General :: Passing One Variable To Another

Jan 8, 2011

I am new to bash scripting. I want to know whether i can pass one variable to another. For example $1 represent argument1. Now if i want to get the argument 1 like USER="1" now i want $ of $USER to execute $1 so what should i do..

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Passing Xml In Mem Or Variable To Xmllint?

Jul 24, 2010

How can I pass xml data from memory or a variable to xmllint that expects a file as input? Or does xmllint have the capabilities to read from stin or a variable?

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Programming :: Bash - Passing Variable To Ssh?

May 8, 2010

I have a file with around 1000 IP addresses in it and I need to be able to ssh into each one of them, run a single command, and then exit. I already know the ssh command I want to run and it looks like this:


shpass -p [password] ssh -p 10022 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@[ip variable] 'reboot'

(I know shpass is not good to use and keys are the correct way but I don't have any other options in this scenario.) if these ip addresses were in a .csv file, by themselves with no other information, how would I create a script to do the above command to each ip until the end of the file?

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Programming :: Passing A Variable To Bc In Bash ?

Jan 14, 2009

I cannot for the life of me get this little (simple) script I wrote to work. Here is the entire script:


ASPECT=`mediainfo $1 |grep "Display aspect ratio" |cut -d : -f 2`
HEIGHT=`echo "320 / $ASPECT" |bc`
SIZE=`echo 320x$HEIGHT`


An input filename ($1) is fed into mediainfo, which by the use of grep and cut spits out a single number which is the aspect ratio. This is then divided by bc into 320, which gives the desired height dimension for the file that I want ffmpeg to create for me. Finally, ffmpeg runs using the calculated dimensions... Basically, it's the passing of the $ASPECT variable to bc that seems to fail. It looks like bc won't read the output from the mediainfo line... It always crashes out with:


(standard_in) 1: illegal character: ^M I've tried doing something even simpler like this to debug by just trying it to display the calculation on the screen:


ASPECT=`mediainfo $1 |grep "Display aspect ratio" |cut -d : -f 2`
HEIGHT=`echo "320 / $ASPECT" |bc`
echo $HEIGHT

and it does the same, so it's definitely bc that won't accept the output from mediainfo.

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Debian Programming :: Passing Variable Between Invocations

Jan 9, 2014

I want to build on the code from /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/05etckeeper to work with Snapper, the new-in btrfs (et al) snapshot package.

Code: Select allDPkg::Pre-Invoke       { "if [ -x /usr/bin/etckeeper ]; then etckeeper pre-install; fi"; };
DPkg::Post-Invoke      { "if [ -x /usr/bin/etckeeper ]; then etckeeper post-install; fi"; };

The etckeeper code will work well as a template, but I need to pass a parameter between the pre- and post- instances. The parameter is obtained from the pre- invocation and passed to the post- invocation.I know that something similar to my quest is done with the 'pid' but how to do it in the 'standard' way. Happily there can't be multiple dpkg instances running concurrently (prevented by dpkg?) so I don't have to worry about that issue.

Q1. What is the 'standard' way of passing parameters about?

Code: Select allsnapper -c etc create -t pre  -p     (which 'prints' the parameter (int) to pass to the following invocation)
snapper -c etc create -t post --pre-number  <parameter>  in place of the two etckeeper calls.

Q2. How do I pick up the 'printed' output of the 'pre' call? I think it's just a 'get' from the stream but perhaps I've missed something.?

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Programming :: Passing Local Variable Pointers In ASM

Apr 12, 2010

I want to know is there some more efficient way of passing a pointer to a local variable as a parameter to a function in x86 asm? Right now I have to move the base pointer to a temp register, subtract from the register and pass that, like this (assuming a local var at esp-4):

mov eax, ebp
sub eax, 4
push eax
Is there a better way?

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Programming :: Passing Variable To Oracle Query With PHP

Jul 11, 2011

I'm having some trouble this morning to send a SQL query to our Oracle DB server in PHP. When I try to pass my value "OF/110246801A01" as variable it tell's me "Warning: oci_bind_by_name(): ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number"

PHP Code:
$ociO ='OF/110246801A01';
$selectAllFieldsFromOf=oci_parse($conn,"SELECT*FROMMFGOPEWHEREMFGNUM_0LIKE':ociOf' ");
$resultQuery =oci_execute($selectAllFieldsFromOf);
$e = oci_error($selectAllFieldsFromOf);
return trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message'],ENT_QUOTES),E_USER_ERROR);

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Fedora Servers :: When Passing Variable From One Page To The Next It Gets Lost

Jun 19, 2010

I have installed FC13 on my laptop and set it up as a development server. Here is my issue when passing variable from one page to the next it gets lost. My PHP includes work DB connect string works from the include.

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Programming :: C++ Passing Pointer Variable As A Reference Parameter

Jan 21, 2011

Say, i have an imaginary std library function, which I want to call.

void std_lib_func(ObjectType *param);

Now in my c++ program, I have a main() function, and I will like to call a customized function (which will in turn call the std lib function) from the main function, as below:

int main()
ObjectType *aobj;

I tried the below but get an error that the std lib function is expecting a ObjectType* param, not aobj. How should I work this out.

void customized_func(ObjectType aobj)

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Programming :: Passing Perl Variable Into Input Tag In Cgi Script?

Aug 27, 2010

How can I to pass a perl variable into html input tag? For example, If a have got a cgi script:


use CGI;
use DBI;
my $owner = $cgi->param('owner');


How can I to pass $owner variable?

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Programming :: BASH Conditionals - Passing Condition As Variable ?

Sep 17, 2009

I'm trying to implement an assert function similar to:[url]

However, I'm having trouble with file existence testing when the file name has a space in it.

I have distilled the problem down to the following:

This code works as expected, printing 'yes' if '~/test file' exists, and no if not.


However, this code gives an error.


The error:


Which tells me that it is splitting ["~/test file"] into ["~/test] and [file"]. Why? Is there a way around this?

Note that if you simply use a file path without a space, both cases work perfectly. Is this a BASH bug possibly? I just can't understand why the first would work, but the second wouldn't.

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Programming :: Passing A Variable At Compile Time - Send POSITION

Jan 14, 2010

I want pass a variable at compile time.

for example in x.c
int global_var = POSITION;

How can I send this POSITION at compile time. ie like # make POSITION=10 Is it possible?

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Debian :: Passing A Variable To "find" Command?

Mar 9, 2011

I am trying to make a simple alias for find command that acceps a variable.

alias myfind="find $@ -type d -exec chmod 777 -fv {} ;"

this alias tells me that "find:paths must precede expression"

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Programming :: SH: Passing A Variable Out Of A "while - Do - Done" Loop

Jul 3, 2011

"While ; do ; done" is very convenient for SH coding. However sometimes you may be annoyed by your computed variable within the "while do done" type loop. What to do how to pass it out of the loop to the outside of the bash code? A solution is to write it into the /tmp or on the disk... and to call it back after. - not elegant... really not... Anyone would know a trick another alternative that would look nicer?

# Count file total size
LISTOFFILES=`cat "$HOME/.fvwmoscfg/fvwmburnerlist.lst"`
echo "$LISTOFFILES" | while read i ; do
SIZE=`du -bs $i | cut -f 1`
echo "$TOTAL_SIZE" > "$HOME/.fvwmoscfg/fvwmburnerlisttotalsize.lst"
TOTAL_SIZE=`cat $HOME/.fvwmoscfg/fvwmburnerlisttotalsize.lst`

echo "The total size of all files and folders is : $TOTAL_SIZE"

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General :: Assign Local Variable Values To Global Variable?

Feb 17, 2011

how to assign a local variable value to a global variable....

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General :: Create An Environment Variable With The PRINTER Variable?

Apr 16, 2011

I am supposed to create an environment variable with the PRINTER variable, which should resolve to the word sales. Would the command be like this?: env PRINTER - NAME=SALES (is this the command to create that variable with resolving the word sales to it?)

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General :: Use The Value Of One Variable To Generate A Name For Another Variable?

Jul 25, 2010

can i use the value of one variable to generate a name for another variable? for example i want to use the counter from a "do while" loop to name and define a variable each time the loop executes. for example

objectnames1=`ls -a`
objectnames2=`ls -a`

i don't have a script yet but each time through the loop i intend to cd to a particular directory and then define a variable containing a list of each object in that directory as values. for the rest of the script to work, each variable generated has to be unique, and i can't think of a good way to accomplish this.

if using a value from one variable to name another isn't possible, can anyone think of a more elegant solution? i know limited syntax but i'm willing to read up...

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General :: Sed Substitution Of Variable With A Variable?

Dec 27, 2010

I am trying to alter the character position of residue numbers above 999 in a pdb file.The following script is an attempt to:1) Get all unique pdb residue numbers (in column 5) using awk and assign it to a variable i.2) Loop through all the values in $i and if it is greater than 999, shift that number one character to the right using sed.However, the script only manages to alter the final residue numberCould anyone please advise how I can loop through all values in $i and shift it one character to the right?

# Script to alter position of residue number in pdb file for resid above 999
i=$(awk '{print $5}' wt-test.pdb | uniq)


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General :: Passing PATH Through Sudo?

Jan 21, 2010

In short: how to make sudo not to flush PATH everytime?

I have some websites deployed on my server (Debian testing) written with Ruby on Rails. I use Mongrel+Nginx to host them, but there is one problem that comes when I need to restart Mongrel (e.g. after making some changes).

All sites are checked in VCS (git, but it is not important) and have owner and group set to my user, whereas Mongrel runs under the, huh, mongrel user that is severely restricted in it's rights. So Mongrel must be started under root (it can automatically change UID) or mongrel.

To manage mongrel I use mongrel_cluster gem because it allows starting or stopping any amount of Mongrel servers with just one command. But it needs the directory /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin to be in PATH: this is not enough to start it with absolute path.

Modifying PATH in root .bashrc changed nothing, tweaking sudo's env_reset and env_keep didn't either.

So the question: how to add a directory to PATH or keep user's PATH in sudo?

Update: some examples

$ env | grep PATH
$ sudo cat /etc/sudoers | egrep -v '^$|^#'
Defaults env_keep = "PATH"


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General :: Passing Program Arguments To Gdb?

Nov 18, 2009

I'm using gdb to debug my program. My program requires arguments (e.g., ./prog -dfile).But if I use gdb as in gdb ./prog -dfile, gdb wants to interpret the -d argument. How do I pass an argument to my program via gdb?

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General :: Passing A Structure In A Socket?

Mar 31, 2011

So I'm trying to teach myself to write programs for unix in c. I am currently creating a program, and I need to pass a struct through a socket

The struct I want to pass has two types in it, one enum and one union of two other structs. These two other structs each contain an int and a char variablename[256] array.

gcc won't let me just pass the struct using write(pipefd[1], struct, size_of_struct) since the struct is not a char buffer. So that's my does one go about passing a struct?

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General :: Passing Parameters To Script ?

Mar 13, 2010

I have the following bash script:


Which has the name '' and works just fine.

However, i whish to be able to give the url (or any other url) as a parameter when i run the script like this: $ [url]

What should i change in my code? i have never tried passing parameters to scripts before.

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General :: Bash - Passing Commands To CLI Using A Script

Jul 31, 2011

is there any way I can pass commands to the CLI of a tool directly?

I would like to script some actions, for example:

./OpenBTS < "tmsis"

I do not need to retrieve the results (I watch it in the log file). how I could realize that? There is now way to do this using command line parameters, at least not that I found out. So it looks like I have to figure out sth myself. Maybe I could automate screen in a way to detect the prompt and "paste" my command there. Are there tools for this on Linux?

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General :: Passing SSH A Password Through Command Line?

Aug 4, 2010

I am writing a script to get hardware information of a particular UNIX machine. To do this, I ftp a shell script (commands to get h/w information) to the target machine and then use SSH to remote the remote script.With FTP, I can pass a password accepted as input the shell script. How can I pass the same password to SSH ? This is because I do not want the user to enter the password twice.

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General :: Passing A List Of Variables To A For Loop

Mar 17, 2011

I'm trying to do substitutions to a file based on passed variables.

For example, I have a file called test.txt that has 5 lines:

What I want to do is to go through that file, line by line and check for the presence of a passed variable in that line. If I have a match, then substitute and print, otherwise print line as is. My problem arises in that the number of variables is well, variable.

The code I started with was the following:


What I was hoping for was test.out to look like this:

What I get is a much longer file like this:

This makes sense after thinking about it but is there anyway to get an output like the first case?

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General :: Passing Options To A Program: What's The Convention For One Dash Vs Two?

Mar 20, 2011

Some programs will take options like this:$ someprogram -orange apple

And other programs will use something like this:

$ otherprogram --orange apple

Is there a "rule" or convention for this in Linux/Unix/OSX?

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General :: Passing An Array As Command Line Arguments?

Apr 2, 2011

how to pass an array as a command line argument in a shell script?

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General :: Passing Multiple Arguments In Shell Script?

Dec 11, 2010

The script receives multiple files as parameters and it is supposed to count the number of lines in each of them and write that number in another file.

This is my script:


while [ -n "$1" ]
lines=`cat $1 | wc -l`
echo "The number of lines in file $1 is $lines." >> lines.txt

Is there any other way to do the same thing, without using shift?

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General :: Scripting - Try To Passing Arguments To For Cycle - Inside A Function

Apr 26, 2011

The code:


Problem: I need a method to maintain the $i variable. In fact, actually, this variable get lost when executed. I think that an escape can preserve this variable and permit its execution inside the function, but I've no idea about.

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General :: Passing Commands As Arguments To Functions In Bash Script?

May 31, 2010

I wrote a simple bash script to let me treat any set of programs like a deamon. For example if I configure the script a certain way I can start/stop/get the status of apache, mysql and php all from one command. I am having a bit of a problem though. I am passing commands as strings to a function and then depending on the arguments to the script it might run one of these commands or another. Some of these commands need to beun in the background though, such as deluge-web. When I send "deluge-web &" to the function and it execute it deluge-web does not start in the background. I can't figure out why this is. I have tried escaping the & with ''s and with a , but nothing seems to work. I know that this is some idiotic thing that I am overlooking, but I am a bit stumped. Here is the script configured to start/stop/get status of deluged and deluge-web.

function checkanddosomething {


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