General :: Bash - Passing Commands To CLI Using A Script
Jul 31, 2011
is there any way I can pass commands to the CLI of a tool directly?
I would like to script some actions, for example:
./OpenBTS < "tmsis"
I do not need to retrieve the results (I watch it in the log file). how I could realize that? There is now way to do this using command line parameters, at least not that I found out. So it looks like I have to figure out sth myself. Maybe I could automate screen in a way to detect the prompt and "paste" my command there. Are there tools for this on Linux?
I wrote a simple bash script to let me treat any set of programs like a deamon. For example if I configure the script a certain way I can start/stop/get the status of apache, mysql and php all from one command. I am having a bit of a problem though. I am passing commands as strings to a function and then depending on the arguments to the script it might run one of these commands or another. Some of these commands need to beun in the background though, such as deluge-web. When I send "deluge-web &" to the function and it execute it deluge-web does not start in the background. I can't figure out why this is. I have tried escaping the & with ''s and with a , but nothing seems to work. I know that this is some idiotic thing that I am overlooking, but I am a bit stumped. Here is the script configured to start/stop/get status of deluged and deluge-web.
I am working on a daemon that I want to change some variables while its running. Is this possible?I want to implement a command line type interface for my daemon so I can send it commands that will change the current values of specific variables, and also be able tell the daemon to load/save a config file.The only thing I have found so far is passing arguments to a daemon, but that seems to be a one-time shot when your first starting it.
What happens when the script executes is that the ssh connection works and parks me at the remote hosts's shell login. Therefore, the "firefox" command refuses to execute. I need to know how to make the "ssh" connection occur, stay open, and go into the background so that the rest of the script can execute.If I could also do this with the "firefox" line so that the entire term window could be closed would also be helpful.
I would be running SQL commands (UPDATE/SELECT) from within my bash script. I am completely new to this subject. Is MYSQL used for this purpose? Alternatively, what is sqlplus?
This is a really odd bug I can't seem to figure it out. Basically, commands like ls can see all the files in the current directory, however when I go to execute the file it will give errors like "file not found", even when it most obviously is. If you look at my command history in the screenshot, you can see I can ls into a directory and see it's contents. When I try to run the file, I get the "no such file or directory" error.
However, if I type simply 'vm', I can't use tab completion to complete the directory name, and my third command is me typing 'vm' and hitting tabtab, it lists a bunch of vmware specific tools instead of the subdirectory name. I can then ls and see my current directory contents, and it will list only the single subdirectory. However, then I tried to use the full filepath from root to run the file, still to no avail. If anyone has any insight,
I made a script that contains repetitious commands (snmpget and awk are the only ones at the moment. Running these commands from standard terminal work, but when run within a script, I get:
./reg_sm_count: line 10: snmpget: command not found ./reg_sm_count: line 10: awk: command not found ./reg_sm_count: line 10: snmpget: command not found
I'm creating a bash script that contains the following line:"ssh user@$server1 cd /tmp; pwd"What I want is to print /tmp of server1, but the script it isn't printing that
I have a file with around 1000 IP addresses in it and I need to be able to ssh into each one of them, run a single command, and then exit. I already know the ssh command I want to run and it looks like this:
(I know shpass is not good to use and keys are the correct way but I don't have any other options in this scenario.) if these ip addresses were in a .csv file, by themselves with no other information, how would I create a script to do the above command to each ip until the end of the file?
An input filename ($1) is fed into mediainfo, which by the use of grep and cut spits out a single number which is the aspect ratio. This is then divided by bc into 320, which gives the desired height dimension for the file that I want ffmpeg to create for me. Finally, ffmpeg runs using the calculated dimensions... Basically, it's the passing of the $ASPECT variable to bc that seems to fail. It looks like bc won't read the output from the mediainfo line... It always crashes out with:
(standard_in) 1: illegal character: ^M I've tried doing something even simpler like this to debug by just trying it to display the calculation on the screen:
I'd like to add custom startup commands (for example starting a process, registering to a registration server, downloading a configuration file) to the Linux startup process. Those commands should be triggered on startup only. What is the standard/appropriate way to do this?
EDIT: Is /etc/profile the right place to trigger such things?
I have a bash script called bash I am trying to execute from PHP. I think I have that right (not sure yet). Ideally let me explain what I am doing. The front end will pass a variable from a text entry box, called New_Task, the New_Task needs to be executed in the bash script and the output needs to be displayed back on the front end. So let me give some code and let me know what you all think.bash code is quite long, but essentially it is made to take a entry and create a task out of it. eg. "svn branch <Task Name>". The code below is getting the New_Task variable passed from the text entry box ($NewTask) and I have an exec for the bash script, but I am not sure it is working, I need to add some code to see the input in the front end.PHP back end code:PHP Code:
function mTaskCreator() { $strAction = $this->_objUserContext->mGetPostVar( 'acti
It seems incrontab wont see spaces properly at all. I setup a script to echo the arguments passed to it by incrontab to a file, and no matter what I put around the arguments on the incrontab file it will count a space as the next argument.
I have written a script to automatically retrieve imdb artwork for a given filename. Here is the script:
You can ignore all the commented "echo" commands that was just me testing. Anyway, the script work fine, however I am trying to use incrontab to monitor a folder, when a new (video) file is moved into the folder, it should execute the script and retrieve the artwork. My problem is, when incrontab passes the $# argument to my script, the script wont work because the spaces aren't escaped.
Here is some more detail:
The problem is, the script GetArtwork, doesn't see "Bangcock Dangerous" it just sees "Bangcock"
I have tried putting quotes around the $# in the incrontab - this just makes the script see "Bangcock (notice the single quote character)
I get no print to stdout on screen from the C code.Does bash somehow block or mask it?I get print from bash. I get this error in the non-test bash script like: let "rdval = $rdstr"syntax error: operand expected (error token is " ")The let command prints rdval= but I presume this is due to the printf test statements getting in the way.I am getting no compile errors. Why does the C code not print the values specified?
I am not sure if that Subject really explains it, basically I have a script that executes a CLI java-applet that requires a passphrase from the user. I can easily execute this by issuing the -p argument followed by the passphrase however that shows up on possible logs or at least on the results of the ' ps ' command. If you do not supply this -p argument it provides a new line with the echo " Enter Passphrase: " and asks for input.
how can I provide a result/input for the Passphrase request and is it still possible to throw this application in the background with the ' & ' following the command? I have seen a few examples that show a /bin/expect that expects a result and sends a command however I would like to refrain from any extra dependencies. Example of Regular Execution of application:
I'm trying to implement an assert function similar to:[url]
However, I'm having trouble with file existence testing when the file name has a space in it.
I have distilled the problem down to the following:
This code works as expected, printing 'yes' if '~/test file' exists, and no if not.
However, this code gives an error.
The error:
Which tells me that it is splitting ["~/test file"] into ["~/test] and [file"]. Why? Is there a way around this?
Note that if you simply use a file path without a space, both cases work perfectly. Is this a BASH bug possibly? I just can't understand why the first would work, but the second wouldn't.
$ execute_some_long_command <command is executing> <Accidently press middle button that inserts bunch of garbage (including, for example, `rm -Rf ~/*`) into console>
How to let execute_some_long_command finish, but not execute inserted things?
I need to process billions of small files using bash shell commands with limited memory size (256MB). If any of those files contain certain "keywords", the file will be removed. I tried with command:
I'm at the bottom of the bash learning curve, looking up, hoping someone can toss me a line. I need to update tracker on my system but this will erase the metatag database I've been building up over the course of months for the purpose of indexing a news archive. So the solution seems to be, 1) save the output of tracker-tag to a text file for all relevant files within a directory, 2) upgrade tracker (since the version in the Ubuntu repositories is very much out of date) and then 3) use a script to parse the text file and pass appropriate arguments back to tracker-tag to rebuild the database. It sounds as though it ought to be simple enough, but I need a push in the right direction, which hopefully will not be off the cliff. Before I confuse my metaphors any further, here's what the text file looks like.
I've been searching the forums and google in an attempt to find an answer. I'm completely new to scripting and just want to get one or two up and running but I'm having problems with my current script. I want the script to:read my inputs run a loop in certain steps within the loop execute a program with output to another file enter the values into the program (Problem area)
#!/bin/bash echo "Enter the Lower value, followed by [ENTER]" read L echo "Enter the number of steps you want to take, followed by [ENTER]:" read s
Running the program from the shell asks for 3 variables, which in my script are i, tt and adstep. I understand conceptually why it won't work. It won't move onto the next line in the loop until the previous task is completed (which doesn't even start without the 3 inputs!)
I'm setting up a scheduler to run some bash script commands but they won't run when I point them to a script file. If I change the cron to call
If I run ./writeTimeToLog from the terminal - it, well, writes the time to the log file! I then use
to test I can schedule this to run every minute just so I can see it working. the entry was a basic as I could make. It adds the cron successfully but never seems to update the file. Where would an error be put if one occurred.
I would like to be able to connect to a machine, list a directory, wait long enough for me to see the results then move on to the next machine.This is failing:
want to set more text files. They have "tab" differently (3, 4, 6 or 5 characters space).I have to use "sed" or "awk" sette them in the same tab (for example five space haracters).