General :: Laptop Encryption ?

Apr 4, 2010

What are my options for encrypting the /home directories of my Ubuntu laptops? They are currently setup without any encryption and some have /home as a separate partition whilst others don't. Most of these laptops are single-user standalone laptops which are out on the road a lot.

Is ecryptfs and the encrypted Private directory good enough or are there better, more secure, options? If somebody got hold of the laptop, how easy would it be for them to gain access to the encrypted files?

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General :: 256-bit AES Encryption For PDF On Mac OS X And Ubuntu?

Jul 21, 2010

I have PDF files secured using 256-bit AES, requiring a password to open the file (Acrobat 9 or greater)

I can use Foxit Reader or Adobe Acrobat just fine on Windows, but I can't view those PDF's on Ubuntu or Mac OS X. What PDF readers for OS X and Ubuntu support 256-bit AES?

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General :: Tool To Test AES Encryption?

Oct 27, 2010

how to test the AES Encryption in the openSuSE 11.3

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General :: Encryption - Cryptography Strength Outside USA?

Feb 21, 2010

Question: The USA forbids the export of secure cryptography. NSAKEY has already been discovered in the Windows cryptograhic API. Since the Linux-Kernel is hosted in the USA, how secure is its cryptography ?

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General :: Asymetric Encryption Of Directory?

Mar 1, 2011

Currently I am wondering whether it is possible to apply asymetric encryption of a directory in Linux.

I would like to achieve the following:

Write log files to /var/log/secret Everything written to /var/log/secret is instantly encrypted by a public RSA key (or something similar)

The encryption programms I know, i.e. ecryptfs do not support asymetric encryption of files, at least as far as I know. (Correct me if I am wrong). Therefore I am asking here whether you know of any possibility to implement this.

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General :: Remove TrueCrypt Whole USB Encryption?

Mar 31, 2011

I've accidentally encrypted my 8GB usb stick instead of my 4GB stick and now I need to revert the encryption on the 8GB one. There doesn't seem to be an option like this in the TrueCrypt interface when I mount the USB.

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General :: Mounting HDD With Windows PGP Encryption ?

Dec 9, 2010

I am using dd_rhelp to recover data from a failed 80Gb hard drive with Windows XP and PGP encryption.

My question: How do you mount a drive encrypted with PGP under Windows on a Linux box?

My scenario...
1. I am new to Linux
2. I do not know the PGP passphase
3. I am using Ubuntu and Knoppix
4. I have another 80Gb drive as the target drive
5. Source (bad) drive /dev/sdc1 drive is attached via a SATA-to-USB adapter
6. Target (good) drive /dev/sda1 drive is installed in laptop

My Problem....

Copies data from source to target drive with many errors. When I view the files copied to the target disk they file names are gibberish (extend character sets for file names) with huge file sizes (up to 9Gb).

I plug the target drive into a Windows laptop and it does not recognize it, even though it was formatted as ntfs.

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General :: Will WPA Encryption Interfere With A Netinstall

Jun 6, 2010

I have been trying to perform a netinstall (of Debian). Will the WPA encryption on my wireless network prevent (or at least make difficult) the netinstall? Will I need to have the WPA password handy or even to temporarily remove the encryption?I haven't actually run into this problem yet; what I was dealing with on the last attempt, before I decided to finish the netinstall later and went back to my working Linux system (I got impatient with being stuck outside it), was that the netinstall couldn't detect my network by DHCP, and wanted me to enter an IP address. I don't suppose that would be any more difficult than going to the host computer and writing down its IP address, but thinking ahead, I wondered whether the WPA encryption would pose another problem.I didn't really think about these issues when deciuding to try a netinstall: whether my internet connection would work. I mean, if it doesn't, trying to netinstall is a waste of time.

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General :: Find Encryption Type?

Nov 12, 2010

I used this password Pass1234 when I search password stored its Nh2yEjhdHIwtY what kind of encryption is used? I thought it was crypt() , but when I create crpypt on my local machine its different.

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General :: WEP Encryption Key - 26chars (New Change)

Mar 2, 2010

I connect wireless success
WEP Encryption Key:10chars
Interface Type: 802.11b/g
well now in my windows pcs changed to
WEP Encryption Key:26chars [windows success]
what choices must change in ubuntu 9.10 for the new change?

Can you tell for 26chars WEP, what choices do not try [Not Appropriate], so find the solution for the right choice[selections of the form - WLAN CONN] easier of the remaining? E.g. Do not try "40/128..." but "128 passphrase"...?

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General :: Disk Encryption - Bitlocker Equivalent?

Jan 25, 2011

Bitlocker is a harddrive encryption data protection tool which comes with Windows Vista Ultimate and 7. Does anyone know an equivalent for Linux distros like Fedora and Ubuntu?

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General :: Implement Full Disk Encryption?

Jul 14, 2011

The only reason why I don't use Linux (even though I prefer Linux over Windows, and can do everything faster and more efficiently) is because each time I try to learn about dm-crypt I give up.

Can someone point me in the right direction for full OTFE on Linux (like TrueCrypt)?

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General :: Encryption On Ubuntu Lucid After Installation

Jul 21, 2010

I'm a relative newby to Linux so forgive me if this is a simple question. I know that if you install Ubuntu using the alternate CD, you can create a whole disk encrypted installation, but what about after a normal installation? What is the best procedure to use to get more than just the home folder encryted? Installation of Fedora 13 gives the option during a normal install to encrypt more than just the home folder. I really only want to encrypt my Ubuntu partition. I have a laptop with a multi-boot setup with Windows 7, Fedora 13 and Ubuntu 10.04 all residing in their own partition. Because of this setup I really can't use whole disk encryption. I use Truecrypt on my Windows 7 partition and it works great but encryption of a Linux system partition is not supported.

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General :: Implement Password Encryption In Subversion SVN?

May 12, 2011

Am configured SVN on Ubuntu 10.04 ,It's Working fine ;svn access method is svn://ipaddress .In this method am not encrypting the password ,Currently my passwd (/homesvnMyProject/conf )file like that [users]test = testNow i want to Implement the password Encryption for any users, without implementing svn+ssh:// method

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General :: What Encryption Does The /etc/shadow File Use For Passwords

Nov 26, 2009

I am just wondering what encryption method the shadow file uses, so that I may be able to manually change it. I ask this because I am trying to make a web page that will allow people to change their linux password via a browser.

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Security :: Acceptable Kerberos Encryption - Error "ktutil: AES256/SHA1*: Encryption Type AES256/SHA1* Not Supported"

Dec 23, 2010

I am building an active directory and using BIND9 as my DNS. To allow for secure dynamic updates from the domain, I am enabling GSS-TSIG as detailed here and here. Unfortunately, some of the commands and configurations used here seem to be depreciated, at least in the newer versions that I'm using. My issue is one of keytab encryption. I generated a keytab using ktpass.exe on the Windows Server 2008 domain controller. I have tried DES/MD5, AES128/SHA1 and AES256/SHA1, each have been turned down by ktutil on the kerberos server (FreeBSD). Each time, it outputs the following error: ktutil: AES256/SHA1*: encryption type AES256/SHA1* not supported *Respective to encryption used.

I cannot find a list of suitable encryption schemes that ktutil will accept. The FreeBSD handbook details a means of producing a keytab file, but I'm not sure how to configure the Domain Controller to use the keytab.

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General :: LUKS Encryption Affect TRIM? (SSD And System)

Mar 26, 2010

I'm moving over to Linux when the new SSD arrives. SSD gives increased performance, so I thought that I could encrypt everything.

But then I came to think about TRIM, and garbage collection on the drive. Will a LUKS encrypted drive affect the garbage collection system? (TRIM).

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General :: Performance With Software RAID5 And LUKS Encryption?

Jul 3, 2011

I have set up a Linux software RAID5 on three hard drives and want to encrypt it with cryptsetup/LUKS. My tests showed that the encryption leads to a massive performance decrease that I cannot explain. The RAID5 is able to write 187 MB/s [1] without encryption. With encryption on top of it, write speed is down to about 40 MB/s.

The RAID has a chunk size of 512K and a write intent bitmap. I used -c aes-xts-plain -s 512 --align-payload=2048 as the parameters for cryptsetup luksFormat, so the payload should be aligned to 2048 blocks of 512 bytes (i.e., 1MB). cryptsetup luksDump shows a payload offset of 4096. So I think the alignment is correct and fits to the RAID chunk size.

The CPU is not the bottleneck, as it has hardware support for AES (aesni_intel). If I write on another drive (an SSD with LVM) that is also encrypted, I do have a write speed of 150 MB/s. top shows that the CPU usage is indeed very low, only the RAID5 xor takes 14%.

I also tried putting a filesystem (ext4) directly on the unencrypted RAID so see if the layering is problem. The filesystem decreases the performance a little bit as expected, but by far not that much (write speed varying, but > 100 MB/s).

Disks + RAID5: good
Disks + RAID5 + ext4: good
Disks + RAID5 + encryption: bad
SSD + encryption + LVM + ext4: good

The read performance is not affected by the encryption, it is 207 MB/s without and 205 MB/s with encryption (also showing that CPU power is not the problem). What can I do to improve the write performance of the encrypted RAID?

[1] All speed measurements were done with several runs of dd if=/dev/zero of=DEV bs=100M count=100 (i.e., writing 10G in blocks of 100M).

Edit: If this helps: I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 64bit with Linux 2.6.38. Edit2: The performance stays approximately the same if I pass a block size of 4KB, 1MB or 10MB to dd.

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General :: Text Config File Encryption On System For Security?

Aug 16, 2011

I plan to use newsbeuter for console RSS reading.This program has a config text file where I need to store my Google account password,in order to access my Google reader.I don't feel easy at making my password readable to everyone.Is there anyway I can somehow encrypt this information ?

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General :: File Encryption In A Bash Script Without Explicity Providing Password?

Jul 30, 2010

I want to automate the following manual process.Currently, I am encryptying a set of files using openssl as follows:Encrypt file.txt to file.out using 256-bit AES in CBC mode $ openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in file1 -out file1.enI am then prompted for a password, which is then used to encrypt the fileWhen decrypting, I type $ openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -infile1.enc -out fileI am then prompted for the password - which again, I manually type.I want to automate this process of en/decryption - so I need to find a way of providing openssh with the password.

My first thought is whether it is possible to read the password from a file (say)? Or is there a better way of doing this?Also, I suppose that I will have to place restriction on who can view the password file - otherwise, that defeats the whole objective of using a password. I am thinking to run the bash script as a specific user, and then give only that user read rights to the contents of that file.Is this the way its done - or is there a better way?Ofcourse all of this leads to yet another question - which is, how to run a bash script as another user - without having to type the user pwd at the terminal.

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General :: Why Doesn't TrueCrypt Support System Encryption On Non-Windows Machines

May 16, 2011

I would love to be able to use TrueCrypt consistently across all my machines, be they Windows or Linux. As it stands, I can do full-disk encryption with pre-boot authentication only on Windows.

I don't really understand why this is. Are there technical challenges specific to Linux/Mac that make full disk encryption harder? Does anyone know whether TrueCrypt will support this in the near future.

PS. yes, I'm aware that there are other options. My goal is to simplify my life here and use the one tool across all machines.

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Some Files From External USB Hard Drive Onto Laptop And Laptop Froze Up?

Mar 2, 2010

I was transferring some files from my external USB hard drive onto my laptop (running 64bit Karmic), and my laptop froze up for whatever reason.Everything on the screen stopped and the Scroll Lock and Caps Lock LEDs began flashing.Not knowing anything else to do, I hard booted off with the power switch.At this point, I was concerned if anything on either hard rive would be damagedI booted my laptop back up, and all seemed well until I trued to open my Documents folder.For some reason, Ubuntu will no longer open any folders at allI can't click on ComputerDocuments, Music, etc. When I do, a tab opens in the taskbar that says Opening folder. It stays on screen for about 20 seconds, and then goes away and the folder never opens.The weird part is if I open gEdit and try to load a file, I can see and get to everything.

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Ubuntu :: GUI For GPG Encryption?

Jun 22, 2011

Is there currently a GUI for GPG encryption? I know Ubuntu used to have one. It's no longer installed by default and I tried to install the seahorse plugins so I could just right-click on a file and click encrypt, but it's not available. I've already tried right clicking in different folders and everything.

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Ubuntu :: Connected HP Pav Laptop To Vizio TV - Displays Computer On Tv But Not On Laptop?

Jun 23, 2010

I connected my HP Pavillion laptop to a 1360x768 Vizio TV. On the TV it displays my laptop but on my laptop it has a black screen. How do I fix it so I can see my laptop screen on my laptop and on my TV at the same time?

I used to be able to do this with this TV as well as my friend's Samsung. I'm using a VGA connector. What should I do to have my laptop screen on my laptop and on my TV at the same time?

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Ubuntu :: Battery Not Recognized On Laptop (and It Recognizes Laptop As A Desktop)

Apr 15, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu (both 10.10 and 11.04 pre-release) on my laptop but my battery is not recognized and it is detected as a desktop system rather than a laptop. I have tried the cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state method but the directory doesn't exist. I have tried another guide to paste the battery info into this directory but it doesn't allow me to do that and says that the directory doesn't exist, even though I'm trying to make it. I tried it in root nautilus and even on an install of Lubuntu (with a root file manager) but it still failed to budge. I really don't know what to do as I have tried all the guides on the internet that I could find.

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Debian :: Use Encryption Other Than The SSL Model?

Jul 17, 2011

I don't care for domain 'authentication' by an "Authority". I don't trust no one, so CA's to me are as trustworthy as the gypsy in the park.

I can use a self-signed certificate, but the problem is most browsers makers are Fn idiots that say the connection is not secure, when it actually is, but because I did not folk out cash, it makes my website look bad. I can understand the need for a 3rd party to verify the domain host to prevent man in the middle attacks, but I do not care for this.. and browser makers should take more responsibility and introduce different padlocks for types of authentication, rather than saying "this connection is encrypted, but not secure because its self-signed". What a load of horse s***!

How many times does people stop to read certificate authoraties? I sure don't. I only care weather or not the connection has been encrypted.. so, I am looking for a way for simply providing encryption for my website.

From what I understand, when you submit a CSR to a CA, it includes the private key, meaning that the CA would be able to see the encrypt data, should they get hold of it. This is not acceptable for me.

Is there anything other way to use encryption other than the SSL model that is used typically amongst HTTPS browsers today?

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Ubuntu One :: Can't Delete One Encryption Key?

Nov 18, 2010

I can't get U1 to work. I removed my machine from U1 site and then I tried to add it again, but the login screen won't appear. I purged Ubuntu One completely (config files, local cache, packages, etcetera) but there's one thing I can't do: deleting myencryption key.It's simply not there and since I can't remove it, I'm not able to add my machine to U1.It happened in Maverick so I upgraded to Natty, but the problem is still there.

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Security :: C Xor Encryption Strength

Jun 14, 2010

i have found this xor encryption program


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_SIZE 256


Its working fine, it can encrypt and decrypt. but how strong is it ? is it all depending on the specified key ?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Set Up WEP Encryption?

Mar 9, 2010

I recently installed Centos in my dell laptop and trying to set up the WEP encryption.

set up the WEP?(BTW the card works , I could scan the networks etc..)

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Screen Not Shutting Off When Laptop Lid Closed?

May 15, 2010

When I change the "When laptop lid is closed" option in Gnome Power Manager to either "Blank Screen" or "Do Nothing" (by manually using gconf-editor), the screen itself doesn't turn off when the lid is closed. Obviously not a huge deal, as I could just change the "idle before sleep" on certain occasions, but I liked that setting it to "Do Nothing" previously would actually turn off the screen when the lid was closed.

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