General :: Finding A Directory In A Terminal

Jul 2, 2010

How can I find a particular directory in a terminal window in Linux? I think it involves using grep, but I'm not sure how.

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General :: Finding Files Under The Current Directory?

Oct 5, 2010

Assumed y directory structure looks as follow:


-- dir1
-- dir1-1
-- dir2
-- dir2-1
-- dir2-2

And under each sub dir there are some log files ended with .log. Now I want to list all these log files. How to to that?

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General :: Bash - Finding Newest File In A Directory?

Aug 24, 2010

Basically, I am trying to locate and copy the newest .json bookmark backup in my .mozilla/firefox/w987sdg9.default/bookmarkbackups directory.

I tried this


ls -t ~/.mozilla/firefox/b1ahb1ah.default/bookmarkbackups/ | head -1

which does return the newest file, but only the filename itself. I found readlink, but I haven't gotten that to output a full path which I can then feed to copy. So, it seems to me that find might work well here, and I know how to find based on absolute dates, but not relative.

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General :: Finding The Command Line To Launch An Application From A Terminal?

Sep 25, 2009

Is there a way to find out the currently installed packages and the corresponding command line to launch the package from a terminal. For example, I know that I have openoffice installed but I do not know how to find the command line to launch it.

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General :: Finding A Command For Going Back A Number Of Steps In A Directory Without Using Cd?

May 10, 2011

I'm constantly going 'cd ../../../../'. Is there a command/alias that could let me go 'cmd 4' and I'd be taken back 4 directories?

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General :: Command For Finding File / Directory From Current Path

Apr 30, 2010

I am total new to linux as I worked mostly on RTOS (symbian). My problem is, I need to find the file IOSTREAM.H and I am following commands below:
1) cd /
2) find . iostream.h ( finds the file / directory from the current path)
It shows No such File or Directory

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General :: Finding A File Which Is Being Written Recently In Directory Of 1000 Files?

Apr 13, 2011

How to find a file which is being written recently in directory of 1000 files?

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General :: Copy Directory (Local) From Terminal And Show Progress Bar?

Aug 19, 2010

I am new both here and in Linux. As the subject says, I would like to learn how to copy a directory (not a file) from terminal with progress bar showing. The copy is local, i.e., not to another computer. My distro is CentOS 5.5. I know that if I do it with nautilus I would see the progress, but I want to learn how to do it from the terminal. I know that PV command can show a progress bar, but from what I saw, it works well for files, but not for directories (recursive).

Is it possible to use PV for directories? If yes, could you please show me the syntax? I also saw that some people mentioned that rsync can also show a progress bar, I tried to do it, but it didn't work out - perhaps I got the syntax wrong. If rsync can really be used to copy directories with progress bar, show me the syntax? Any other ideas on how to do it? I would like ideas that do not involve using any script, i.e., just something that I can do using the regular commands.

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General :: Gnome-terminal: Preserve Symlinks Of Working Directory When Opening New Tab?

Aug 31, 2010

If I'm using gnome-terminal in a working directory whose path includes symlinks and I open a new tab, the symlinks will be expanded to their destinations in the working directory of the new tab.

Is there any way to preserve the symlinks when opening a new tab?

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Ubuntu :: Finding A Notepad That Runs In Terminal?

Apr 5, 2010

I,m looking for a notepad type that runs in terminal? i,e when I (ctlr alt f1) I have terminal can you run a notepad within that, or is there a way to type something then be able to save etc

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Ubuntu :: Finding Names Of Programs To Use In Terminal?

Oct 30, 2010

I would like to know how to find out the name of programs so that I could launch them in Terminal. For example, to launch gimp, I just type

Code:gimp and it launches. Well how do I find out other names to other programs?

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Fedora Installation :: Finding A Terminal Command That Probes Other OS's?

Nov 3, 2010

Whenever I install Fedora other distros don't show up in GRUB. Windows shows up in "other," and I can see the other distro still intact when I run G Parted, but I don't know how to get it to show up in GRUB. Is there a terminal-command in F14 that probes other OS's on the hard drive and restores them to GRUB?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Finding The Default Repository Directory For Yum?

Apr 24, 2011

How can i find the default repository directory ?? one of the reasons why i need to know this is so that i can place any new downloaded .rpm files in that directory and then use
> yum install filenameto install that package .. (does that make sense ?? is that a good idea ??)I just installed a new linux and i am trying to get familiar with the enviroment I know that yum gets the source directories from /etc/yum.repos.d but i really couldnt understand the files in there.

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Programming :: Script For Finding The First X-GB Of Files In A Directory?

Jun 23, 2010

I once had a script that when run would find the first 800GB of files in a directory (including subdirectories) and write them to a file (ie: ./ > manifest.txt).I used this to create manifests of 800GB worth of data from large directories in order to dump to tape (LTO4).I'm sure its gotta be a pretty simple script, but I am not very skilled at writing bash scripts.

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Ubuntu :: Finding A Terminal Command Or Setting To Reset The Panel?

Sep 3, 2010

I was doing some coding for school and i accidentally hit the button on my laptop to turn off the touchpad and everything started to bog down and slowly crawl or not do anything. So I reset the machine and the panel is completely backwards now. It still works fine but i would like it the original way. Is there a terminal command or setting i need to reset the panel?

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Fedora :: Finding A Fstab Or The Terminal To Recognize The Space In Part Of The Volume Name?

Oct 18, 2009

The space in the volume name seems to disagree with fstab and terminal, I can't change the volume name either as I do not have access to Windows at this time. Is there a way I can help fstab or the terminal to recognize the space in part of the volume name?

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Ubuntu :: Finding Folders - Extracting Files - Permission - Directory Does Not Exist

Aug 28, 2010

new to ubuntu and linux, and using Lucid 10.04 LTS ok, i'm trying to get XBMC going, and following a nice step by step instruction on, but now i'm stuck at this step... In Ubuntu the SVN Repositories are not automatically added. You must add them manually. First, download the SVN Repo Installer from: [URL] Extract it to the ~/.xbmc/plugins/programs directory. If this directory does not exist, run XBMC one time and then exit back to Ubuntu. The directory should now exist.

i ran xbmc once (after the video driver problem was solved, though it messed up my dual monitors, gotta figure that one out yet.) i got the zip file, it's in my downloads. now my newbness really shows... i can't find an 'extract' command for gnome, can't find the .xbmc directory using the file browser, can't figure out how to hunt for folders instead of files, and don't know how to look inside folders i don't have permission to, that is, i don't know if there's a 'sudo' like option for the file browser. i've been searching the forums, but without the correct search terms, i'm wading in an ocean. i really want to give ubuntu an honest try, but i feel like a foreigner. EDIT: btw, up to this point, the forums have been invaluable, you all are great.

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Programming :: Finding Maximum Length File In A Directory Recursively Using Shell Scripting?

Nov 8, 2010

I want to find maximum length file in a given directory. It should search recursivley. I want this to be done using ls and simple looping constructs.

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Fedora :: Open A Terminal At A Directory?

Sep 25, 2009

i'm trying to install the your-tube downloader so i can get stuff off videos again, but having trouble. the instructions say to open a terminal at the directory of the extracted files and run the yourtube-downloader file, but i don't know how to do that. i tried just opening a terminal and running it, but it doesn't work. how do i do this?

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Ubuntu :: Cant Change Directory (terminal)?

Jun 18, 2010

no matter what i do in there terminal when it comes to changing directorys or copying items it just dont work.this is what im typing

PHP Code:[code]...............

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Ubuntu :: Terminal: Go Back To Last Directory

Oct 14, 2010

if i was in /home/user/directory1/directory2/directory3/directory4 and i changed directory to /home/user/, how do i quickly go back to my previous directory (namely //home/user/directory1/directory2/directory3/directory4 )

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Ubuntu :: How To Know Directory Size In Terminal

Jan 4, 2011

Is there any way we could display dicrectory's size in terminal? Because I need to copy directories to external devices like USB, so I need to know there is enough space left on my USB for those directories or not. I tried ls command but still couldn't find out.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Finding A Sed Command To Print A List Of Files In "/home" Directory?

May 14, 2009

I need a sed command to print a list of files in "/home" directory, ending in ".sh"

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Debian :: Recovering Deleted Directory In Terminal

Feb 21, 2015

I deleted by mistake my /www/ directory in terminal with rm -rf command. Is there a chance to get it back? I tried with TestDisk but I can't find it.

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Ubuntu :: Display Just The Current Directory In Terminal?

Jul 14, 2010

when we navigate into directories withing directories the terminal displays the entire path right from the root. Now how to make it just show the current directory I am working in? For examplevineeth@vineeth-laptop:~/Desktop/linux_programming/python_programming/project_duplicate_zip_files$ as you can see that I am in the current project_duplicate_zip_files directory but it displays right from the root. how to just make it something like below:vineeth@vineeth-laptop:/project_duplicate_zip_files$

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Ubuntu :: Open A Terminal Under The Current Directory?

Oct 10, 2010

So for example, I go to PLACES -> DOWNLOADS and somehow open up a terminal for that rather than opening up a terminal to type "cd ~/Downloads" I know its simple to do that but when your dealing with some crazy directory like:

/media/2TB-DATA/BackUps/Regular/Downloads/Pictures/Family/Me/HiDef/ or something, and ur already browsing through it using the file browser, it would be nice to be able to open up a terminal for that directory.

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Ubuntu :: How To Backup Terminal Commands Directory

Jun 25, 2011

I wonder if there is a directory for a terminal commands that may I can backup the commands I have used in the terminal before.

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Debian :: Terminal Command - Setting Permissions For Directory

Jul 15, 2011

I have a directory '/usr/local/games/quake4'. I want permissions for the directory, along with everything in it set to:
Owner: Create and delete files
Group: Access files
Others: Access files
What would I type in terminal to make this happen?

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Fedora :: How To Install From A .tar.gz - Navigate The Unix Terminal Directory

Dec 23, 2010

Im trying to install net-vi_2.2.1.tar.gz its my understanding that i need to navigate the Unix terminal directory to the either the tar.gz archive or extract the file to a folder and use that as the command directory for the terminal so my first question is how do i use that folder with the terminal? what command do i use?

After that i use the readme or install text file for the rest of the commands i need but im not sure cause ive never installed from tar.gz before

How to install a .tar.gz file ?

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Ubuntu :: Terminal Starts In Root Directory Instead Of Home?

May 2, 2010

After upgrading to Lucid, gnome-terminal and xterm both start in the root directory (/); I'd like for them to start in my home directory instead. I had added "cd /home/myname" to the end of .bashrc, and this worked well as a temporary fix, but was never necessary in Karmic. Furthermore, modifying .bashrc in this way renders Nautilus' "Open in Terminal" menu item useless, as it still opens the home directory instead of the folder Nautilus was viewing.

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