General :: Suse 9 Hangs At "GRUB _" Prompt?

Feb 16, 2010

I'm having trouble booting a Dell PowerEdge 6650 Server running Suse 9 (RAID 5). Following the POST detection of firmware, processor, raid, etc., it displays:

One logical drive found on host adapter
One logical drive handled by BIOS

It will sit at the "GRUB _" prompt with a flashing cursor and will not boot to the OS.It's not a typical "grub>" prompt and I'm unable to type anything or ESC from it

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CentOS 5 :: Grub Doesn't Automatically Boot OS After Install, Hangs At Grub Prompt?

Mar 21, 2011

I have used CentOS for a while and have never run into this issue. I searched all over and didn't see a similar issue anywhere, I did an install of CentOS as a server (no GUI) with only the base. Partition is /boot ext3, size of 100MB. The rest of the drive is partitioned as / with ext3. This is being done on a CompactFlash card of 32GB in size. The BIOS sees it as an IDE drive.

When the install completes and the system reboots, the grub stops at the grub> prompt. There is no menu for OS options. If I do the following commands:
grub>root (hd0,0)
grub>kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-194.el5 root=LABEL=/
grub>initrd /initrd-2.6.18-194.el5.img

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SUSE / Novell :: OpenSUSE 11.1 Fails To Boot Past Grub Prompt / Get It To Work?

Jan 28, 2010

OpenSUSE is starting to drive me a bit nuts. Actually what I'm trying to do is simply install VMWare server on a recent as possible SUSE and run 2 virtual machines, both the same SUSE. Of course 11.2 32 bit doesn't run VMWare server 2 so it's back to 11.1. The trouble is, 11.1 won't install properly on my PC.

The install process, booted and installed from the 11.1 network install iso image on CD, runs fine. The PC reboots from hard disk and stops at the grub prompt. I've tried the auto-repair option and reinstalled it from scratch a second time always with the same results. It seems the root partition is hosed, and that's where my understanding hits its limits. Can anyone help?

Incidentally should anyone be able to advise on the VMWare conundrum I'd also be interested. Maybe in another thread...

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General :: Boots To Grub Prompt Instead Of Kubuntu?

Feb 9, 2010

I recently installed Kubuntu with the windows installer wubi. Everything has gone fine until today. When i turn on the pc i normally have a prompt to go to windows or kubuntu. I choose Kubuntu and it loads it up. But now it goes to a grub prompt and i have no idea how to fix this or get into Kubuntu.

Things i did before the last reboot that may have caused this.

I edited my swappiness to help speed things up at the advice of many websites.

Example: url

I changed it from 60 to 10. I did this by adding the line "vm.swappiness=10" to the end of sysctl.conf

I noticed that there was a # or something at the beginning of every line in sysctl.conf and i did NOT add it to my line. This is my guess as to why i am having problems.

The other thing i did was some bug updates. Something was popping up down by the clock area and it was asking me to do some bug updates of some sort. I said yes.

Any idea on how i can fix this? As of now i cannot get into kubuntu at all. It just gives me a grub command prompt.

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General :: Recover From Gnu Grub Version 1.97 Beta 4 Prompt?

May 28, 2011

how recover from gnu grub version 1.97 beta 4 prompt (ubuntu)

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General :: No Password Or Username Or Grub Prompt On Ubuntu Mac User?

Jan 30, 2010

I have bought a Mac Laptop however it has a username and password which I don't know. I've looked all over to see how I can overcome this lot's of people have said to enter at Grub prompt to take you to recovery, however I have no Grub prompt and Mac is not booting from cd rom.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04-Loging Prompt Hangs After Update?

Jul 23, 2011

I ran apt-get update to fetch firefox5. I didn't updated ubuntu since long so it down loaded around 280 updates including firefox. Now while installing I saw once EULA acceptance message for Microsoft ttf font installation, this message window doesn't have any button etc to confirm, so I did ctrl+c to exit, and then "apt-get" seems to have terminated in terminal.But I checked that it is still running in the background in process list, not sure active process or not.

I did rebooted PC assuming update might have completed. Now after reboot it boots up to the login prompt, but I don't see any cursor movement or key stroke effect. It just stays there and then after some time shuts down, with flashing error message relate to "Init.." i couldn't read it completely.

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Software :: Grub Drops To Grub Prompt On Boot / But Can Use Commands To Find Menu

Jun 5, 2009

I've got myself the curious situation where, when I boot the system, I can get grub to start, but it always drops to the prompt.

I can run:configfile /grub/menu.lst

and this brings up the menu with no problems, and from there I can boot the system to either linux or windows. What I don't understand is why it wont go to the menu in the first place?As far as I can tell, grub/Kubuntu got confused when installing, as each of the hd#,# settings in the menu.lst have needed tweaking to let the system boot. (e.g. windows is actually hd0, but the original install had it at hd2. Likewise linux is on hd1, but the menu.lst had it at hd0). I've happily tweaked these to make the system boot, but would appreciate any help in convincing grub to actually load the menu without me having to use the prompt.

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Debian Installation :: 6 - Testing Hangs At Password Prompt ?

Apr 17, 2011

I have made several attempts to install Testing. Down-loaded Apr 11 iso and verified the DVD. Everything went ok with install. It was when I booted up after removing install disk. I have Debian dual booted. Both Linux 10 and Debian Testing show up on the Grub screen. When I select Debian everything loads but when I get to the Debian screen I am asked for my password. However, the screen is lock up and no choice can be made. Three of my previous attempts (different install disks) have left me at the same place....locked password prompt. (4 year old HP Paviiion DV5000 laptop, 2 GB memory, 120 GB HD) I have successfully installed Debian 6 Squeeze with no issues.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Grub 2 At Grub Rescue Prompt?

Jan 15, 2011

So I wanted to get rid of ubuntu 10.10 on my HP pavilion dv6 laptop as I wanted to make some hd space. Its a dual boot with windows 7. I deleted the ubuntu partition and expanded the windows partition to fill the whole hard drive again. When I restarted my laptop I got the "error: no such partition. Grub rescue>" message.

I tried inserting my ubuntu 10.10 boot cd but whenever I boot from the cd I get the exact same grub rescue error. Is it possible to remedy this situation from the error? I am currently unable to download a windows recovery cd so I'm stuck in the grub rescue page unless its possible to fix this mess from the error prompt.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Prompt Appears After Update-grub?

May 6, 2011

After certain system-wide changes, like kernels updates, I obtain grub prompt on restart. However, if I put the hard drive into another computer (b), it boots up fine. Since, however, I use the present computer (a) regularly, I only use b to purge and reinstall grub using the chroot method. However, doing so every time is time consuming; and I cannot change anything in the defaults and run update-grub without obtaining a grub prompt on restart. How do I fix this?

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SUSE / Novell :: Open Suse 11.2 Install Grub Entry For Chainloading Ubuntu?

Jul 20, 2010

I intend to re-install open suse 11.2, 32-bit. On a previous install,suse did not provide a grub entry for ubuntu.My current setup has

ubuntu/root on /dev/sda6
ubuntu/home on /dev/sda7
ubuntu/usr/local on /dev/sda8


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General :: SUSE 11.2 - Grub Gets Error 22

Jan 14, 2010

Earlier today I installed SUSE 11.2 with KDE and everything worked fine at first. Then I started monkeying around. First I tried getting my XFI extremegamer to work right and that didn't go well. So I started from the install disk and repaired the install. That messed up GRUB so I couldn't choose to boot Windows 7. Tried fixing that with super GRUB disk (USB) and now GRUB gets error 22. I found that the most common cause is deleting the linux partition in windows.

I also need to install stuff, like drivers and other programs. The problem with my sound card is that I can't even hear anything out of it outside of the test sound. The included media player doesn't get anything, neither does online site like ...... On a side note, I'm thinking about just reinstalling linux and starting fresh. Considering that I'm such a linux n00b, would it be better to use KDE or GNOME?

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General :: Unistall GRUB And Then SUSE 11.2?

Jul 14, 2010

I have 2 hard drives "C" and "D", one for windows 7 pro (C) and the other with SUSE 11.2 (D). I have GRUB as the multi booter on the "C" drive. Everything is great and I am very impressed with Linux (first time). I now want to try Ubuntu but cannot find how to unistall GRUB and then SUSE, (or do I just reformat D and install Ubuntu?)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Make Suse Prompt For A Login When First Boot Up?

Jan 30, 2010

how to make suse prompt for a login when I first boot up. It never asks for my password and boots directly into kde.

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General :: Failed To Load Grub Error 18 With Suse 11.3

Dec 10, 2010

I installed a suse 11.3 on my acer laptop and it worked just fine for two days.I was able to use internet as well though wi-fi driver i still had to figure out.This morning when i started it, it gave me an error like this:- Failed to load grub Error 18 now from what i understand is the solution is to downsize the harddisk partition used by the linux root to somewhat 10gb.Mine is about 40gb.

So i thought why not re-install the os again.But even after changing the bios setting to boot from cd-rom and putting in the suse dvd still its not booting from dvd and continously giving this error Error 18:Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS and then it comes to a command prompt like this grub>

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General :: Open Suse Grub Load Error 21

Nov 19, 2010

I have a Dell Dimension 4400, 8 yrs old. It is set up to boot to either Open Suse 11 or Windows. I turned on the machine this morning, it booted very slowly. My screen says, "GRUB loading stage 1.5" then it says "Error 21." I can not go beyond this screen. My machine is stuck here.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Prompt Cannot Key Anything?

Mar 6, 2010

I have been trying ubantu 9.10 via dual boot (with windows XP) for a while now. Today I decided to wipe out windows and install ubantu only. After I completed the install I get GRUB prompt and I cannot type anything. So I booted from CD again and opened ubantu from disk. ran the boot_info_script as mentioned on other posts here and here is the results

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks at sector 2928391 of


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Ubuntu :: Grub Prompt At Startup

Sep 9, 2010

I use wubi 10.04 installed on my xp drive. the other day my pc froze while surfing the internet. I used the following key combination to reboot my pc (this is the first time I'm trying it), but when I selected ubuntu, I don't get the grub boot menu, on the other hand, I get a little welcome message to the grub prompt and "grub>"How do I fix this and boot into Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Prompt After Install

Jan 6, 2011

Just got done installing U 10.1 into my old Dell desktop. Since I'm pretty darn new at Linux, I'll do my best to explain. Upon selecting Ubuntu to boot, I get a 'grub>' prompt, much like C: in DOS. But, at this point, I haven't the slightest idea of what to do.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Prompt After Upgrade To 11.04?

Jul 19, 2011

I am a casual user of Ubuntu, which is installed in a vmware virtual machine. After upgrading to Ubuntu 11.04, and after the reboot, it just booted up to a grub prompt.

I found a useful post about resolving this problem here: [URL]

The sequence of grub shell commands to be entered are these: set root=(hdX,Y) linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sdZ ro initrd /initrd.img bootwhere the X, Y, and Z are replaced with appropriate letters/numbers.

The problem that I am having is that TAB is not completing the commands at the grub shell, thus I have no idea what the letters/numbers to use.

My installation is completely generic - I have not customized it in any way. check their vmware/Ubuntu system and let me know what letters/numbers to use.

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Fedora :: Stuck At Grub Command Prompt

Jun 7, 2011

I was deleting some space off my C Drive and I believe I may of accidentally deleted Fedora, or some of it! I have a dual boot with Fedora and Windows XP so when I started my desktop up it would load into fedora by default or I could press a key to load XP! (It rhymes!) Now, however, it instantly loads up into "Grub"

And that's it! Run, Or Exit, or anything really, doesn't work! Except Reboot! So I'm a little stuck. It's an old PC and the Windows XP disc is long gone, if I ever had one! I had this thought that perhaps if I reinstall Fedora from a CD it many bring back the old command prompt and let me get back into XP again? Or, is that crazy talk??

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Fedora :: System Starts In Grub Prompt?

Jun 20, 2011

I have Windows Vista in a primary partition & Fedora 14 in a logical partition.

Recently, I increased the size of the extended partition and created another logical partition inside it. I formatted the new logical partition from Vista.

After reboot, instead of the list of operating systems, I started getting "grub>"

I searched on the internet and modified entries in /boot/grub/grub.conf, from (hd0,4).. to (hd0,5)..

I still get the grub prompt, but if I enter " configfile (hd0,5)/boot/grub/menu.lst " it shows the os list & I can use Fedora.

How can I configure the system so that it shows the list of os instead of "grub>" ?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Goes Directly To Prompt (No Menu)

Oct 30, 2010

I rebooted my computer recently after installing some updates in Ubuntu and now when grub launches it goes straight to the grub prompt and I don't get a menu. I tried searching around online and have tried what seemed like the most common fix but to no avail:
find /boot/grub/stage1 (returns hd1,0)
root (hd1,0)
setup (hd0) -I also tried (hd1,0) and (hd1)
-then reboot- (still get no menu and goes straight to the prompt)

I then tried booting into Ubuntu live, using apt-get to install Grub, and then running through the install process using similar commands, but to no avail. When I run setup it finds my config info and doesn't show any errors. I have a menu.lst file with lots of entries for different kernel versions and a windows 7 install on hd0,0. I am running Ubuntu Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS, kernel 2.6.32-25-generic-pae.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Prompt Out Every Reboot?

Nov 28, 2010

i have dual boot computer win7 and 10.04 ubuntu. i installed the ubuntu inside the win7

now i have problem that GRUB prompt out every reboot. i could get into system by type this(but GRUB come back after reboot)

set root=(hd0,1)
loopback loop0 /ubuntu/disks/root.disk
set root=(loop0)
linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro quiet splash
initrd /initrd.img


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Ubuntu :: Frequently Getting Grub Rescue Prompt

Mar 12, 2011

I'm having a issue. It first started a few nights ago, and after booting from the live cd and reading around, I saw it mentioned somewhere that it might help to update GRUB. I did this using sudo update-grub. This took care of the issue, with an unexpected, but not altogether unwanted result: instead of having to choose a temporary boot device to boot on to the external drive Ubuntu is on, I got a grub menu which showed the the OSs for both HDDS. I thought all was fine, but a few days later, same thing. Updated grub again, and all was okay. Tonight, it happened again.

When I try to update grub now it says:
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo update-grub
/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).

Here's the result of the boot info script.
Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
Boot Info Summary
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #1 for (,msdos1)/boot/grub.
=> No boot loader is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb .....

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Ubuntu :: Grub Prompt After Liquorix Removal ?

Apr 2, 2011

In my previous thread I found out that liquorix kernel wasn't booting properly, so I decided to uninstall it. But then my pc froze and when I restarted it, I had the grub prompt again, only this time the kernel set to boot is 2.6.35-25-generic.

Output of bootscript:


Boot Info Summary:

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Ubuntu :: Get To A Grub Rescue Prompt And It Never Gets To Desktop

Apr 13, 2011

Just did a full install of the latest version of Ubuntu. I've got a high-end alienware m17x laptop with dual SSD drives in a raid array. Ubuntu installed fine, but when I reboot, I get to a grub rescue prompt and it never gets to desktop. I'm booting from the liveCD while I try to figure out how to fix it.


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SUSE / Novell :: Hangs And KDE Is Not Loaded Giving Reason That Disk Is Out Of Space

Feb 26, 2009

I am having dual boot system Opensuse 11.1 and Windows vista. I have allotted about 5 GB space to home partition. Now sometimes I copy/move files from Windows partitions to /home, this is easily done. But when I restart the computer, It hangs and KDE is not loaded giving reason that disk is out of space. I have to work on commandline and delete some files from /home to free some space,only then I can restart the computer normally. This is very annoying.When I copy/move files then Opensuse should immediately give me a warning.It seems nonsense to not start kde.

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Debian Installation :: Grub Prompt After Install On IMac

Jun 3, 2015

I recently attempted to install Debian 8 on my iMac (late 2011). I partitioned my drive using disk utility to create FAT partitions (100GB for Debian and 2GB for SWAP) and installed rEFInd to boot into Debian.During the installation process I selected the drives I partitioned and set the mount points for each as / and swap.

Everything was fine and installation was successful and was prompted to restart to set up Debian. However when I did Grub did not recognise the Bluetooth keyboard. Unable to do anything it started the "Debian GNU/LINUX option" and loaded into what seems to be the grub prompt/terminal with the following displayed in bold:

[ 3.538535] i8042: No controller found
Loading, please wait...
Fsck from util-linux 2.25.2
/dev/sda5: clean, 112838/6119424 files, 1276387/24455424 blocks
[ 9.123670] [drm:radeon_pci_probe] *ERROR* Radeon kernel modsetting for R600 or later requires firmware-Linux-nonfree.
[ 10.715321] systemd-fsck[363] : fsck.fat 3.0.27 (2014-11-12)
[ 10.715690]systemd-fsck[363] : /dev/sda1: 248 files, 35995/403218 clusters

Debian GNU/Linux 8 iMac tty1/I was able to get my hands on a USB keyboard which works. Obviously I can't boot into Mac now because grub has taken over.

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