General :: Install Grub Into An .img File?

Apr 14, 2010

I did the following:

created an empty .img file with dd
associated it to /dev/loop0 with losetup
created a partition in it with fdisk
formatted such partition with mke2fs
copied a custom GNU/Linux system into that partition

Now I'd like to make the .img file bootable by installing grub into its MBR and /boot directory. My goal is to load the .img file with qemu. It would be better if grub2 is used instead of grub legacy.

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General :: "/boot/grub/grub.conf: No Such File Or Directory"?

Jul 3, 2010

I just recently installed a kernel, everything works fine after reboot except. When I use nano -w /boot/grub/grub.conf I get /boot/grub/grub.conf: No such file or directoryIs there something i have to do after installing a new kernel in Gentoo Linux.I can't access my /boot all that appears there is a symlink to /boot How can i see my kernels located in /boot.

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Debian Installation :: Fresh Install - Grub File Not Found Error

Nov 28, 2015

I just installed debian from debian-live-8.2.0-amd64-standard+nonfree.iso and after installation, which finished without problems, I cannot boot the system. I get the error:

Code: Select allfile '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod not found

From grub-rescue via ls command I see that I don't have the i386-pc folder inside /boot/grub. I have only two files:
unicode.pf2 and grub.cfg

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub - Setup: Warning: Attempting To Install GRUB To A Partition Instead Of The MBR - Install - Lvm - Luks - Raid - Karmic Server

Mar 27, 2010

I'm running Karmic Server with GRUB2 on a Dell XPS 420. Everything was running fine until I changed 2 BIOS settings in an attempt to make my Virtual Box guests run faster. I turned on SpeedStep and Virtualization, rebooted, and I was slapped in the face with a grub error 15. I can't, in my wildest dreams, imagine how these two settings could cause a problem for GRUB, but they have. To make matters worse, I've set my server up to use Luks encrypted LVMs on soft-RAID. From what I can gather, it seems my only hope is to reinstall GRUB. So, I've tried to follow the Live CD instructions outlined in the following article (adding the necessary steps to mount my RAID volumes and LVMs). [URL]

If I try mounting the root lvm as 'dev/vg-root' on /mnt and the boot partition as 'dev/md0' on /mnt/boot, when I try to run the command $sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/md0, I get an errors: grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea. grub-setup: error: Embedding is not possible, but this is required when the root device is on a RAID array or LVM volume.

Somewhere in my troubleshooting, I also tried mounting the root lvm as 'dev/mapper/vg-root'. This results in the grub-install error: $sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/md0 Invalid device 'dev/md0'

Obviously, neither case fixes the problem. I've been searching and troubleshooting for several hours this evening, and I must have my system operational by Monday morning. That means if I don't have a solution by pretty early tomorrow morning...I'm screwed. A full rebuild will by my only option.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Error 18 - Unknown File System - Running From External Hard Drive

Jan 11, 2011

It started when I wanted to dual boot Windows 7 and Opensuse off of my netbook (No DVD/CD drive) I tried install suse from an external hard drive and I botched it. I ended up erasing EVERYTHING off of my internal netbook hard drive. Windows and all.

Well, I had a couple of other computers so I studied up and eventually successfully installed OpenSUSE 11.2 on my external hard drive (11.3 being the one that I accidentally erased everything with, so kinda scared of it) and now I want to install openSUSE 11.2 on my internal netbook hard drive.

I can not use disks

I can not use a flash drive (For some reason, even if I make it bootable, it will not load up, this could be because it's actually a 8GB microSD card that is placed in a USB card reader.)

I can not use an external hard drive because that's what I'm running suse off of.

I've tried reading up on how to install suse on another drive off of the hard drive and I've gotten as far as whenever I boot up the netbook with the suse external hard drive connected it will ask to boot into OpenSUSE, the Fail Safe, or to install OpenSuse. When I select to install it it gives me the Error 18 Unknown File system.

I've tried formatting the internal hard drive twice. One as NTFS and again as EXT4. Neither seems to effect it other than when it's ext4 I can open it and it contains a Lost and Found folder.

When I interrupt the boot sequence by pressing c and going to the terminal and I use the root (hd +TAB command it tells me I have a hd0 and a hd1. The hd1 only has 1 partition which is ext4, which I'm assuming hd1 is the internal hard drive (I'm not sure how to check) and the hd0 is the external hard drive, which has three partitions. One with an unknown file system and two with ext4. When I try to enter the set up from the terminal it gives me the same error for any thing I put it (e.g. root (hd0,0) gives the same error as root (hd0,1), or root (hd0,2) and root (hd1,0)

Something like it cannot locate these two files I'm assuming it needs to boot. If anyone finds this relevant I'll retry it and post the files its missing.

I've been searching for awhile and can't find any threads that can solve my problem. From other threads, however, I have noticed that I should probably include my menu.lst, listed below


I have also ran the boot info script and received the RESULTS.txt file it generates. Listed below


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General :: What To Put In The Grub File And 'x' Flages To Reset To Tie All Together

Mar 20, 2011

I'm lost before I can start using linux I have to install grub; grub is used to start linux, before you can install grub you must start linux ..... OK, I've borrowed a live-dvd from a friend (my burner is stuffed), its got Grub v 1.98; so thats what I'm stuck with (at least for now) Maybe I'm not stuck, but I'm finding the live cd too large and confusing, with filesystems I've never heard of and I cant work out what I can and cant do, given its a non-volatile media.

Anyway grub2 is good, as I think I can boot ISO images from an msdos or linux partition, without burning a cd; however, its bad, as to create grub.cfg I will need to build grub2 for whatever flavor of linux I finally choose (can you compile Grub for any kernel and use any library to do it?) What I am trying to do is a "frugal install" of a smaller distro, with boot, fat16, swap, & distro partitions, (the computer is p5mmx 200/64MB which runs 98SE and off97 fine, but seems to be minimal for linux). All the instructions to do this, tell you to copy the files across and modify your grub config (ie you already have it installed)

This is where I'm up to, I have created 2primary & 2 extended partitions. Put ext2 filesystems onto the first primary partition (for booting), and the 2nd extended (for linux) Run grub-install, so there is a directory grub at the root of the first partition. created a "linux" directory at the root of each of the ext2 partitions copied vmlinuz & initrd.gz to "linux" on the boot partition, copied the .sfs files to the other partition directory I don't know what to put in the grub file and what 'x' flages to reset to tie all this together.


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General :: Change The File Permission Of Grub.cfg?

Sep 15, 2010

My cd /boot/grub/ shows (required only file shown): -r--r--r-- grub.cfg

I tried to change the permission of this via, chmod u+w grub.cfg but the file permission did not change why??

How can I change the file permission of grub.cfg?

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General :: Booting (GRUB And LFS) File Not Found

Mar 15, 2010

I am having issues booting my LFS system on my hp nc8230 notebook running LFS SVN. Grub was built and installed per the book. My file system is almost as simple as it gets:

/dev/sda1 is swap
/dev/sda2 is my LFS partition /

The LFS live cd still uses the now deprecated drivers for HDD's thus as far as the livecd is concerned my block devices is (hd0) and /dev/hda2 for the root respectively. However the kernel to be booted runs on the newer drivers thus on boot my block device should be referenced as /dev/sda2 for the root. Grub is in fact installed on the MBR what happens is right when my system boots I get a file not found error the grub CFG is pointing to the correct block device and root partition from what can be seen by looking at the grub.

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General :: Editing Inittab File From Grub?

Jul 27, 2010

During my several experiment on linux I accidentally put the default runlevel to the value 6..thus before starting its going to restart ..currently running mint 9. there is only one way that somehow i can edit that file from grub command line.

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General :: GRUB Misconfigured -- Can't Boot, Can't Repair File?

Oct 28, 2009

The new GRUB2 was supposed to configure itself from the old grub, but got the kernel image partition wrong.I have booted from Knoppix live cd, but need to write to system files. I have searched, and found several suggestions that apparently work on Win machines, but RO permission for root on Linux is a harder nut to crack.

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General :: What Does Kernel Entry In Grub Configuration File Mean

Jun 17, 2011

I have looked at the GNU GRUB Manual 1.99 at [URL] but I cannot find an explanation of what the kernel entry / command in the grub.conf file means. I get what's the meaning of that entry but where is described what it actually is and what are proper.

I suppose this entry / command was actual in GRUB Legacy, but I cannot find where it is described...

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General :: Clearing Error 15 From Grub - File Not Found

Mar 4, 2011

I am using Ubuntu 10.10 dual booted with windows vista. My boot is in a separate partition (sda5). My computer told me that there was limited space on that partition so I tried to clean things up using apt-get by removing old kernels. Turns out I didn't do it correctly because I consistently get an 'ERROR 15' when I shut down and rebooted my computer. I have a live-CD USB-stick so I tried reinstalling grub, (grub-install) updating the menu.lst (update-grub), and manually going through menu.lst and changing to root=(hd0,4) and groot=/dev/sda6. But I still get this ERROR 15 when I reboot.

when I do
sudo grub
find /boot/grub/stage1
find /boot/stage1

Both give me an ERROR 15 message and I'm not sure how to proceed with a diagnosis. When I ran update-grub, occasionally it used to tell me that /etc/fstab may be incorrect. Here is /boot/grub (note that stage 1 does exist!) ( this is /dev/sda5)

root@ubuntu:/# ls /boot/grub/
default fat_stage1_5 jfs_stage1_5 minix_stage1_5 stage2 grubenv menu.lst reiserfs_stage1_5 xfs_stage1_5
e2fs_stage1_5 installed-version menu.lst~ stage1

Here is my problem
grub> find /boot/grub/stage1
Error 15: File not found
grub> find /boot/stage1
Error 15: File not found

I guess my main question is, if stage1 can't be found, what does that mean? What should I do next?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Update Error "update-grub Head: Cannot Open `/boot/grub/video.lst' For Reading: No Such File Or Directory"

Apr 7, 2010

after doing an upgrade to 10.4 and updating grub I get this message. how do I address this


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Ubuntu :: GRUB File Not Found - Change The Path Of The Grub Reader To Sda 5 ?

Aug 15, 2010

I gave sda1-2 for windows and sda 3-4-5 on an extended partition for my linux OS. I installed ubuntu on sda 7 (when I go into disk utilities it shows up as sda 7 idk why) alongside another ubuntu on sda 5 ( EXTENDEDPARTITION : sda 5-6-7 ) so I could remove mandriva bootloader.Since I did, I removed ubuntu (sda 7) since it wasn't necessary but after it gave me the grub file not found.Obviously yes, since GRUB was installed from sda 7 but i have another grub.conf on sda 5 and I would like to know how to change the path of the grub reader to sda 5? or must I install all over again de grub loader?

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General :: Edit Grub Menu From Initial Grub Screen - Possible To It's Own 'e' Option Or 'c' From Grub Command Line?

Nov 20, 2010

my Setup is Fedora 14 x64 + radeon hd 4830 i've downloaded .run package from ati site with latest driver for x64 systems. installed it, but didn't edited grub.conf becouse i didn't understood anything there (probably didn't spent enough time to get things understand) Now i've lost possibility to enter my Fedora system. during boot it lost it's modern blue boot screen (with filling drop), it was replaced by standard old boot screen with triple-color stripe. after this boot screen monitor start blinking going on and off. and on last step i'm getting "Fedora 14 boot bla bla bla something" on screen. nothing works except Ctrl+Alt+Delete. system reboots showing successful daemons shutting sequence. How can i edit grub menu from initial grub screen is it possible to it's own 'e' option or 'c' from grub command line?

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General :: Grub Rescue - Unknown File System Error ?

Jul 18, 2011

I have a pc that was running with the latest version of ubuntu and i wanted to install just vista for somereasons.

And what i did is to format the main driver and try to boot it from vista CD and as you may guess i have an error that says: unknown file system grub rescue

Each time i start the pc. I have an ubuntu live cd and also the vista cd, so what should i do now? the vista cd dosnt boot and the same screen appears all the time.

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General :: Unable To Configure Boot Grub Menu File

May 7, 2010

I tried making some changes to /boot/grub/menu.lst file by logging in thru su but it throws following error:

[root@localhost avi]# /boot/grub/menu/lst | gedit
(gedit:4874): GnomeUI-WARNING **:

While connecting to session manager:
Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the
authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.

bash: /boot/grub/menu/lst: No such file or directory

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Fedora :: Could Not Open The File /boot/grub/grub.conf?

Aug 31, 2010

I would like to modify the boot loader settings and triedo open the file grub.confHowever, it is said that the file could not be opened, as seen in the attachment.Tried to authenticate as 'root' before opening the file, but the problem still exist...

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General :: Error On Startup - Unknown File Filesystem Grub Rescue> ?

Mar 7, 2011

Yesterday I installed the latest version of ubuntu to my computer that was already running windows 7. I had everything working fine until in windows I deleted a partition that had nothing in it.

After this I restarted but I can't get into either OS. I get an error that says Error: unknown filesystem grub rescue>

I think I need to fix something in grub. I have been booting off of a usb stick with linux on it in the mean time.

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General :: Error On Startup. Unknown File Filesystem Grub Rescue> ?

Mar 7, 2011

Yesterday I installed the latest version of ubuntu to my computer that was already running windows 7. I had everything working fine until in windows I deleted a partition that had nothing in it. After this I restarted but I can't get into either OS.

I get an error that says Error: unknown filesystem grub rescue>

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General :: GRUB Legacy - Unable To Determine The File System Type?

Dec 8, 2010

I had only Arch on an HDD.sda2 was "/".Now it's with Windows XP and sda2 is not a root any more but a container partition wich has sda{5,6,7} in it. I configured the dual boot and it works. It finds Arch and boots it, but not completely. Stops after some time and says: unable to determine the file system type of /dev/sda2. FSTAB is configured, sda{5,6,7} are on their places. So I can't boot Arch. XP boots correctly. What do I do with this error?Also it says: try adding rootfstype=your_filesystem_type to kernel command line.

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General :: Grub Mod Files Show As Music File Type For Mint 8 Gnome

Jan 1, 2010

In the /boot/grub/ all the grub mod files show as music file type for Linux Mint 8. So is it really needed to correct this, and how to change this file type from some music application to the grub module file type association?

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General :: Install Just GRUB In A PC?

Jun 13, 2011

My mother has a notebook with windows and it's not booting anymore. Some problem in MBR. I have already tried all options, like /fixmbr, fixboot, rebuildbcd.

I'd like to solve it installing GRUB, since it always recovers all my OS that are not booting anymore. The problem is that her laptop doesn't have linux installed.

Is it possible to install just GRUB without linux?

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General :: Install Grub After The Fact?

Dec 30, 2010

I installed Vector linux on my multi-boot system and didn't install grub because I didn't see a way to not mess with the MBR. I already have grub legacy installed to MBR and just wanted to add to the menu.lst. Now, can I install grub to the root partition where I installed Vector or should I just re-install and let it write to mbr and redo mbr later?

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General :: New Install Dumps To Grub CLI?

Nov 11, 2010

I am trying to make a clean install of linux on three new 500G HDs. Because the last failure caused loss of my wife's pictures, I'm in the dog house. I know, I know. Back-up, back-up, back-up.I'm trying to set up a Raid 5 as partial insurance against disk failure (along with a frequent back up schedule). A friend suggested that I put 4-5 partitions in the raid array to aid in recovery if a disk fails (/boot, /, /var, /home, and swap). I know that swap doesn't get 'raided'. I've looked at 50+ tutorials on how to set up raid5 from a clean install and after installing the whole system. Nothing has helped or even addressed this issue so far.

Problem is that I have now tried installing 4 different flavors of linux (Ubuntu, Mint, and a couple of distros of Fedora) with the custom disk partitioning as mentioned above. I've tried installing grub on the MBR and the first partition (/boot). I've ensured that it pointed to the correct partition to find the kernel (/). I've tried everything that I can think of, and at every reboot, I get dumped to the grub CLI after bios post, regardless of distro. I cannot get the system to load the kernel.

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General :: Won't Install Grub For Some Reason

Jun 22, 2011

I'm trying to install Debian 6 on a dell c510, but it won't install Grub for some reason. Since that is necessary to boot Linux, what do you suggest as an alternative?

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General :: New Install Canterbury 2.6-586 Grub Took Away Win XP

Apr 1, 2011

i HAVEN'T PLAYED WITH lINUX SINCE 2002. I just loaded Debian Canterbury on my old HDD running as a slave to my Win XP drive. Where and with what can I edit Grub in this distribution? Also, what is the best edit to set Win XP as the boot first choice? My lovely lady uses Windows ONLY! Does /boot/grub/menu.lst exist on this distro of Debian? If so, where is it? {The 500G drive is just Win XP storage}


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General :: Install Zenwalk With Grub In MBR?

May 28, 2010

I have Grub Legacy (from PCLOS) in my MBR and I would like to keep it as my primary bootloader. I am trying to install Zenwalk, which uses Lilo, onto another partition. My initial thoughts are not to install Lilo when installing Zenwalk and then installing Grub as a secondary bootloader into the same partition as Zenwalk. Will it work? Is there a better way?

This is the first distro I am installing that doesn't use Grub

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General :: Windows 7 - Install GRUB To A Partition And Not MBR?

Sep 12, 2010

I am trying to dual boot Windows and Linux. I would like to continue using the Windows bootloader in my MBR.

I installed Windows 7 first. During the install I left some unallocated space that I intended to install Linux.

I found this guide: [URL]

It says to install GRUB to the bootsector of the partition that Linux is being installed to and not the MBR of your hard drive.

I am trying to install Linux Mint Debian to the second partition. When the installer gets to where you are asked to install GRUB the only option is to install GRUB to /dev/sda which I believe is the MBR.

I decided just not to install GRUB and proceeded with the installation.

How can I install GRUB to the bootsector of my Linux partition?

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General :: How To Install Grub Inside Windows 7

Aug 2, 2011

I want to install grub inside windows 7. I don't want to partition anything neither I want to remove Windows Boot Loader (BCD). I simply want to Use Grub from windows 7 boot menu. I want to do this so for frugal install of linux distros such as puppy, slitaz, etc. I have used WinGrub on Windows XP and it worked fine. But I don't think that will work on Windows 7.

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