General :: Run A Command After An Already Running, Existing One Finishes?

Sep 11, 2011

If I start a script that is going to take a long time, I inevitably realize it after I've started the script, and wish I had a way of doing some kind of alert once it finishes.

So, for example, if I run:

and press can I run another command once it finishes?

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Programming :: Running Command In Existing Terminal?

Aug 17, 2010

Here's my linuxquestion I have a bash terminal window opened by next command:


gnome-terminal -x bash -c "bash"

Now i need to run different commands or scripts AS ROOT in this terminal window from another terminal. I tried things like


sudo echo 123 >/dev/pts/4

The result is 123 in that terminal window, but sudo password is asked in my tab where i entered the command.

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Debian :: How To Stop Program Running After Finishes Booting

Sep 5, 2011

I have a Debian Etch machine that was given to me but when it boots up it executes a program that is located on my desktop.

I don't want to move or rename the program but would like to prevent it from starting when the machine starts. Anyone have any idea as to what file I need to edit in order to achieve this?

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Ubuntu :: Execute Bash Script After Running Process Finishes?

Jul 28, 2011

I have a computation going which takes a long, but uncertain, amount of time. I have another computation which needs to be run, but _after_ the first one is done. I won't be at the computer at that time to manually start the new process. I've done some Googling, and I found how to delay execution by a specific amount of time (e.g. "start process x in exactly 8 minutes from now), but that isn't quite what I want to do. Essentially, I'd like to tell the shell, "When process #nnnn finishes running, then start process x". Is there a way to do this?

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General :: Unable To Neither Add New Users Using Command Useradd Nor Delete Existing Users Using Command Userdel

Jun 30, 2010

Im not getting able to neither add new users using command useradd nor delete existing users using command userdel. And even Im not getting able to login into any existing users except root. It was ok before. Im having this problem very recently on my linux server. Im using RHEL5.

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General :: Bunch Of Utilities Running On Machine - Where To Start Because Of Existing Partitions

Jul 17, 2010

I have been given Toshiba Tecra S11 with windows 7 running on it to install Ubuntu 10.04. Toshiba has a bunch of utilities running on the machine set up as dev/sda1, dev/sda, dev/sda3 and dev/sda4. I do not know where to start because of these existing partitions.

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General :: Command To Add A Volume In An Existing LVM VolGroup?

May 23, 2011

I created LVM partition when I had access to GUI. Now the GUI has been removed and I need to create a new volume out of what was left untouched in LVM. I don't know any command to create a volume out of existing volume group.

pvdisplay shows as follows:

--- Physical volume ---
PV Name /dev/sda2
VG Name VolGroup00
PV Size 439.45 GB / not usable 16.42 MB


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General :: Triggered Process - Start Automatically When The Desktop Finishes Loading

Jun 29, 2011

I am running Debian Squeeze with icewm as desktop environment. I am trying to start feh automatically when the desktop finishes loading. I have tried crontab -e with @reboot /usr/bin/feh /home/user/photos/ & I think that the best way to do this would be to monitor for the x-session-manag process. The reason I think this would be a good solution is that I killed x-session-manag and it killed my x-session and straight to command line interface.

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General :: Auto-mount Virtual Machine Locations When VMware Image Finishes Loading?

Jun 20, 2011

I mount a few locations from a VMware virtual machine, but currently every time I start up VMware I need to re-mount the locations once the VMware image has started up fully, which gets tedious. I'd like to be able to mount them automatically when VMware is started.

I generally double-click the .VMX file (which is associated with VMware Player) to launch the virtual machine, but once it has finished loading I would need to run the mount commands manually or execute a bash script that does it.

Is there any way you can think of to have it done automatically? One way I can think of is to start my virtual machine by running a script that starts VMware player, sleeps for a minute or so, then runs the mount command - but setting the right sleep interval would be difficult because this varies a fair bit - and overall, it's a solution that's kinda icky and that I'd like to avoid if there's some better option.

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Ubuntu :: Existing Rsync Running And Copying Info To Hard Drive?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a home network that includes a couple of computers {A, B, C, D}. currently, I have a cron jon that runs every minute and updates (using rsync) the hard drives of computers {B, C, D} with the contents of hard drive {A}. So far everything works great, as hard drive {A} barely has any information on it. Now, I am about to copy a lot of information (about 8 GBs) to hard drive {A}. Naturally, the cron job will run (as it runs every 1-min) and try to 'sync' the contents with hard drives {B, C, D}.

Given my network (100Mbit/sec), there is no way the cron job will be able to 'copy' the contents to hard drives {B, C, D} in one minute. It will take much more time. Does this situation create a problem? meaning, will cron re-run a new rsync instance 1min later, even though an existing rsync process is running and still copying information to hard drives {B,C,D}? Will my backups be hurt / slowed down tremendously because of this?

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Software :: Get CUPS Running On A Gentoo Install / It Complains About Not Existing When Start?

May 21, 2009

I'm trying to get CUPS running on a Gentoo install. When I try to start it it complains about not existing. I googled it and updated gnutls to the latest version and tried a sym-link to, all to no avail.

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General :: Running Script As Command?

Jan 16, 2011

i have a shell script which some of the lines should be running as root and some other not.the problem is that su is not practically work,it means it take root password from me but it does not run the commands in script.the other problem is thatthere are some commands which should be run as normal user so how it exits from root mode and run that particular command. i tried exit in script file but it dos not work.

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General :: At Command Not Running 'today'?

Nov 17, 2010

I am trying to use the at command to run a script file. The test was quite simple, wanted to run today and every 2 days.Here is the at command:at 15:20 today + 2 days -f every2daysDo.shHere is the script:echo " ran on $(date)" >> /home/stacy/attest.logI see the 'output' of the echo command in my log file on today+2 days, but not on the day that I start it.

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General :: Running This Command, And Seems Not To Work?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm running this command, and seems not to work, following the command:Quote:for nic in `ls /sys/class/net | grep -v lo`; do echo ${nic}; udevinfo -a -p /class/net/{nic} | grep -i address; doneThe output is the following:Quote:eth0eth1But the output should show something like this: (showing the MAC address)uote:

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General :: Running SCP Command With Spaces?

Jan 21, 2010

I am trying to run an scp command on my linux server, this is working fine, however I changed the output folder to one which has spaces and now when run, it's coming up saying SCP ambiguous target

Here's my string:
expect -c 'spawn scp -r /var/lib/asterisk/backups/Everyday/ administrator@
/Volumes/Data1/My Backup Folder/ ; expect assword ; send "MYPASSWORD " ; interact;'

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General :: Command That Will List All Running Services?

Apr 2, 2011

i know that there is already a command for it but it comes out with a lot of letters that makes it hard to find the services that are runningi'm talking about services like DNS, APACHE, DHCP, SAMBA, SSH etcis there a command that will list these services and related services that are running instead of showing a bunch of jumbled and lettered mess thats hard to comprehend

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General :: Stopping Ksh From Exiting After Running A Command?

Nov 26, 2010

I want to launch a gnome-terminal with a korn shell, and I want to specify in advance a command to execute, and then hand control back over to ksh. ex.


gnome-terminal --execute ksh -ic ls

I expect that to run ksh, do an 'ls' for example, and then give a prompt. I thought the -i switch (for interactive) meant that the shell would resume control, but this doesn't happen. The window just closes quicker than I can see what was output.

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General :: Running Command On Remote System

Jun 29, 2010

I want to remote login as a non root user and then run a command under the root account.I have set up the ssh/scp for the non root user and this configuration works fine. What I dont know is how to run a command under root once remotly logged in as the non-root account.I have to run this command under root, it cannot be changed.

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General :: Running Sh Scripts From Csh Command Line?

Apr 21, 2010

i use the csh shell at work. you can either log on to servers locally or to the NFS mount. is is important to know which you are mounted to when executing scripts. csh is the only shell that lets me know which high availability server i am currently on.

before i write a shell script to complete a task, i have to type sh or bash at the prompt, hit enter and then configure the script. then when i am done, hit control -d to get out the bash or sh shell.

is there a way to run sh or bash scripts from the csh command line - i have tried typing this at the csh command line: /bin/sh (or ./bin/bash) while [ 1 ]; do ps auxwww | grep fire | wc -l ; done ... etc, but it does not work.

we do not have the zsh shell at work

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General :: Command Prompt Ftp To Ftp Server Running On Windows?

Dec 27, 2010

I am using on Windows Vista, Filezilla server. I have it set up to be accessed via outside IPs and when I use a client on the IP I have it connects normally using Filezilla client. On the same machine I have Ubuntu running in a virtual box and when using filezilla client in there it works fine. Now I want to try the command prompt. So I do the ftp enter the name and password and i get the ftp command prompt, but the commands are not working properly. when trying "ls" or "cd" these commands do not work. "cd" tells me that the current directory is "/" root, but this does not make sense in the windows operating system. Now the filezilla client is taking the user in the application window directly to the root folder of the permitted filespace granted to that user. How can the same be done from the command prompt, if there is a way? It is as if the command prompt takes me to the root which does not exist or even have correct permissions to move in. Is there any way to be taken to the correct directory directly, or move there especially when the slashes are the wrong way around etc?

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General :: Running Open Office From The Command Line?

Apr 7, 2011

Yesterday I installed OpenOffice on my Linux server. But when I go to run it through the command line, it says command cannot be found. I've also tried other things like OOWriter, etc. Has anyone had this problem? Installation process went like below: root@aserver [OOO330_m20_native_packed-1_en-US.9567/RPMS]#

rpm -i *.rpm
package is already installed
package ooobasis3.3-core01-3.3.0-9567.i586 is already installed
package ooobasis3.3-en-US-3.3.0-9567.i586 is already installed
package ooobasis3.3-core02-3.3.0-9567.i586 is already installed


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General :: Aliases Work After Running Sudo SU Command?

May 7, 2010

I can make aliases fine by editing the .bashrc file in my home directory, but the first thing I do when I open a terminal window is sudo su so I don't have to type sudo in front of every command. The problem is, I am then not able to use my aliases. How can I make aliases that work after I run the sudo su command?

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General :: 10.10 - Running Command On Startup (Remap Keys)

Jan 23, 2011

I want to run this command on startup.
xmodmap /etc/xmodmap
I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and need to remap keys. It only seems to work when I run it in terminal after I login.

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General :: Command To Check Whether Service Installed / Running?

Feb 26, 2010

Is there a unique command ( common to all Linux Distros, Solaris, Windows ) to know whether a service is installed and running on my system or not??

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General :: Command / C Function To See Cpu Number On Which Process Running?

Feb 22, 2011

When I fork multiple processes, is there some command or c function to see the cpu number on which the processes are running?

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General :: How To Use Grep To Display All Users Running Particular Command?

Mar 19, 2010

Can someone please tell me how I can use grep to display all users running a particular command.

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General :: Specify Password For Sudo Command When Running Bg Process?

Jun 23, 2010

I'd like to start a background job using the sudo command and route its output to a file. This presents a problem because the prompt for the password doesn't work properly. It looks something like this when I try it:

Mac:server user$ sudo php crossdomain_server.php > data/crosscomain_output.txt &
[3] 30303
Mac:server user$ Password:
[3]+ Stopped sudo php crossdomain_server.php > data/crosscomain_output.txt
Mac:server user$

Basically I'm not properly prompted for the password and as soon as I type anything in my background job fails because it didn't receive the password. Is there any way to execute a sudo command by supplying the password on the same line as the command?

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General :: Administrator - Command Used To View Processes Running

Nov 9, 2010

The command used to view processes running on the Linux machine is?

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General :: Running DF Command - Huge Space Between Columns

Jul 13, 2011

I am running the command on a Mac but due to it being a generic unix command and a command line query.. I thought I can write on this forum.. I am running the command

df -h | grep '/dev/'
I get
/dev/disk0s2 389Gi 62Gi 327Gi 16% /
/dev/disk0s3 76Gi 24Gi 52Gi 32% /Volumes/Backup
/dev/disk3s2 500Gi 47Gi 453Gi 10% /Volumes/Misc
Note the huge space between the 1st and 2nd Column..

This is because currently I have some NAS drives mounted which are not showing due to grep. When they are not mounted. The output is fine with equal spaces between each column (like between col 2 and 3.. or 3 and 4). I want to do a (dare I say) sed or awk or something to reduce the space between 1st and 2nd col. So that it has space like between col 3 and 4.. or 2 and 3. This is because I am showing this output somewhere and because of the space its not showing up correctly.Also I hope the command will still work when the NAS drives (afp) are not mounted.. basically consistency. The spaces are not showing properly in the quote tag. Changed it to CODE tag.

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General :: Command Running Multiple Jobs On Servers

Jul 26, 2010

How to submit multiple jobs onto a Linux server. The only way I know to submit and run a job on a server is using qsub, and verifying the status of the job using qstat. I usually run my scripts using qsub -cwd so that I can run it on my own directory (instead of having the results sent to a scratch folder).

1. However, assuming qsub/msub are not available, is there another way to do it? What commands can I use instead?
2. I know that some jobs can run in the background, is that an alternative? How do I do it? And would I still be able to check the status of the job or delete it?

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