General :: Connect A Server Using Centos 4.8 Onto A Wireless Router?

Oct 6, 2010

want to connect a linux server using centos 4.8 onto a wireless router. then clients will access mails/internet using the wireless router. how do l go about it. anyone with an example

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use One Wireless Router To Connect/detect To Another Wireless Router?

Aug 1, 2010

My son lost his USB Wireless stick for his Computer. I had thought I heard that if you had a second wireless router, you could use it somehow to detect the wireless router you have already set up in your home (like using a wireless card)? Is this what Ad-Hoc is? Either way, can this be done and if so how? I use a WRT54Gx2 Lynksys router and have a TRENDNET TEW-432BRP wireless router and also a spare D-link DI-514. I use ubuntu 10.04, and also wanted to know if I connected one of the router to his on the LAn port could he connect msaybe through an Ad-Hoc on my local computer here? He uses XP on his. I'm a newbie to linux and networking in general.

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Networking :: Cannot Connect Wireless Laptop/XP Hyper Terminal To Server On WRT54G Router

May 20, 2011

Linksys WRT54G Wireless
Laptop wireless Windows/XP
Windows/XP Hyper Terminal

Desktop Server Linux OEL 5 (not wireless) cable connected to the WRT54G router port. (I can go to the Internet with this server, but not able to communicate other computers on the WRT54G Wireless Network. Even though, the Linux Server is connected to the WRT54G router port.) From the Hyper Terminal Wireless laptop Windows/XP, I want to connect to my Linux Server.

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General :: Connect To A Wireless Router?

Mar 13, 2011

I just downloaded ubuntu 10.4 today. I can't seem to figure out how to connect to the Internet.

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General :: Distros Will Not Connect To Wireless Router?

Jun 12, 2011

There's only one thing preventing me from completely making the switch from Lose-dows to Linux: inability to connect my laptop wirelessly. I'm currently using an old IBM Thinkpad with an Intel Pentium III, 1.13 GHz with 384 megs of RAM. The wireless is through a Belkin USB dongle (model: F5D8053, v3) and a Netgear Duo Wireless-N Router (model: WNDR3300). Let's say, for sake of argument, I'm using Linux Mint Julia. It clearly must recognize the USB dongle, because it can detect all the other networks in the area, including the Netgear. But it won't connect to it, or any of the secured ones.

So what's the deal? It'll connect when connected directly, so it's not the computer. Or is it? All I know is I'll have to wait til I get an LFC interface (LFC=Long F**king Cable) before I want to connect Linux to the net.

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General :: Connect A Wireless Router To Another Access Point?

Aug 19, 2011

I have a complicated situation due to my goals and network structure. I have in mind a potential solution, a bridge, but I do not know whether it is feasible or what hardware it will require.

The network:

My apartment community provides residents with free Internet access through an ancient T1 line. We do not have the option of other Internet providers, so having a router and modem in the home are not an option. The T1 line is split among some 24 switches, one for each building, and each switch has one port per floor. At each floor, there is a D-link WAP, and each has a separate SSID and WEP key. Additionally, they control access at the switch level using Access Control.

My goals:

I'm used to being in control of my networked environment. I like to have friends over often, and most of them have a laptop, a smart phone, or both, which makes Access Control a pain. I don't want to have to think ahead and get their MAC addresses to the IT consultant while he's here during business hours. My wife and I have 6 devices, two of which require an Ethernet connection.
I use a few applications for streaming that utilize UDP (I'm not sure if the WAPs are smart enough to even handle this) and I don't like having my traffic muddled with my neighbors.

I should note that I tried extending the network with my Airport Extreme router, which apparently only works with other Apple devices. I've also looked into WDS, but that seems to require an unlikely amount of cooperation from the IT consultant on site.

The potential solution: a Linux server that acts as a router. Ideally, it could act as a webserver for a small static site as well, but let's focus on the routing. I'd like to bridge two NICs and use masquerading (Internet Connection Sharing). The public interface would connect to the WAP using WEP. The private interface would allow up to 8 devices to connect to the server.

It seems easy enough to configure the public interface, and even to bridge the connections. What I've never done before is purchase a wireless card that can accept multiple clients. Maybe they can all do this?

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Networking :: Get The Wireless Router To Connect To The Other Wireless Router?

Feb 16, 2009

This is my basic setup:


I don't know how to get the wireless router to connect to the other wireless router so I can use internet on my computer. How do I achieve this wireless connection?

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General :: RT2500 Wifi Card Could Not Connect To Wireless Router Using WPA Personal?

Sep 19, 2009

RT2500 wifi card could not connect to wireless router using WPA personal.OS - RHEL4; Dell Inspiron C600; interface detected ra0

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Card - WEP Encryption For Wireless Router Not Allow Me To Connect

May 5, 2011

wlan0 Authentication capabilities :


Those are my authentication capabilities, obviously. I am using a WEP encryption for my wireless router and according to this, it will not allow me to connect. Is there anyway to allow that? The wireless card works just fine in Windows, even on the same network encryption type. Using a Intel Wireless/Pro 4965 ag. Note* this is my mother's router and whatnot. She won't change it the encryption type.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Intel 3945abg Wireless Network Card Cannot Connect To Router Automatically

Apr 8, 2010

I clicked "Network Settings", and I found that the ip address was wrong, which is "", and netmask field is empty, so I modifed the configuration file located in /etc/sysconfig/network, named ifcfg-wlan0, added one line(NETMASK= ''), saved it and reboot the system. After rebooting the system, I still found the ip address is wrong and netmask field is empty, so I have to use ifup command to activate my card manually every time the system starts.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Tenda W322P Wireless Card Crashing Wireless Router On Connect

Jun 30, 2011

I installed a Tenda W322P wireless card in my dual-boot PC running both Windows XP and Ubuntu 11.04. The card worked straight out of the box on XP, but does not function correctly under Ubuntu. My apologies for any missing/irrelevant information, I am having to post this from the Windows boot so the Ubuntu settings are not directly available at the same time as internet access.I followed the process detailed here install and configure the driver (I believe from reading other sites that this card is the Ralink RT3062 chipset), blacklisted the original RT2860 driver that was in use (couldn't even get the card to scan for wireless networks with the default driver) and restarted the interface.

Since then, sudo iwlist scan can find my wireless router but when I attempt to connect to it, it seems to enter a loop of requesting the WEP key then pausing for a while before re-requesting the key. I know I have the key value correct because it is copied and pasted from the same text file I used to copy and paste into the passkey field on the Windows boot. Attempting to connect to the router using Ubuntu also has the rather unfortunate side-effect of crashing the wireless router, killing off all other device connections until the router has been reset.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Connect To Wireless Router While Logged In As Root?

Jun 6, 2010

I can connect to my wireless router while logged in as root, but not under my user account. I went into YAST and the user maintenance area and gave myself every permission (Add, Edit, Delete Users or Accounts), but kde network maanger will not allow me to connect to my router.

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Ubuntu :: How Do I Connect To Wireless Router

Sep 27, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 on one of my computers and the only way I can connect to the internet with it is through a wire. I have a wireless router and I want to know how I can use the internet wirelessly on that machine. The router is set up correctly because I am on the internet on my laptop (its a mac with OS X) and it is not connected by a wire.I also want to know if Verizon DSL works with Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Seem To Get Wireless To Connect To Router

Jul 16, 2011

Just installed Xubuntu 10.04(old HP POS i threw together right quick) and can't seem to get my wireless (card > bridge) to connect to the router.. Havn't been around 'nix for YEARS and I mean YEARS, early 90s!!!! I'm back now and want to get in it again... Now my card is all good, lspci picks it up and have the name of my "interface" so what's is wrong?? Sorry for the EXTREME n00b.

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Fedora Networking :: Connect A Wireless Router?

Feb 16, 2010

I have a question. I just bought an internet router which also has wireless connection and my notebook also has wireless LAN.I was able to connect the computer to the internet router very easy. But i dont know how to make it work wirelesss under fedora linux 12...i mean how should i setup the connection to the router so i will be able to have a wireless connection?

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Fedora Hardware :: Can't Connect To Wireless Router 13

Jun 3, 2010

I install fedora 13 on my R50e ibm laptop and i can't connect to m y wireless router but it show up in the network-manager is there away to fix it? Or should i install wicd network-manager?But it did work in fedora 12.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To Wireless Router

Mar 17, 2011

I have installed ubuntu 10.10 and am really happy. I want to sort the wireless conection out now. I have been through this forum for hours today and can't get it working. I have a Broadcom wireless card, which seems to be working fine, but I am not 100% convinced.I have attached the output of some of the commands that I have seen referred to on here.

I am using the wired connection on the same router, so the router connects fine.I click on the network icon and I see the skyNNNN router in the list. I have tried connecting to it and it asks me for my password, which I provide then nothing happens until it asks me again.I have removed the security from the router and I then see the same skyNNNN router without a
lock icon. I try to connect and it still fails.I am not using an access list on the router, so there is no issue with the mac address.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Can't Connect To Wireless Router

Apr 14, 2011

I have been using pppoe connect to Internet,now I want my notebook get on line,I bought a wireless router but Ubuntu(64-bite) can't connect to Internet through the wireless router.pppoeconf said that found eth0 and vboxnet0,but search concentrator failed and pppoeconf exited.How can I fix it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect Wireless To Router

Jul 6, 2011

Just installed ubunto 1104 and I cannot connect wirelesly to my router. When I go through the trouble shooting the recommendation is to got to the device drivers page but the link does not take me anywhere. Here is the info from the terminal.

*-network DISABLED
description: Wireless interface
product: AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express)
vendor: Atheros Communications Inc.


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Connect Wireless Through Wired Router?

Aug 13, 2011

I have searched and found no answer to this one. I have a Linksys DSL router BEFSR41 (wired) which works great. I recently got a Linksys Wireless-G Broadband router. Which also works great with my Dell mini 10 netbook running 10.04. I have two computers (wired) also running 10.04, what I want to do is use both routers with only one internet DSL connection. I have the wired (Master Router) connected to the wireless (Slave Router) and I fire up the Dell it sees it and connects but I can't connect to the internet. I can connect through my network and share files through all 3 machines. Do I need to reset the wireless, to enjoy the internet? If so the wireless came without instructions or CD.

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Networking :: Can't Connect To Wireless Router Using Ubuntu 9.04

Sep 18, 2009

I'm trying to connect to a new Belkin wireless router, but wicd refuses to connect. I've been reading some of the other threads but they haven't made much sense as the hardware is different.

The output from the iwconfig command is as follows:

When I ran lspci it told me I had a RaLink RT2800 802.11n PCI Network Controller. On the box it says it "Supports the most popular systems" and mentions Linux. I'm using a 63 character WPA2 password, which has been copied from a USB key, so I know that is correct.

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Networking :: Connect To Internet Through A (wireless) Router?

Jul 30, 2010

I connect my internet using pppoe to may DSL modem with bridging mode, and it goes fine until I try to put a wireless router between my PC and the modem. After I configure both modem and the router, I can run my wireless network fine by connecting it from a laptop, but my PC is unable to reach the modem at this configuration.

PC has address
Router has address
Modem has address
all with netmask

With bridging configuration in modem and automatic detect configuration in the wireless router, the wireless network run well, except the PC cannot ping the Modem saying that


root@firefly:~# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable

Looks like my PC, which has Slackware 13.0, don't know how to reach the modem even they are physically connected.

1. how can I configure the modem, PC, and router so that the PC can reach the router? Do I need to do add route gateway from the PC?

2. How can I configure internet connection from the PC (before I use PPPoE)?

3. How can I configure the modem, PC, and router so that the wireless network is on?

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Slackware :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Router

Dec 9, 2010

I am running slackware-current on a thinkpad r61i with ubuntu 10.10 i can connect to router without a problem but not with slackware the router is a belkin f6d4630.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Wireless Configuration For Centos 5.3 \ Shows The Wireless Name But It Doesnt Connect To It?

Apr 24, 2009

I have recently installed CentOS 5.3 in my system. I needed some help with the wireless configuration. Actually i have configured it and it shows the wireless name but it doesnt connect to it. in solving the issue.In the /var/log/messages , the following error appears :

Apr 24 20:46:51 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (wlan0) starting connection 'OMWLAM'
Apr 24 20:46:51 localhost NetworkManager: <info> (wlan0): device state change: 3 -> 4


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OpenSUSE Network :: Wireless - Unable To Connect To Router (11.3)

Jul 15, 2010

I did a fresh install,I also enable the networkmanager.after installation,my wireless unable to connect to my router . when I click to connect , it prompt for password then after that nothing happen.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Wireless Up And Running But Cannot Connect To Router In 11.4

Mar 17, 2011

Desktop that has wireless built into motherboard worked in 11.3 (as best as I can remember, don't really use it normaly). Trying to connect to my wireless router (only one I have rights to).Wireless router is WEP with opensystem authentication, works fine for laptop (Windows)Networkmanager scans and displays local networks

Networkmanager shows:

setting network address
connection failed


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Wireless Connect With Router?

Apr 23, 2010

I have had a router die on me and have bought another (maybe a bad buy!) The new router is Linksys WAG120n. Ethernet is fine. Laptop wireless adapter is Atheros AR5009 802 11a/g/n. I have setup a wireless connection but it is not connecting to it. I have checked the router settings and these seem to be OK! I'll try to give any details required.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect After Connecting To A Wireless Router

Oct 30, 2010

Ubuntu 10.10 connects to a DSL modem without any problems - I mean I just plugged it in and it worked - GREAT I bought a wireless router so I could connect my netbook and now my Ubuntu machine which is simply using a cable from the wireless router now DOES NOT connect. I tried a windows machine on the wired connection from the wireless router and it connects without a problem. OF course if I remove the wireless router from the chain, i.e. simply connect directly to the modem it works straight away.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To Linksys Wireless Router

Jun 12, 2011

I have an Acer Aspire 1 Netbook - this is running UBUNTU- When I try to connect to my Linksys Router in wireless mode it asks for password - but doesnt accept. I can see the Linksys in network manager plus several other networks in the vicinity. My other wireless devices all connect O.K. to the Linksys, and accept my password.. I can hard wire by ethernet to the netbook. Just wireless is the problem

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Router

Aug 12, 2011

Firstly, the actual problem I'm having is that when I start my computer (netbook) up in the morning and try to connect to the router (wirelessly) it just... doesn't work. I've used it before, at full signal strength, and it was completely fine. It never disconnects me or anything - but if I shut down my computer, like I do overnight, when I start it up again often it's hardly getting a signal at all (or so it says) and when it tries to connect it makes the connecting animation and occasionally flashes to a circular thing like firefox's loading animation. Eventually it just fails.

I try restarting my computer, but it doesn't seem to help. The last time, I had to wait until the signal looked "full" again, then delete the settings in "edit connections" for that router and only then would it let me log in again, even though I was using the same password from the same computer (even in the same place). That only seems to help when the connection looks "full" though, and even then, not always. Normally I'd try resetting the router, but I can't because it's locked in the next room (I rent a room here and the guy with the key is rarely around) but honestly I don't think the router is causing this, for a few reasons:............

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