Ubuntu One :: Can't Delete One Encryption Key?

Nov 18, 2010

I can't get U1 to work. I removed my machine from U1 site and then I tried to add it again, but the login screen won't appear. I purged Ubuntu One completely (config files, local cache, packages, etcetera) but there's one thing I can't do: deleting myencryption key.It's simply not there and since I can't remove it, I'm not able to add my machine to U1.It happened in Maverick so I upgraded to Natty, but the problem is still there.

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Security :: Acceptable Kerberos Encryption - Error "ktutil: AES256/SHA1*: Encryption Type AES256/SHA1* Not Supported"

Dec 23, 2010

I am building an active directory and using BIND9 as my DNS. To allow for secure dynamic updates from the domain, I am enabling GSS-TSIG as detailed here and here. Unfortunately, some of the commands and configurations used here seem to be depreciated, at least in the newer versions that I'm using. My issue is one of keytab encryption. I generated a keytab using ktpass.exe on the Windows Server 2008 domain controller. I have tried DES/MD5, AES128/SHA1 and AES256/SHA1, each have been turned down by ktutil on the kerberos server (FreeBSD). Each time, it outputs the following error: ktutil: AES256/SHA1*: encryption type AES256/SHA1* not supported *Respective to encryption used.

I cannot find a list of suitable encryption schemes that ktutil will accept. The FreeBSD handbook details a means of producing a keytab file, but I'm not sure how to configure the Domain Controller to use the keytab.

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Ubuntu :: Change Delete Button To Delete Instead Of Move To Trash

Apr 18, 2010

Instead of moving to trash, how can i make the delete button delete? Delete is already enabled on the right click menu.

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Ubuntu :: Folder Wont Delete \ Whenever Try To Press Delete Noting Happens?

May 9, 2010

SO after using Testdisk to recover some images, the folders recup_dir.1 & 2 have saved in my FIle System area, when ever I try to press delete noting happens. I have also tried rm -f -rrm -f -fIt still dont delete, I have also deleted my user account and made a new one, but the files are still there.

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Ubuntu :: Rsync --delete Doesn't Delete Superflous Files

Sep 25, 2010

I am trying to use an old box as backup server. I have tried a couple of possibilities along the lines of:


rsync -a --delete --progress --log-file=/home/$USER/info.txt -e ssh /home /etc root@

The problem is it does not delete files that has been removed from my local system?
I run the command as root on the local system.

(I realize I should properly not ssh into the server as the server's root but I'm having trouble with the permissions and I want to make sure everything else works before messing around with it)

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Ubuntu :: Delete File - No Right Click Delete Option?

Feb 18, 2010

Why is there no Delete when I right click like there is with Windows in ubuntu? Pretty much everything else is there like new folder and so on Is there some way to add it? Also why when i delete something does it not ask me if I am sure that i want to delete that file?

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Ubuntu :: Can Delete These 'un-delete-able' Files In Trash?

Nov 1, 2010

I just can't stand knowing that there's a slight problem with my PC.I have roughly 12.5 Gigs of files, mostly movies that are multiple clones of a particular movie (which was an entirely different problem altogether) and I CANNOT DELETE THESE THINGS! There has to be a simple way to do it from terminal, problem is, I can't seem to find the trash directory in terminal.

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Fedora :: Allow User To Save/edit/delete Documents In A Folder But Not Delete That Folder?

Sep 6, 2011

Recently I setup a system for a non-technical user. He is only using Firefox, Pidgin and OpenOffice for about 2 hours a day. I have created a folder "/home/jim/myFiles" where he can save his document files. But Jim has accidentally deleted his myFiles folder on 2 occasions. He had intended to delete a file in that folder. Is there a way to lock the folder so that the user and create/read/write documents in that folder but not delete the folder itself?

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Ubuntu :: GUI For GPG Encryption?

Jun 22, 2011

Is there currently a GUI for GPG encryption? I know Ubuntu used to have one. It's no longer installed by default and I tried to install the seahorse plugins so I could just right-click on a file and click encrypt, but it's not available. I've already tried right clicking in different folders and everything.

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General :: 256-bit AES Encryption For PDF On Mac OS X And Ubuntu?

Jul 21, 2010

I have PDF files secured using 256-bit AES, requiring a password to open the file (Acrobat 9 or greater)

I can use Foxit Reader or Adobe Acrobat just fine on Windows, but I can't view those PDF's on Ubuntu or Mac OS X. What PDF readers for OS X and Ubuntu support 256-bit AES?

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Ubuntu :: Configure FreeNX To Not Use Encryption

Feb 2, 2010

I like FreeNX, but it makes the system sluggish sometimes. The server is on Ubuntu and the Windows client are both on the same switch on a private network, and won't ever be use over public internet. I see in the client that I can disable encryption, but how do I do it in the FreeNX server end?

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Ubuntu Networking :: WPA Encryption Fail?

Apr 3, 2010

I'm on an Acer Aspire One.Clean install of 9.10.I was using 9.10 and my wireless was working fine.Then for no reason it would not connect.So I decided to reboot my router and reinstall ubuntu.Still does not work.I have figured out that it seems to be WPA encryption that is at fault.When I turn it off on my Linksys the netbook connects fine, turn it back on and nada.

if i try to use a static address then the laptop seems to connect but I cannot ping the router or get to the internet.If anyone has any ideas I would be grateful, I would rather use WPA than WEP.My iphone connects and this netbook connects with Windows, so I know the linksys is not at fault.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Encryption With Certificate And CA?

Oct 7, 2010

I have a server with Apache2 and I would like to use encryption to prevent eavesdropping POST requests and similar. I've had success using SSL with a self-signed certificate, but this will of course generate huge warnings from the web browser. It's no problem for me when I'm connecting to the server as I know what to expect, but any other user who sees such a warning will surely leave the site unless I have personally explained the procedure.

Is there really no way to encrypt HTTP without having to use certificates? I know that this is supposed to provide security by identifying the server,but my point is that an encrypted connection without a CA would in no way be inferior to one that sends passwords as plain text. All I want to do is prevent people who are using programs such as Cain or any other packet sniffer from getting their hands on my passwords. I'm not exactly running an online bank system her

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall Using The Inbuilt Encryption In 10.04?

Feb 15, 2011

I am going to set up a Ubuntu installation on an external USB drive as per CS Cameron's advice in[URL]..I will put home on a separate partition and encrypt it when I reinstall Ubuntu using the inbuilt encryption in Ubuntu 10.04. (My data will be on there so it should be safe for a short while if the disk goes missing)

My question is: If I plug the USB drive into another computer which runs ubuntu (but cannot boot from USB), will ubuntu running in the "normal" way installed on the local fixed hard drive, be able to access the data on the partition if i tell it the password?

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Ubuntu Security :: Get Encryption Software With GUI?

Feb 20, 2011

I am looking for some software (not Tryecrypt) where I can just right click a file and it will encrypt it for me. It would be nice to unencrypt on Windows but not essential.

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Ubuntu :: Write A Code For Encryption / Dec?

Apr 30, 2011

i need to make a to-do list for my project, everything is fine so far. but i really dont have a clue on writtiing this part: we need to write a programme that takes input from a text file then either encrypt or decrpyt it. according to the ASCII code of this charecters the user should give us his/her own keyword then the program will save the output in a new file .


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Ubuntu :: Find Encryption Key Get On Network?

Aug 4, 2011

I installed a wireless card on my desktop (TRENDnet TEW423-PI) and it works just fine thus far.Unfortunatly, I forgot my encryption key and have tried to get into my router but that unfortunatly that does not work. How can I find my encryption key so I can get on my network???

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Ubuntu :: Need Good GUI Encryption Program

Jan 22, 2009

I am running Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10. I want a good GUI encryption/decryption program.

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Ubuntu Security :: Recommendations For Luks Encryption?

Jan 8, 2010

When 10.04 is released I'll encrypt my /home partition using luks. I've read that xts is good for hard drive encryption and aes is good for cipher encryption. I'm looking for something that is fairly secure without sacrificing a lot of speed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 - Record Your Encryption Passphrase

Feb 7, 2010

I installed ubuntu 9.10 to a fresh partition on a HD that already contains a windows xp. During the install I opted to Require my password to login and to decrypt my home folder, (don't ask why, I regret it already). The install went well, I think, but when it came to reboot time I wanted to check that I could start windows xp from the new grub boot loader. Windows started fine so I rebooted again to try my new install of ubuntu. Now the system seems to get stuck at the little spinning wheel icon. I tried to boot to recovery shell but after entering my name and password I get:
Unable to cd to '/home/myname'

I rebooted using live cd. And mounted the file system as root. Now I have chroot ed into the system but that's as far as my knowledge gets me. I have googled to find the next step but am not finding a clear answer. I have found this [URL]. And here I see I should have seen a screen entitled: Record your encryption passphrase. But I didn't get to that screen. So is there any elegant solution? or am I destined to wipe the install and start again? Perhaps this problem is connected to the bug mentioned here [URL]. Optional encrypted partitions must be marked bootwait in /etc/fstab

In addition to the above, users who have configured any encrypted partitions in /etc/crypttab to start at boot time (i.e., not using the noauto option) should make sure that the filesystems on these volumes are listed in /etc/fstab if they are not mounted at a standard system mountpoint. Failure to do this on a desktop system will lead to problems from the X server and cryptsetup trying to control the console at the same time. At best, this will prevent the user from seeing the passphrase prompt; at worst it will also cause the X server to spin and consume 100% CPU. (430496)

I'm not sure, my /home is not on a separate partition.
/etc/crypttab is empty
# <target name> <source device> <key file> <options>
/etc/fstab is
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier
# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name
# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
# / was on /dev/sda2 during installation
UUID=8e5f54dd-8d79-44da-9ddf-7f4e3bce2a64 / ext3 errors=remount-ro 0 1
# swap was on /dev/sda3 during installation
UUID=32bcb9fc-ff2b-4e37-a259-1bfabee7cee7 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0

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Ubuntu :: Secure Ftp - 530 Non-anonymous Sessions Must Use Encryption

Feb 11, 2010

I have configured vsftpd on Ubuntu 9.04 and it is working fine. I have configured non-anonymous ftp so that only few of us can acces that ftp. Now I want to secure it using ssl. so I have changed the vsftpd.conf file and entered the following lines in it.


After the restarting the service now when I try to connect to the ftp server it gives me this error. 530 Non-anonymous sessions must use encryption.

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Ubuntu :: Does Qemu-KVM Not Support Qcow2 Encryption?

Feb 28, 2010

I just tried to create a qemu qcow2 image with encryption:
qemu-img create -e -f qcow2 foo.qcow2 100G
Formatting 'foo.qcow2', fmt=qcow2 size=107374182400 encryption=on cluster_size=0
It's some time ago I played with qemu, but I think it's supposed to ask for a password.

If I start the image with
qemu foo.qcow2
it just says 'QEMU [Stopped]' in the popup terminal window. It starts normally without the encryption option on qemu-img.

Is encryption known to be broken? Is this perhaps specific to qemu with KVM patch or to the 64-bit version?
Ubuntu 9.10
qemu-kvm 0.11.0-0ubuntu6.3
Linux wallace 2.6.31-19-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 28 02:39:34 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 - Drive Encryption With Dual Boot

May 30, 2010

I have a DELL Latitude E6410 64bit with Core i5. My goal is to have my Windows 7 encrypted and my Ubuntu 10.4 unencrypted and to be able to boot them both. So here are the details. I installed windows 7 first. Then I installed Ubuntu and Grub was in the MBR. Then I started TrueCrypt 5 from Windows 7 and encrypted the system partition, not the whole drive! So the TrueCrypt loader overwrote the GRUB in the MBR. Now when I start my computer, I see the prompt for password from the TrueCrypt boot loader. If I enter my password, windows is loaded.

The other option at the beginning is to press Esc and that should offer me other boot loaders. Well, on my DELL there's this Recovery partition and it boots immediately. How I can integrate the Grub in the process. I know, that there are many howto-s on the internet about this problem, but I haven't found a solution for grub2 and windows 7! It is indeed different, because GRUB does not have menu.lst any more and Windows 7 does not have boot.ini!

Here some more info about my partitions:

/dev/sda1 fat16 DellUtility
/dev/sda2 ntfs RECOVERY
/dev/sda3 unknown
/dev/sda4 extended
- /dev/sda5 ext4 ubuntu
- /dev/sda6 linux-swap
Windows 7 in installed on /dev/sda3 and is encrypted, that's why the file system is unknown.
Ubuntu 10.4 is installed on /dev/sda5

I know of three options to deal with the problem:

Solution 1
Install GRUB to the PBR (partition boot record) of the linux partition - that's /dev/sda5 in my case. Then, it should be possible to load GRUB when you press Esc in the TrueCrypt boot loader.

solution 2
Make Windows load Linux. Copy the PBR of the linux partiotion to a file and copy the file to windows. Then add an entry in the windows loader to include the linux loader file.

solution 3
Make GRUB load TrueCrypt's boot loader. Make a backup of the MBR (containing the TrueCrypt's loader). Add Truecrypt's MBR as a chain boot loader in GRUB. Finally, rewrite the MBR using this new GRUB.

I did install GRUB to my PBR with
from the live CD:
first mount /dev/sda5 to /media/ubuntu
sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/ubuntu /dev/sda5

I also tried with
from inside ubuntu:
> grub
grub> find /boot/grub/stage1
grub> root (hd0,4)
grub> setup (hd0,4)
grub> quit

After one of these, I am able to boot my ubuntu after restart. But then I reboot and load windows, reboot once again and press Esc in order to try to boot ubuntu again, and then I don't see the grub loader list, but the "grub> " shell prompt instead! I thought that I will be able to see the grub loader also after many restarts, not just the first time. Why this configuration "breaks" after 1-2 reboots? Maybe the problem is that my ubuntu is on an extended partition (sda4)?

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Ubuntu Security :: Cfs Encryption Gives: RPC: Unable To Receive

Aug 3, 2010

I want to create an encrypted directory using the cfs package. So far I've only been able to create the top directory. When I want to attach an encrypted directory using

cattach directory1 directory2

get the following message in command line:

RPC: unable to receive

When i look into my /crypt directory, nothing was added there. I have no idea what could be the problem. I use Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

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Ubuntu Security :: Multi-factor Encryption Under 10.04?

Aug 3, 2010

I am currently running 8.10 with full-disk (excluding /boot) encryption. I am going to be installing 10.04 on a new laptop, and I was wondering whether it supports multi-factor authentication. Specifically, I would like to have a keyfile on USB/SD memory that is required, in addition to the password, to decrypt the disk. Anyone know of a guide out there? So far my searches have turned up nil.

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Ubuntu Security :: Root Encryption Without Passphrase?

Sep 5, 2010

i have installed a ubuntu 10.04 (mini iso) w/ option of root encryption. Now i need to boot without ask for passphrase, but im trying to add a luks keyfile without success.i want to use a keyfile in the /boot partition or inside the initrd (cant be in external pendrive), but ubuntu aparently dont accept a keyfile in /boot or initrd file. I know, this way isnt very security, but i just need a basic encryption.So, how to force the use of a keyfile in /boot or inside the initrd for a crypt root partition?

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Ubuntu Security :: Digging Deeper Into GPG Encryption?

Oct 17, 2010

I've been using GPG keys for about a year now to send encrypted emails to family. But now I want to try and understand more, mainly on signing keys. I've read a ton of stuff, but not fully grasping the concept. So I thought I'd check my understanding people here. Please let me know if I'm wrong on something.

Signing keys seems to be just signing someone else's public key with my private(public??) key. Does that mean I don't sign my own keys? Or should I? There seem to be lots of keyservers out there, mainly I keep hearing about the MIT one and the ubuntu keyserver. Does it matter where I upload my public key? Somewhere I read that once you upload it once, it will slowly make its way to other servers. How is that possible. If someone signs my key on one server, will that also get pushed to other servers?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Not Working With Encryption?

Oct 27, 2010

Using Linksys 54G wireless card and connected with no encryption but will not when encryption is used?

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Ubuntu :: C++ To Java Bitwise Encryption / Decryption?

Dec 21, 2010

i'm having issues with my code (i'm kinda new to java).I'm trying to convert a c++ code snippet to java in order to use it in my application.Here's the C++ code

#ifndef _ENCRYPTOR_H_
#define _ENCRYPTOR_H_


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Ubuntu :: Find Neither Preference For Encryption Nor Accessories?

Jan 19, 2011

I was consulted to find those "preference for encryption" in system or "accessoires" in applicaton to change the password for network. but I don't have them both in the menu. I am totally blocked with different passwords for the session and the network.

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