General :: Distro That Is USB Install Friendly Without A Loopback/casper ?

Feb 1, 2010

Besides Puppy or DSL, is there a full "regular" Linux distro that is friendly to be installed on a USB flash drive that won't wear it out? I want to be able to upgrade it, not just keep minor persistent changes like the methods outlined in The loopback file would fill out too much if I actually did a apt-get update, so I want something that installs natively on a USB flash drive with EXT3/EXT4, etc.

However, is there a distro that sends the log to a tmp ram drive, for instance? Something made *not* to wear out a USB drive too fast? I want a truly portable Linux on a UFD, not a semi-attempt that uses casper.

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General :: Looking For A Newb Friendly Distro...

Dec 3, 2010

...but not just any kind of distro. Im talking about a text based distro where I will be able to write text only documents on a black screen as well as save them. I do not wish to run internet or anything else, just a text editor and a directory.

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General :: New, User-friendly, But Not Derived From Ubuntu Distro For A Laptop

Jun 5, 2011

Hi ya

I thank you all for previously helping.

NOW, I'm looking for a non-Ubuntu, but still easy to use, download, and install via USB drive distro that's user-friendly.

Any help? It's for an Acer Aspire 7741Z-5371

It has a 64bit processor, but i generally use 32bit 0Ses. 250 GB hard drive, 3 GB DDR3 RAM.

I'm just sick of Ubuntu and want to branch out a bit, as a new user

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Install 11.04 ErrorCan Not Mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs?

May 7, 2011

I have had a dual boot on my system since first trying Ubuntu a few months ago.I had a few problems when i upgraded to 11.04 (mainly due to the new desktop Unity), but after some great help here, we had the old desktop running again.I have Windows running on my spare Computer in case i should need it for any reason, though can not think of one lol Now i am used to Ubuntu (from the using side, get lost in terminal etc so here i come if i need help) i decided i would totally commit my main computer to Ubuntu.I downloaded the latest iso from the Ubuntu site, and burnt it to CD, inserted in my main computer & rebooted. It goes past the first purple ubuntu page (hit a key to choose language & also get a selection Menu) then goes to black screen and i get:

BusyBox v1.17.1 (ubuntu 1:1.17.1-10ubuntu1) built-in shell (ash)Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //silesystem.squashfs failed: Input/output errorCan not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs(hope i typed that i correctly)I have burnt the iso image numerous times, using different disks, speed (from x4 - x52) and burning programs

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General :: Able To Contribute A Little Something And Where There Would Be Friendly Developers

Dec 20, 2010

I'm looking for a Linux distribution that is somewhat smaller than the large distros out there. Possibly somewhere to hang my hat where I may be able to contribute a little something and where there would be friendly developers. Are there any projects out there that are basically run by a community of folks (not a corporation) that would welcome users and maybe .

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OpenSUSE Install :: Using Non-LUKS Loopback Encryption In 11.3?

Aug 5, 2010

I've got some old drives using pre-LUKS loopback encryption, and I'm having problems mounting them on OpenSUSE 11.3. What I expected to work, based on past experiences with other distributions, is something along the lines of:

mount -t ext3 /dev/sdc11 tmp -o loop=/dev/loop1,encryption=AES256. When I try this I'm asked for the password, but then get the message "ioctl: LOOP_SET_STATUS: Invalid argument". Anyone have a clue what could be going wrong, or how I can best access these drives from OpenSUSE?

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CentOS 5 :: New Install Hangs On Loopback Message?

Dec 26, 2010

Installed latest version of sipXecs (PBX system) which is based on CentOS. The install went fine. During the first boot up all the messages come back with OK until it reachs a message about loopback. It hanges on this message and will go no further.

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General :: Recursively Rename Files/folders To Make Their Names Windows-friendly?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a bunch of files on a Ubuntu box, which have various characters in their filenames that Windows doesn't accept (mostly ":" and "*", but possibly others).What's the simplest way to get these all renamed and moved to a Windows machine? It's OK to replace these characters with something like "[colon]" and "[asterisk]".

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General :: Distro - Nominate A Disastrous Distro From Past Or Present

Jan 9, 2010

nominate a disastrous distro from past or present that was simply AWFUL and what exactly was so bad about it?

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General :: What Best Distro To Install?

Jul 2, 2010

I bought laptop HP ProBook 4520s (Core i3, ATI Mobility Radeon 4350, 4GB 1333MHz Ram).I'm looking for the best Linux distro to install on it. With which distro do you think it will cooperate best?I had a problem with Ubuntu 10.04 (stripes when playing video).

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General :: Which Distro To Install?

Mar 4, 2011

which distro should to install without having to burn a cd. i have grub installed though so i guess extraction the iso and pointing it to files to boot would be a good option.

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General :: Postfix Loopback To Myself

Dec 24, 2010

I m facing a problem regarding with postfix, when the user try to send a mail to anyone on the system it loopback to itself i

This is my file:

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General :: Build An Install DVD For LFS Distro ?

Mar 1, 2010

I just finish my LFS distro and now the only way I have to install it on another computer is copying files from a box two another. I want to make this proccess easy, user friendly if possible, like making an install DVD that I could just put in the drive and choose install, no livecd is needed.

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General :: How To Install A Distro To A Nova5000

Feb 10, 2011

I just bought a few nova5000 computers for a decent price and i want to put a linux distro on it. all the info on the computer is at [url]

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General :: Install A Distro On A UMPC?

Jun 1, 2010

I currently own a Viliv x70ex UMPC. It has Windows 7 Home Prem. currently loaded on it, but I would very much like to set up a dual-boot partition for a a Linux install. My current issues stem from the fact that thus far to date, my research has essentially come up with more issues than solutions as far as this goes. Among other things, I've seen lots of references to driver issues for the touch screen, graphic issues with the Intel GMA that's installed, and so on. If anyone out there can shed some light on this problem, or be able to direct me to a resource with a tutorial for doing this,

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General :: What Would Be The Best Distro To Install Fluxbox On?

May 18, 2011

I have been hearing some cool things about window managers like fluxbox and I was wondering what the best distro is to put it on? Is fluxbox the best window manager to use?

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General :: Broken Loopback Device ?

May 26, 2010

I have the following scenario: I have a file that I want to edit from certain point a certain amount of bytes.

I tried using losetup but failed:


If I loop the file entirely it works, but that's not helping me. (I'm actually keeping the C option for last since shell programming is less restrictive.

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General :: Install A Distro Using A DVD Image And A Pendrive?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a 8 GB flash drive and a 4.3 GB DVD iso (openSUSE-11.3) Is it possible to use the flash drive to install the linux? Pendrive linux universal USB installer formats it to Fat32 which limits the filesystem to 4 GB.

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General :: Need Distro Easy To Setup And Install

Feb 28, 2010

I have this ancient Dell Dimension V333 with a Pentium II 333 MHz and 320MB RAM that my family needs for web browsing, word processing, etc. What I need is a distro that is easy to setup and install and easy to use because they have only ever used windows (and a little ubuntu).

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General :: Possible To Install More Than One Distro On Multiple Boot PC

Mar 28, 2011

If I can install more than one distro on my Multiple boot pc. I already have, Mandriva, Win xp, and Win 7 on. But you know how it is, you want to try out all the linux systems if that is possible. I guess using a live cd would allow me to do it. I do not want to bugger up the systems I already have on.

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General :: Re-install Windows While Still Having Distro Untouched?

Oct 5, 2010

i multibooted with windows 7 and ubuntu 10 lucid, windows crashed for some reason and ubuntu remained running live and strong, but i want to do a clean install of windows while still having my installation of ubuntu untouched. i tried doing this on several machines but windows ended up becoming the dominant bootloader and i couldn't get grub to recognize the windows os partition and the linux partition for booting but when i did i only got the linux distro and i didn't see windows when i tried to boot into the distro it just re-directed to the grub menu it just kept doing this until i decided to turn the machine off

is there a way to install windows and dual boot it with linux if linux was installed first

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General :: Install A Distro On A Macbook And Remove The OS X?

Jul 11, 2011

I've been dabbling into linux by installing Wubi on my main computer, out of ease to install, but I use windows to do many things I'm not sure if I could do as easily in linux. Anyway, I had a macbook before I got my new main computer, and have been wondering if I can install linux on my macbook to test out other distros without potentially endangering my main computer (out of complete idiocy on my part, of course). Is this possible? Is there any specific "guide" out to do this?

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General :: Mount Two Loopback Files As One Filesystem?

Jul 26, 2011

I'm trying to run a persistent Debian distro on a USB thumbdrive, with the persistency data written in a mounted live-rw loopback file. However, the drive has to be formatted FAT32, and that poses a 2GB maximum limit on files, so I can't use the full 3GB space that is left on the drive after the Linux install. Can I make two loopback files and format/mount them as a single filesystem? If I can't I guess I'll have to repartition the drive, which I'd rather avoid.

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General :: Multi Boot - Install A New Distro And Remove The Old One?

Apr 11, 2010

I have a laptop dual booting to Windows 7 and Opensuse 11.2. However, I'd like to switch to a different Linux distro (probably Ubuntu, that's what I'm used to)

Is there a way for me to do it without losing the Windows 7 setup/data?

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General :: Cannot Interrupt Boot Sequence To Re-install Different Distro

Jan 3, 2011

I have a box with Novell Suse linux installed. It asks for username and password I do not have and cannot figure out. I also have a SantaFe distro CD with which I would like to replace the Suse on the box. I cannot get the box to BIOS to change the boot order to boot from CD. I would like to break free of Windows, but can't seem to get there from here...

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General :: Looking To Install System From CDROM While Other Distro Running?

Mar 19, 2010

Laptop has broken internal CDROM. I booted with floppy to get Puppy 431 installed from USB stick. Now I have USB CDROM access thru Puppy. I can mount and see the CD fine.

Is it possible to boot or install from a currently installed linux distro (Puppy)?

I have a second free partition ext2 available, sda2, and GRUB is working fine for me on boot.

(machine also doesn't have boot from USB option, yes, it's old, a project I am working on, I have Nimblex in CD now, I think it's a live cd, I would like to try a few different ones by installing to sda2 and wiping if ng.)

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General :: Create A Growing Image For A Loopback Device

Aug 10, 2010

I was wondering if it is possible to create a growing image for a loopback device. Like a file that you create that will grow with the data that is placed on it instead of a file that has to be the size of the entire file system?

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General :: Loopback Ip Address To Be Configured On SUSE Version 10

Dec 3, 2010

I have configured loopback IP address on my server as ( My LAN card physical IP address is I dont want my loopback IP address to broadcast the IP & arp. How can i achieve it? Right now i see the problem that both & ip address is broadcasted by same MAC & I have is already with some other host too.

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General :: OS - Upgrade Or A Fresh Install Which Distro Is Best In Handling Upgrades?

Feb 25, 2010

Pretty soon, I hope, I'll get my brand new PC and wish to install a Linux disto. on it. openSuse may be it But I read recently that people prefer to do a fresh install of a newer version of openSuse, instead of upgrading it, apparently because of problems that may occur by the upgrade. As I understand, this preference apply to all Linux distributions and not only openSuse. Thus I wonder if there's a Linux distro. that's best in handling upgrades?I don't want to make a fresh new install each and every time that my disro. has a new version. I'm afraid to lose the data in that installation, and backing-up the data would be a headache. Also I plan to install a Windows OS alongside the Linux one via the Dual Boot configuration.

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General :: Setup/install A Vividwireless USB Broadband 4g Modem On Ubuntu 11.04 Distro?

Aug 8, 2011

How to setup/install a vividwireless USB broadband 4g modem on Ubuntu 11.04 distro?

# lsusb... yes, the modem type is an Huawei bm358 Wimax USB stick from vividwireless vendor,it shows mac address as follows: 641f03d903e...

cottoned on to the blah about bogus 4g... why the lies I wonder, apparently there is no 4g in Australia!

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