General :: Remove USB Dependency Form The Boot Process?

May 19, 2010

I have just installed the centos 5.3 on my server machine. It looks for a USB media to boot. But I am not able to figure it out what i have done wrong. Why does it asks for USB media?If I have created a dependency of USB to boot, Is there any way i can remove this dependency. Or I have to reinstall the OS again?

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General :: Remove Bootchart From The Boot Process?

Feb 8, 2010

I have OpenSUSE 11.2. I removed bootchart and forgot to run mkinitrd. Now, right at the start of the boot process, I get boot/ line 17: 462 Terminated stopinitrd 5

I Can't find any anywhere. Earlier I got an error message about non existing /sbin/bootchartd, but I just copied /bin/cat to /sbin/bootchartd using a GParted boot disk. I tried to use chroot with an OpenSUSE boot disk, but mkinitrd can't find the root device, which is there actually (/dev/sda5). How can I make my system boot again? now I managed to re-install the bootchart rpm, using OpenSUSE boot disk and chmod. The system starts again. But that annoying bootchart is still there. I will not try again to remove it. First I will try to figure out, how to disable it during the boot process.

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Programming :: Process An Email Form Using PHP?

Jan 21, 2009

I am trying to process an email form using PHP.It is working okay so far but I want the Items to be displayed as a list when the email is received. eg.


and not

one two three four

here is a copy of the variable that displays the message

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Ubuntu :: Remove Junk Form Startup Menu?

Apr 13, 2010

There's a growing list of "Kernel" versions in the boot menu. I just want Ubuntu and Windows, how do I get rid of the superseded kernel entries?

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General :: Remove Directory That Is Actually Used By Another Process?

May 13, 2011

I have udev rules that creates a directory for each usb-media that is plugged into my debian to automount usb-media. This directory where mount-points (the mount-directories) are created is passed through a rdp-connection with rdesktop. On our terminalserver there's a drive Z that shows all mount-points with content of usb-media.When users remove usb-media, udev unmounts usb-media and tries to delete the directory that was used to mount usb-media.If the users hasn't closed explorer showing any subfolder of usb-media, the unmount-command succeeds but the rmdir-command fails because the ressource is "busy or used".My question: how can I force to delete this mountpoint? (rmdir doesn't have force and rm -rf doesn't work)Edit: I should add, that I can't use third-party software or additional packages because the linux-machine is a thin-client with very low disk-space.

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Slackware :: Guile Upgrade Dependency - Install Process?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm excited to try the new 2.0.1 version of Guile. I'm running Slackware64 13.37 and the latest version of Guile distributed with it is 1.8.8. I see that this new version, as part of it's new capabilities, has a few new requirements. I have built and installed libffi, libunistring and libgc according to their install instructions, but Guile's configure script can't find them.

I have tried manually creating libffi.pc libunistring.pc and libgc.pc files, which has allowed configure to get past the first two, but I still can't determine the correct name for libgc. Further, I am now not confident that Guile will find these where it expects to find them in the end. I would like to ask for some clarification of the install process for this new version of Guile, but I'm not sure whom to ask.

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Fedora :: Remove Gnome And All Dependency?

May 1, 2010

I use Fedora 12 AMD64 and Gnome and some packages like K3B , I want use KDE and I want remove completely Gnome and all thing is depend on Gnome and use install KDE for Default Desktop How I can do this ?

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Debian :: Remove A Package That Is A Dependency Without Removing Anything Else?

Mar 19, 2011

ex: package A depends on package B, C and D I want to remove only C and D and leave A in a broken state. how?

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Ubuntu :: Webpage Editor To Create Form And Form Fields?

Jun 10, 2010

I've already tried Seamonkey to create a web page but can find no way to create a web form in which I want to create form fields. Before moving to Ubuntu I used Microsoft FrontPage to create web pages with form fields. This was easy to do. what is available to do the same in Ubuntu?

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Hardware :: No Form Feed After Printing Short Form?

Aug 13, 2010

We are using several printers on our Linux RH network to print customer invoices and receipts. Receipts are short forms of just 21 or 22 lines. Two of the printers (an HP LJ1300 and a Dell 5200) eject the receipt paper automatically; the other two HP (a LJ 4200 and a LJ2420) do not eject. You have to press the green button on the printer. Is there a solution to that? They are all set up with the same PCL settings.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Old Boot Splash After Upgrading Form 11.3 To 11.4

Mar 25, 2011

I had upgraded form OpenSuse 11.3 to 11.4. Everything is fine but I still have old boot splash background

Grub and kdm menus are new but between them I see old image.

How could I upgrade boot splash?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - BIOS Doesn't Allow To Boot Form USB

May 6, 2010

I donwload the Ubuntu 10.04 *32bits ISO image, and i burned each image with diferent speeds. Then, i tried to install, appears the Language Selection screen, all good. then, the Localization screen, I select Colombia (I'm from Colombia), clic on forward and the mouse shows the "loading animation", but the PC doesn't do anything (I let it for 30 minutes). I tried with the 2 CD, but ever the same result. And in some times when I try to out and reboot appears an error, so I have to reboot manually (with a button ).

And other problem, is that my BIOS doesn't let me boot form USB, so I can't install form USB. The last opportunity, and tried to install it, upgrading from Ubuntu 9.10, but in the instalation it gave me some errors, and in the 80% (or something like that), appears a window asking me to install GRUB AND EVERYTHING FREEZES, so I had to rebbot manually, and reinstall Ubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Dell Vostro1015 - Can't Make It Boot Form Cd To Install

Aug 6, 2010

I have a new dell laptop vostro 1015 when i turn it on it access directly into windows 7 i can't to make it boot form cd to install ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Your Own System Using Latest Its Kernel And Grub Form Cd / Usb?

Aug 17, 2010

I want to know how to use a grub with a compiled kernel...and perform the boot of the system using a Cd-ROM for this purpose.

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General :: Name Of Log File Where Boot Process Is Logged?

Apr 19, 2010

I'm using CentOS 5.3. After booting up, where can I find the log file that contains if all services where successfully loaded or not? For example when computer boots you get a list of start services and they can be OK or FAILED. Is there a log file where this information is kept? I had a look in the following directory /var/log/ but not sure which one will contain the informaiton that I need.

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General :: Boot Up Process- The Read Only Rootfs Into VFS?

Mar 15, 2011

I've been reading various tutorials of the boot process but still am not clear. I don't care about grub stage 1 and 1.5 at the starting point of when the root filesystem is loaded into VFS(Virtualfilesystem), who is loading it, and from that point on. 1) Does grub load the root filesystem(read only) into VFS?2) Does the kernel load the root filesystem(read only) into VFS?3) Does INIT load the root filesystem(read only) into VFS?after this is concluded....Does INIT or the Kernel create the real root filesystem(rw)...right before the pivot.root

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General :: Slow Down The Kernel Boot Process?

Oct 14, 2010

I'm trying to upgrad from kernel to and I'm having problems.The boot finished with that old gem "Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempting to kill init !"I suspect that it's something to do with my PATA IDE driver because there have been kernel changes in this area.My problem is all the boot messages scroll off the top of the screen before I can read them and it's no use saying look at dmesg or /var/log/messages because the root fs isn't there - another reason why I think it's to do with the drivers.So my question is, is there some way I can slow down the boot process so that I have a chance of reading the messages ?

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General :: Grub (or Similar) Slow Down Boot Process?

Oct 30, 2010

I wonder and hence ask you whether there is a difference in boot time between two systems when just one of them features grub at the boot stage.

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General :: Boot - What Are The Various Programs Or Process That Gets Executed When A Machine Starts

Aug 2, 2010

what are the programs or process that gets execututed when a linux start. ie starting from the grub (linux bootloader)

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General :: Kernel Panic On Boot - Authentication Process Failed

Feb 22, 2011

I got home today to find that my KDE login screen would not let me log in. It said the authentication process failed or something and I needed to terminate the screen lock process manually. So I go over to another virtual terminal and try to log in. As soon as I enter my user name, a bunch of errors come up and I am unable to log in. "This can't be good" I think to myself, and reboot.

I am greeted by this error upon booting:
The error says that it says it cannot find /sbin/init. I loaded up a Ubuntu live CD and verified that /sbin/init is indeed present and all my other files still seem to be there. I tried booting into arch fallback on grub but that didn't work either. Midway through the day I SSHed my desktop from my phone and started it doing an upgrade. I was able to login.

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General :: Process Control From Boot Loader To User Space

Jun 29, 2010

For the past few days I was putting effort on understanding the software control flow starting from "Boot loader" to "Linux User space".

I am consolidating the entire process and putting forth in this forum...It would be great if someone can validate this..It might be useful to other new bees too.

Step 1 : Power up the board

Step 2 : The CPU control goes to EEPROM/storage memory where BIOS resides

Step 3: BIOS gets loaded in RAM and gets executed

Step 4: During execution, the selection of Boot device has to be done with the help of BIOS Menu [Blue screen appearance during start up in normal PC's]

Step 5: BIOS shall access the Bootloader stored in boot device [for eg.,Hard disk]. Boot loader is stored in MBR area.

for explanation purpose I take the following configurations

Bootloader = GRUB
Boot Device = Hard Disk

Step 6: GRUB shall be loaded in RAM and gets executed

Step 7: GRUB shall load the KERNEL image to RAM. Kernel image is stored in Hard Disk.

The question of "How the GRUB knows where the Kernel image is stored".

The answer is
1. In the "Grub.config" file, the location of "Kernel Image" and " Ramdisk Image" [which will be discussed later in the section] is being given.

Step 8: Kernel Image followed by Ramdisk Image is loaded in RAM by GRUB bootloader

Step 9: Kernel Image gets executed...During execution, top portion of the code shall make initial hardware initialization and latter part
of the code shall just decompress the Kernel Image

Step 10 : After decompressing the Kernel Image, it shall decompress
the already loaded Ramdisk Image

Ram disk is just creating a temporary hard disk in RAM. The main responsibility includes it consists of minimal driver files, executables, directory structures to created a TEMPORARY ROOT FILE SYSTEM.

This Temporary Root File system shall be used by Kernel Image

1. Execute the executables to access the Hard disk
2. For creating Permanent Root File System in HARD DISK

Step 11 : Kernel Shall look for the file /Linuxrc in Ramdisk. Linuxrc
is a USER script file [not sure]

Step 12: At the end of script file Linuxrc, the Ramdisk shall give the
control to "USER SPACE" [path for writing the script not known]in Linux kernel

Step 13: USER SPACE is the normal shell

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Debian :: Cannot Convert To Dependency-based Boot

May 8, 2011

Encounter errors of files with "missing LSB tag and overrides". Looking up the recommended website, I found the following instructions.

insserv: warning: script 'X' missing LSB tags and overrides

The /etc/init.d/X script is lacking the LSB fields. Adding them to the script header or as a override file in /etc/insserv/overrides/X would solve it.

But where to get the LSB field? There is a list of known files but those giving problems are not among them.

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General :: How To Remove Splash On Boot

Jan 2, 2011

I am running mint 10 on a lappy and do recall doing this earlier but I can't remember how I did it (just liked the look of the rolling text rather than the splashscreen).

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General :: Remove A Dual Boot Partition?

Jul 27, 2011

I know this is a familiar looking question, but please hear me out.

I want to dual boot Fedora 15 with Ubuntu 11.04 (to try out GNOME Shell whilst not breaking Unity, which I quite like). As it's mostly to just to try out, I'll probably want to remove Fedora and go back to just Ubuntu, so I wan to ask how to remove the Fedora partition without doing any damage, and how to remove it from the GRUB menu at boot.

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General :: How To Remove Ubuntu 10.04 From Dual Boot?

May 30, 2010

Is it possible to remove Ubuntu, i dont have an actual disk partition just a 12gb folder within windows that Ubuntu loads from. I thought i should find out how to remove it now incase anything goes wrong and i am stuck. I don't have a windows cd if that is important.

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General :: Want To Remove LILO On Boot Sector

Feb 24, 2011

Here's the set up.
1. Got an EXISTING LILO... VL 5.8 (/dev/hdc3)
2. Installed VL6.0 and installed its own lilo on Boot sector (/dev/hdc13)
3. Everytime I choose VL6.0 in my existing LILO (/dev/hdc3) it still goes to VL6.0's LILO. The question is, how can I remove the VL6.0 so if i choose this on my existing lILO. It will just boot straight.

root:# cat /etc/lilo.conf
# LILO configuration file
# generated by 'liloconfig'
# Start LILO global section
boot = /dev/hdc13
#default = linux
#timeout = 0 .....

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General :: Possible To Remove Grub Boot Loader?

Nov 27, 2009

I have 2 os redhatlinux 5.1 and windows xp. is it possible to remove grubboot loader.

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General :: Multi Boot - Install A New Distro And Remove The Old One?

Apr 11, 2010

I have a laptop dual booting to Windows 7 and Opensuse 11.2. However, I'd like to switch to a different Linux distro (probably Ubuntu, that's what I'm used to)

Is there a way for me to do it without losing the Windows 7 setup/data?

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General :: Install - 'boot Error' And Must Restart And Remove Usb

Feb 22, 2011

i got a new laptop today, i bought it just to use linux. i but the iso on my usb and it works fine on the pc, but when i try it on my new laptop i am getting 'boot error' and must restart and remove usb. iso: ubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso laptop: [URL]

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General :: Kills A Process Internally Or From Where It Picks File To Continue Its Process?

Jan 8, 2010

one tell me the internal working of kill command. that is how it kills a process internally or from where it picks file to continue its process.

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