General :: Rename - Extracting Metadata From Flac Header?

Jan 14, 2011

I recently (and accidentally) wiped a hard-drive which should NOT have been formatted. PhotoRec was able to recover some of the most important files from the disk.

Part of those files include a large music collection of flac files. I've placed these in a folder named 'FLAC' that looks like this:

[Start of FLAC Folder]
... (around 2,000 files total)
[End of FLAC Folder]

I'm running a livecd to rescue this data. I have access to a standard terminal in Ubuntu 10.10. I've noticed that the music player in linux will display the song title when I open any of these songs.

My goal is to automatically extract the song title from these files and update their names from f12313512.flac to 'Libera - Rebirth.flac'

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General :: Properly Extracting Archives With Mac Metadata?

Mar 28, 2011

Someone has sent me a zip file containing some fonts. I extracted it using unzip under Linux, and there are empty files in the top level of the archive, and some files similarly named but beginning with ._ in a __MACOSX subdirectory.

I understand that the __MACOSX contents should be metadata, and normally I'd delete it. In this case, however, all of the data seems to be in there! Is there a tool that I can use to reassemble the original data?

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Slackware :: Extracting Metadata From WAV Files?

Feb 6, 2011

Kernel, GNU/Linux (Slackware 12.0).

A tool to extract metadata from a WAV file and present it in human readable form?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Metadata Loss After Directory Rename

Jan 29, 2011

Rhythmbox seems unable to handle a directory rename. My problem is the following:

1. Create a playlist in Rhythmbox with some songs in it.
2. Close Rhythmbox.
3. Rename the directory with the songs in it.
4. Open Rhythmbox.
5. The songs are gone from Rhythmbox' index and can be found under "Missing Files". New versions of the songs show up, but this is not very helpful, as the playlist is empty.

I searched the web and found a known bug which occurs if step 2 is left out (that is, a directory rename with Rhythmbox open). However, in my case, even changing a directory name without Rhythmbox running breaks its file index.

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General :: Get Socket.h Header File / Copy Pasting This Header File In 'incl' Directory Allow To Use It In The Program?

Apr 22, 2011

where can i get socket.h header file? will copy pasting this header file in 'incl' directory allow me to use it in the my program?

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General :: Script To Convert FLAC To MP3?

Feb 9, 2011

I would like have a script that can monitor my flac folder and everytime I rip a new cd to flac I would like the script to make a new folder with mp3 files @320 bit and place the newly created folder with mp3's into a folder named mp3. This is my very first script but after reading up on I discovered the power of scripts. Maybe there already exsist such a script for all I know?

Where would be a good place to search/look for templates that I can tailor to meet my needs? Also I would like to hear good suggestions for other repetitive tasks people solve with the use of scripts, that way I can easier see what else I can dig into. Can scripts also be used to manipulate databases? For instance to every day search for top 50 of certain met criteria, or whatever else output one is looking for?

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Software :: Rename Hidden Files / Rename All Files With A Leading Decimal Point Recursivley?

Jul 25, 2011

How would I rename all files with a leading decimal point recursivley? I some how got all my music files to have a decimal point.I tried the below and got a " sed argument to long".[CODE]find /media/MUSIC -type f -name "*.wma" | xargs -0 sed -i 's/.(.*)/1/'[CODE]

Another question, can i just use -type f with out -name ? I am sure that all the files got the decimal point added as the first character.

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General :: Extracting All The Still Images From A Movie?

Jun 25, 2011

I have a large number of paper sheets to scan. Instead of an autofeed or flatbed scanner, I'd like to use my photo camera. After a while, it occurred to me that instead of making a photo for each page, I could install the camera on a tripod, set it to record video and then extract the images from the video.

That way, I'd just have to handle the papers: Pick one, place it in front of the camera, wait a moment, replace it. Is there a Linux software to get all images without motion out of a movie? Kind of a non-motion-detection.

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General :: Extracting A Stream From Ffmpeg?

Oct 4, 2010

$ffmpeg -i /data/sumeet/video/hollywood/you don't know jack/You.Dont.Know.Jack.2010.DVDRipwww.theevolution.org_by_digoloko.rmvb
FFmpeg version git-1dbd813, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 the FFmpeg developers
built on Oct 1 2010 19:28:12 with gcc 4.4.3


At least one output file must be specified Actually the video has embedded subtitles. I thing that is stream 0.2 in real media container. How can i pull that data out ?

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General :: Extracting And Then Deleting Archives?

Apr 23, 2011

I have a large number of zip-archives which I would like to extract and then delete, keeping only the extracted files. The files are located in a number of directories and I issued the following command, hoping that it would solve my problem (which it didn't):

Code:find . -name "*.zip" -execdir unzip '{}' ; -deleteWhat happened was that find continued to extract the files as intended, but then it deletednot only the zip-archives but also the newly extracted only affected a portion of the files that I had already backed up.I don't have enough space on my hard drive to extract all the files without simultaneously removing any data and I don't have the energy to go through all the directories one by one manually. Surely there must be a better way. Is there a way to fix the code snippet above so that it works as I intended or is there a better way of doing this?

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General :: Extracting Rar Files In RedHat?

Apr 26, 2011

How to extract rar files in RedHat Linux?

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General :: Create Self Extracting Rpm For Project

Jul 11, 2011

i am working on a project that requires updation after every 10 days that is after 10 days , i have to apply a new release. every time i need to copy all things from one path and paste it to different locations that is a manual work, i want to create a self extractor, in which i have to give only path, that is the path where i need to paste the files.

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General :: FLAC Mystery / Access Individual Pieces Recorded On The CDs?

Feb 22, 2010

I've dled some CDs. Each one is a single FLAC wich i can play, But surely i should be able to access individual pieces recorded on the CDs?.

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General :: Cannot Reboot After Extracting Tar (Fedora On LG X110)?

Jul 8, 2011

I wish to set up a backup and recovery procedure for a linux machine. However, when I extract the archive, the system works fine until the next time I want to boot up. Then the system behaves as if it does not know what to do after running bios.Am I missing something simple? Complex?I am trying to isolate the error now, but here is the error recreation procedure so far.Error recreation procedure:

-install Fedora 15 from live CD
-power down
-disconnect the usb DVD drive


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General :: Extracting Date And Time From The At Command?

Sep 10, 2009

I would appreciate help with how to extract the date and time from at command jobs. From what I can tell, the date and time is embedded in the file name (/var/spool/atjobs).I'd be using this information in a (bash) shell script.

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General :: Extracting Latest Tar File From The List?

Jan 25, 2010

I have a bunch of tar files in a folder with the name in '' format. I need to write a shell script that picks latest and greatest of the above tar files and extracts it to a particular folder

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General :: Extracting Columns From Multiple Files With Awk?

Sep 22, 2010

I'd like to extract a single column from 5 different files and put them gether in an output file. I saw a similar question for 2 input files, and the line of code workd very well, the code is:awk 'NR==FNR{a[NR]=$2; next} {print a[FNR], $2}' file1 file2I added the file3, file4 and file5 at the end, but it doesn't work. Does anyone know what do I have to do?

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General :: How To Install Firefox After Extracting ARC File

May 24, 2010

I am really trying to learn the heart of linux, and not rely on gui's and package managers for everything. I am trying to download firefox 3.6. I downloaded the arc file, and extracted it to my home folder, but I don't know what to do next. I am also clueless as to how to install tar or tar.gz files, and tell them where to go, etc. Firefox is the priority question here. I am sure I can get it from the package manager, but I want to learn to do it with the arc files, and tar files, etc, and not rely on the gui for everything like in Windows. I am a Linux newbie, converting to Linux for hobby and educational purposes, but I have no direction, or no sense of where to go, or how to learn. I am running Kubuntu 10.04 LTS.

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General :: Check Flac Files In A Multi-level Directory Structure?

May 13, 2011

I am trying to check flac files in a multi-level directory structure, and would ideally like to get ordered output with the full path file name.

I could write a multiline script, but was wondering if there were better ways of accomplishing this.

The current command I am using is:

find . -name '*flac' -exec flac -t {} ;

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General :: Extracting Information From Multiple Text Documents?

Jul 7, 2010

I am an astronomy student using Ubunut 10.04, and a frequent user of IRAF ( an *nix image processing application geared toward astronomy). IRAF produces, amongst other things, a text document with various values on it (example below).

Code: K IRAF = NOAO/IRAFV2.14.1 version %-23s
#K USER = name %-23s
#K HOST = Balthazar computer %-23s
#K DATE = 2010-04-29 yyyy-mm-dd %-23s


Now, the information I'm actually interested is the X and Y coordinates down towards the bottom (in this case, 973.505, 271.474).

I have about 800 of these output text files, and I was wondering if there's any sort of script or command that could go through them (presumably reading from a list of file names), and extract the coordinates. Ideally, the output would be a list of coordinates (i.e. X-coordinate, Y-coordinate).

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General :: Extracting Sound Clip From Video Using Ffmpeg?

Nov 10, 2010

ffmpeg -i Mumbai.Meri.Jaan.2008.1CD.XviD.AC3-5.1.Esub.By.Deejam.avi -ss 8170 -t 302 bambai-meri-jaan.mp3
FFmpeg version git-1dbd813, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 the FFmpeg developers
built on Oct 1 2010 19:28:12 with gcc 4.4.3
configuration: '--enable-avfilter' '--enable-avfilter-lavf' '--enable-vdpau' '--enable-bzlib' '--enable-


Error while opening encoder for output stream #0.0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height

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General :: Extracting Text From File (Apache Access Log)

Apr 23, 2011

There are some log files that I wish to get some information from (Apache Access Log) but it is huge! All I need as of right now is any information from date and time A to date and time B. What commands can I use to extract this information from the access_log and put it into another file with just that information? I created a file called "access_info" by doing
touch access_info
but I was not sure where to go from there.

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General :: Extracting Absolute Directory From Type Command?

Sep 26, 2010

I need to extract the absolute directory from the type command when I pass it a program name. E.g.


>type cat
cat is hashed (/bin/cat)

There is one other case (I believe):


>type lpr
lpr is /usr/bin/lpr

I thought of using regex, but it returns the whole line, not just the match. In addition, there is no option cited in the man page for type that returns just the command directory.

Note: this is part of my solution to a programming assignment in bash shell scripting.

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General :: Extracting And Installing Adobe Flash Player?

Jan 28, 2010

I'm on Slackware 13.0. I downloaded the tar file for Adobe flash player (install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz) to my /tmp.

But when I invoke "tar -xzvf install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz" all I get is a file in the same /tmp directory.

I was expecting a folder with the same name and more than the one file in it.

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General :: Possible For Ex. Extracting Image / Modifying Files / Then Remaking Iso?

Sep 23, 2010

I don't know almost anything about it so I was thinking of asking this question from the experts.I recently downloaded the xPUD 0.9.2.I LOVE that OS!It's simple,fast and smart.I just would like to add some other programs to it somehow.Is that possible for ex. extracting the image,modifying files,then remaking the iso?(Talking in Windows7)I would like to add some programs like Wine and some games also.Please reply as soon as possible because the xpud site is down for bandwidth exceeded.

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General :: Audacious Cannot Update Metadata?

Apr 30, 2010

Whenever I try to add or update metadata from a MP3 file, Audacious gives the message "Metadata updating failed".I use Ubuntu (9.10) and installed Audacious (2.1.0) from the Ubuntu Software Center.Does anybody know what causes this or how I can find out what the problem is...

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General :: Cannot Retrieve Repository Metadata

Jan 14, 2011

i am trying to install the rhel 6 using virtual machine(virtual box ) and iam getting the error as "Unable to read package metadata. This may be due to a missing repodata directory. Please ensure that your install tree has been correctly generated.Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository:naconda-base-201009221732.i386."i would also like to know what is the reason for this error , i try to goggle it and seems most ppl are facing the same issue and they are directing to some mailing list like rhn-satellite can some somebody can explain what is that mail listing and how we can use the mail listing to dig information

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General :: Set Metadata On A MPEG2 Video File?

Feb 1, 2010

I have a whole pile of MPEG2 and MP4 files. I want to add metadata to the files, such as title, author, year, etc. I can use AtomicParsley to add this information to MP4 files, but I can't see how to do this with MPEG2 files. Is this possible? If so, are there any linux FLOSS command line tools to add this data?

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General :: Yum Update - Cannot Retrieve Repository Metadata

Jun 17, 2011

Just starting out to use linux and of course, everytime I first install an OS, I download 2 things, flash and Chrome. Chrome works fine, but flash has been giving me a lot of problems. I've downloaded the yum file from the Adobe website, and unpacked it using the GUI, yet it still didn't work. So I started googling how to use yum. So I followed some directions and tried doing

yum install flash
this is what I get:
[root@localhost testpilot]# yum update flash
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Adding en_US to language list
[URL] : [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 6 - ""
Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: adobe-linux-i386. Please verify its path and try again
[root@localhost testpilot]#

But thats not the only problem, I think my repo's are messed up or something because look what happens when I type:

yum update
[root@localhost testpilot]# yum update flash
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Adding en_US to language list
[URL]: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 6 - ""
Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: adobe-linux-i386. Please verify its path and try again
[root@localhost testpilot]#

As you can see, its still trying to goto the adobe website, even when I type in a completely different command from getting flash. So I guess I have 2 questions:
1) How can I "restore defaults" on yum so that I can actually use it
2) How can I install flash?

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General :: Kernel - Extracting Init Script From Bult-in Intrfs Into BzImage?

Apr 19, 2010

I have following problem - I damaged my system (Gentoo - by rebuilding using gcc 4.5) beyond repair. I unmounted /home, copied /etc + other important files and I've started reinstalling system.However I forgot to copy init script. It is still present in kernel image that I have. How to extract it? Please note that initrd is not a separate file but is in the kernel image.

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