General :: User Postgres Does Not Exist?

Jul 21, 2010

i have installed postgresql to my fedora10-distribution. when i would to access to this database by using the command #su postgres as is mentioned at [URL]..3/install/wiff/createcontext to install freedom , an error message is shown to tell me that user postgres does not exist. what is the likely problem.

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Server :: System Error - Authentication Failed For User Postgres

Mar 29, 2011

I made a system in CentOS5.5. I used Tomcat6 and PostgreSQL. But I couldn't enter my system. There are some error. And I don't understand what kind of error this.
JDBCExceptionReporter.logExceptions(100) | SQL Error: 0, SQLState: null
JDBCExceptionReporter.logExceptions(101) | Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres")
"postgres" is username.
Is anybody knows anything about this error message.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Login As Postgres User And Enter Commands?

Sep 10, 2010

I've had a server setup working perfectly for the last 2 years. Today we installed a newer version of postgresql and recompiled apache/php.

Postgresql will not start now.

"service postgresql start" = /var/lib/pgsql/data is missing. Use "service postgresql initdb" to initialize the cluster first. To initdb we need to be as user postgres.

"su - postgres" = "no file or directory"

In /etc/passwd = postgres:x:26:26:PostgreSQL Server:/var/lib/pgsql:/bin/bash

how i can login as postgres user and enter these commands?

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General :: Query Died: Fusername: Table 'rsmembers.User' Doesn't Exist

Nov 5, 2010

I just purchased a new server and loaded it with Ubunut server 10. I installed apache2, php5, and mysql5. apache needs a little bit of configuration left (I need to tell it to accept index.php in addition to index.html), but other than that, all the php is working. MySQL is working as well, at least on the server. If I do a "show databases;", it shows all the databases properly. I loaded phpmyadmin on the server for testing, but I'll be removing it once everything works - this is my production server. phpMyAdmin can find all the tables, perform successful queries, and do everything I want it to, HOWEVER If I try to use the login page, I get the error mentioned in the title of this thread.

The database is a carbon copy from my development server, which works flawlessly. All the php and html pages are exactly as they are on the development server too, yet I still get that error. I've reloaded all pertinent programs (apparmor, apache2, and mysql). Apparmor was because I had to declare some new lines for mysql to access a different location for the DBs I resolved the "can't load InnoDB issue", but this one is stumping me.

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General :: Send Mail From Domain As A User That Does Not Exist As Well As Email From Other Non-existent Domains

Jul 31, 2010

I have a server with a static IP that I use as a sendmail server. The problem is that port 25 is exposed. As a result, anybody can login to the SMTP server and send mail from my domain as a user that does not exist as well as email from other non-existant domains. I'm sure there are sendmail options that I can enable to do some checks, like if the user exists on that server or if the domain is the same on the server, etc. I was wondering if you guys can mention a few that I can add to my file?

I have thought about auth login, the problem is if auth login is on my public port then I won't be able to receive email from gmail because it would be unauthenticated. Also, I only have 1 mail server. I know the ideal solution is to have 2 mail servers. One for outgoing mail/internal mail server where you can enable auth login and the other for incoming mail which just acts as the relay to the internal mail server. That way spammers can't login to send mail out. That's another question I had, how do I configure sendmail to only send email out/in?

Anyhow, so I have to make do with 1 mail server for now. So I decided to add a few rules on iptables. I grabbed the IP range that gmail uses when I receive mail from then and added it to my iptables with the following command.


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Ubuntu :: 'gdm' User Does Not Exist

Oct 3, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 9 on my kids' computer a while back and usually the computer boots up and goes directly into Ubuntu. However, this morning when they booted it up, the following error message displayed: "The GDM user 'gdm' does not exist. Please correct GDM configuration and restart GDM." It seems that they had inadvertently messed up some configuration files. After pressing 'OK' it asked me for my user name and password, which I supplied, but that didn't work either. So, either I've forgotten my password or my kids seriously messed up their computer, so much so that I can even work with it in command line. I was thinking about simply reinstalling Ubuntu and possibly updating to version 10, but I'd rather not lose the files on the computer. Thus my question: Does anyone see a way of not losing my and my kids' files while getting back into Ubuntu?

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CentOS 5 :: Gdm User Does Not Exist?

Nov 6, 2009

In my system(CENTOS) displays the "gdm user does not exist". I cannot typing any word except username and password. Try all virtual terminal but failed. and also try to connect the ssh but I can't.

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Server :: Sensible-mda - User - Root - Does Not Exist

Nov 10, 2010

User root does exist. Sendmail doesn't deliver email to local user. This is standard instalation from apt-get install. Everything worked ok since year. Everything worked ok until recently. The server worked just over a year.

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General :: Centos Search For Postgres Database?

Jan 31, 2011

Ok so I need to Search for a postgres database File on a CentOs System. Is their a command i can run in the terminal to search for postgres files?

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Debian Configuration :: NIS User Not Allowed Because Shell Does Not Exist

May 6, 2011

I have two machines running SQUEEZE, both installed and configured within the same week (not simultaneously). Both get the users info from a NIS server. In one of the machines (named "corona"), users cannot login, neither locally nor by ssh, in the other one ("xxlager") there is no problem. Both mount the users home directories by NFS. I have not found much useful info in the web. /etc/passwd, /etc/group/, /etc/shadow, are equally configured. The only difference I have found is when I use getent. Using "getent passwd isaenz" on xxlager yields:

isaenz:x:1001:1001:User Name,,,:/home/isaenz:/bin/tcsh
but on corona the result is
isaenz:x:1001:1001:User Name,,,:/home/isaenz:
so the shell info is empty.
Checking /var/log/auth.log I see a message saying:
"User isaenz not allowed because shell does not exist"

But "ypmatch isaenz passwd" returns complete information for isaenz, both on xxlager and corona.

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Ubuntu :: User Account Deleted And Till Exist?

Dec 21, 2010

I just deleted an account, this is the command used:

#userdel sam1


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OpenSUSE :: Logged In As Root But Getting "user Davfs2 Does Not Exist"

Jan 23, 2011

But I've gotten as far as getting davfs to work on RH Linux. However, on SuSE I'm logged in as root, but when I issue the mount command I'm getting "user davfs2 does not exist". (I was getting "group davfs2 does not exist", so I created the group (groupadd davfs2) then added the user davfs2 to the new group by following the instructions at The Nerdrium : Linux : Creating Groups.

The command I'm issuing is: mount -t davfs http://.....

I get challenged for credentials, but after I enter them I get the "user davfs2 does not exist" message.

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Ubuntu :: Root User Directory Does Not Exist, Root Password Not Recognised?

Oct 26, 2010

I no longer have access to my root desktop. On a session I attempted to change the root username but i apparently assigned it a wrong directory that does not exist. When I rebooted with my new root username, i was instead recognised as a simple user (no root privileges). I tried the console to change to "old" root but root password is not accepted and there is no way to access to sudoer files. it seems that inserting a new username requires root privileges and i am back to square one. Simply logging with old root username and password after restart gives me a blank screen with nothing on it and cannot even reboot.

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Server :: Mysql 'Table 'mysql.user' Doesn't Exist'?

Aug 2, 2010

I'm trying to setup wordpress on my server, which of course I need mysql for. I setup a database the other day, which worked perfectly, but I had to start again as I put some information in wrong. Now, I can create a database fine, but when I run

GRANT ALL ON wordpress.* TO wordpress@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "password";
I get the output:


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OpenSUSE :: Postgres Does Not Start After Upgrade To 11.2?

Feb 10, 2010

I had postgresql 8.3 running on opensuse 11.0, recently upgraded to 11.2 (so postgres is now 8.4) and have problems starting it. I make, su, then as root run:

# /etc/init.d/postgresql start
Your databases are still using the format of PostgreSQL 8.3.
Therefore a backup of the old PostgreSQL server program will be used
until you have saved and removed your old database files
See also /usr/share/doc/packages/postgresql/README.SuSE.{de,en} .
Starting PostgreSQLsu: incorrect password


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Ubuntu :: What Is The Default Postgres Password?

Jun 23, 2011

I just installed postgresql 8.4 package on my Ubuntu 10.10 desktop. Seems to have worked fine. But what is the password for logging into the databases created by user 'postgres'?

sudo su postgres
and then
psql mydb

fine and it never asks me for a password. But if I want to use pgadmin3, I want to enter passwd for postgres, etc.

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Server :: Restoring A Postgres Database?

Jun 9, 2010

We have a disaster recovery solution for our database where a dump file is generated daily at 1:00 AM. We have tested importing the file, along with running another sql file that generates the appropriate database user accounts, into a database on a third-party server.

One question that came up was the following: Suppose the database crashes in the middle of the day, prior to that there were transactions that were entered into the database between the time the dump file was generated, and the crash occurred. We can restore the dump file to either the main or backup server. How can the transactions that were made between the time of the dump file and the crash be restored as well?

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Software :: Autofill - Tab Key - Not Working In Postgres ?

Feb 24, 2010

I installed postgres successfully but, when I press tab key, it does not autofill the available options.

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Ubuntu :: Pgadmin On 10.10 - Support For Postgres 9?

Jan 16, 2011

I am in the process of looking to migrate my PC from Windows 7 to Ubuntu 10.10 as I like it and i find it a little quicker than Windows. One of the major failings I find at the moment is software app support. I am setting up some PostgreSQL 9.0 servers (to do streaming replication) and using pgadmin to do the management.

Under Windows this app works great, but under Ubuntu it seems the standard package only supports up to 8.4, and looks like support has been dropped for pgadmin on Ubuntu. What I can't understand is the open source movement isn't supporting itself - or is it that because 10.10 is not on LTS, they are waiting for the next version to update the package - anyone know? If its not supported then back to Windows I go, because I know the latest version works fine.

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Ubuntu :: Postgres Installed But Cannot Find Reference

Mar 24, 2010

Just bought a new accounting program BasicBooks - on the install instructions (Gibberish to me) I apparently must have Postgres installed, which apparently comes with most distros. I can't find a reference to Postgres - there should be an entry in 'System Settings --> Server Settings --> Services from the main system menu', which I cannot find. Nor can I find it in the Ubuntu software centre. I did find pgAdmin III but have no idea how this works either.

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Ubuntu :: Access Postgres Through A PERL Program?

Jul 25, 2010

I am very much interested in Postgres db.
I have installed the DBI and DBD drivers.
Created the Tables.
Can any one help me to access POSTGRES through a PERL program.

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Server :: Upgrading Bacula Database For Postgres?

Mar 24, 2011

While backing up/restoring bacula clients. We were getting an error regarding database tables' version. The error message is given below.. "Found 10 needs 12".

After Googling, what we found is, we have to update the postgres database for bacula. So now we are in process to update the database via the update_bacula-tables script. We are not sure, if it will solve the problem or not. We have just upgraded bacula 2.4.4 to 5.0.1. Postgres version is upgraded from 8.3 to 8.4. It is Debian 6.0 squeeze.

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Software :: Testing A Postgres Dump File?

May 13, 2010

We are going through the motions of testing the backup and restore configurations of our postgres database. One idea was testing the viability of the dump file. Does anyone know of a way of testing the dump file to determine if there is any corruption in it

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Instance Of Postgres On The Same Machine?

Mar 16, 2010

how to setup multiple instance of postgre server on the same machine.

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Security :: Restart Postgres In Server - Selinux Is Not Letting It Log Anything

Jan 28, 2010

Whenever i restart postgres in my server, Selinux is not letting it log anything. In /var/log/messages, it says.

Quote: Jan 28 14:15:43 dataserver kernel: audit(1264709743.263:38): avc: denied { append } for pid=5986 comm="postmaster" name="pgsql.log" dev=sda8 ino=3932166 scontext=root:system_r: postgresql_t tcontext=root: object_r:var_log_t tclass=file

Jan 28 14:15:43 dataserver kernel: audit(1264709743.263:39): avc: denied { append } for pid=5986 comm="postmaster" name="pgsql.log" dev=sda8 ino=3932166 scontext=root:system_r: postgresql_t tcontext=root: object_r:var_log_t tclass=file

I cannot disable SeLinux in this server.

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Software :: Postgres Install Error - Failed Dependencies

Mar 16, 2011

following is the error [root@webserver Desktop]# rpm -ivh swl-apache-

error: Failed dependencies: is needed by swl-apache-
[root@webserver Desktop]# rpm -ivh postgresql-libs-8.1.23-1PGDG.rhel5.x86_64.rpm
warning: postgresql-libs-8.1.23-1PGDG.rhel5.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 DSA


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Programming :: Getting Shell Script To Execute IF New Row In Postgres SQL Is Added?

Mar 17, 2009

I do not want to use cron.I want it to be instantaneous. I am working on a web server where the hosts turned-on safe mode and turned off a-lot of the functions for PHP (including exec) in order to secure their servers. Outside of that, I do have access to chroot and can pretty much do anything on the server. I want to use ImageMagick to create dynamic images based on form data.

I was trying to find a work-around with PHP where I can still use ImageMagick (a shell-based imagining program) by causing SQL to execute a shell script after the form data is saved to a table. Is there anyway it could cause a flag to automatically run a shell script when someone adds a new row to a certain table. It has to be instantaneous, more or less, so that the user isn't sitting there waiting for a minute for cron to catch any changes to the database.

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Slackware :: Postgres With Ossp-uuid Wont Compile?

Oct 16, 2010

Anyone out there tried to compile postgres with ossp-uuid . It works 100% fine without it , need it for Openbravo ERP

Slackware 13.1 64
"checking for uuid_export in -lossp-uuid... no
checking for uuid_export in -luuid... no


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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Connect Remotely To Newly Installed Postgres

Dec 26, 2010

I keep getting this error trying to connect to newly installed postgres server on Amazon EC2 running Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat....
Could not connect to server: Operation timed out Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

I've updated config files, as follows...
host all all trust
where is the IP range of my ISP
listen_addresses = '*'
port = 5432
I am attempting to connect with pgAdmin 3 client. I don't think the problem is the client.

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General :: Why Would Executable Say It Doesn't Exist / When Try To Run It?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a compiled program, a tagger to identify parts of text, which claims it does not exist.This executable has to be called by a generated script, which is how I ran into this issue. What are the reasons this error could show up?The executable was copied from another machine.The file does have execution privileges (it gives a proper not-allowed message without them)I've tried copying the file to a different location (same problem)I've tried replacing the file with a fresh copy (same problem)The file does exist. Opening it with pico shows a file with binary data.

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