General :: Get Elements From List In Bash?
Mar 19, 2010Here is a LIST:
List = "abcd 1234 jvm something"
How to get the second element "1234" without looping all the list?
Here is a LIST:
List = "abcd 1234 jvm something"
How to get the second element "1234" without looping all the list?
How can I convert a file with a lot hex numbers into the decimal?
Example: file1
I want to start $ cat file1 | util | cat >file2 and get file2 with smth like
...and returning the index of the found element in its array.
I have:
for ((i=0; i < ${#array1[@]}; i++)); do
# Read each line of the file test
if [[ $(eval "sed -n '$(($i+1))'p test") == *${array2[0]}* ]]
I want to find the index of the found substring in array2 and only if it isn't found, move on to the next element of array2. I don't know the size of array2 so that [0] has just got to go.
how to list existing users using bash
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to list just the folders in a directory using bash commands? ( as the ls command lists all the files and folders )
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a file with joker character patterns:
From the current directory I would like to recursively get the list of files that do not match these patterns.
I need to figure out a bash command to list all users logged in at or after 5pm - 5pm being the specifier in the command.
Command seems to be the easiest way to display users but it specifies all users log times.
I've also fiddled with the lastlog command to no avail.
I have been using comm to compare two simple column lists, and suppress items that were contained in the second list (suppression list). This was extremely simple and basic, however now list1 has two columns, and I must compare the second column in list1 with my suppression list.
Basically I need to compare my user list and suppression list to suppress any users that exist in the suppression list, then remove the second column (md5).I wasn't sure the fastest way to make comparisons if there was a similar command like comm, or if I needed to create an array of users and see if any of them matched the suppression list one by one. This seemed like it would be pretty process intensive. Anyone have any less cumbersome ideas?
I'm trying to write a bash script that gets the list of files in a directory and puts them into a variable, then checks each entry and outputs them as follows:
item1 is a FILE
item2 is a DIR
item3 is a DIR
etc etc.
I am able to get the list of files into a variable, but unsure how to get the output I want.
I need to fgrep a list of things which are in a file. The file in which I will do the SEACHING is a large text file and I need fgrep to output each item from the list as a file with the item from the list as the file name.
Its kinda like this:
./script list.txt largefile.txt
output would be
It is very important for my research work. For example mydata.txt:
id type x y z
1 6 0.474611 0.227223 0.583947
2 4 0.422894 0.22726 0.536791
3 5 0.448963 0.200148 0.560336
4 3 0.386478 0.207721 0.515293
5 6 0.371617 0.22361 0.582206
6 4 0.32123 0.222999 0.534782
How to change second column (type) whose values are 4 and 3 to value 1, so that mydata.text file become:
id type x y z
1 6 0.474611 0.227223 0.583947
2 1 0.422894 0.22726 0.536791
3 5 0.448963 0.200148 0.560336
4 1 0.386478 0.207721 0.515293
5 6 0.371617 0.22361 0.582206
6 1 0.32123 0.222999 0.534782
i have an array var=(node1,node2,node3,node4) and i want to shuffle the array elements randomly every time when unix script will run like that.....
first time when script run order will be shuffle randomly
second time when script run order will be shuffle randomly like
third time when script will run again order will be shuffle randomly like
how to do this without using of shuf or shufsequence commands
I see on the website URl...screenshots number 5 and 6 -- what is used to to get these style of scrollbars? When I launch Opera I get a very ugly scrollbar that does not fit the look of the wm whatsoever.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a file witch I need to list 10 line by 10 lines with something like press enter to go on in between.
Well, the problem is that i have absolutely no idea on how to implement this.
Can you give me some points?
I am an uploader to a various hosts, so this tiny script me a lot. I make a rar archive and split files with 100mb. I could get 3-4 or even 76 parts of rar files and it would take me some time to paste all these urls to remote upload function of filehosting sites. For example:
server:/home/cober/downloads/teevee# ls -al
total 358784
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Dec 8 19:38 .
how I sould do the following?
I have a folder called "Downloads" and among its contents there are a bunch of files with "flv" extension.
If I do
ls path/to/Downloads/*flv
I will get something like this:
(The reason I want something like that has to do with a small script I'm trying to write).
I'd like to pass the following arguments to a bash script in any order:
myscript -l <country> -r <file1> <file2> ... -o
I read the argument list in a switch shift loop. I figured out how to read the filelist but only if -f is the last option.
how to position the file list anywhere in the argument list?
I'm writing a bash script to copy a list of files and do some stuff to them. Basically, I have the code written that does what it needs to do, but I can't quite understand why it works. I was hoping someone could clear up my understanding a bit.
The first line generates a list of files. I wrap each line in quotes because they usually have spaces in the directory names.
The second line changes IFS, and I understand what IFS itself does. What I don't quite get is what the separator becomes with that echo statement. If I'm reading that correctly, the backspace will remove the newline and essentially the result is nothing? I found this solution on a web page somewhere, but it was years old and there was no real explanation.
need a command or script to list all files recursive without directories one line per file, no extra lines like ls -AR1 should print file size and name eg.:
12 file.ext
25684 file2.ext
589 file3.ext
I have OpenSuSE 11.2, and I am learning Bash scripting. I was wondering how I would make a bash program, That I could have it check multiple craigslist sites [western mass, worcester mass, etc], e.g. in the Free category, and/or enter keywords, and have it update every 5 minutes, and then post the results somewhere, to a file, or even upload it to a server, or if it's even possible? (Kind of like the program "Ad Notifier for Craigslist") Would I have to do this in C/C++? If it has to be done in C/C++ It would have to be windows compatible preferably.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to build a list of files under a directory that may have any permissible characters in the name, that is anything except NUL? The only possible (?) bash data structure to contain a list of such names is an array because NUL cannot be used as a list item separator so no X-separated list can safely be used; there is no "X" that might not be part of a file name. OK -- but how to populate such an array? Here's what I've tried.
# Set up test files
dir=$(mktemp -d "/tmp/${0##*/}.XXXXXX")
touch $dir/foo $dir/bar
I'm trying to use zenity in a bash script to display a .csv file using '--list' to allow the user to edit some of the values.I can display it fine but i'm unsure how to edit the data? all i can get is whichever line is highlited when hitting ok on the zenity dialog to print.the data in the csv is arranged:
AKA "zipping on the fly .. the slow-as-molasses way." The list includes full pathnames to each file, and they're all in subfolders of the same parent folder (which, unfortunately, is not the root folder of the drive or system on which the files reside). A cleaned-up and radio-ready portion of the list looks like
What I'd like to be able to do is zip all the files in the list into a single archive, to avoid the step of having to copy them to the same location (presumably another folder on the HD) and then zip that folder. I'm more inclined to make provisions about extracting to a single folder at some other time. Is this possible in BASH, or would I have to consider a faster, more robust scripting language such as python or perl?
I'm not sure if this is best done in Perl or Bash. I'm thinking surely someone else has created something close to what I'm looking for. The results of the script would be that someone would kick off "" r whatever you want to call it, then a top "folder" of options (with hosts contained within each of these top menu choices), then, based on which number corresponds to that top level, they're presented with a set of linux hosts that are relevant to that top level name. Example:
1. VMware hosts 4. Private Domain
2. ESX servers 5. Red Hat boxes
list the 'chkconfig --list' in alphabetical order
View 3 Replies View Relatedone command to list the list of folders/ within the folder.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to modify fs/open.c and fs/read_write.c to make my modifications. I cannot find any options in 'make menuconfig' to make these files modules rather than compiled elements. I'm thinking these cannot be modules because the file system won't work without open.c and read_write.c. Is this correct - I cannot compile fs/open.c and fs/read_write.c as modules, only as compiled elements? Or, is there some way for a module to overwrite these routines when the module is installed and re-enable the routines when the module is removed?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI create a bash script that writes another bash file. But in the generated bash file I want to write a bash command in the file and not executing it.Here's my bash file:
cat > ~/ << END
below are the details of my system. I have bash as my current shell, some really common commands aren't working.
Do I need to do a re-installation of bash? Or how do I install a selection of bash commands which I need? (for example a subset of [URL])
root@sdptfw:~ # uname -a
Linux 2.4.36 #1 Tue Jul 22 13:13:24 GMT 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
root@sdptfw:~ # echo $SHELL$
I'm trying to make another file annotation script a little speedier than it has been by the up-until-now proven method of checking the last four characters in a filename before the "dot" (eg .jpg, .psd) against a list of known IPTC categories and Exiv2 command files. It occurred to me that if one script generated a list of files in directory foo, and the same or another script sorted that list by that four-letter tag,then that list could be used(instead of a for/do/done loop on the real files in the folder) by the command-file-matching script to "vomit out" which annotator file would go with file nastynewfile.jpg, f'r'instance. The script I had been using for this task looks like this:
while read 'line';
sp=$(echo $line)
vc=$(echo $sp | cut -d"," -f1)
cv=$(echo $sp | cut -d"," -f2)
Where I seem to be stuck is with how to sort the lines in templist, which may be any number of different lengths, from back to front. sort -k looked promising, except it seems only to work the other way round. I thought of invoking a
q=$(expr length $line); echo $q
n=$[q-8]; echo $n
kind of thing, but that presented the problems of how to sort by those, how to tell sort where to find them (grep?) and how to "stitch them back in" to the original list, which is what I want to sort in the first place.