General :: Install Givox Webcam On Debian Lenny 5.0?

Sep 28, 2010

I got a givox usb 168z webcam, I want to use it on my pc which has debian, so I want to know the procedure to install it.

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General :: Debian Lenny : How To Install Xfce 4.6 Instead Of Lenny's 4.4

Dec 14, 2009

i was trying to use gnome and kde but i don't like them. I tried xfce and it seem to fit my needs but.My computer is used to be powered on for a weeks. While time passes, a process xfdesktop begin to use more and more memory and to free RAM i need to log out and log in again.

I tried squeeze yesterday on my virtual machine and it has 4.6 and seem not to have that bug, RAM usage is static(yes it still works when i write this and have memory usage 34492k, which is not changing for an hours of usage already), also 4.6 is MUCH better than 4.4.

i already tried adding squeeze to "sources.list" but i can see too many dependencies which should be upgraded if i install 4.6, i'm beginning to afraid it can crash entire GUI(or entire system, i can see there is libc6 required to be updated).

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Debian Configuration :: Save To Install Kernel On Debian Lenny 5.0.5 Or Stick With Automatic Updates

Aug 20, 2010

is it save to install linux kernel on Debian Lenny 5.0.5 or stick with automatic updates...

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Debian :: How To Install Flash Player 10 For Debian Lenny?

Apr 14, 2010

I have read tons of articles on how but none work. I have edited the source.list file with what they say and I have used all the terminal commands that are becoming very repetitive.

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Debian :: Get And Install GTK+ On Lenny?

Apr 26, 2010

I understand that FireFox requires GTK+. It appears that lenny did not include this package. Being new to Linux, I am unsure of just what it is that I need to do. Most of the web searches that I have doen have only confused me that much more.

So, how to get and install GTK+ on lenny?

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Debian :: Install Gettext On Lenny?

Feb 14, 2010

I need to install gettext on my machine, so I use synaptic to install but it give the following error

Depends: libc6 but it is not going to be installed
Depends: libgomp1 but it is not going to be installed
Depends: gettext-base but it is not going to be installed
Recommends: curl but it is not going to be installed or
wget but it is not going to be installed or
lynx but it is not installable

So I check libc6 which is install as libc6-dev other libc6 files such as xen, are high highlighted in red.

libgomp1 is installed.

gettext-base is installed.

curl will not allow itself to install as it says it needs libc6 (which is installed see above) lots of other curl files are highlighted red, with x's next to them, to remove. However the apply button is not highlighted?

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Debian :: Install Lenny From A Usb Memory?

Mar 19, 2010

Today I installed Lenny on a new server. The server didn't have any CD-Rom, so I tried putting the net install on a memory stick using unetbootin. The install went fine, but the problem was that the memory stick became sda and two SATA disks in the server became sdb and sdc.When I then tried to remove the stick, the SATA disks became sda and sdb, and it would not boot, because it had written the MBR on the stick.It hurried a little bit, so I had to take out a CD player from another computer, and connect it inside the server to get Lenny installed.But it would be cool if it was possible to install with the stick. And no more waste of CD-Rom players that will be used only once.

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Debian :: Install Usb-creator On Lenny?

Jan 25, 2011

Howto install usb-creator on Lenny?

I've tried to install according to:


but I get this error:

# bzr branch lp:usb-creator usb-creator.trunk

You have not informed bzr of your launchpad login. If you are attempting a write operation and it fails, run "bzr launchpad-login YOUR_ID" and try again.

bzr: ERROR: Unknown branch format: 'Bazaar Branch Format 7 (needs bzr 1.6

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Debian :: Install Usb-modeswitch Under The Lenny?

Feb 10, 2011

How-to install usb-modeswitch under Lenny?I cannot find it using apt-cache search.

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Software :: Install Debian Lenny From CLI?

Jul 27, 2010

I've been working with Debian and it's variants(Ubuntu, Mint) for about 2 years now. I'm bored at work and got to thinking that as much as I know about Linux now compared to when I started(enough --> none), I can always learn more. I notice I learn more by doing than by reading like many others and like a hands on approach, and if I screw something up, even better as I can learn from that mistake not just what happens but why it happens and how it can be avoided.

Anyways, I was installing Lenny on a VM and was going through the install options and was playing with an ssh install when I thought I might be able to install totally from the command line. I'd be surprised if I couldn't, and while I realize it's probably not the easiest thing to do, what have I got to lose? I managed to get as far as the shell but then i'm sort of at a loss. I think I have all the pieces(load components from media, configure packages, partition, install) but I can't really put them together. how do I go about, if at all, installing from the shell? I figure if I can do this i'll learn quite a bit more about the install process and can help myself out down the road if I'm not reliant on the hand-holding gui install.

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Debian :: Install The Gnome-mplayer Under Lenny?

Jun 1, 2010

How to install gnome-mplayer under Lenny, for example using Backports?

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Debian :: Install Citrix ICA Client Under Lenny?

Jan 26, 2011

Which is the best way to install citrix ICA client under Lenny?

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Debian Installation :: Install Sun Java (JDK) 1.6 On Lenny?

Jan 20, 2011

How can i install Sun Java (JDK) 1.6 on Debian lenny?
make-jpkg does not work with Java 1.6.

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Debian :: No Sound On A Fresh Install Of Lenny From CD?

Nov 18, 2010

After successfully installing Debian 5.0 stable from a CD, I noticed that there wasn't any sound. I unmuted the volume in Debian itself and there still wasn't any sound! I ran alsaconf and it came up as a VIA VT8233/A/8 sound card.

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Debian :: Unable To Install Java On Lenny 5.0?

Jan 23, 2011

I guess I am still a beginner since I can't do this. I was able to install Java in another computer successfully. I have both running now. The successful one, had a folder for firefox the one with the problem does not have that folder, (firefox). The instuctions I trying to follow are here: [URL]

Not having a firefox folder I installed using /usr/lib/mozilla/plugin . But the plugin has an X attached to the respective icon in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.

[URL] This website seems to offer the solution to my problem, I will need help in undoing my previous steps or in removing the incorrect plugin. But will I still need a firefox folder or directory as I have on the other machine? I have a K7S5A PRO MB and Athlon Xp 1800 + processor.

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Debian Configuration :: Install A Package From Sid On Lenny?

May 11, 2010

however I am not looking to dist-upgrade, I merely want one package from Sid on my Lenny server. Namely, mantis (version 1.1.8 is in sid, 1.1.6 in main/stable)

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Debian :: Install Acrobat Reader 9 On Lenny

Sep 23, 2010

Howto install Acrobat Reader 9 on Lenny?

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Debian :: How To Install Live-helper Under Lenny

Jan 31, 2011

How to install live-helper under Lenny?

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Debian :: Install Own Usplash Theme On Lenny

Sep 26, 2010

I have installed my own usplash theme step by step using this Ubuntu Manual:


but my Lenny won't to show this theme during the startup.

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Debian :: Get A Lenny Iso That Can Install To Hard Drive

May 12, 2010

i just burnt a debian lenny 504 live disk. i don't think there's a way to install it to hard drive. i just did a google search and it appears that the latest debian lenny 504 cannot be installed to hard drive with the live cd. from what i have read, i need to get a "netinstall" iso (this is new territory for me). can anyone supply me with a link for an iso with a hash verification? i would be most grateful. the disk i had previously must be corrupted because the install quits at 5%.

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Server :: Cannot Install Glassfish On Debian Lenny X64?

Jan 13, 2010

rying to install glassfish enterprise server on an debian lenny x64 virtual machine.I encounter some issues like the binary can only be execute by a 32bits JDK, need an xserver for install, all this has been take care of.From Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Installation GuideQuote:f you are installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server on a 64?bit machine (running a 64?bit operating system), use a 32?bit JDK to install Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server on your 64?bit machine. You will need to command:./distribution_filename ?javahome path to 32?bit JDK locationLatest 32bits JDK from SUN

glassadmin:/home/glassfish# java -version
java version "1.6.0_17"


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Debian Installation :: Windows 7 Won't Boot After Lenny Install

Apr 9, 2010

I installed lenny and now my windows 7 won't boot. When I select it in Grub the machine just restarts the bios after a few seconds of black screen. The machine I'm using is a very vanilla intel p4.

I'll paste my /boot/grub/menu.lst below. All of the drive options look correct. I properly shutdown Windows 7 before installing lenny. I'm sure I can reinstall the mbr and get my windows back, but I would like to dual boot with grub.

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Debian Installation :: Lenny Install Not Reading Media

May 5, 2010

I've installed Lenny a few times before, but something is going wrong here this time. I couldn't remember the exact method I used to put an image on a disc, but I tried over 10 ways, and every time, after starting up, it says something along the lines of please select different boot device or insert bootable disc and press a key. There's a bunch of options to make these images in Windows apps, but I did one solid way that should have worked i believe.

This was to zcat boot.img.gz > /dev/sdx and so on, then copy the mini.iso to the usb drive (instead of previously making cds). I thought maybe my cd drive wasnt working, but the usb drive, when selected as primary boot drive had same issue. I didnt see any errors in its creation on the usb drive either. Running AMD64, have three hard drives plugged in, thought maybe the newest drive had an issue, so I tried different combinations of unplugging power and data cords of each and once all hrd drives. Using this computer right now, actually, XP is running. A command prompt version of squeeze is installed, its having some difficulties, thats why i would like a new install.

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Debian Installation :: PXE Install Lenny With Files From CD On Webserver?

Nov 1, 2010

I am having serious trouble getting Debian to install over our LAN using PXE/syslinux, a custom preseed.cfg, and the files from the DVD on a webserver. I think the problem is using the files from the DVD on the webserver instead of a mirror, but I believe this should be possible. I do not have enough space on the webserver to house an entire debian mirror.


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Debian :: Install Newer Version Of Library In Lenny?

Aug 31, 2010

to install a Python module I need a more recent version of a library (libcurl) that the one available in Lenny. How should I manage it? Shall I just install it manually? Won't it mess the system to have two versions of the same library in the system?

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Debian :: SATA DVD Drive Not Detected During Lenny Install?

Nov 17, 2010

I am trying to install Debian 5.0 "Lenny" on a PC with a very new hardware config (i3 processor, DDR3 RAM,LG SATA DVD drive, and Seagate SATA HDD). During the hardware detection phase of installation, I get a message saying the driver for my CD drive is not known, and asking me to select one manually. The options I get are only 'devcdrom', which does not work, and my installation cannot proceed.

I tried the following:

1. I read in a similar query that to use SATA DVD drives, I will have to set some boot options, so tried entering install libatapi_enabled=1 as an install option. This showed 'unknown parameter' error followed by same problem.

2. My Intel m/b BIOS has an option to set the DVD drive to "Native" or "Legacy", default is Native. I also tried changing this to "Legacy". Still same problem.

3. Read that I have to point to different drivers, but don't know how to do this during the installation.

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Debian Configuration :: Install New Lenny Virtualbox Deb In Squeeze?

May 25, 2010

The VirtualBox website have a 64 bit deb for installation available for AMD64 Lenny but not for Squeeze. Is it okay to install the Lenny package on Squeeze or would this cause a problem?

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Debian :: Create An Install Cd From Current Lenny Installation

Sep 1, 2010

I would like to create an install cd/dvd from my current Debian Lenny installation.

I guess this will imply all official debian packages will be saved.

As additional nice to have info would be the following:-

How I would capture none standard packages/configurations on the system

i.e. I have additional packages installed I have a customized Apache and Php configuration i.e. config files. Also mysql database is populated forsome applications.

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Debian :: Create A Install CD From Current Lenny Installation ?

Sep 1, 2010

I would like to create an install cd/dvd from my current Debian Lenny installation.

Anybody have any tips as how to do this.

I guess this will imply all official debian packages will be saved.

As additional nice to have info would be the following:-

How I would capture none standard packages/configurations on the system

I have additional packages installed

I have a customized Apache and Php configuration i.e. config files.

Also mysql database is populated forsome applications.

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Debian :: Install An I386 Library Onto Amd64 Lenny?

Jul 24, 2010

There's a certain program I'm trying to run that will only work with the 32-bit version of a certain library - the 64-bit version included in the repository won't work for it. I found an i386 .deb package online (made for ubuntu but it should work with regular debian), but when I try to install it, it says incorrect architecture, use amd64 version instead.

How can I force it to accept the i386 version of this package?

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