 5.1 - Maintain An Unregistered RHEL Box?

Feb 16, 2010

A client has sent me an RHEL 5.1 box for me to do some work on, but it's not registered with Red Hat. This is causing me problems, because it's a minimal installation, and I need some more dev software.My immediate reaction was to install various bits (emacs, and so on) from my Centos 5(.0) DVD.The base RHEL system only had one (disabled) repo entry,so I added a yum DVD repo entry in yum.conf.d.

This looked good to start with, but it doesn't work. Something in RHEL's pirut/yum/rpm/whatever is getting confused, and can't work out what is/isn't installed.

Question - how do you maintain an unregistered RHEL box? Has RH done something to make life difficult? Is my problem simply that I'm using a Centos 5.0 DVD, instead of Centos 5.1? Am I stuck with downloading lots of rpms from the net and doing everything manually? I really don't want to do that.

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General :: Attempting To Get BackTrack 5 Running With A VMware Virtual Machine On Windows 7

Aug 23, 2011

I'm running a 64bit Version of Windows 7. I'm also dual-booting 64bit Ubuntu 10.04 (if it matters). However, for this I'm trying to get this working on the Windows 7 side of things. I downloaded the BackTrack 5 32bit GNOME .iso file (BT5-GNOME-32.iso) to my USB stick fine and made a VM on VMware Player. I set the OS as "Other Linux 2.6.x kernel" (if it matters). However, when I go to play my VM I get the following screen. I know I'm supposed to type Startx to launch the GUI. However, nothing happens; it's completely unresponsive (and yes keyboard focus is routed to the VM). There is no response, the cursor doesn't even blink.

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General :: Freecom FSG3 - SU Permission Denied When Attempting Chmod Or Chown?

Apr 27, 2010

I am desperately trying to recover two folders from a Freecom FSG 3 NAS. As far as I am aware it is running Linux 2.6 based on Snapgear. After working through the hardwares' recovery procedure a number of times, the state of the device appears to get worse and worse. So I have attempted to rescue the files by using a program called Putty to access the device over SSH.When I access the device using Putty I login as admin. The folders I need to recover are located in the home folder. Listing the contents of the directory I get...

/home $ ls -la
ls: ./.twonkymedia: Permission denied
ls: ./Sarah: Permission denied


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General :: RedHat ES5 Attempting To Read Tape Contents On Quantum Superloader3

Sep 24, 2010

I have a Dell PE2900 SCSI'd out to a Quantum SL3. I'm attempting to read/display the contents of the tapes or maybe dump the displayed contents or table of contents to a file.

I can see and access the library:
]# mtx status
Storage Changer /dev/changer:1 Drives, 16 Slots ( 0 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Full (Storage Element 1 Loaded):VolumeTag = NGL930L3
Storage Element 1:Empty
Storage Element 2:Full :VolumeTag=NGL985L3


But when I try running tar -tzf /dev/changer or tar -tvf /dev/changer I just get a flashing cursor and the drive sits at IDLE.

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General :: No Prompt For Root Password After Attempting To Enter Single User Mode?

Jul 13, 2011

I followed instructions to enter single user mode by adding single at the end of kernel line but after that it doesn't ask for root password but brings up the sh# prompt. Isn't that supposed to be insecure? I understand for this the grub password can be applied but even after adding "single" it should ask for root password..or it should not..??

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OpenSUSE :: When Right Click Them, The "remove This Icon" Does Not Appear?

May 3, 2011

I cannot remove several icons from my KDE panel. When I right click them, the "remove this icon" does not appear. Others are removable. Sounds like a permissions problem

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OpenSUSE :: Mouse Model Does Not Support To Change The Single Click Into A Double Click In 11.1

Jan 14, 2009

where can I change the single click into a double click (because I'm a windows user (sorry!))? The mouse model does not support this.

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Ubuntu :: Found That Two Finger Tapping Touchpad Has Gone From Middle Click To Right Click?

May 1, 2010

I'm newish to the forum, but have been using ubuntu for the past few months.I recently upgraded from eeebuntu (a 9.04 derivative) to 10.04, and found that two finger tapping my touchpad has gone from middle click to right click, (and 3 fingers is now middle instead of right).

From what I've seen, this has been changed since 9.10, but I haven't been able to find a permanent solution yet. Most fixes have been from before and use hal, or other things that don't exist anymore. The one thing I've found does work is using xinput and the command

xinput set-prop "ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad" "Synaptics Tap Action" 2, 3, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3

But that has to be run every time I start up, and it occasionally reverts while I'm using the computer. I've tried making a script that runs at startup, but neither adding it to the list of startup programs, or autostart folder has worked, but running the script file manually does work. I'm a bit at wits end with this, it's the only issue I've had with 10.04, and I've spent many many hours trying to get it to work (I've also tried gsynaptics and the newer version whose name escapes me right now). Hopefully there's a permanent fix out there.

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Ubuntu :: Single Mouse Click Registering As Double Click?

Mar 13, 2010

About a week ago I installed some updates. What they were I don't remember. After I did that my mouse started acting up. Now about half the time when I single click it registers as a double click. Also when I click and drag to select text anywhere it'll randomly do another click screwing up that process.

So far I think the problem is when I press the left mouse button it registers the left click and then when I release, it randomly registers another left click.

The mouse itself works fine if I take it to another PC that's using windows.

OS: Ubuntu 9.10 64bit
Mouse: Microsoft Intellimouse 3.0

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Ubuntu :: Make The Mouse Single Click Instead Of Double Click?

Feb 4, 2011

mouse menu different in 10.10, is there a way to make the mouse single click instead of double click?

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Hardware :: Single Mouse Click Acts As A Double Click

Aug 18, 2010

linux-uitj:/home/anisha # uname -a && cat /etc/*release
Linux linux-uitj #1 SMP PREEMPT 2009-10-26 15:49:03 +0100 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
openSUSE 11.2 (x86_64)
VERSION = 11.2

If I normally click the Trash icon either in Kmail or in Evolution more than one mail gets deleted in a sequential order! I have to press the click button extremely light to avoid this problem. I have confirmed this problem is not only with the Email clients but even with most other normal applications too. I have changed my mouse twice but the problem persists. Both were USB mice. Below I have provided log information :

linux-uitj:/home/anisha # dmesg | grep usb
[ 0.138267] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[ 0.138267] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[ 0.138267] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[ 0.396952] usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
[ 0.396956] usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
[ 0.396958] usb usb1: Product: EHCI Host Controller

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Slackware :: Single Left Click Picked Up Sometimes As Double Click?

Jun 13, 2011

For some reason now when I left click slackware sees it sometimes (4 out of 5 times) as a double click. This is very frustrating? Here is a list of ps aux

root 1 0.1 0.0 824 276 ? Ss 12:39 0:01 init [4]


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Slackware :: Right-click Menu On A Rectangle Coincides With A Right-click On Desktop?

Apr 30, 2011

After I adjust my slackware and rebooted I saw a strange "rectangle" on my desktop. Please, look at the screenshots below and tell me how I should solve this problem.

I can't move it. Right-click menu on a rectangle coincides with a right-click on desktop. It does not prevent, but very annoying.

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