General :: Finding A Particular - Handheld PC ?

Oct 25, 2010

I have been trying to find a specific 'pc' recently and can't find it at all. As I recall, it is made by a small company, runs Linux, comes with a detachable keyboard, and all fits into an area a little larger than an iPhone. I believe it is ARM-based, though I fail to recall the GPU it used.

The site has (multiple) flash video of the unit, one specifcally playing a tank game of some description using nothing but the accelerometer to steer.

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General :: Handheld Devices - Finding One For A Starter Project ?

Jun 13, 2010

I am semi new to the embedded linux scene. I dont use UNIX much but I have played around with it and know how powerful it is. Currently just finished a degree in Computer System Engineering in the UK and have a whole summer break to mess around doing something. So I have decided to start a project I've been planning.

Starting the project, first of all I need to find a good handheld system I can work on. This is where I'll be importing the code onto/applications. At the moment all I want it to do is boot and run a distro of linux, but in the future I am going to be working on making it 3/4G and wirelessly able.

What I need:
-Size is roughly around the same size as a ipod maybe, or smaller.
-Needs a nice screen, nothing massive but needs to be easily readable.
-Text entry is needed, but im sure a few buttons can do it.. keypad would be really really nice though.
-A 3.5mm audio jack (or something similar to plug headphones into) is needed or it needs to have the capiblity to install this.
-Wifi/3G support, needs to be able to support these in the future or able for me to hack them in.
-Rechargeable powersource.
-Cost, nothing mega expensive !

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Hardware :: Old Handheld - Palm Zire - Data ?

Nov 29, 2010

1. The data got wiped off the Zire but hopefully is still in the Windows side of a dual-boot. Can Ubuntu 10.04 pull all the data from the Windows side of my dual-boot or can i copy&paste it into Ubuntu?

2. I think this link shows where the data is supposed to be but have not dared to look there yet.

3. I don't know how to set-up the Zire in Ubuntu.

4. I don't know how to sync data between the Zire and Ubuntu and can not even remember how to do this in Windows either. I can't remember what i did on the Zire to allow it to sync.

5. I don't know how to look-up the model number of the Zire. On the back of the case it says "m150"

I have actually been struggling with this for quite a few days so any links to nudge me in the right direction might be a huge help. Mostly things just seem to work quite easily in Ubuntu 10.04

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General :: Finding C++ Compiler/getting One?

Sep 28, 2010

I installed the newest version of Fedora last week using virtual box. I plan on doing some C++ programing(in net-beans) for school but u can't find the compiler any where. I assume their would be one installed when i installed fedora. I found a few websites saying i need to use the package manager to install it. I can't find this package manager i have searched for it. I don't want to go download and try to install a compiler if i already have one

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General :: Finding The Speed Of The NIC?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a centos 5.2 that is running in the vmware ESXi host.

I like to confirm the NIC speed. I did a ifconfig -a and noticed txqueuelen:1000. Is that the nic speed?

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General :: Finding Out Why/how A Folder Is Being Created

Jun 22, 2010

There's a folder on my Linux desktop which shouldn't exist. The first time I saw it, I thought I'd accidentally copied it from somewhere else, so I deleted it. Now it's back again. So it must have been automatically created by some process, but what can I do to figure out which program is creating it? I think it's likely that if I delete the folder it'll eventually be created again, so I should be able to catch this program in the act if anyone can suggest a technique for doing so. By the way, there are no files in this mystery folder, and its name is the same as another folder I created months ago to hold my personal documents, not something that a program would create to hold its own configuration files or the like.

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General :: Finding A Directory In A Terminal

Jul 2, 2010

How can I find a particular directory in a terminal window in Linux? I think it involves using grep, but I'm not sure how.

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General :: Finding Alternative Filesystems For SSD?

Feb 14, 2011

I am tired of watching fsck check my filesystem when my eeepc 901 shuts down abruptly due to a crash. I know that with a journaling filesystem, I won't have to wait for a check. However, I am well aware of the poor I/O performance of the SSD, so I can imagine using a journaling filesystem being even more frustrating, since there will be constant writes to the journal? I will buy a new laptop without such a crummy ssd someday but, is there anything I can do now, on the software side of things?

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General :: Finding The Distro For 64bit?

Jan 31, 2010

pc specs
amd dual core 3.11ghz
4gb of ram
ati 4850 1gb

i took the distro test and both said that mandriva would be good for me, so ima try that and see how it works out. ima use it for djing, maybe some games but prolly not not sure yet, and other than that just basic web surfing, burning movies, and just normal tasks.

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General :: Finding An Alternative To Ubuntu?

Apr 27, 2010

Looking to get some input on finding a distribution to move to from Ubuntu.Overall, there's some changes--mostly unimportant overall, but stick in my craw--on the horizon, and I'm looking for alternatives. I'm a casual user, only one using my machine, don't need anything extra-special...something that isn't extremely utilitarian from the get-go, and doesn't come loaded with a boatload of things I'll never use. I enjoy putzing around in a CLI, and I'm not opposed to having to get used to slightly different commands when using it (though I expect that, on the whole, most things will be the same).I know, a little vague on what I'm looking put, a stable system that doesn't require me to do TOO much, but lets me do what I want even if it means breaking things every once in a while.

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General :: Finding Files To Backup?

Mar 12, 2011

I have a situation where a directory has about 1.5 million files in it. On an hourly basis, I want to be able to find any files that have changed in the last hour, compress them, encrypt them and then copy them to both a local backup machine and an off site backup.

Is there any kind of utility or kernel module that creates some type of log of modified files? I know I can use find, but the search for -mtime in this directory takes quite a while and will not suffice for an hourly backup.

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General :: Finding The Process ID Of Kernel?

Apr 15, 2010

How can we find out the Process ID of Kernel? Is kernel in itself not a process which is running and handling the overall system calls and program executions?

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General :: Finding A Distro For A Newcomer?

Mar 18, 2011

In linux we have various types(ubuntu,red hat,fedora,....etc) which one is best to install in laptop and can be used easily when compared to windows

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General :: Finding All Files Starting With A .

Nov 29, 2010

To find all files recursively starting with a . (period), is the following OK:

find ./ -name '.'*

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General :: Finding And Replacing Whole Line Using Sed

Mar 19, 2011

assume that i am having the following line in a file called file1. triumph and disaster must be treated same. I want to replace this line with. follow excellence success will chase you. is it possible to do this using sed. if possible kindly post me the code.

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General :: Finding Files Exactly 7 Days Old?

Apr 19, 2010

i am a newbie in linux ,i am writing a bash script to identify the files which are exactly 7 days ( a week old) i tried this command find /var/backup -mtime +7 -exec ls -d {} ;but this gives me even the files which are older than 7 days

[root@proxy access]# find . -mtime +7 -exec ls -d {} ;


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General :: Finding Location Of A Program With PID Known?

Feb 23, 2011

I've used ps -p to find a certain program. but how can i find the location of this program? as in the path to this program.

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General :: Finding Version Of CentOS?

Jan 3, 2011

I am a novice running a dedicated server. how to find out which version of Centos my server is running. I am trying to install IonCube.

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General :: Finding Words In Files?

Apr 23, 2010

I am looking for this `struct messages_sdd_t` and I need to search through a lot of *.c files to find it.However, I can't seen to find a match as I want to exclude all the words 'struct' and 'messages_sdd_t'. As I want to search on this only 'struct messages_sdd_t' The reason for this is, as struct is used many times and I keep getting pages or search results.The directory I am searching in, has another directories so it will have to search recursively.I have been doing this without success:Code: find . -type f -name '*.c' | xargs grep 'struct messages_sdd_t'and thisCode: find . -type f -name '*.c' | xargs egrep -w 'struct|messages_sdd_t'

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General :: Finding Checksum On The Disk?

Jan 3, 2010

This is the first time I have made my own install disks, instead of buying a boxed set. Edmunds Enterprises apparently doesn't sell them anymore. The checksum values are listed on the download site, but how do I compare them with my downloads? My ext3 partition is formatted (blank) awaiting installation, so I will have to do this in Windows, and I don't know how.

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General :: Finding A Bluetooth Stack /3g At&T

May 19, 2010

would like to install a Bluetooth and my AT&T 3g fob

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General :: Finding The Distro For HTPC?

Jul 3, 2011

I have several computers all running Windows XP except for an older Compaq DC5750 Desktop which will become a HTPC. It's a decent machine with a Athlon 64 X2 3800+, 4GB DDR2, 1000 MHz FSB, 4 empty PCI slots, and is extremely quiet. So, I'm going to use this project to 'get my feet wet' before taking the plunge.

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General :: Finding The STREAM_TYPE From The Data Itself?

Jan 6, 2010

I have the URL of some streaming audio. How do I discover the data type or other details so that I can use console terminal tools to record or otherwise rip the audio?I am trying to time-shift record the stream from a local radio station much like one does with a DVR or TiVO for television programs.

Here is the stream URL:


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General :: Ubuntu Not Finding LG DVD Player

Jun 22, 2011

I just built my computer and installed a LG DVD/CD writer/reader. When I put a CD in the drive spins but nothing comes up. It seems like the computer doesn't recognize the disk in it.

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General :: Finding The Distro For HP Pavilion?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a laptop HP Pavillion dv6000 Intel (R) Core (TM)2 CPU T5300 @ 1.73GHz. I saw online somewhere that this computer was not very compatable with one or two Distro's resulting in some of the hardware not working as there were no drivers. So I was wondering what distro would be best for me, being a bit of a novice, without me getting to lost and ensuring that the hardware will still function afterward

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General :: Finding Rpms For Red Hat 8 Kernel Ver. 2.4.18-14?

Feb 24, 2010

I need to set up auditing on an old RHL 8.0 server running kernel version 2.4.18-14 but I can't seem to find an archive with the rpm for that version of Red Hat.

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General :: Finding IP Address Using Command Prompt?

Apr 4, 2010

I'm looking for a way to get my IP address using the command prompt in Linux. I know when you type "ifconfig" you can get your local IP address (i.e., but I'm looking for my IP address that I get from my ISP. How can I get this from Linux without having to visit some website?

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General :: Finding A Software That Allow To Scan Documents To PDF/A?

Jun 9, 2010

PDF/A is one of the best formats to archive my documents. What Linux software would allow me to scan documents to PDF/A? A PNG→PDF/A or TIFF→PDF/A tool would be fine too.

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General :: Finding Out The Time A Filesystem Was Last Mounted

Jun 15, 2010

I want to find out the last time a filesystem was mounted on Linux (Debian).

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General :: Finding A PowerPoint Presentation Software?

Aug 7, 2010

I was looking for a descent powerpoint presentation software for Linux. I am seriously not bugged up with openoffice presentation tool. I am not looking for Microsoft Office or Apples's iWork.

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