General :: Seeking "ancient Knowledge"?

Jun 1, 2011

If you read /etc/passwd you find all sorts of entries with important sounding names: Before I get flamed about publishing this list, I chopped it up from a live-DVD copy of the contents.)



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General :: Ways To Get In-depth Knowledge Of OS

Jun 21, 2011

I'm currently trying to find ways to get in-depth knowledge of the Linux OS. To give a brief overview of where I am at right now, I am a computational science graduate student who does all of his work on *nix scientific clusters.I also took a lot of computer engineering and computer science courses in college, as well as being the stereotypical standard computer nerd growing up, so I'm somewhat familiar with computer architecture, though more from the hardware side.So I'm familiar (though I wouldn't claim to be an expert quite yet, by any means) with using Linux and C programming, and I have a basic grasp of generic computer architecture, but what I feel I really lack knowledge in is the specific details of the Linux. All the details of the boot process, exactly what the kernel does, how Linux handles memory management, etc. I'm having difficulty finding any information on this;all I can find is generic information targeted towards people who are just starting out, and the stuff I've found that talks about the kernel seems more oriented towards "you change setting X and Y happens" rather than what the kernel is doing.

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Fedora :: Any Full Form Of System For General Knowledge?

Mar 14, 2009

Is there any Full form of LINUX ?

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General :: Important Knowledge Of Changing OS From Windows XP To Ubuntu

Oct 17, 2010

nothing informative from me as of now, although I have only been out of "Windows" for a little less than a day, I suppose the only alternative conversation topic is a simple request for those more experienced users to point out some major/musts about topics to focus on as I'm new to open source ANYTHING, really

To think I was so "under the gun" about spending loads of cash to keep up with the IT group of choice, I have gained some much needed relaxation w/my cup a tea. Pinpointed request, I guess, "when you first started, and knowing what you can do with it now, would you be obliged to say 'HEY, THIS IS THIS, BUT WATCH OUT FOR THIS'

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General :: Selecting A Distro For An Ancient Computer?

Apr 11, 2010

I've got this old computer. PII processor, 4gb HDD, I forget how much ram but the mobo is an AOpen AX63 pro [URL].. The machine still runs great. I just finished cleaning all the connections with alcohol and putting the thing back together. I've got Ubuntu 5.10 on it right now, but with so little in the way of system resources, I want to get something more scaled down on there. Googling hasn't resulted in anything really useful.

So, does anybody know of a scaled down distro aimed at old computers? Obviously something current would be great (I considered trying to find a netbook distro and use that, but I don't know if there would be any issues using that kind of thing on a desktop.) but I'd be willing to use an older distro if I need to. I really just want to use it as a writing machine, with maybe some basic internet access.

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General :: Wipe The Hard Drive On An Ancient Laptop?

Nov 28, 2010

I am trying to wipe the hard drive on an ancient laptop. The current plan is to find a live distro that can run shred or equivalent program. The problem is that most ultralight linux's don't seem to work with the RAM restrictions (Optimistically 80 MB, Worst Case 16 or less). I will likely have to just bust open the case and physically mutilate the Drive I would prefer a more 'civilized' approach (defined as one which keeps the machine in one functioning piece).

Model: Dell Latitude XPi CD
Processor: Intel (Inside) Pentium (one?) MMX
Available Media: CD, Possibly Floppy (I have access to only one other machine with a drive)
OS: Windows 95

I am having a hard time getting any farther specs. If anyone knows of a distro that has a prayer of running in these conditions I would love to know.

Current candidates:
Puppy Linux < 1.0.2
DSL (Unsure of architecture compatibility)

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General :: Focus On Command Line Machine System, Network Basics, And File Management Knowledge?

Feb 17, 2011

As a strategy for learning linux I have decided to adopt using a lean windows based approach. I want to focus on command line machine system, network basics, and file management knowledge. In other words find out how desktop manager does it's business, so I know how to master my machine, but by and large once I have made my choices, leave it alone to do just that.

I figure I should know how applications are internally configured etc., but I also figure an apps GUI and config choices should take care of installations, and program usage as in M$ windows. Surely taking care of an applications dependencies are the responsibility of the developer, are they not?

I am working my way through "Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition (Version 1.0.0)" right now for an overall viewpoint. Can anyone suggest a specific source for a point by point explanation of the command basis of a generalised "desktop management" application (KDE,LXDE)? Better yet would be if it had some parallel comparison of the varied approaches taken by different distributions of linux.

A secondary question, is that allowed? Up to a certain point in Ms windows, a thorough knowledge of DOS 6.xx would theoreticaly enable one to more or less duplicate the actions of the windows overlay. Is there a basic distribution (or subset in all of them maybe?) of linux that would be consistent with that paradigm? What would be analogous to DOS batch files, or GM-Basic? Oh! that's 3.I am certainly appreciating the depth of this forum, and the breadth of knowledge among you forumite's. Reading it is time well spent.

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General :: Ancient Thinkpad Running Mint 9 Cannot Get Sound To Endure Re-boot?

Dec 6, 2010

with the help of others (to whom grateful thanks), I've managed to get this distro installed and my PCMCIA Wireless card working without a LAN connection!Result......well it was for me!next big prob is sound.......any sound at all!This command sudo modprobe snd-cs4236 sometimes gives me some, just for the current session, if it don't want to play, it just ignores me!Two main questions,

1) How do I get the attention of the "Alsa Mixer"? (the GUI is normally just blank and may or may not be activated by the above command!)
2) Once I have the attention of the "Alsa mixer", how do I maintain it upon re-boot?

Some one guided me to this post and despite it's age, I appended my plea for help....but I fear it is not the correct place............I just hope I'm now in the right place.url

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General :: Seeking Distro With Specific Parameters

Feb 11, 2010

This is a WHAT I WANTAND NEED IN A LINUX DISTRO, not a your preference request. Fairly literate with Windows XP, but would like to find a Linux Distro with specific features. Computer used for music (over 14k mp3, ogg Vorbis, etc files) and burning musical learning tracks (I'm a barbershopper) as well as simple surfing and email. Not a gamer. Older Computer: PC with 1.4 GHz Athlon partitioned 320 Gig HD (Windows XP and a Linux Distro??) Only have CD-ROM, cannot download & burn iso DVD's or upload from them. (Can do CD's) Do have a 1 TG Verbatum external HD and a newer computer with a dvd recorder/player

1) MUSTt have a distro that doesn't require a DVD for installation.

2)MUST be able to "update" rather than re-install subsequent releases ( which require backing up files, etc)

3) Like the description of Linux Mint Helena, but it requires installation from a DVD and a re-install..

4) Free distro since I'm learning and trying out different OS's and really resent the increasing cost of Windows OS's as well as the complexity and problems with Windows. I've found that UBUNTU 9.10 doesn't like me. I am very comfortable with LINUX MINT HELENA.

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General :: Seeking Shortcut To Execute A Program With A Supplied Local Path?

Sep 14, 2011

A program requires local path property to perform correctly.I'm seeking shortcut command to execute a program with a supplied localPath For example, cd /usr/local/blogrmis/usr/local/blogrmis/remote & remote program requires local path @ /usr/local/blogrmis to there any shortcut which i can do it in 1 line?

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Ubuntu :: Remove All 'knowledge' Of Nvidia

Mar 5, 2011

Running 10.10. My graphics card has just blown up so I've had to switch to the motherboard internal graphics. Problem is, Ubuntu doesn't like it - I have to start in recovery mode and 'low graphics for this sesion'. How do I remove all 'knowledge' of Nvidia and then let Ubuntu configure itself for my new(!) graphics capability?

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Ubuntu :: Resize Partition Scheme Lack Of Knowledge The Cause?

Jan 26, 2011

I setup a dual boot system, with approximately 200gig planned for ubuntu 10.10. Based on the article here:[URL]..And this quote:


# sda1 Recovery Partition, unchanged
# sda2 Windows partition, shrunk preferably from inside Windows, hopefully about 30Gb
# sda3 Primary Partition, 10Gb, file-system = ext3, in the Partitioning Section of the installer change the "Mount Point" = /


I assumed at that point that the "sda3" "/" would be for booting purposes. I would have to guess that I was wrong, because it is filling up very quickly. As you may be able to tell by the screen shot, "sda5", "/home" was what was assumed to be the file structure to store all of the programs and such.

I have only been running this setup for a week, and would expect to not be seeing my "boot" partition growing so quickly. Do I need to resize it? here do the standard programs that I get from the ubuntu software center install at (partition wise)? I suppose I dont mind wiping that section dry and starting over, but I would give a resize a try if possible.

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Debian :: Ultimate Package To Order Information, Knowledge, Website, And Data?

Jan 24, 2010

Data flow has become nowadays really huge. Although how hard one can try to tide folders, hard-disk, it can always be some days you are looking for something. What could be interesting to make available, e.g. to install for users, on all Debian stations. In some universities, with Linux-machines network, it is often kind of obliged to use emacs and 'office' KDE applications, as a standard at first.

for organizing better, what could be the solution as 'data flow organizer'? Many solutions, many methods, many ways are offered but none will be perfect

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Fedora Installation :: Ancient Hardware Install ?

Jul 1, 2009

While I'm a 37+ year veteran of the Computer Wars, I'm a total nube regarding Linux, Unix, Solaris, etc. Please tolerate my highly elementary questions.

I intend to install Fedora on a number of machines that I possess. Newer equipment seems to be relatively straight forward. However, an ANCIENT ISA bus PC has me scratching my head. The HDD and optical drive are SCSI. IIRC, either floppy disk or HDD are the only boot possibilities.

All suggestions as to how I get the i386 version of Fedora V11 onto the SCSI HDD are most welcome. Perhaps installing an "inexpensive" PCI bus SCSI adapter in a newer machine, with Fedora 11 installed, and using the existing installation to build the new SCSI SYSRES is the best available method.

BTW, no PnP support exists on the ancient machine. I've my share of experience avoiding IRQ conflicts and need to know how to get the IRQ info. into Fedora. Maybe I'll try to install the ISA/PCMCIA hardware that's gathering dust.

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Ubuntu :: Resurrect One Ancient Laptop With The Ff Specs?

Apr 3, 2010

Intel Celeron processor 400mhz
96mb ram
ati rage mobility 4mb video card

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Ubuntu :: Installations On Ancient Hard Drive

Mar 13, 2011

My brother must have the oldest computer ever, its got no option to boot via usb, when you boot with cd it boots up like a livecd usually would (gets to the Ubuntu screen with "Try Ubuntu without installing" and then "Install Ubuntu" (or the equivalent for other livecd's)) and then just goes into a black screen (which flashes - a sort of brightness high and brightness low) and keeps flashing until I turn it off. It has Ubuntu on it, but it's too slow since he has like 126mb ram. It was installed using the actual Ubuntu CD from the Ubuntu Store. Usb booting isn't allowed by bios and the computer wont install things via dvds.

I have tried:
grub chainloading USB
Installing xubuntu-desktop and then removing all ubuntu's stuff

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Debian :: Uuid Not Working On Ancient Laptop?

May 16, 2011

System Fossil age laptop, Debian testing with lilo. SymptomAfter an upgrade (2nd week May), custom kernel compiled, kernel panics on boot, saying unable to mount root drive. (or more precise, unable to mount whatever uuid device). Stock kernel can boot. Workaround Instead of uuid on kernel option, use prehistoric root=/dev/XXX.

edit:The kernel which panics is 2.6.38 (make oldconfig, all default answer from 2.5.32 config)Stock is 2.6.32 On 2.6.38 after boot with tweak, the command "uuid" looks good.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Activate NVidia OEM Driver On Ancient PC

Feb 1, 2010

I've got an eight-year old PC that I'd like to breath some new life into. I was using it for my old scanner (HP, no longer supported by MS or HP), but when my Windows installation finally died I thought it was a perfect time to try Ubuntu. (Xsane running under Ubuntu does support that scanner.) I can get Ubuntu started on it, but when I try to activate/install the recommended Nvidia OEM driver, the system gets sick. Ordinarily I'd not worry about it, but the system only starts into low graphics mode, which leaves some dialogs too large for the display and partially unusable or worse. The PC is a cheap homebrew, using an A7N266-VM ASUS mb. It has some kind of Nvidia chipset on board, but no graphics accelerator.

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Ubuntu :: Polytonic (ancient) Greek Stopped Working?

Dec 23, 2010

I am ending my dissertation and suddenly the Polytonic Greek stopped working on my ubuntu 10.04! This means that all different accents and accent combinations are disabled. I found in the archives an old thread on this topic from 2007, [URL].

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Streaming On Ancient Hardware?

Jan 10, 2011

I've recently found a Dell Optiplex GX110 - about 10 years old with a Pentium III. I installed Ubuntu 10.04 no problems, and it behaves quite well, despite its age.However, if I try and stream video from web sites (....., bbc etc), the result is underwhelming - very jumpy images, although sound is fine. Interestingly, viewing video files through VLC does not have such an issue - it seems to be OK - it is just http streaming (typically Flash) where I observed the issue.I found an old graphics card - a ATI Radeon 7000 and installed it. However, I saw no improvement in streaming video performance. I was a little surprised, but would like to understand the reason - is it:the card is so low spec it would not make a difference, or is it that:the card *ought* to make a difference, but is not configured and/or performing correctlyNote that Ubuntu appears to correctly find the card - lspci shows it correctly identified.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ancient Logitech Express (046d:0850) Webcam With Low FPS

Jul 19, 2010

I have an ancient Logitech Express webcam (046d:0850) that worked immediately when I installed 10.04 Lucid Lynx, except for a frame rate issue. GUVCVideo has the frame rate at between 1-3 fps. I'd like to see it at between 25-30. The video options within guvcvideo DO NOT allow me to adjust the frame rate, resolution, or auto-exposure. Cheese works, skype works, and camorama doesn't. All functioning programs have the fps issue.

In searching around, all I've found is some wild goose chases promising pots of gold that some leprechaun must have stuffed up his keister because they don't work for me.

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Debian Multimedia :: VLC No Sound After Seeking

Oct 5, 2015

I'm running Debian 8 with VLC media player 2.2.0-rc2 Weatherwax.

When I try skipping around in a video, the sound will randomly stop working.

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Fedora :: Seeking Working ITunes Alternative?

Jun 9, 2011

i have an iPhone 4 - white 32GB.

I run Fedora 14-64bit.

(I also have a win XP pro installation on my machine - but no dual-boot)

I would very much like to be able to transfer music to my iPhone, from my linux-fedora, which the iPod device on the iPhone is able to see...

I have successfully transferred several "libgpod-something.mp3" files to my iPhone, but I can't play them on my iPhone.

I have tried the following software:

Rhythmbox (came with Fedora 14), here i am able to see the content of my iPhone, and transfer libgpod files. But I cannot see any music folder under the iPhone icon. So I just drag and drop .mp3 files to iPhone. iPhone can't see them.

Banshee (newest available version installed with add/remove programs), here I'm also able to see the content of the iPhone, and I can see a music folder icon under the iPhone icon, but I can't drag and drop to the music folder, but I can drag and drop to the iPhone icon, and the files gets transferred, but again iPhone can't see them. But I can play the transferred files from Banshee...

Gtkpod (newest available version installed with add/remove programs), is largely the same as Rhythmbox, but i get a warning that says: Extended info will not be used, when the iPhone is mounted. There is no music folder icon, but only a poscast icon, under the iPhone icon. And again, I'm able to transfer files to the iPhone, that my iPhone can't see...

In Gtkpod, there is no option for the white iPhone 4, so I've used the "xC605" profile, which is for the black iPhone 4, 32GB.

I'm also able to see content of my iPhone with nautilus. I discovered that the linux software I'm using, are converting the .mp3 files into "libgpod" files, but iTunes(transferred with WinXP) is converting the .mp3 files into "XXXX.mp3" files (X= is for random letters).

Is this significant?

I've also just updated libimobiledevice with "libimobiledevice-1.0.6-1.fc14.x86_64.rpm", but my iPhone still can't see any of the linux transferred files. Only the iTunes transferred files.

Believe me I've tried and tried for a week now. I've searched a lot, but most of the hits in my search, were for Ubuntu...

My iPhone is not jailbroken.

Am I missing something here, is my iPhone 4 supposed to be jailbroken to work with the above mentioned software?

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Ubuntu :: Seeking Router With Parental Controls

Feb 7, 2010

a widow with 4 kids - 2 of whom have severe depression & signs that one may be suicidal and is taking interst in some dark garbage on the net. Overall still a pretty good kid, but he surely doesn't need help online to get further in a hole. The 15 year old boy is highly intelligent (whole family actually) and knows how to get around software parental controls with peer to peer, live disks, etc. There are several PCs - both windows and mac, and an X-box.

I want to set up the household with a router or similar solution that is smarter than the kid and his friends. I figure protecting the network is the most tamper proof, all-encompassing way to go. In the short term, I really want to lock that home net solid, while still allowing mom to do her facebook and the oldest to use the web for schoolwork. Dlink Securespot technology seems to be the best overall solution I have found so far. If there is something better, I'm hoping someone here can steer me to it.

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Ubuntu :: Seeking Thorough Documentation Of SMART Values?

Apr 5, 2010

I am looking for comprehensive documentation of the SMART values that are reported in Palimpsest.For example, I am getting the following result:

Attribute: Reallocated Sector Count
Assessment: Warning
Normalized: 100
Worst: 100
Threshold: 36
Value: 1 sector

I would like to find a very thorough description of the meaning of these values, how they relate to each other, and how to interpret them.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Seeking Xms Like Music Player?

Apr 21, 2010

I am searching for an xmms like music player. rythmbox doesn't do it for me because it organizes songs by genre and such rather than by files - I find changing tags on individual music files tiresome, and I prefer the xmms style - all music was accessed as I access all other files on my computer. Frankly I don't know how to "compile from source" and can't quite follow the instructions describing how to "compile" the original xmms. Xmms2 doesn't seem to work on my computer.

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Ubuntu :: Unknown Program Seeking Authorization?

Jun 25, 2010

Every now and then a window titled 'authorization dialog' pops up. It says "you need to supply a username and a password to access this site". Please view the screenshot of that window in the attachments. Even if I cancel it, the program seeking it seems not to terminate. It returns every log in also. I am pretty to terminate this appending agony.

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Ubuntu :: Newbie Seeking Advice On Performance Improvement?

Aug 27, 2010

every now and then my company cleans its it trash by giving away computers to its employees. this i became the owner of a p4, 2ghz compaq evo with 512 mb ram and no hard drive. i bought a 500 gb hdd, dowloaded ubuntu, created a live disk and in a matter of minutes i had a new desktop! i love it! a new computer with a new operating system set by a non-techie in 15 minutes? not even microsoft can beat that. oh, and the total cost was zero!

then i started clearing issues (mysterious crash on p4 computers solved with a patch, screen resolution solved with a new mode, not recognized microsoft webcam to be solved, connection to stora nsa to be solved, etc.). this is nothing different from what you would go through installing windows on a new computer, in fact the process seemed easier for me as there's tons of documentation and people willing 1. overall system performance, mostly while browsing seems low. could it be the 512 mb of memory? would it improve its performance to jump to 1 or 2 gb? or it's just the processor that's too slow and not all the memory in the world would make it faster? while we're at it, is it reasonable to expect good performance on ubuntu 10.4 on a p4 2.0 ghz? (my notebook, a 2 ghz core duo runs faster on xp, but it has 3 gb memory, so i guess memory would help...).

2. choppy videos and other video, both in partial and full screen modes. again, would more ram help? updating drivers? updating flash? (i think it's all updated, but i'll retry...). or is my bottleneck in the processor? 3. my computer has an extra video card, but it's disconnected. i'm not sure about brand or model or even whether this would be an improvement on the on-board card. should i plug it and see what happens? would a better video card improve my performance?

simplifying, this is a computer for me to play and for my baby boy to pound at the keyboard. if i were to spend little money on it, what's the best investment, memory or a new video board? (i think i know the answer, memory). i don't want to extrapolate too much from my windows experience because this is a new os, but i think i would go for extra memory. if memory were the solution to all my problems... how much memory? should i go for an additional gb? full 2 gb? 3? what about buying a 1 gb card and plugging it side by side with the existing 512 mb? would 1.5 gb be enough?

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Ubuntu :: Seeking Information On Cross Chat Program.

Dec 6, 2010

Can anyone tell me of a simple chat program that I can install on both Windows and Linux? I need it more for the local intranet than the internet. I wish to chat with window users in my network? Also please forgive me if this is the wrong forum for this question.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Seeking Home LAN Sharing & Interaction

Dec 27, 2010

I have several linux laptops and a desktop-server running Ubuntu Lucid. I also have Android(tm) and iPhone(tm) devices. All of these connect to my at-home LAN using wireless or wired ethernet through my home-LAN router+gateway and on through the cable modem. In addition, printers are network capable and deployed on the same at-home LAN. All of that works.

Now I want these various and several computers to share files and services (web, print, media) with each other and interact with each other on this same at-home LAN. Can someone point me to a HOWTO or similar application notes that discuss what I need to do? Since all of the at-home LAN devices use DHCP and get dynamic IP addresses, any /etc/hosts files that I create stop working when leases renew. I can configure "fixed IP address" settings, but then wifi roaming is a royal pain in the anatomy -- at least the ways I know how to do this.

I can use the router+gateway to give a specific IP address to each hardware (MAC) address, but then when folks visit it is irksome to setup so that we might give or get the odd file or they might print the odd document. I vaguely remember that there was a way to generate dynamic "local network" host names or similar attached to dynamic "local network" IP addresses all under the control of DHCP-server and supporting utilities. I'm dashed if I can find anything about that other than really antique details. Once folks stop laughing at what I'm certain is a totally noob question, I hope that there is a solid HOWTO that just works out there and that some kind soul will tell me where to find it. I apologize in advance if this question has been asked and answered in the past. One must know enough to know what to search for and get meaningful results. ~~~0;-/

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