General :: Use Grep To Find The Words In The Dictionary?

Dec 1, 2010

I'm trying to use grep to find the words in the dictionary that contain the letters "th" and the letter m.

I tried grep 'th m*.' Desktop/Dictionary/words(Thats where the destined dictionary word document is located)

grep 'th' Desktop/Dictionary/words works but only for the words with th. I have no idea of what expression to use to make it a unionized expression with m

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General :: Windows - Convert Aspell Dictionary To Simple List Of Words?

May 5, 2010

I want to get list of all words from aspell dictionary.
I downloaded aspell and aspell polish dictionary, then unziped it using code...

It is connected to the declination and conjugation. How can I add to the first list all forms (with all corresponding suffixes as defined in .dat file ) ?

BTW: I need this list to spell-checker jazzy.

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General :: GREP On Words With 2 Or More Z's?

Dec 21, 2010

I need to grep a dictionary file.Only the words that contain 2 or more z's and only 1 b needs to be listed.

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General :: Grep 2 Words At The Same Time?

Sep 9, 2010

I want to grep any line with "john" or "jack". How to do that? I tried

grep john | grep jack
but it didn't work

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Ubuntu :: Not Enough Words In Dictionary?

May 18, 2010

Just installed 10.04. When I'm using empathy, the spell checker says all sorts of correctly spelled words are incorrect, such as "eventually" and "examples".Does empathy use the system's dictionary or it's own? Is there a way to download a better dictionary?

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Ubuntu :: Output Of Command In Less And The Words Highlighted By Grep?

Sep 1, 2010

So theres this command

man -k mail
Which lists commands that contain the keyword "mail" in their description.I want the output of this command in less and the words highlighted by grep. Something like

man -k mail | grep mail | less
The command doesn't work, how do I fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Getting Grep To Pull Info From A Specific File Which Match All The Words?

Jun 2, 2011

I am trying to use grep to only tell me files that include both words matching in a pattern file. However when i specify:

grep -f <pattern file> <file>

It pulls out anything that matches one or the other.

Not both.

how to get it to match AND not OR.

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Programming :: Tail The Message Log| Grep - Several Words - Play A Sound When It's Found

Jul 4, 2011

I'm trying to write a script that will either tail or watch /var/log/messages for the words

PHP Code:

signal Gone into alarm state

From this line below.

I would then like the script execute:

And have run at start up.

I'm stuck with grep-ping only one word

PHP Code:

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General :: Find/grep/wc Command To Find Matching Files - Print Filename And Word Count?

Sep 11, 2009

I am trying to do a find/grep/wc command to find matching files, print the filename and then the word count of a specific pattern per file. Here is my best (non-working) attempt so far:

wc `find . ( -name "*.as" -o -name "*.mxml" ) -exec grep -H HeightResizableList {}` ;

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General :: Using Find Or Grep To Find A Group Of Text Strings?

Feb 28, 2011

I have used diff command in past.I faced a situation to which I did not had a cluehere are some text strings (which can be stored in a file)Quote:



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General :: Find Words 'struct' And 'messages_sdd_t' In Many Files

Apr 23, 2010

I am looking for this struct messages_sdd_t and I need to search through a lot of *.c files to find it. However, I can't seen to find a match as I want to exclude all the words 'struct' and 'messages_sdd_t'. As I want to search on this only 'struct messages_sdd_t' The reason for this is, as struct is used many times and I keep getting pages or search results. I have been doing this without success:

find . -type f -name '*.c' | xargs grep 'struct messages_sdd_t'

and this

find . -type f -name '*.c' | xargs egrep -w 'struct|messages_sdd_t'

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General :: Regex To Find Min / Max Length Words In File?

Jan 29, 2011

i am trying to find all 3 and 4-character length words in my file (which is huge and has alot of entries in it, a big fat wordlist!).My attempt with this regular expression (which I thought should work, found something on length search here: [URL]

cat sorted_noapostrophe.txt| grep '.{3,4}'

but it returns no results? Also to find any words starting with 'f' which are between 3 and 5 characters (inclusive) long, how can this be done?

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General :: Using 'find' And 'grep' In A For Loop?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a server hosting 100+ websites. I need to quickly identify which websites are configured with a database. There are way too many to manually check every website for a PHP file with a database name. So, I created a list of all databases from MySQL and put them in a text file. I then exported the text file to a shell variable and used it in a for loop.

bash variable

DBLIST=`cat dblist.txt`
Example of $DBLIST

db1 db_testing2 database_clientname production words4cheap
for loop

for db in $DBLIST; do find . -type "f" -iname "*.php" -exec grep -i $db '{}' ; -print; done
Note: my find statement starts searching at . which is the directory that contains all of my websites and their data, each website is setup in a sub directory, identified by it's domain name.

Example: I'm in /var/www. Beneath /var/www are a list of directories:


However, this is taking too long (it's been running most of the day) and I was wondering if there wasn't an easier way to accomplish what I'm trying to achieve?

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General :: Searching For PHP Files With Find And Grep

Nov 2, 2010

I am looking for all the files that contain the text string 'moo.sql'. I ran the following:

find . -name '*.php' | grep -lir 'moo.sql' *

Unfortunately it seems to return non-php files in addition to php files. I thought the find portion of this would filter the file names so grep would only search php files.

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General :: Difference Between Grep And Find Command?

Dec 24, 2010

For searching a file or directory i normally use grep command. kindly can you guide me the difference between grep and find command. I have used both but that are the difference between them ? are the same or grep is new as comapird to find command.

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General :: Making Grep Find Files Containing '$'

Dec 5, 2010

I want to find files containing the "$" char (ascii 0x24). 'Grep -irl $ *' would output the names of every file in path *, of course, because it means end of line (EOL). So giving grep the string "$" won't do. So I tried 'grep -irl $ *'. But this doesn't work either and I do not understand why. Am I not escaping the dollar sign? grep should interpret it literally. Neither 'grep -irl "$" *' will work. Fortunately, there's LQ, besides grep's man page.

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General :: Awk / Grep Or Sed - Find And Replace Recursively From Files

Feb 12, 2010

I am new to linux as well as awk, grep or sed. I need a find and replace command single liner or script that loops trough input file (file1) and find the particular input in file2 and add "!" in front of the found string.

input file: file1
file2 (file that need to look for)

Output file (file3 should look like this)

I have tried many awk and sed method of find and replce but it did not work the way I wanted. This is mainly due to my lack of experience in awk and sed. The program should loop trough file1 and find in file2 and output in file3 for the 1st (g+h=o+p) set then repeat the same process again for set 2 (a+b=c+d).

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General :: Bash Script: Find, Grep If And Else Programing?

Oct 20, 2010

I am bussy with a litle bash script but i have now a problem.I have a file on the server with every time different text.Somewere in this text the is the following line:PHP Code:<BR><DIV CLASS='itemTotalsTitle'>2 Matching Service Entries Displayed</DIV> I want to make a bash script that replace this line when it says:"0 Matching Service Entries Displayed"To a other text like:"There a no knowing problem(s) on this moment."]If there is a other number than "0" than replace this line with:2 problems have been found on this moment, whe are bussy to fix this problem

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Ubuntu :: Install A French-English Dictionary For Gnome Dictionary Applet?

May 3, 2010

how i can install a french english dictionary for the dictionary applet in gnome

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General :: Find / Grep Command Without Searching Mounted Shares?

Jan 5, 2011

When I used the find command, I almost always need to search the local drives. But, I almost always have super large network shares mounted and these are included in the search. Is there an easy way to exclude those in the find command, grep and other similar commands? Example:

find / -name .vimrc

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General :: Filtering Out Duplicate Lines From A Find/grep Output

Mar 22, 2010

I have some big files of logs that contain errors printed by an app. They are most of the time relevant, however most of them are similar. So i figured i could check what happened between a time interval with a find.

Im using this one


And I get an output similar to this one.


Is there a way to condensate the output lines to get only one or two, indicating the start and last occurrence of a block? Or I need to create a program to do so?

Because right now I get thousands of similar lines, but when I'm scrolling through them i sometimes miss relevant information that i would've otherwise noted if it wasn't all that spammy.

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Seem To Find In Repositories Is Software For Dictionary Definitions / Thesaurus

Feb 19, 2010

What I can't seem to find in the repositories is software for Dictionary Definitions and a Thesaurus - in another distro there is what is called "Online Dictionary" (which includes synonyms) and another distro there is what is called "WordNet";So, I would like to know the name(s) to look for in the repositories for software for a Dictionary / Thesaurus, where it is two different software packages or just one.I did see the "webpin" finds "WordNet", but installation of that fails.

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General :: Bash - Using Find Or Grep To Locate Filenames With Accented Characters From A Different Encoding System (Windows)

Dec 6, 2010

I tried to tag late onto a question similar to mine on stackoverflow (Find Non-UTF8 Filenames on Linux File System) to elicit further replies, with no luck so far, so here goes again... I have the same problem as the OP in the link above and convmv is a great tool to fix one's own filesystem. My question is therefore academic, but I find it unsatisfactory (in fact I can't believe) that 'find' is not able to find non standard ascii characters.

Is there anyone out there that would know what combination of options to use to find filenames that contain non standard characters on what seems to be a unicode FS, in my case the characters seem to be 8bits extended ascii rather than unicode, the files come from a Windows machine (iso-8859-1) and I regularly need to fetch them. I'd love to see how find and/or grep can do the same as convmv.


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General :: Grep Regular Expression To Find Any Two Capital Letters Side By Side?

Jan 8, 2011

How would I use a unix grep regular expression to find any two capital letters side by side and how would I find an expected comma in an expected spot?

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General :: How To Find File With Name="php.ini" Using Grep Command

Jun 14, 2011

How to find file with name="php.ini" on linux using grep command?

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Programming :: Find A String In A File Without Using Grep?

Oct 27, 2010

I want to write some code to search for a specific string in a text file, but without using grep command.

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Programming :: Grep - Find The Strings Only Between Begin And End

Dec 15, 2010

if I'd a file like this

begin something end
begin xyz end

and I want to find the strings only between begin and end, exluding begin and end; How can I grep that?

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Programming :: Find The Orphaned Images Using Grep

Jun 16, 2010

I have inherited a wordpress theme with a folder of images that I think are no longer being used. I wanted to find the orphaned images using grep, so I wrote this script:

echo $PWD
for i in *.*; do
cd ..


Its seems like I got some false positives out of it, but it worked pretty ok. I guess. :| Of course, it is not checking for images in the content of the database.

Orphan finding has to be a wheel that is already invented.

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Programming :: Using Grep To Find EXACT MATCH?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm trying to find exact matches of some users in the /etc/passwd file using "grep -w", but it doesn't always work. For example, I have the following users:[URl].. So, let's say, I want to search for the user "stewart" (which doesn't exist)


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Slackware :: Neither Grep Nor Locate Find Khelper - What Does It Do

Jun 21, 2011

Kernel, Slackware 12.0

Just after the booting process is finished, running ps I get this:


As you can see, there are a lot of names beginning with the letter 'k'. Are these processes needed for the GUI to be fully functional when it is run (X Window System + WM + Xfce4)? And can I setup the system such that they're never run?

The reason for this question is that I am testing some programs and need the CPU to have as little time stolen as possible.

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