General :: Automatically Resolving Rpm Dependencies ?

Nov 23, 2010

I installed fedora core 10 on my pc & now i have been trying to install samba. I dont have a network so i mount and use my dvd for installation. I lack exotic package management tools like apt or yum yet the system-config-packages tool does not make sense either. so am stuck with the rpm -ivh [package] command.

The issue however is that this command returns querries about missing dependencies when I attempt to install. So is there a way (switch) i can add to tell the rpm command to automatically check and solve these dependecies using the Packages folder on my mounted dvd? - because i believe all these dependencies are on the dvd.

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General :: RPM - Aid Not Resolving Dependencies ?

Nov 29, 2010

I am installing rpm using the switch "--aid". But it is not resolving dependencies! I am using RHEL 5.

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Red Hat :: Yum Is Not Resolving The Dependencies

Nov 18, 2010

I installed RHEL 5 on my desktop a few days back. I want to enjoy movies in my new OS. Some one told me to install mplyer caz it plays any file. So I decided to install it. I issued the following command:


As you can see yum is not resolving the dependencies.

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Software :: RubyGems Not Resolving Dependencies Under Debian

Feb 4, 2010

So I am trying to do a Ruby on Rails install on a Debian OS. It is proving most difficult. There isn't much help from Google since RubyGems is supposed to resolve dependencies for you, so you can just type "gem install rails" and it will install everything you need. But as it turns out, RubyGems doesn't want do. It keeps getting stuck on either the "rack" or "rake" dependencies saying it needs to either be installed or updated when it is there and has a new enough of a version. I even tried this as root and it didn't work.

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CentOS 5 :: Resolving Dependencies For Updates Hangs?

Dec 31, 2009

I just installed CentOS and I tried updating software. Unfortunately it hangs at Resolving dependencies for updates.

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CentOS 5 :: Error - Setting Up Install Process Resolving Dependencies

Jun 4, 2010

Trying to install Google Chrome from the Google repo I get the following error -Setting up Install Process Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package google-chrome-stable.i386 0:5.0.375.55-47796 set to be updated --> Processing Dependency: lsb >= 3.2 for package: google-chrome-stable --> Finished Dependency Resolution google-chrome-stable-5.0.375.55-47796.i386 from google has depsolving problems --> Missing Dependency: lsb >= 3.2 is needed by package google-chrome-stable-5.0.375.55-47796.i386 (google)

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General :: Way To Resolve Dependencies Automatically?

Aug 13, 2009

Is there a way to resolve these dependencies automatically?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Resolving/finding Hostnames Automatically?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a ubuntu server running which acts as a firewall/dhcp router for sharing internet to all computers on the network. On the network i have my stationary computer (win7) and my laptop (macbook).The server has 3 nics installed.ETH2 for internet. ETH1 ( for windows pc. ETH0 for macbook ( can share files no problems over the network. Between windows <-> server, macbook <-> server, windows <-> macbook.The problem i'm experiencing is that i can't seem to find either hostnames between windows and macbook. They connect to each other fine with the right ip addresses, but they can't seem to connect when using computer names.

On both the macbook and windows pc i can see the server and connect to it without using the ip adress.What can i do to make them see each other with their computer names? Is there anything i can install on the server and configure in order for it to work automatically?In osx you have a tab in the finder that says "shared" which shows the computers on the network and only my server pops up.The same in windows, i can only see the server but not the macbook.As said, it works perfectly fine if i use \ (or smb:// on the macbook) but i'd rather be able to connect via the computer names.Would also love if they could resolve automatically so when a friend connects to the network i'll see his computer name right from the start, without any re-configuration.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Automatically Add Dependencies In Rpm's?

Apr 24, 2010

Is there a way to install automatically dependencies for rpm's?

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General :: Resolving Variables In FTP Session

Jun 28, 2011

I set a variable before entering the FTP session (vDate). Then it does not seem to resolve when I try to use it in the session as part of an mput command. $vDate resolves as an empty value. Can you point me in the right direction?

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General :: Slackware VM - Hostname Not Resolving

Jan 28, 2010

I have a version of slackware installed as a virtual machine and am not able to ping hosts or otherwise receive data from any IP addresses external to the LAN. I think this problem is due to the hostname of the vm not being recognized by the gateway (ddwrt); the vm receives an IP via dhcp but the gateway does not seem to recognize its hostname (registers as *).

Will readily respond with whatever conf file is needed.

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General :: Loop Detected When Resolving The Name From Dns?

Apr 26, 2010

The problem of loop detected when resolving the name from dns.Why the problem of loop detected comes when name is resolving from dns.

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General :: Ubuntu Not Resolving Local Names ?

Sep 22, 2010

I have been casually using Unix for about 20 years, but I've never really done anything beyond basic user things unless I had instructions/help.

I've set up an Ubuntu 10.04 system and it works great except for one thing. It doesn't resolve local names.

I can ping or access other systems by IP Address and I can resolve internet names with no problems, but it won't recognize any of the other systems on my home network.

The system is set up for dhcp and everything is defaulted from the installation. There is no DNS suffix or domain set up on my router.

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General :: Resolving Symlinks Mounted Via Samba On Windows?

Feb 11, 2010

I have a samba mount in Windows, mounted from a local Linux devbox. The projects on this mount contain a lot of symlinked directories. They all work fine and look like normal directories to Windows. What I'd like to do is figure out for a given file what its real UNIX path is.The context is: in my editor I have a script that runs the Perforce open command, to which I pass the file location.p4.exe edit FILE_LOCATION

However, perforce will not understand this FILE_LOCATION, if on the Linux side part of the path is a symlink. It needs to know the real path.What I need is something along the lines of the Linux readlink command, which resolves symlinks in paths.

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General :: Slackware 13 Automatically Lock - Ktorrent Start Automatically?

Jan 25, 2010

what to do for lock automatically slackware 13 if not used for n minutes ?What can i do to start automatically the ktorrent (a bittorrent program for linux) on system starts on slackware 13 ?

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General :: VLC Dependencies On The RHEL5?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm isntalling VLC on RHEL5 via


sudo yum install vlc

this gives me the following dependencie errors


--> Processing Dependency: for package: vlc
---> Package x264.x86_64 0:0.0.0-0.4.20101111.el5.rf set to be updated
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
vlc-0.9.9a-7.el5.rf.x86_64 from rpmforge has depsolving problems


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General :: Erase Package With Its Dependencies

Sep 1, 2010

I am in fc13, have installed a package, realise lately that its not really useful. that package install a lot of package for dependency.How can i erase all the package together that was downloaded and installed together with the target package as dependency via yum? actually i have done it using #yum erase `cat /var/log/yum.log |grep "Aug 31 22" |awk '{print $5}'|`as I know when I have installed them.....but is there ant safer and better way?

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General :: Find Out What Dependencies Program Needs?

Aug 5, 2010

So i made this application using QtCreator and when I run it on another computer it -- cannot be found...ok so i installed libqt4-core and libqt-gui but now it says..

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General :: Remove A Package Along With Its Dependencies With Yum?

Aug 11, 2010

I have installed a package having almost 145 dependencies. Now when I want to remove the package (yum remove packagename) only the single package is removed.. Is there a way to remove the package including all its dependencies?

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General :: Yum - Remove Python And 630+ Dependencies

Oct 19, 2010

He was having problems with python and python-devel complaining about conflicting versions or some such when he was updating with yum. I told him (yes, a little of this is my fault) to try removing and reinstalling python and/or python-devel. Little did I know... He ran "yum remove python" and it listed over 600 (!) dependent packages to remove as well. Without telling me THAT part he clicked "y" and then watched as yum removed python and all sorts of other stuff (including yum--how's that for irony?) .

I have to go deal with this situation tomorrow morning but he has so blown away this system I almost don't know where to start. Sure I could re-download the rpm of python and reinstall, it but then I'd still have to one-by-one reinstall all the other rpms that were blown away by the python removal with yum. I do take at least partial responsibility for this. But really? 600+ packages and he clicked "y"? Yeesh. Oh, it's a RHEL 5 machine.

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Fedora Networking :: DNS Not Resolving ?

May 29, 2011

I have just installed Fedora 15 and while I can ping websites from the CLI I cannot access sites via my browser, I have installed it on my laptop and it is not presently connected to a network, just a single device connecting wirelessly via a home broadband line to the internet,

What entries should be made in my hosts.conf file, I have entered

Do I need to make entries in the nsswitch.conf file, At the moment it reads,

I have also checked the permissions on these 3 files and all users and groups have read permissions.

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Networking :: 5 Sec DNS Resolving Time ?

Dec 13, 2010

I have debian lenny amd64 with two network cards. I have had one and when problem started to occur I tried installing second, but problem still appear.



I have tried dnsmasq to solve problem but I failed, and that is reason why is there.

With first dns:


Same is first time with dnsmasq, but then it gets cached.

My local network works perfectly, and I am writing this with remote desktop from some other computer.

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Software :: Bind Isn't Resolving New Name

Jan 21, 2010

After adding a new name to bind, and it just can't resolve it.

Trying to restart, this happens:

And the server it self still cannot resolve it.

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General :: Get List Of Dependencies Of Non-installed RPM Package?

Jun 8, 2011

apt-cache show <package> shows also it's dependencies.yum info <package> does not show dependencies, but it obviously know them.How to ask yum for dependencies of specified package?

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General :: Install A Package And Its Dependencies With Dpkg?

Aug 14, 2011

dpkg -i package.deb

Doesn't install package if it has not-installed dependencies.

What parameters do I miss to install that package with its dependencies from repository?

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General :: Error Failed Dependencies - How To Install X11

Jun 14, 2010

I install x3270 but not install ll display error given, so how to install that package
Warning: /home/mainframe/x3270-x11-3.2.20-4.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 73307de6
error: Failed dependencies:
x3270 = 3.2.20 is needed by x3270-x11-3.2.20-4

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General :: Getting Package Size Including Dependencies?

Feb 10, 2010

I want to find out what is the size of a package including its' dependencies.


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General :: Installing KchmViewer / Missing Dependencies?

Dec 12, 2010

I tried
yum install kchmviewer-5.2-1.i586.rpm

then I got:

Loaded plugins: rhnplugin, security
This system is not registered with RHN.
RHN support will be disabled.
Setting up Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
Examining kchmviewer-5.2-1.i586.rpm: kchmviewer-5.2-1.i586

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General :: Dependencies Of The Program When Making A Package?

Sep 27, 2010

how do i know the dependencies of the program upon downloading the source code of this application?

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General :: Gimp Download - Something Wrong With Dependencies

Jan 7, 2011

I'm having some problems downloading some applications. I was hoping to download Gimp but it says that I'm having problems with the dependencies.

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